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11:00 PM
we should probably modify it to send return heartbeats, so we can track socket status on MS
Would you like me to (try to) implement heartbeat handling in Smokey?
If you feel like it :)
ok :) I have a development MS set up, but not a Smokey, so I can't test it without that.
although there's instructions in the readme, so I can follow those.
Smokey's easy to set up compared to MS
setting up MS right now. Can attest to the above fact.
Capistrano makes it a little more bearable, though
11:08 PM
@Undo ruby, mysql, git clone, copy configs, configure configs, create db, load schema, run migrations, load dump, run server
while fixing any errors that turn up on the way
It's that last part that's fun
also, you forgot HTTPS
@Undo Ah, that's because I never set it up with HTTPS, nor would I have the faintest clue how to start. Apache, or Passenger, or something, somewhere, in front of the Rails server, with a certificate attached, I assume, but I have no clue how to set that up.
I don't either
that's the issue
I haven't launched SD yet, but how do I get it to launch in a different room than Charcoal HQ? I see where the room IDs are defined, but I don't see where the servers are defined (chat.stackexchange.com vs chat.stackoverflow.com).
@NobodyNada hackishly
change the room ID if you want another room on chat.SE
and it mostly works
11:13 PM
I wanted to use a room on SO, but if that won't work I can use one here.
@NobodyNada you can probably hack it even more to get one on SO
A room on SO should work, just need to track down where charcoal_hq is defined
or you might be able to comment CHQ and change the room ID for SOCVR - we take commands from there too
found it; line 74 of ws.py
aha, I just need to change wrap to wrapso
so I need to comment tavern_id, socvr_room_id, and GlobalVars.specialrooms? anything else?
@NobodyNada That'll probably explode things. Not sure.
11:19 PM
probably definitely
ok, I'll try the lines where it joins the rooms then.
am I using up your API quota?
@NobodyNada The current API quota remaining is 9654.
nope, I think I'm using FireAlarm's quota
I thought quota was by IP
@NobodyNada You're on a different IP, so you shouldn't be using Smokey's quota
11:28 PM
for example, if Aurora is running, I turn it off and put ESXi2 on it, it uses a brand new quota
yeah, that's why I'm using FireAlarm's
@Glorfindel the new select box has a search bar in it you know........
@ArtOfCode when your upload speed is about twice as fast as my download speed.... =(
@angussidney yup, and I hit 82 down today :)
I'm lucky to hit 6
I'm not entirely sure it's worth it for frequent downtime and terrible customer support, but when it does work it's oh so wonderful.
11:36 PM
My MS doesn't seem to like my SD:
Started POST "/status-update.json" for ::1 at 2017-01-18 15:35:57 -0800
  ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.9ms)  SELECT `schema_migrations`.* FROM `schema_migrations`
Processing by StatusController#status_update as */*
  Parameters: {"location"=>"NobodyNada's MacBook Pro", "key"=>"", "status"=>{"location"=>"NobodyNada's MacBook Pro", "key"=>""}}
  SmokeDetector Load (0.9ms)  SELECT  `smoke_detectors`.* FROM `smoke_detectors` WHERE `smoke_detectors`.`access_token` = '' LIMIT 1
  Rendering text template
@ArtOfCode And there's a problem with my modem where it refuses to allow any new connections at random points in time, so basically it allows all telementary and current open websockets to keep working (i.e. I can still chat in here), but when I open a new tab and search for something it's like the modem didn't even try to make a request... the only way to fix it is to restart the computer
I know you're thinking that it's the computers fault, but multiple others in my house experience the same problem, and I used to get the same problem with my old computer too
@NobodyNada you need to send a valid key
I thought I don't need a key if they're both on the same host?
you also need the key for the websocket connection, so you need one whether it's localhost or not
ah, thanks! how do I make a key?
11:41 PM
SmokeDetector.create(:key => Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("stuff"))
your key is Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("stuff")
ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'key' for SmokeDetector.
o/ @angussidney
you're not wrong on your ping
but i was already a step ahead after I realized my mistake
11:45 PM
@NobodyNada I may have got the attribute name wrong... moment
Is it access_token?
\o/ it's working now! thank you!
I noticed MS sends an email when Smokey's down; should I disable it so as to not spam you guys, or is it automatically disabled on dev versions?
11:56 PM
@NobodyNada I believe it only sends it to the person who is running smokey
Which on your instance would be you
@angussidney cc'd to me and Undo. Probably a decent idea, @NobodyNada

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