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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

9:00 PM
> event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
That's a jQuery thing
Nothing else?
> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
That's a tampermonkey thing..
the first one
Well that might be it :P
That's an actual error
@Doorknob helpz plz gives me the codz!!!
9:01 PM
Probably an invisible character somewhere in there
Or just like the newline somehow....
I mean with the code block
Still the same.... :(
id=prompt("id please");int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/‌kickuser/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:id})},1000);console.log(int)
^ fixed it
there were a bunch of invisible characters
@MANISH\!!!!!! :(
Glares @ @Manish
2 of them after rooms/
SE chat automatically does that actually
9:04 PM
(unless you put four spaces before the text)
... wait. I'm starting to realize something
Where in the world did I get the idea to help the person trying to kickban me?!
Did it work?
... no
... nope.
Check console!
9:04 PM
Check console!
Dang it @hichris
That was literally the exact same message
@AnnonomusPerson Invisible characters.
Whoops, missed one
9:06 PM
> /rooms/%E2%80%8Ckickuser/11540
I told you there were few after /rooms/!
id=prompt("id please");int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/kickuser/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:id})},1000);console.log(int)
^ Better
Wait, I mean, uhh, DON'T RUN THAT IT'S A VIRUS
9:07 PM
Better now
How do I stop it?
Much better. :D
9:07 PM
you have to
go to the console
... oh wait it stopped. Now I don't have to talk in fragments :D
refreshing the page stops scripts that ran in console
So what do I type?
Or you could go to the console and type clearInterval({the number that you see})
9:08 PM
bookmarks script
Now just to get used to the tools... :D
Don't worry refreshed it @hichris
id=prompt("id please");int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/kickuser/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:id})},1000);$('#chat-buttons').append($('<button>').addClass('button').text('Stop kickbanning').click(function(){clearInterval(int)}))
^ There, that adds a "stop kickbanning" button next to the send and upload buttons
@AnnonomusPerson ... which?
@hichris123 Kickban :D
With new code....
@Doorknob it still appears when you click cancel... :(
@AnnonomusPerson ... didn't think of that. -_-
9:11 PM
wantz teh toolz
id=prompt("id please");int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/kickuser/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:id})},1000);$('#chat-buttons').append(btn=$('<button>').addClass('button').text('Stop kickbanning').click(function(){clearInterval(int);btn.remove()}))
Bot initialized. Type >>help for help. There is a custom message: "Try to bork me if you can!"
... I removed the "hello" thing so it's kind of pointless now.
Hmm, what else should I add to the bot?
Allcaps title on salesforce: INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER
BAD KEYWORD - SPAM @Doorknob @hichris123 on stackoverflow: routing issue on live server codeigniter
@Doorknob ^
Fixy plz?
9:30 PM
You didn't say goodbye @DoorknobChat?!?!???
BAD KEYWORD - SPAM @Doorknob @hichris123 on sports: Types of technical fouls in NBA
... nope. :P
Uh oops forgot to turn the spam detector off :P
Bot killed manually
9:46 PM
@Undo @hichris wanted to try to bork it :P
@Doorknob ... I did?
Oh nvm, it was Annonomus
Btw do you like puzz- reconsiders statement in order to remain unkicked
9:50 PM
@Doorknob HEY!
What is the spam detector for?
It was for the recent(ly revived) football spam
Not yet.... :(
Code is open source
9:51 PM
Ahh rate limiting :D
10:10 PM
@Doorknob revived? Really?
goes to check SR
@Undo It was a few days ago. And it all got killed instantly
Ah. SpamRam.
10:28 PM
What link am I supposed to give people who might want to go to SR?
@Seth The quality thingy.
wonders if 'discouragement' would be a good answer
looks for real link
Q: What is required for a question to contain "enough information"?

FlykThis is the question edition of What is required for an answer to be high quality? One of the key problems that I see Software Recommendations having, is people asking extremely vague and simple questions that ultimately boil down to one of the two close reasons we see on the rest of the network...

oh :P
flags as duplicate
10:29 PM
@hichris123 that, @Seth.
@hichris123 That is the most useful response EVAR... <sarcasm>
@hichris123 thanks
Q: Is there an Ubuntu equivalent of Visual Studio Express?

user3499799I am about to switch to Ubuntu. However, I need Visual Studio to develop my VB.NET applications. Are there any Ubuntu IDEs for writing VB.NET?

If you're thinking about sending that over... shakes head vigorously
Ah good. Comment with link to guidelines nods head :D
Luckily, I wasn't ;)
10:49 PM
@Seth Hey, you didn't ask what the URL was. You just asked what the link was. :P
11:06 PM
@hichris123 lol
@AnnonomusPerson ?
The invisible chars were probably newlines
(and you're not on unix, causing LF to be not displayed since CRLF)
notepad++ would show LF as a new line though, and so would visual studio
Most edit copied bookmarklet snippets in Notepad.
@Seth rotfl.... do they realize .net applications don't run on Ubuntu???
@Seth It's supposed to be like html:
<sarcasm>That is the most useful response EVAR...</sarcasm>
Like that :D ^^^^
Q: Community isn't on ~15 sites!

Annonomus PersonI was looking at the Community user's profile, and I noticed that there was about 15 sites missing in the "accounts" tab. There's a little over 120 sites on SE, and, there's about 15 sites missing from this count. Why is this happening?

His pets account isn't listed on MSE under linked accounts, but Pets says 106 accounts as well
> Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x
Does the "score of more than 10" refer to the accepted answer or highest scoring one?
11:22 PM
Not sure....
11:55 PM
A: A query for SE Data Explorer to find our most popular software

UndoI was kinda bored, and thus decided to try to do this. I couldn't find an easy way to do it with SEDE, so I hacked together a thing in Python. It's on GitHub. Here are the results (this can, and probably will, be made better): 7 x http://www.sublimetext.com/ 6 x http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ 6 ...

This was fun
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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