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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Seth ... because of Shog.
9 hours ago, by 3ventic
@Shog9 could change the parent site back to no parent
He never fixed it. :(
I should go hunt down an SO mod. Maybe they can fix it
goes to answer more Earth Science questions
poke @Shog9
celebrates victory
I finally got the chat websockets to work
@ManishEarth ^
Actually, Manish told me how a while ago but I never got around to doing it
They require a valid Origin: header
And apparently the Python client is buggy with headers
@hichris123 The SO mods aren't able to change the room parent :(
Ya know what, I'm gonna try faking post requests.
Now to decipher what these cryptic things I'm getting back from the socket mean
@Undo Aww. :(
What is this room?
It's where we talk about things, @Shog9.
Like comments and websockets and flags.
Ok, so it's not site-specific.
A wild @Shog9 appeared
Yay, now Shog can move this room and I'll use it for testing the websockets! :P
(By sekritly listening in on you via Ruby)
Oh hi @Doorknob.
@Doorknob rm -rf * --no-preserve-root
Seems fine where it is then.
@Undo Heh I'm on Windows and it doesn't eval messages :P
@Shog9 But it's not related to SO.
@Shog9 The mSO theme is weird though.
@Doorknob is it related to anything?
@Shog9 Well, Charcoal and Blaze are generic SE apps
well one could say it's related to The Stack Exchange Network.
So yes, it's related to Stack Exchange :P
Yeah that.
It used to be under chemistry, then it went without a parent site until yesterday
Aww, that doesn't work here? :(
@Shog9 if it is related to anything it's MSE
or even StackApps
Both of them would be pretty accurate, I guess
(although my understanding is that here alternate APIs than the official are developed and used so StackApps wouldn't be very appropriate)
The Ruby bot is currently listening in :P
Basically we do anything we want here. Mostly techy :P
die() unless Doorknob is_nice?
[:message, "{\"r11540\":{\"t\":27838613,\"d\":1},\"r240\":{\"t\":27838613,\"d\":1}}"]
[:message, "{\"r11540\":{\"e\":[{\"event_type\":2,\"time_stamp\":1397768981,\"content\":\"(although
my understanding is that here alternate APIs than the official are developed and used so StackApps w
ouldn\\u0026#39;t be very appropriate)\",\"id\":27838614,\"user_id\":27,\"user_name\":\"badp\",\"roo
m_id\":11540,\"room_name\":\"Charcoal HQ\",\"message_id\":15019815,\"message_edits\":1}],\"t\":27838
... as long as we don't bork SE too badly.
^ that's what I'm currently getting
The lowest common denominator is SE itself.
It's very nice, shows users entering and leaving and messages being posted and edited and stuff
Apparently since I'm in 19th byte it's listening to that too :P
And it's 62 lines of code!
@Undo It's in pre-pre-alpha right now :P
@Doorknob ... you could probably do it in 30. :P
@hichris123 And it's in 62 readable lines of code!
@Doorknob but I want.
It's OOP
@Undo Let me get it in a usable state first at least!
@Undo I was responding to @hichris :P
But you're using it. Therefore it's useable.
It's difficult to use
So is Blaze at times :P
Oh well!
Heck, Flare doesn't even work very well yet. And it's open source.
sigh Now I have to have mSO & mSE open. :(
It's now pretty easy to use. Ruby code now:
sec = StackExchangeChat.new 'stackexchange.com', 'my email', 'sekrit password', 11540
#sec.send_message "I'm rewriting my spam bot in Ruby"
sec.get_messages {|event|
	p event.data
And it's 50 LOC too :P
@Doorknob github.com
@Undo Fine, now I'll opensource it :P
Well, looks like I can't even change it. You'll have to bug balpha...
rofl, badp broke it this badly?
badp will never outlive this :P
well next time I see a wild balpha I'll bug him.
looks at code
someone do something
wait not yet
it borked
checks how @Doorknob borks itself
New event: {"event_type"=>2, "time_stamp"=>1397770449, "content"=>"Wait, so is it that there's no easy way to overload functions in python, or that you just don't want to?", "id"=>27839366, "user_id"=>51024, "user_name"=>"Geobits", "room_id"=>240, "room_name"=>"The Nineteenth Byte", "message_id"=>15020198, "message_edits"=>1}!
New event: {"event_type"=>2, "time_stamp"=>1397770449, "content"=>"Wait, so is it that there's no easy way to overload functions in python, or that you just don't want to? (edit test)", "id"=>27839371, "user_id"=>51024, "user_name"=>"Geobits", "room_id"=>240, "room_name"=>"The Nineteenth Byte", "message_id"=>15020198, "message_edits"=>2}!
2 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
So that was weird
You know, let's edit ES tag wikis.
{"event_type"=>1, "time_stamp"=>1397770685, "content"=>"You know, let's edit ES tag wikis.", "id
"=>27839447, "user_id"=>103081, "user_name"=>"hichris123", "room_id"=>11540, "room_name"=>"Charcoal
HQ", "message_id"=>15020248}
{"event_type"=>4, "time_stamp"=>1397770686, "id"=>27839465, "user_id"=>67766, "target_user_id"=>6776
6, "user_name"=>"KodduX", "room_id"=>11540, "room_name"=>"Charcoal HQ"}
{"event_type"=>1, "time_stamp"=>1397770687, "content"=>":D", "id"=>27839485, "user_id"=>103081, "use
I'm getting closer...
It should be working now
Say any message with hi in it and it will greet you
Wait, I just crashed it by saying "hi" -_-
... nope @Doorknob.
2 mins ago, by Doorknob
Wait, I just crashed it by saying "hi" -_-
I'm going to stop spamming this room.

Bot testing room

For testing Doorknob's chatbot. Here's the code: github.com/Ke...
in Bot testing room, 21 secs ago, by Doorknob
sec = SEChatty.new 'stackexchange.com', 'e', 'p', 13972
sec.send_message 13972, 'Bot initialized'
sec.get_messages {|event|
	JSON.parse(event.data).each do |room, data|
		room_number = room.match(/\d+/)[0]
		if data['e']
			data['e'].each do |e|
				next if e['user_id'] == 110309 # my chatbot's id
				case e['event_type']
				when SEChatty::Event::MessagePosted, SEChatty::Event::MessagePosted
					sec.send_message ":#{e['message_id']} Hello! That message was #{e['content']} and your username is #{e['user_name']}." if e['content'] =~ /hi/
@Undo ^ for your enjoyment
Hmm... should I ask a new question on ES, or answer a question?
But... then I have to Google!
I got 6000 rep on Space by Googling :P
it can be done.
... how do you think I've been answering questions so far? :P
I got my 40 with Google :P
On a related topic, you still haven't participated on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf yet @hichris! :-P </pestering>
@Doorknob Welp, I'm probably going for a dimaond on ES, and I really like the site. So... it can wait.
Heh, okay then
I should get a diamond somewhere
... find a site.
searches area 51 for interesting topics :-P

Proposed Q&A site for those who study the creation and solving of puzzles.

Currently in commitment.

I'm already committed to that one

Proposed Q&A site for people building, administering, managing and cultivating digital communities

Currently in commitment.

Heh, become a moderator on moderators! :-P
Moderate the moderators
And then SE will have to moderate the moderators who moderate moderators and it will be great.
@hichris123 You nasty ES people are trying to close my gentle rolling hills question >:(
@Doorknob But then you have to deal with nasty people who call you a nazi. Not very fun :(
@Undo I left it open!
^ There. :P
@Undo Now if I had a diamond... :P
ahem One should not let prior relationships interfere in the administration of fairness and site policy.
hopes I recited it right
... but it was a good question! :P
@Undo ... from what? Paragraph 56 of the Mod Bible?
85. But yeah.
Shog 9:15
They send a little pocket version that fits into a special compartment in the mod hat.
I'm gonna have to write something like that up now.
goes to answer questions in order to get the offline version
Ohi @BenjaminGruenbaum.
I'm gonna try to fake the POST request to change the room parent.
goes to set up test room
That's... probably not going to work.
But linky plz?
tries to remember how to create room
... the create a new room button? :P
room topic changed to Mustached Octo Archer: It was what GitHub suggested. (no tags)
oops :P
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev (no tags)
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Meh. MEH, I say. (no tags)
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev (no tags)
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev (no tags)
It won't let me change the host :(
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev. Some minor change (no tags)
^ Turns up SE. :P
@Undo Why?
I'm trying to make it work :P
room topic changed to Charcoal HQ: Where comments are flagged and SE is hacked. Handy links: erwaysoftware.com/charcoal & erwaysoftware.com/charcoaldev. (no tags)
I'm done trying :P
I shall now unleash modly wrath upon my Octo Archer room.
Okay, let's get back on topic here and answer an ES question. :P
A: What causes 'positive' lightning to be rarer, higher charged, and longer lasting than 'negative' lightning?

hichris123Positive lightning is indeed very interesting. According to the National Weather Service, the reason why it has a higher amperage and voltage is: Since it originates in the upper levels of a storm, the amount of air it must burn through to reach the ground usually much greater. Therefore,...

00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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