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4:02 PM
I've noticed that Harper likes to reference fluorescent as having 90 CRI while LED doesn't, yet I've seen LED bulbs that list a 90+CRI. Looks for reference. Anyone know what this is about?
Here's an example Cree bulb at Amazon with a claimed 90+CRI (Cree is a higher quality brand AIUI, so I'd tend toward believing the claim).
Here's a whole page of 'em at 1000 Bulbs. These are brands I've never heard of so, admittedly, a little skepticism is appropriate.
And here's a whole site dedicated to them at somewhat eye-watering prices.
@Criggie wouldn't it make more sense to just get a 6mm hex key? Admittedly, it's not as convenient as having it built into your multi tool, and it's not as cool as "I made it myself", but it seems to be a much less frustrating option when dealing with "I'm broken down at the side of the road in the rain and it's getting dark and I need this to work without fail so I can get home ASAP".

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