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Hmm... Election stats are very similar to the last election. Even though there are more eligible voters.
Good luck candidates!
you can see stats?
Can you do like CBS (or was it CNN? NBC?) and call the election before the polls close?
@TheEvilGreebo no, we don't have any stats, our visibility into the votes is the same as yours, once the election is over, the raw anonymous data is released.
what stats do you mean are similar then?
er - what stats does Tester mean are similar then?
I guess he's talking about meta questions, flag counts, etc under the candidates, or maybe he's looking at elections.stackexchange.com/#diy.stackexchange
or maybe he's looking at the vote counts:
> Election closes in 5 hours.
> 1,002 voters were eligible, 260 visited the site during the election, 163 visited the election page, and 96 voted
> This election ended Aug 7 '12 at 20:00.
> 706 voters were eligible, 257 visited the site during the election, 162 visited the election page, and 96 voted
from the links, I'm guessing the vote counts
That's it
Hmm... Could comb through the Constituent Badge data, and determine if it was all the same people.
Those are visible to everyone, right? I didn't just give out some super secret moderator information, I hope.
SE really should work on the UI to make it clear what buttons and info are visible to all vs mod or even 10k users only.
@BMitch Not sure. I think I was able to see it during the last election.
SE seems to be very open with their election data.
@BMitch i can't see those - are they restricted to mods?
@TheEvilGreebo You don't have that gray box right above the nomination/election/primary tabs?
Why does it seem so common that folks outside the US paint over wall paper?
Yes but it only says Election Closes in 5 hours
@Tester101 cause wall paper removal is a PAIN IN THE
@TheEvilGreebo So you're saying folks outside the US are lazy?
Or smart...
@TheEvilGreebo well damn, there I go giving out super secret mod data, but I don't think it really needs to be secret
You can count the badges to see how many votes were cast
And you can count the users to see who's eligible
@BMitch Well then I move that you be fired and then a 2nd spot will open up and the election can have 2 winners.
@TheEvilGreebo I'd be open to that, more work for you, you fools don't know what you're getting yourselves into and it's too late to turn back now. Muhahahaha.
@BMitch Are you kidding? If I'm elected I plan to emulate the mayors of DC and Toronto. Crack smoking for everyone!
@TheEvilGreebo that wasn't in your election platform, I move you have you removed from the election for withholding key information about your moderation style.
@BMitch It's an added benefit on top of my existing platform. They're not mutually exclusive.
I think we should emulate Medieval Catholicism and also set up an Anti-Mod.
And since nobody visits the election chat room, I just wanted to say
@TheEvilGreebo I'm in there right now
To @lsiunsuex, @ChrisCudmore, and @NiallC., good luck to all of you, I hope each of you comes in 2nd.
lsi hasn't been in here in a while? @lsi isn't bringing him up
In that case, you just have to superping him, which is possible once you're no longer a puny mortal. Paging @lsiunsuex.
God. The level of English is deplorable on some of these questions.
Q: Why is my furnace limit tripping?

DallasMy furnace is tripping the high limit. It is a Downflow Payne 90+ have replaced the limit switch. I pulled the blower door off and checked all vents to ensure they are open and it still short cycles. I also changed the speed on the blower and checked gas pressure. I'm stumped! Does anyone hav...

Check the original before edit.
if I winterize a house, do I have to winterize the sump pit? If so, how?
By winterize, you mean to shut it down for the winter?
In Buffalo? Or in really cold country?
I want my house (not the one I'm living in) to survive the winter in "Buffalo", without running the furnace.
I'd think that you wouldn't need to. If it's cold enough to freeze the pit, then it's cold enough to freeze any ground water that might seep in.
I have drained the plumbing, (cold) water heater. Poured antifreeze in all the traps, including the toilet.
And I don't think we get cold enough in our area to freeze that deep.
That's what I was thinking. But what if there is water sitting in the pipe, above the backflow valve?
You've got to winterize the PUMP.
You said PIT.
Oh... I see.
And how would I do that? I need the pump to continue to work.
The pump is at the bottom of the pit. If the water in the pit doesn't freeze, the pump should be fine.
But if there is water sitting above the backflow valve, and it freezes. The pipe could burst, or at the very least, discharged water would be blocked.
I guess I could wrap the pipe with heat tape?
Or, you could just run the furnace at 40 degrees for the late January/February deep freeze. It only lasts about 3 weeks.
Apparently I need the thermostat plug too.
How inconvenient would it be to drop in from time to time?
That's what I was thinking, but I'm afraid of realtors turning the heat up and forgetting to turn it back down.
Not so difficult to stop in from time to time, but I can't rely on it.
Could be anywhere from a week to a couple weeks between visits.
More importantly, the Mayor copped to crack smoking. But he was hammered at the time, so it doesn't count.
Yes! I love getting an instant check mark!
A: Closing a Hole in Furnace Vent

Tester101 If you're talking about the seam (circled in red). Then yes, foil tape is appropriate. However, if you're talking about sealing around the pipe (circled in orange). You'll want to use Duct Seal, or an equivalent product.

Blind trust, I love it.
I guess the 20:00 time in the election window is based on GMT?
or the election isn't a full 24 hours...
It says closes in 1 hour for me. At 2:00, it will probably switch to a minute countdown, so 3:00 closing, like nominations did.
Are efficiency questions off topic, and if not should they be?
need context.
Probably won't be around for the election results... You're all winners to me. A special congratulations to the actual winner though.
Q: Can upgrading my boiler save me money?

flemI've just received my annual gas usage statement. It came as a surprise to me that I'm using almost the average gas consumption in the UK. The average is 16,500kWh and I used 15,000kWh over the year. The reason this comes as a surprise is because I rarely use the gas central heating. The reason...

@Tester101 get a programmable thermostat that will reset back down at night
@BMitch Oh, yeah. Duh. I have a programmable already fitted.
even better if it's internet enabled, but I'm guessing you're turning off the internet too
Is 35F too cold to set the thermostat?
I'd go 40. That way the small dark corners don't freeze up.
A lot of thermostat's I've seen won't go below 50, I'd personally stop at 45
@BMitch I think you're right. Damn.
Figure the thermostat will be at the warmest part of the house (center core) and pipes around the perimeter will be colder
Think I'll just use heat tape.
I'd leave the sump pump on, but you want an air gap where it drains outside so that any freezing doesn't backup into the drain line.
i'm stupidly anxious about this even though I'll be equally happy if Niall or Chris wins lol
i dont necessarily want to win - lots of good alternatives - i just don't want to come out looking like the Green party candidate lol
ok thats mildly annoying
"Election closes in 1 hour" (which sat there for an hour) just became 58 minutes
here I thought I was gonna see some results!
Yeah, same thing happened when noms closed.
Hmm. 57 minutes left in which to off the competition.
Can I offer you an almond smelling beverage, @ChrisCudmore ?
Try Tester and Mitch. Then we're all in!
@ChrisCudmore I don't need to eliminate them ;/)
I mean - SURE!
either works...
BTW guys, these elections are monitored by phishers and scammers worldwide. If you get an email that claims to be from SE about a "moderator agreement", be sure to delete it without opening.
copy that
@NiallC. is that a joke? I remember seeing a real email along those lines.
@BMitch Supposed to be. sigh
(see now when I don't get my moderator agreement I"ll blame it on Niall, he'll get fired, and Chris can get in)
or Niall
anyway then we repeat and blame it on someone else ... ;)
lol, I can be slow, but the non-mods are gullible.
soon we'll all be mods and the old guard will be ousted!
No one expects the Greebo inquisition.
@BMitch Yeah those rubes... wait HEY WAIT A MINUTE!
Dear Mr. Obama;
I am pleased to inform you that you have been elected President of the United States. Please forward $10000 for your security deposit on the White House to ....
so lets see, fb, g+, voting, SE, ... I'm missing something, oh yeah, work, I've got to do that sometime.
@BMitch That's silly. Why would you do that?
@BMitch No one is working in Toronto today.
@ChrisCudmore too much crack smoking
The Twitters are about to explode!
30 seconds
2013 Moderator Election Oct 21 at 20:00 just now
1,002 voters were eligible, 265 visited the site during the election, 164 visited the election page, and 97 voted
when do results post do you know?
Select Null from candidates;
sweet, none of the above!
@TheEvilGreebo download the results and check them yourself
trying to figure out how to interpret it
i mean other than using the recommended tool
raw data more fun!
Line em all up according to first choice.
Congratulations @NiallC.!
Well done.
holy hell i did well
Here's my tally with IRV:
Counting votes for Home Improvement Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2013 using Approval Voting.
4 candidates running for 1 seat.

Candidate | Count
Niall C. | 91
The Evil Greebo | 86
Chris Cudmore | 87
lsiunsuex | 16
Exhausted | 0

Count of all approvals.

Winner is Niall C..
R|Niall C. |The Evil Gree|Chris Cudmore|lsiunsuex |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
| |bo | | | | |
1| 45.00000| 35.00000| 14.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 49.00000
| Count of first choices. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
sorry, I mean approval voting
54 to 43 final count (him vs me)
i see how it works - first choice votes stick, eliminate bottom contestant then apply 2nd choice votes, etc
dunno what approval voting is?
1 3 2 1 0
1 1 3 4 0
1 1 3 2 0
1 3 4 2 0
1 1 3 2 0
"Niall C."
"The Evil Greebo"
"Chris Cudmore"
"Home Improvement Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2013"
Where are you seeing all this?
So the first column is not applicable
i used the recommended tool to open up the blt file
the first column appears to be something like # of ballots cast
Ah, we're doing Meek STV, 54 vs 43
Frist voter on list (1-3-2-1-0)
was Me, Greebo, Niall
or possibly it's :
1 - begin vote
2 - list of candidates in order
0 end ballot
could be.
so read as 1 | 1 2 3 | 0
Or it could be a first ballot, second ballot thing if applicable.
looks like first line specifies number of candidates
4 1
and number of open positions
if you look at 2nd column, LSI got 3 1st votes, and #4 appears 3 times in that column
and my count says you got 14 1st votes
So we better go hide before @NiallC. cleans up by banning his competition.
and about 28 2nd votes
Q: How do I generate .BLT files for OpenSTV elections using C#?

Maxim ZaslavskyI just downloaded OpenSTV after seeing the most recent SO blog post, regarding the results of the moderator election. Jeff wrote that he used OpenSTV to conduct the election, and supplied a ballot file (.blt) along with it that contains the voting data. My question is: how do you create a .BLT ...

so i mean you did quite respectably overall Chris, you should be proud
I suspect that there's a lot of vote by rep. (i've done this myself)
And the results bear that out.
but not wholly - i have higher rep than Niall
but his platform was better presented
I often vote by helpful flag count
yeah he's a flag nazi ;)
I had you all beat on badges, Niall Had mod experience. which would matter a lot.
SE mod experience I presume you mean
since my online mod background goes back to 83 ;)
When you consider that the main job of a mod is to handle flags, electing someone that submitted a lot of flags makes sense, you're just taking the middle man out of the equation and speeding up our response time to handle issues.
he was a fine choice
Chris would have been too. I like LSI but I think a little more seasoning is called for there
bacon flavored seasoning is my preference
Congratulations @NiallC.
I also might have considered a none Eastern Time Zoner had there been one available.
Congrats @NiallC.!
Maybe we didn't fling enough mud?
Thanks everyone. Now get to flagging stuff so I have something to do!!!!
@NiallC. I'm tempted to flag that message, call in all the blues on you :)
He's up there already:
@TheEvilGreebo You two were close enough for rep not to make a huge diff.
I think you're right
Hey @NiallC. Why did I just have to handle a flag? Don't you have your special powers yet?
Perhaps the fact that you're "Evil" may have been an influencer?
@Tester101 Because I'm slacking (aka multitasking with RL).
@ChrisCudmore I was counting on it winning the election for me so I could RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
So, should we rage quit now? or wait until tomorrow?
@ChrisCudmore you're still here? I thought @NiallC. was going to ban all of his opposition from the site once he got in power.
@BMitch That was a rumor that @ChrisCudmore started.
I'm going to be much more subtle in my reign of terror
@NiallC. I'm glad I voted for you then!

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