@TheEvilGreebo no, we don't have any stats, our visibility into the votes is the same as yours, once the election is over, the raw anonymous data is released.
> Election closes in 5 hours. > 1,002 voters were eligible, 260 visited the site during the election, 163 visited the election page, and 96 voted
> This election ended Aug 7 '12 at 20:00. > 706 voters were eligible, 257 visited the site during the election, 162 visited the election page, and 96 voted
@TheEvilGreebo I'd be open to that, more work for you, you fools don't know what you're getting yourselves into and it's too late to turn back now. Muhahahaha.
@TheEvilGreebo that wasn't in your election platform, I move you have you removed from the election for withholding key information about your moderation style.
My furnace is tripping the high limit. It is a Downflow Payne 90+ have replaced the limit switch. I pulled the blower door off and checked all vents to ensure they are open and it still short cycles. I also changed the speed on the blower and checked gas pressure. I'm stumped! Does anyone hav...
If you're talking about the seam (circled in red). Then yes, foil tape is appropriate.
However, if you're talking about sealing around the pipe (circled in orange). You'll want to use Duct Seal, or an equivalent product.
I've just received my annual gas usage statement. It came as a surprise to me that I'm using almost the average gas consumption in the UK. The average is 16,500kWh and I used 15,000kWh over the year.
The reason this comes as a surprise is because I rarely use the gas central heating. The reason...
BTW guys, these elections are monitored by phishers and scammers worldwide. If you get an email that claims to be from SE about a "moderator agreement", be sure to delete it without opening.
Dear Mr. Obama; I am pleased to inform you that you have been elected President of the United States. Please forward $10000 for your security deposit on the White House to ....
2013 Moderator Election Oct 21 at 20:00 just now 1,002 voters were eligible, 265 visited the site during the election, 164 visited the election page, and 97 voted
Here's my tally with IRV: Counting votes for Home Improvement Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2013 using Approval Voting. 4 candidates running for 1 seat.
Candidate | Count ======================= Niall C. | 91 The Evil Greebo | 86 Chris Cudmore | 87 lsiunsuex | 16 Exhausted | 0
R|Niall C. |The Evil Gree|Chris Cudmore|lsiunsuex |Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold | |bo | | | | | ==================================================================================================== 1| 45.00000| 35.00000| 14.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 49.00000 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Count of first choices. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
I just downloaded OpenSTV after seeing the most recent SO blog post, regarding the results of the moderator election. Jeff wrote that he used OpenSTV to conduct the election, and supplied a ballot file (.blt) along with it that contains the voting data.
My question is: how do you create a .BLT ...
When you consider that the main job of a mod is to handle flags, electing someone that submitted a lot of flags makes sense, you're just taking the middle man out of the equation and speeding up our response time to handle issues.