The Bag of Beans states:
[...] 81-90: A nest of 1d4 + 3 eggs springs up. Any creature that eats an egg must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, a creature permanently increases its lowest ability score by 1, randomly choosing among equally low scores. On a failed sav...
for whoever reads this and was around for the conversation. The answer is that that lance - for gods only know what reason - deals bludgeoning damage as opposed to piercing
@Someone_Evil Since it's increasing only your lowest score specifically, I figure the item doesn't mention a maximum because it'll never come up in play 99.9 (repeating) percent of the time :P As written, though, it probably doesn't allow you to exceed the limit IMO
The most common popular media depiction of mounted lances are jousting lances. And D&D is not built on history or realism, but on the pop media its creators happen to like.
My rigorous study of unresearched popular media tells me that every activity in Medieval European courts was accompanied by stock trumpet sound effects.
The Bag of Beans states:
[...] 81-90: A nest of 1d4 + 3 eggs springs up. Any creature that eats an egg must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, a creature permanently increases its lowest ability score by 1, randomly choosing among equally low scores. On a failed sav...
@Someone_Evil Yeah--I just don't think the "general rule" even exists in the way it seems other people do. There's a general rule that ASIs (and feats, by inclusion, since they're a variant on ASIs) don't increase a score past 20.
@nitsua60 I've always assumed it the other way. That you can't raise another above 20, unless otherwise specified. But I don't have any rules to actually back that up.
@Ben It's a lot cheaper than other services. We recently rewatched the whole MCU.
The only way (currently) to increase your ability scores above 20 without using magic is to be a level 20 Barbarian. At level 20, the Barbarian gets a feature that increases their Strength and Constitution by 4 each, and raises the cap on Strength and Constitution to 24 instead of 20.
What I don't understand about the Bean question is: even if the general rule "PC scores capped at 20" existed in the way others are suggesting, wouldn't the specific item that raises a score by 1 (rather than "increases by X up to a maximum of 20," like we see everywhere else) just... do what it says?
@nitsua60 Yeah, I'm not disagreeing that is a logical interpretation and quite possibly the right one. I just think it goes counter to our "assumptions" of the system rather than any actual rule.
@Ben Yeah. Tried the other m.2 slot too. Worked for a bit, then stopped again. I bought a m.2 to SATA adapter, which worked long enough to copy everything off. I then put that into a SATA to USB adapter, to try testing it on another PC. Drive testing program hung while detecting drives. Rebooted PC, it didn't finish starting up...
@BESW Have you seen Timeless? He was in that too. Series about time travel, where a secret organisation is trying to change history to their benefit, and a small group of people under supervision of the... CIA? I think? trying to stop them.
Okay, I took another hack at it @V2Blast @Ben @GcL @Medix2 @Himitsu_no_Yami @linksassin @Someone_Evil. I think it's a better presentation now, and thank you all for patiently helping me get there.
I once had a player come to my AL table a little early to create a character before joining the group. After hearing *lots* of clattering I asked what he was doing. "Rolling my stats." I held off for a second on telling him about array, because I was curious. "What... method?" "4d6 reroll 1s drop the lowest twelve times assign six wherever you want." [\me: guffaws in his face] "Why not just write down whatever numbers you want? It'd be a lot less work!"
@nitsua60 We had one gm that had a "lowest average" system. We rolled all stats, assigned them one by one (i.e., roll str, then roll dex, etc). If we got more than 2 stats below the average, then we got to reroll the lot
From that roll you have: 6(2) 5(5) 4(5) 3(5) 2(1) which makes 17 (6,6,5), 15 (5,5,5), 13 (5,4,4), 12(4,4,4), 9(3,3,3), and 8 (3,3,2) Not a bad stat roll I guess. And you have the option to flatten them out if you wish.
I usually just use point buy. I'm not a huge fan of the unevenness of dice rolling. I don't like some characters being way stronger than others in the party.
I just think that once you've got 18 dice to arrange, there are going to be so many one-point substitutions possible, you might as well just be assigning points. (Unless the minigame is the point.)
I just figured out Affinity Publisher can insert text fields by double-clicking on the field you want in the Field palette and I am SO UNREASONABLY STOKED.
My weekend plans include reading the new Murderbot book, binging the new She-Ra season, and translating a magazine template from InDesign to Publisher.
Oh, and tonight my mom's making a pizza and we'll watch The Mask of Zorro.
I can have a master page with a field for <Section Name> at the top of every even page, and then I name each section with the title of the story for that section of the magazine.
Magically, every even page has the title of the story that's on that page!
So far we've played Articulate (describe a word without saying "sounds like, etc); 500, Balderdash (come up with believable definitions for obscure words) and tonight I think we're pushing for another game of Betrayal at House on Haunted Hill, but may also be Dominion, or Secret Hitler
I mean, if it was a lore question about Eberron I could see it possibly not needing a system tag, but this was easily about mechanics, and that's something that will depend on the system
It's related to the issue around the RAW tag and why it didn't work. It makes tags into "meta-tag" that changes the meaning of the content of the question. That isn't something that tags are meant to do.
> System tags are required to specify what the question is about - sometimes questions might make references to other systems, (using this one as an example: 5e), but the question could actually about 3.5e. This way, if we wait for clarification - then there are no assumptions made either way, and the question can be answered correctly :)
It's also not specifically aimed at Thomas - just following the conversation - cos it is more useful for the OP
It probably can't? (but this scenario is wildly unlikely anyway)
Characters normally can't have an ability score above 20...
The general rules for ability score maximums are set forth in the "Ability Scores and Modifiers" section of chapter 7 of the PHB and basic rules (emphasis mine):
A sc...
@nitsua60 I spent way longer than any sane person should have in writing that up. I hope you're happy. :P
@linksassin You don't need a reason. Take it from a guy with neither fireplace nor woodstove =D
@V2Blast Well, then, I've successfully paid it forward. Because my answer started as just a comment that I spent way longer than a sane one would writing and rewriting it. =D
Xanathar's Guide to Everything greatly expands on the use of tools. Here are parts of the section on Cobblers' Tools :
Although the cobbler's trade might seem too humble for
an adventurer, a good pair of boots will see a character
across rugged wilderness and through deadly dungeons.
I sorta feel bad about asking that Bag of Beans question now... Didn't think it'd turn into giant analyses of people writing more than they reasonably wanted to
@NautArch I don't think so, if somebody hasn't tried 5e-dnd + West Marches (as much as that's really even a well-defined thing), then answers will make false assumption and amount to sophisticated guesses from related, but not especially similar, experiences
@Medix2 okay, thank you. In my past I've taken harder lines around things and I don't want to do that again if not necessary. Just worried because the answers were getting don't seem to be experienced based and don't want the question closed.
I've seen plenty of "have you actually tried this in practice? How did it go?" and I love that that is something this site values. As a linguist I have a rather large contempt for armchair theories
Apparently contempt is a much stronger word than I thought. Hmmm, maybe just I have great suspicion and am highly skeptical of the accuracy of armchair theories
@NautArch I think one problem with the question is that West Marches has characteristics but not definitive exacting rules for play. Which means two GMs could both have WM campaigns but in practice they are quite different. The current top (voted) answer sets that out and proceeds to offer some solutions though from tangential/similar experience.
I worry the "real" answer here is to try out a great many things until one works, and so a great answer to the question would probably detail the various things they tried and why they did (not) work
@NautArch I don't think you were being too strict. That style and the problem around IMO needs "this worked, this didn't" kinds of answers. My dos centavos
@Medix2 Yeah. I did an AL style drop-in drop-out campaign for a while to accommodate schedules from the coasts. Since you record character state at end of the session, and pick it up again from there, you got weird mixes of party members with different levels of rest.... and sometimes exhaustion.
I tried it with an Eberron Campaign to accommodate more players when I first read about it. We played it like... 3 or 4 times before splitting the group and doing separate campaigns.
I've got so much canned material for one shots from humble bundles and drive thru rpg... i could probably index that loosely and use it to do a WM style game. The question I think we'd have to tackle is what to do with the characters if they don't finish the adventure before the session? Have a larger pool of characters such that we could leave them on the adventure?
@NautArch A lot of the OSR folks and grognards (like RS Conley) are very experienced in it, but I think they don't care for where this stack has gone so we don't see them very often. I've not been in a campaign like that since the early 80's.
@NautArch I see RS de lurk now and again, but with (1) our cadre of D&D haters (see various meta discussions) and (2) the overwhelming 5e content, the "not much there for me" is an understandable reaction.
@NautArch yeah, there are a few answers with that kind of content but not that many.
Is it an android phone? There are some interesting tutorials for using those as tiny computers, but I don't think doing it without a screen to get started would go very well.
Now I get to ask myself 1. Do I go find these various meta discussions and learn more history of this site and 2. Do I start asking questions not about 5e-dnd
I ask mostly 5e questions because it's the system I actually feel I understand/know and so questions are less likely to amount to "you missed this rule in page X that very clearly and directly answers your question" which aren't particularly interesting questions
I was v pleased to see a question from Linksassin that happened to be asking for one of my most firmly-held opinions about non-D&D games the other day. ;-)
(the Blades in the Dark hacking one - I've been beating the "blades hacks well but you gotta know what you want to do with Attune" drum for a couple of years now :-) )
@Himitsu_no_Yami Screen went blank and doesn't come back on? I've had that happen with other phones. Sometimes there's a button combo for hard reset, or letting the battery drain, or factory reset.
@Medix2 Pick up a new system to try out. I duplicated some of my AM5 questions to the stack to provide variety.
@Medix2 and there's the stuff in chat and in comments ... but if you go back to the very beginning of the site, the meta question asked was "how do we get more than 'I have this question about D&D 4e' questions" and over time that eventually came to pass.
@GcL I've played a few other systems (Fireborn, Lancer, 4e, Fate, Blue Rose, Final Fantasy 3e, and Torchbearer were the only ones I got meaningful understanding of) I guess I'll just have to really thoroughly check the books to ensure my question doesn't have a simple answer
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica No, it's a reference to (among other things) your request for a rule to get people to talk less about D&D and more about other games. You mentioned "federalism" in your question. My reply was "be the change you want to see" and that didn't seem to go over very well.
@Medix2 Meh. If the rule doesn't stick in your head after reading through and playing a few times, it's probably worth asking. A lot of the 5e questions are like that. The answer is in a book, but it's not a situation that comes up for the querent or not nearly enough for them to want to hunt down the answer on their own.
@KorvinStarmast Ah. Well, I did post the answers and questions either to other systems or to system-agnostic stuff (being the change), but 'post more' is an answer to a very different question than what I was hoping to find an answer for.
@GcL That's how the request came off, but honestly that was a similar problem to the 4e issue in the site's early days. Something about the 800 pound gorilla comes to mind.
It's not about making other people stop asking questions of their interests, but rather about the quality of life (for a lack of a better terms) of those users who fall outside the D&D category.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica For that we have filters. Have you seen BESW's filter list? I think he's posted it in chat a few times. I think he gets good value out of that tool.
@KorvinStarmast Filters don't solve the discrepancy in permission-earning speeds depending on one's specialty. Which wouldn't be an issue on its own, but people who earn those permissions in speciality A can then come to speciality B and close questions, for example.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Not interested in rehashing here what was answered in meta. I don't like all of the answers I get in meta either. Such is life.
I don't know if the default experience is already as good as it's going to reasonably get for non-D&D questions. If there are specific pain points or problems, it might be easier to address those one at a time.
@Himitsu_no_Yami You could change the text size? I don't recall which HTML tags are permitted.
The Stack Overflow site engine, as you know, uses Markdown for questions and answers. Per the Markdown specification, you are allowed to freely intermix HTML and Markdown tags.
Not all HTML tags are allowed, as that would be an XSS paradise. Which HTML tags have been whitelisted and are allowed ...
@Medix2 It nicely puts a point on a spot where they inconsistently worded some things. They refer to a maximum without really specifying what they're talking about, the "as normal" clause seems superfluous, and they've used three wordings for magic items where choosing two would have been clearer.
We recently had a question about "Is it possible for a character to get a ability score of 30?" but it bothered me that the only answer was "spend 200 years reading books" so I took a look and found a way that didn't require you sitting on your butt for 200 years
In the beginning of March, I shared a process by which posts that need staff attention could get escalated, and a plan to test it out between March 16 and April 30, 2020. As promised on that post’s timeline, I’m here to share with you results from this testing period, as well as the plan for this...
Since per Jeremy Crawford's twitter and Is there a floor for maximum HP? you can get into a situation where your max HP is zero due to leveling up… what happens next?
What happens when your max HP is 0 because you leveled up with a negative Constitution modifier? Are you dead, unconscious, or wh...
IMO it was a pretty dumb design choice (or oversight) to even allow that option, but yeah it always took a lot of stubborn silly risk-taking to even come close to having it be an issue.
@MarkWells ha! I was also expecting more than a -1. But my games are definitely combat-focused, so doing something that makes it harder to stay alive is going to be problematic for my tables.
His current stat pool (post mods) is in order: 14 18 9 16 11 18
@MikeQ it's in ToA specifically
"You must choose to run the adventure as a meat grinder from the very beginning. In this mode of play, the [spoiler] gains the power to draw characters who are close to death, and the following rule applies:
A death saving throw succeeds on a roll of 15 or higher (instead of 10 or higher). This effect ends when the [spoiler] is destroyed. Other rules concerning death saving throws remain unchanged."
@Medix2 The tricky bit is to leave that comment kindly. We've had users who were absolutely right to be pointing out how little use spitballing is, but who did so in abrasive and offputting ways--that's not terribly helpful, either.
In the last year or two the mods have definitely noticed, though, a real upswing in great guidance-commenting by regular users. The sorts of ones that point some firmly *and* gently in the direction we want people to go. I hesitate to name names, since I'm sure I'll leave out someone deserving of praise, so I'll just put it this way: If you have five minutes go take a look back through your last page or two of comments. (Profile-->Activity-->All Actions-->Comments.) If what you see sounds like that ^^ give yourself a pat on the back and keep up the good work. Thank you! If what you see soun…
So when I write "Insolent newcomer! How dare you exclude a game tag! I'll make an example out of you and vote to close your question!", that's not very helpful?
I probably buck and split a quarter cord in an afternoon. Though I might be giving up on my bucksaw and giving in to the chainsaw gods, so that would roughly double throughput.
TIL Maine defines (by statute) a cord not as a neatly stacked 4' x 4' x 8' collection of split wood, but as 180 cu. ft. of loosely thrown split wood. I like that they don't make you stack it.