@Rubiksmoose please, don't remind me the cause of my long gone free time. Thanks to an idea I had from re-reading an article there after the trailer for the new Zelda game was revealed.... I am now stuck in a quest to track down all the geographic nonsense in Breath of the Wild...
that world is a mess.
I mean, why Outset Island from Wind Waker is now on on the cost-line? Those were the tips of the mountains... and why it is even there?
@Rubiksmoose to be fair, I reminded about noticing the Outset island layout in one of the city only recently after a youtube video about the same topic was posted.
Had I known at the time that few other gamer had noticed it, I could probably have it posted somewhere
@Rubiksmoose to be fair, I am now wondering when they will notice that the Tower of Gods boss from WW is kinda fitting the BOTW shrines decorations... blue lines and all
there are plenty of other direct references that make no sense.
A place that oddly seems like Skyloft, the two flowers near the Master Sword that are in the exact same place as Link to the Past, the Lon-lon Ranch remains and so on...
References to mutually exclusive timelines (it both references TP and WW) and so on
@MarkWells Yup, I could see that, too. But it's odd because the actually function of "unbuckling" or whatever is needed to functionally drop trou, is just manipulating objects.
"If you're unsure whether something is an attack, here's the rule: if you could be prosecuted for assault for doing it in the state of New York, it's an attack." -- Evil Mirror Universe Jeremy Crawford
Interesting that Mage Hand doesn't specify a limit on how much "manipulating objects" it can do as a single action. Like, can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Disassemble a smartphone?
@MarkWells 6 seconds worth of manipulation. If the wizard can solve it, then the mage hand can do it. Although not sure what the record is for one-handed rubics cube solutions.
@Rubiksmoose yeah they have several methods though, which is nice. You at least have the option on the larger cubes to solve them until they become 3x3x3 again
a little time consuming but fewer new patterns to learn
although the downside is then you get better and better at your 3x3x3 solve and don't get to practice the larger solves as much
@G.Moylan Indeed :) Of course then you can end up with potential parity issues at the end still but it is still a fun way to do it without having to learn too many different movements.
Of course the bigger issue in this case is that the wizard is going to have to invent the Rubik's cube and smartphone first ;)
Rubik's Befuddling Cube: All creatures in a 20 foot cube within range must make a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the duration, believing you to be the smartest person in the world
@Ryan the rangers I've seen have been really good damage dealers. Little less general usage, but some spells can support that. Druids have been a little less interesting, which is a shame because I've always to play one but always been underwhelmed
Spells such as Moonbeam specifically affect creatures with the "Shapechanger" tag, such as lycanthropes. As per this previous question, the ability to change one's shape through class features is not sufficient to be considered a shapechanger.
However, upon reaching the 10th level, transmutation...
@Ryan One could plausibly ask the DM whether their druid can befriend an animal as a non-combat NPC ally. Like a hireling, but you pay in kibbles instead of gp.
@BlackSpike My advice: only re-ask a question if you fully understand the scope of what you intend to ask and it greatly helps if it is a problem you have yourself.
Asking a question for someone else based on a guess of what you think they may have wanted can, but doesn't always, lead to trouble when people are confused about it and you may not be able to clarify.
I enjoy the fact that it's a new scenario each time. I still have to put the steps together properly each time and remember all the different cube states
it still takes some mental aptitude, but I never understood the impression that only "smart" people can solve cubes, or you're smart because you can solve one
I understand why the question was put on Hold. And I'm not sure how to frame something to answer "what they meant to ask" ... just a thought. I don't have the same problem as them, but I fully sympathise with "not knowing what question to ask" ... I am always there while writing code! :)
@G.Moylan Oh yeah, I completely agree with that. Even though I (cringe-inducingly in retrospect) took advantage of that impression in high school (for some reason people actually found it quite entertaining once I started solving it fast and others picked it up and we even had competitions).
@G.Moylan I did take several years (and several cubes) and actually ended up solving it on my own. But only that once and I'm honestly still surprised and unclear how I was able to do it. The second I solved it I looked up better ways to do it lol.
@BlackSpike The person can't be bothered to read a short excerpt of the basic rules and wants a quick answer. "Read the book to me" questions get closed here.
@KorvinStarmast I disagree with your assessment. They were not asking "What the rules say". The rules say "Roll vs DC. Pass/Fail". They can figure how to add modifiers, and compare vs DC. They wanted to know how to interpret/narrate a Fail result. (IMHO)
@Rubiksmoose the Icon! I like that one. Mine peeled/rubbed on one side so now Iahve two silver sides. I have to figure out which is which on the fly. I also have an off-centered one that I lvoe
@KorvinStarmast I do not think it should be re-opened. I think it is a poor question, stemming from a lack of understanding. But I was wondering about phrasing a Question that might nudge them in the right direction
@KorvinStarmast I'm not 100% sure this was a RTB issue. And we don't actually close all RTB-type questions here (by my interpretation) (there isn't a close reason for "lack of research effort", only a downvote option). Either way, the question did need to be closed (IMO) because it was unclear what they actually wanted to ask. And it was unclear because they didn't understand the rules enough to ask I think.
And, although I understand how SE works, I also get vexed when I try to get help from a help-site, because I don't understand, and am told to go away, because I don't understand ...
@KorvinStarmast I relate it to the road-rage people get when stuck behind a Learner Driver .. and shout "Learn to f'k'n drive, moron!" at them ... erm, yes ? I am doing, and I'm driving badly because I haven't finished learning yet ...
@G.Moylan Yes, less an issue here because of the reply mechanism, but it still makes both/all conversations harder to follow because they get interlaced.
@KorvinStarmast thanks for the offer. I've nothing to ask right now, but it's usually "I don't know how to do this Android/Java thing, and I can't find any exact answers on here" :)
@BlackSpike It took me a while to catch on to "how to ask a question" here even though I am a decent writer. I even got to have a guy named Jack crap all over me in a comment for my prose style on one of my answers.
@Ryan My barbarian does tracking and hunting and never cares if he has low bonuses. he'll try anything. Sometimes it goes well, some times not so well. Fun.
Try the Entertainer background for a Babarian. :) Sing like a skald.
@BlackSpike read the synopsis on wiki pedia. Looks like a cool idea.
@KorvinStarmast I really like the setting. We played a big campaign 10 yrs back, and another over the last 18 months. System is clunky as all hell though :(
Still struggling with my Random Dungeon App. Got most of the Code working, but I'm not too familiar with D&D5, so checking that it is "viable" (Room contents... loot, monsters, etc) is causing me headaches.
Also, if you want a Huge, Many-Room, 20-layer Dungeon ... it collapses under it's own weight and crashes very ungracefully :(
What is an Intent in Android?
Can someone elaborate with an example?
What are the types of Intents, and why we are using them?
Why are Intents so important in Android?
With AnyDice it's pretty easy to calculate probalities for highest and lowest 2 of a 3d6 pool, namely with:
output [highest 2 of 3d6]
output [lowest 2 of 3d6]
However, this has a bias towards the highest and lowest thrown dice. What I want to calculate is the possible results, without bias. Re...
I'm not 100% sure it has been claimed, so just in case: This is a gift link for the $15 D&D Humble Bundle that just ended: humblebundle.com/?gift=v3cCssrDhy2FUNNe
@goodguy5 I'm not the stealthiest of gnomes. I'd prefer not to be only 100' away from it. Basically have to sneak with, and if I'm doing that, I may raise an alarm the 'scouts' wouldn't have (our rogue).
I'm not unstealthy, but I'm not proficient and just have a +1 dex.
We used to have smokeless-zone rules, but they seem to have lapsed. So long as you are not "causing a public nuisance"
I read a lot about USA housing regs ... a lot seems to be Housing Associations? V strict in comparison to ours .. have to keep your lawn mown, can't have a broken car on the drive? pfft .. my house! If it's not leaking into your house, not your business!
but a lot of the regulations end up being about preventing other houses from doing things that potentially devalue the house and therefore bring down the value of the whole neighbourhood, because then you lose money on the property investment.
and historically a lot of those regulations were about not letting blacks/mexicans/etc. live in white neighbourhoods.
Speaking as an apartment renter, what kinds of power does a Homeowner's Association have to enforce its rules? Like, can they actually fine you and bring you to Civil Court, or is it more of a soft power, i.e. "We'll keep badgering and bullying you until you fix this issue"?
I suppose we do have similar places ... "Gated Estates" .. tend to be small (30 medium-big houses ... or small-medium, by USA standards!) Literally Gates on the entrance. Cameras. Need to be the "right sort of people" to get in ... I have customers in them ...
it's a private contract, yes, but that's backed up by contract law
civil matter - the police won't come and arrest you because the HOA ask - but they can take you to court, and they will win, and you will be ordered to pay
As I once overheard a political organizer say: "you wanna see organizing? Try and cut down a tree in a rich, white neighborhood. Nobody can organize like those folks!"
if you find yourself in a situation where you've bought a house believing it to be free from a HOA, and you've not signed anything agreeing to be part of a HOA, and you discover that the house was indeed part of the local HOA, you're still stuck having to be part of the HOA, because they've got some right to the property itself
Watched a documentary about "wild forests" recently ... there hasn't been much in the way of "unmanaged woodland" anywhere near Human Habitation since the Neolithic!
Because otherwise you have a loophole where the seller could refuse to make the buyer sign the HOA Agreement, and then just accept the fine. #ResistCapitalism
@BlackSpike trees can take a very long time to grow and some species are quite rare and hard to cultivate. If you cut down a mature tree of a valuable species, it might be literally impossible to replace it with a similar tree (because they can't survive transplanting, cost way too much, etc.)
@nitsua60 Swimming :) Lowest impact, least chance of injury for my aging self. The pool I use is under construction, so I just started swimming in a local lake. Enjoy that much more.
@NautArch Ooh, that's a good one. For a few years I was lucky enough to live where it was easy to swim a mile and a half in the mornings. (There was an island ~3/4 mi. from shore.) Those were nice years.