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will there be a tie breaker
suspense building
hey there @JohnB, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
I'd go ramen
@KorvinStarmast 2e: "specialist wizards." Cannot cast spells from the "opposing" school (remember the 8-point diagram? Me neither! But it didn't matter, because each school had two in opposition which you couldn't read off the diagram anyway!) but gain a bonus to their "% to know" roll on spells in their school (+15%) and a malus on the same rolls out-of-school (-15%).
Oooooh, Nippon is coming out ahead, will Shal turn this franchise around or seal pbj's fate
@Skyler I nominate @JohnB. Their first act in the room should be making this monumentous decision, and we'll all bow to their sagacity.
@Shalvenay (though, of course, if there's anything OOC please don't be shy about telling me. I'm always trying to improve, especially in my weak domain: RP.)
@nitsua60 I second this idea, anything to make a newcomer feel uncomfortable :P
(I thought the bowing would put them at ease?)
looks like he's gone, ramen wins
@Skyler Yay
(which is my pet name for "going to go put the kids to bed now")
I think I'll head out too for now
@Skyler don't tell @nitsua60 but ramen had my secret vote the whole time
@trogdor [gasp!]
thank you for your hard work everyone
It does look pretty sweet
i swear, the chicken curry I make perfectly works as a stock for ramen
cracked an egg in there for good measure
ive even topped banana bread with it and found it really good
@Skyler I've always wanted to try that
(curry not ramen)
i dont think a universe exists where banana bread and ramen should meet
@Skyler I was going to say...
btw guys, if i land this job im going to have nigh unlimited access to avocados, what should my cooking pen-name be when i storm the culinary world with obscenely avocado heavy dishes
So far El Avocando is the best I've come up with
@Skyler Golden Avocado
@Skyler High Roller
Ugh Avocado again
@trogdor ptsd of some kind kicking in?
@Skyler Real Estate King
@Skyler No I think that was his suggestion lol
"good luck affording this dish"?
I just don't like Avocado, but there is also the problem that everyone thinks I should like it
Which is absurd
I don't like it so I don't like it
All mine are reference to the joke that one Politician's "solution" to the Millenial's inability to save in today's society would be to "stop eating avocado"
@trogdor Eh, I'm way more partial to butter, but avocado is kind of like apple sauce, its really can do a lot of heavy lifting in cooking to make interesting results
So the first response was "Help, I stopped eating avocado and now I'm drowning in gold coins and all these properties that I own"
@Ben haha
I never eat Avacado, where is my house yo?
I know right
@Skyler ...you have my attention
For real though you could say san diego and i wouldnt be too surprised
Hand me the deed and I will be there XD
Well, I live in Australia, lol
where you at trogdor?
@Ben can your contient grow avocados?
@Skyler Yeah lol
mhmm, well the company I'm hoping to work might drastically increase avocado accessibility for you guys down under
One would imagine you could find somewhere on Australia to grow them
@trogdor I believe my sister grows them actually
Fair enough
She lives a little more South of where I am, so it's probably better weather for it
They basically have figured how to take plant trimmings and create a nanoscale barrier to keep water in and oxygen out, which allows them to tune the breathing rate of produce and delay spoilage 2-10x
Since 90% of food spoils in the 3rd world, this might be a big enough disrupting tech to end world hunger
@Ben I am sure I have asked 50 Australians this before, but you get snow in the northern parts of the country right?
@trogdor wouldnt it make more sense on the southern part
@trogdor Negative. Most of the country is too hot to get that kind of weather, It really only snows on the southern-most edge, as well as tasmania
Oh right, yeah. Southern
Either way though, the gist of the question is that it does snow there at least depending on area
@trogdor In a very small section of the country - yes.
Ben's world has been flipped upside down
But for the most part - the entire country is effectively one big desrt.
Sorry, I live north of you, I should know better XD
It doesn't snow here
At all
That ramen was GREAT
@trogdor Same where I live
kinda wish I cracked a second egg in there but I don't even care
@trogdor Though, to be fair... The North Queensland weather makes no sense
Weather here is all too predictable, except when it isn't
A storm that lasts 2 mins can go from a light drizzle, to full on down pour, then hail, then back to full sun again.
Mmm when we say storm here, it's always referring to a Typhoon
We rarely get lightning storms or any of that
Oh, that reminds me - @doppelgreener I'm not entirely convinced it's anything to do with "abuse"... they carry on like it's fun, making jokes about it OoC and in between games - when we organise a time for the next session "Ah, and then I can check to see if that guy is actually a zombie or not!" - this particular character is a drunk, and I have stated multiple times that no, they're not a zombie; they're just a drunk.
Detect Evil and Good - No evil presences - "Maybe it's a friendly zombie"
Insight - Nat20; he's got some issues - he seems troubled due to the trauma of entering the dungeon once before, but that's why he's drunk - "Maybe he's trying to hide the fact that he's been afflicted by a zombie!" - There are no 'zombie viruses' in this game, so no; that's not the case.
Medicine check to see if there are any wounds - bite marks etc. - Nat20. Apart from a probably unhealthy liver - he is completely fine. "Hrrrrmmmmm....." (Obvioussly still not convinced)
I feel like maybe this might be a question for the site... if not for the answer to the question, but perhaps so that @doppelgreener can flesh out his "abused gamer syndrome" answer? That might be useful for others.
Anyone who knows how the bots work: AngryGM has recently rebuilt their site and I believe today's new article didn't come through the ticker. Wanna poke at the feeds and the site and see if something obvious is going on? Thanks.
@Shalvenay good links thank you.
@nitsua60 Yeah, that was it! Thanks for remembering. And of course, did you even know the spell? Sorry, not your day with the dice. Joy. No fireball for you!
@KorvinStarmast Could you (ever) know the spell? Yeah, those were the days. Randomly Swiss-cheesed spell-lists. Kids these days, they don't know how easy they have it.
[takes dentures back out]
Hey, I am already off of your lawn, and I'm not even a kid! :)
@KorvinStarmast Good then you can help @nitsua60 shovel the rest of the kids off of it.
@KorvinStarmast And then the inclusion of "minor divination" as a ninth school, which didn't count against any others. Because even then they realized that everyone wanted some divination, but nobody wanted much.
I prefer to use a leaf blower?
@nitsua60 I guess major divination was only for stock brokers ... and inside traders. :p
Divination magic can be tricky to implement ... 5e's try at it is OK, but I've always been vexed by it.
"I specialize in major divination!"
"Okay. Here's a sports almanac that dropped out of thirty years into the future. Go wild."
@nitsua60 All I want to do is know who is going to win the next dinosaur race ... and we don't have a diviniation wizard! Doh!!
@KorvinStarmast locating and clairvoy/aud and detect thoughts... fine. Future-telling... gets tricky.
I remember augury as being one of those "door number 1, door number 2, or door number threee" deals
clairvoyance and clairaud was easy to implement, yeah.
@KorvinStarmast Yup. PC saying "hey, DM: what should I do?"
Just noticed that guidance is divination. Makes sense.
We had a clairvoyance one time that got sorta awkward. We were trying to rescue the princess, and as we sneak around the tower, our mage (played by a lady) does clairvoy to see into the room. She is told that she sees the princess is doing a three way with the captain of the guard and the jailer, described in lurid detail by the (tactless) DM until the player got up and left the table in annoyance.
@KorvinStarmast ouch
Yeah, sometimes, people forget where they are at the table. It happens.
Turns out the princess didn't want to be rescued, but that isn't the best way for us to find out... eh?
Lesson learned
@KorvinStarmast ugh downnright disgusting right there
@KorvinStarmast could be dropping a clairvoyance sensor into the core of an electric arc several orders of magnitude more powerful than a full-scale lightning bolt...talk about going blind instantly!
I think the term used nowadays is "sausage fest" but sometimes, guys would get way too locker room at the table, even for me.
(Back in late teens/early twenties, when electricity had just been invented ... ;)
@Shalvenay Yes, the old "oops, that isn't what I was looking for" also got one of our guys turned to stone. He looks in to the room and sees medusa, fails save. Statuary, for cheap. Very lifelike. :)
In any case, the lurid detail was not necessary
@trogdor Yeah, but the Dm didn't clue up until the player left the table ...
afk, summoned by Her Ladyship of Castle Starmast ...
@KorvinStarmast :P I've kind of wondered what'd happen if all the "flesh to stone" effects still left you a living entity after the transformation...basically, you'd get turned into a stone-person
I personally would draw the line even before the lurid detail, but the lurid detail part is surely too much for a lot of people
@KorvinStarmast well, I hope he learned something
@Shalvenay able to move around even?
@trogdor yeah, that's the idea XD
@KorvinStarmast Be like Princess Harriet: always ask the damsel in distress if she wants to be rescued, before rescuing her.
@BESW yeah, sure would save some trouble, wouldn't it? :) Coulda gone after a dragon, or something.
(Harriet was cursed to fall asleep when she pricked her finger on a spinning wheel on her thirteenth birthday, and curses are impossible to avoid... so she went adventuring because she was effectively immortal until then.)
(Even after she broke the curse--the witch didn't expect a thirteen-year-old to have such a strong sword arm--Harriet continued adventuring, but always asked before rescuing because she would've been really ticked off if someone had tried to rescue her.)
@BESW hahaha :P as you could find that the princess is the cause of all the distress
Magic, ain't it great?
Also she rode a mighty battle quail named Mumfrey.
@Shalvenay an interesting question, but if you apply the 5e model, objects don't have a stat block, so I don't think it works. Maybe in other editions.
Or in a different game system ...
Chivalry ain't dead, I see
Man, I am still bummed that my search in the old boxes didn't turn up the old C&S book. I turned up a couple of I.C.E. books, but there are a lot missing.
I'm re-reading Golden Compass and it's still a great book, but once you notice how all of Lyra's interactions with adults follow a downright console RPG question-and-answer tree there is no unseeing the pattern.
A beautiful green anemone from the Pacific coast of Canada. (Photo: Blue Planet II)
@BESW the author does rather lead one by the hand. My daughter read that series (trilogy) in HS IIRC. So I read them.
Vernon's pretty great. I'm particularly fond of her work under the name T. Kingfisher, and Digger.
Hmm, and IIRC there was a movie from one of the books? Been a decade or so?
@KorvinStarmast and btw...the party goes hunting a dragon, only to find it in the penalty box at a certain Orchard Field
golf clap Even dragons have bad days, man.
I just read Jackelope Wives and The Tomato Thief yesterday.
@KorvinStarmast Since the first Harriet novel was published in 2015... no.
@KorvinStarmast yeah, he must have gotten caught being offsides in the traffic pattern man
@BESW I was referring to the Golden Compass, sorry, cross talk seems to have heppened. Reffing your bbolander post/tweet
There've been hints that something of Vernon's has been optioned--she traveled to California for a mysterious meeting more than five years ago--but nothing's forthcoming.
@KorvinStarmast yeah, using the reply button (the over-arrow far right on posts) really helps with that
Ah, yes. The Golden Compass film was very pretty, but that's about all. Thankfully, as further sequels would've had to delve into the author's character-destroying allegories which are thankfully kept more backgrounded in the first novel.
@shal my reply was crafted before the pretty picture of the undersea was posted. cross talk.
@KorvinStarmast using the actual reply button on the post you want to reply to instead of an @mention avoids that problem :>
ShushCon is happening this weekend. If you: -live near Pawleys Island, SC -love Dresden Files, Fate and other games -think gaming in a library sounds cool You should check it out: https://www.facebook.com/events/289372798163739/
This caterpillar looks like the cosmos
1 hour later…
@Zelgadas @EvilHatOfficial @TabletopLoot @cbsa82 @theelfiestelf @BasiliskOnline @LiteraryPanda @clarkvalentine Yesterday, built a FATE core game from scratch. Genre is future scifi/ technothriller; we have a transcended AI, a dethroned alien godking, an ace pilot, and a archaeologist specializing in 21st century tech. I'm playing what's, in essence, an accountant. Had a blast.
8 hours later…
morning, nerds
Good morning!!
Don't be "That Guy"
also, did you find the answer to your question?
@goodguy5 I did find the answer to my darkness question. And i do my absolute best to be that guy.
Just not the version of that guy that everyone talks about and ruins games.
good ^_^
Looks like about half of D&Ds have that effect.
I decided that reading the handbook on the spell MIGHT be a good idea. shakes head
3.5, Pathfinder, and 5e do
4e doesn't have darkness (I think)
and 2e didn't stipulate you could cast it on an object
thats crazy. I got the idea from the book because there was a blind ranger that Drizzt had cast the spell on his shield. He ran around enveloping orcs and whatnot in darkness and then killed them with a fair amount of ease
It's odd, though. Because Light in 2e mentions that you can cast it on other stuff (like a pebble)
thats weird... maybe because something has to glow?
nah, just a weak spell description. any sensible DM would allow darkness to be cast on a mobile object
Ah.. thats fair enough. It is after all a fairly old book. They probably hadnt had all the ideas and feedback regarding it before
4e might have darkness, but it's probably quite different.
Especially because the Light spell has a clause about being reversible. So, I guess you could cast Light-option2 (darkness), which is less powerful than the spell Darkness, and move it around then, as well.
Potentially, its definitely an idea.

Thanks for the info!!

Alright fellow gamers i'm off like a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter!! Work calls!!
Describing how darkness works emanating from an object would be an unusually long spell description for the usually-laconic 4e.
"make the no-light. go the the fight-fight"
Darkness is one of those spells that seems hard to get right, though.
I mean. the only question is what happens with darkvision, right?
It's been more than once or twice that someone in the party gets the brilliant idea to flood the room with darkness in 5e and then realize it actually realizes as doing very little... gain advantage from being invisible, lose advantage from not seeing your target.
It's good if the enemies get advantage for some reason or you get disavantage for some reason. equals it all out.
Yeah, but it somehow feels like it should mean something else, y'know
It also means a lot to the warlock if he took that invocation
The idea of raining some darkness on your enemies so you can hurt them while they hurtle in confusion is cool, but it doesn't quite work that way.
@goodguy5 True
I feel like magical darkness should be legitimately upsetting to things with darkvision (like orcs).

You've been able to see in the dark your whole life, and suddenly, you can't.
@goodguy5 Excellent point
In general, I think DnD needs rules for fooling or scaring monsters with magic, because a lot of that is currently GM fiat only
nah, I think that's where it belongs
I don't. There's a limited amount of spell picks and I hate wasting them on things whose efficiency can be 100% cancelled by the GM at whim.
rules to govern that sort of thing would quickly grow cumbersome and spawn a multitude of poorly worded tweets, sage advice, and SE questions
Well, that hasn't really stopped them before has it :)
Just talk to your GM about the application you want to use it for.
Well my GMs have a history of being "eh it's alright, we just need to do <X> better" without actually doing anything concrete to make <X> better.
I don't really blame them for the latter part, I couldn't really do anything actionable if I got player feedback asking me to make social scenes/exploration/combat/illusions/anything "better" without having better specifications :P
But the whole situation where the GM chooses to ignore or not my illusions is incredibly straining on my suspension of disbelief.
@goodguy5 poorly worded tweets? How dare you insinuate that our Jeremy Crawford is anything less than infallible!
tbh, I meant tweets AT him, but your way works too.
Today's great adventure will be crossing some ice to geocache on an otherwise poorly-reachable island
I'm pretty upset at him right now over this mount thing and how needlessly confusing he's made it
I hope the ice won't crack
@kviiri we do too!
Thin ice is somehow a very classic dumb way to get oneself killed
"Dumb" as in "easily avoidable by exercising proper caution".
It used to be a popular topic for PSAs here.
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/118865/… I'm a bit embarrassed I didn't realize I was answering a duplicate :) that's one of those ones that was sure to have been asked already
@Rubiksmoose A while ago someone pushed back against my railing against JC's tweets, saying that people would've asked Gary Gygax these questions if they could back in the day.
Jan 16 at 0:42, by nitsua60
@Adam They would have. And they did. They wrote letters and postcards to them all the time, and even called the Gygax house. (Source: Empires of Imagination.) The key differences are that in the one case they took their time, sorted through, and answered selected questions weeks-to-months later in Dragon, in writing, in paragraphs. In the second case Gary chatted with people, had context, and told them what he'd done in similar situations. None of that sounds like twitter to me.
@nitsua60 That makes sense both in the comparison and the response.
I consider myself rather lucky in the sense that no one in my close gaming groups knows about JC.
That does give me a sort of monopoly :P
My biggest beef is when he makes things more confusing by clarifying like all the tweets about controlled mounts imply them have separate but distinct turns. But in the Sage Advice podcast the way he explains things is not at all like that. And one of the tweets was even supposed to be a response that resolved the conflict!
He's great when he can clarify something that should be obvious, but man when he gets things muddied he does a bang up job.
The tangle grows superlinearly in relation to the length of the explanation.
@kviiri oh man you are.
@kviiri same. doh!
45cm of snow forecasted for today
That's 18 inches for you imperialists
*freedom units
@goodguy5 I didn't say what kind of units they were, I said who they were for
you did say what kind of units. you said "inches"
I corrected you
morning all!
@goodguy5 Inches is not a "kind" of unit, it's the name of the unit.
@SPavel Nice! We're not getting hit at all today (but New YOrk City is getting hammered)
@NautArch I am in New York City, and I do plan to get hammered
had a total in-character fail last night
@SPavel lucky.
@SPavel so, "cat" is not a kind of animal? or "banana" is not a kind of fruit?
@goodguy5 Yes, a cat's kind is animal, but its name is cat. An inch's kind is freedom unit, but its name is inch.
hrm.... mebbe
@NautArch oh yeah? do tell.
@Rubiksmoose This is shaping up to be possibly the final campaign encounter. We're fighting the BBEG (evil king) in his own castle and we know we have to kill him and his false demon heirs (we've killed one of two.) The fight has been going on for two sessions, so about 10-11 hours of gameplay (fight is probably at about 20 rounds now.)
@NautArch I bet it's not even his final form
My paladin's vow is pretty much against this guy and he shows up on a balcony. DM has us roll perception and I crit. I'm told he's fumbling with the crossbow. My pegasus flies over to him and I give him my Vow of Enmity and make a short speech about his reign of terror ends now.
Halberd comes down...to an illusion. Attack wasted and lost my Vow of Enmity.
The moral of the story is, always carry True Seeing
But I see where he really is and I fly over...and miss. To be confronted by King and 5 big bad guards.
ouch. savage
I had a feeling it wasn't real, but my character would 100% have done what I had him do.
Made up for it with some more kills, but that was my big chance to take the King down early-ish in the fight.
oh no!
Big bummer, but we're working our way through the castle
about to get upstairs where he/his heir probably still are.
Times like this are when you take a mid-encounter rebuild into Barbarian for that sweet RAGE
But a lot of us are very close to tapped out.
We've got a Frenzy Barbarian who has been doing that :)
BUt we're seriously hobbled with a cleric who can't cast spells.
I still have some big slots left for divine smites, but i'm mostly leaning on GWM to do damage.
@Shalvenay You mean, like this? ;)
@Thatguy AD&D 1e had the same deal.
@NautArch Wield the cleric like a greatclub
Channeling smites through a cleric has got to be worth at least a times 2 modifier
@KorvinStarmast @Thatguy That's a great idea for my Bugbear Barbarian! Just need someone with Darkness to cast it :)
@SPavel hahaha, I don't think he'd appreciate that.
But he's been holding his own. He's a storm cleric and does pretty well with his rapier.
@NautArch How's he gonna stop you
and has a higher AC than me.
@NautArch Ah so wield him as a shield instead
Oh, he ain't. But I'd lose out on my +3 halberd that significantly helps me contact whenI take the -5 for GWM.
@SPavel need two hands for GWM :)
Wield the halberd with your feet
that extra 10 damage is a big deal
like an orangutan
@Rubiksmoose Mounted combat in this edition is one of those "uh, all we got was an 80% solution" deals.
The DM definitely tried to counter my flying mounted halberd combo with enemies who all had reach.
It didn't work. Disengage keeps me safe, but I'm going to have to dismoutn soon to get back into castle interior.
Oh, when my regicide attempt failed, I tossed a stone to summon an Earth Elemental thinking he'd break down the wall quickly and go after the king. But the DM gave those walls a TON of HP and he never got through. He did soak up 5 guys attacks for 3 rounds, so ended up helping - just not in the glorious manner I"d hoped.
@NautArch I don't think that my ranger can cast darkness, but Shal's cleric can once we get to third level. At third level, I'll have that fancy Gloom Stalker vision ... we might could wreak a bit of havoc together?
@KorvinStarmast beautiful,glorious havoc
@NautArch Would that get you to nap less often? :)
BTW I'm beginning to doubt my answer on the mount question and I am not really enamored with any of the answers presented for the purposes of giving the bounty. I think there is a golden opportunity for someone to write an answer based on this rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/68059/…
@KorvinStarmast Giving him a portable source of darkness? Not likely.
If nobody else does it, I will but I can't award myself a bounty lol. I think the crawford tweets, SA podcast quotes and rules can be rolled into a cohesive answer saying that mounts and PC essentially have overlapping turns.
@KorvinStarmast probably nap more
@KorvinStarmast Yeah I am just not sure why it is so hard. One or two more sentences or one or two words changed would be all it would take to make this 99% airtight as far as I can tell.
@Rubiksmoose I'm going to give my bounties some more time, but it's looking good for you :)
@NautArch :) yeah give it as much time as you want honestly. If competition makes the answers better :)
@NautArch but you should look at putting an answer on the mount one along the lines suggested. I think you'd have a good shot at a bounty yourself.
@Rubiksmoose I would, but not sure I can focus on writing up an answer today.
chat yes, research an answer probably no
@NautArch Well you've got a few more days before I have to award the bounty. I'm hoping any new answer has some time to get some upvotes as well.
Speed is fine, but accuracy is final (so said a famous gunfighter and my small arms instructor). So getting a good answer is more important than getting one fast.
This is Jeremy's challenge in using twitter: that medium is for fast.
@KorvinStarmast and even worse: fast and short.
@Rubiksmoose Brevity can be valuable, but not always
@Rubiksmoose I will not digress into a variety of double entendres on that problem with twitter.
@KorvinStarmast hahahaha. [phrasing.gif]
@nitsua60 Doesn't a Trickery Domain Cleric get darkness as a domain spell? Away from PHB at the moment.
Hmm, seems odd to me, but in a game where a player can play an evil cleric the ability to cast darkness seems to be a necessary thing. I guess not.
That's probably my OD&D instincts kicking in.
War vs Aslan
Advantages: Is a Jesus figure. Disadvantages: We all know what happens to Jesus figures.
@SPavel There's a Lord Brocktree in Narnia?
I thought that was a Redwall character.
Oh, "previous kills" means previous won cage matches?
@Yuuki Seems that way
If they're going to include literal hypothetical Christs, why didn't they include the Beast in the Pit from Doctor Who?
@Yuuki Nobody wants to fight against your armpit beast
Also, it doesn't appear like any seeding as been performed in this tournament.
Aslan should have been an allegory for a Voltron lion and not a Jesus lion.
Aslan should have been an allegory for Li-ion batteries
@SPavel AA-slan
@SirCinnamon Come on and slan, if you wanna jam
I feel like that hexblade question needs to be cleaned up, but I'm not sure how
@Yuuki hmm, I don't recall seeing that at Narita airport the last time I was there.
@KorvinStarmast Did you look in Naruto airport?
Colleague from work chat, regarding the snow storm
"I'm not a comic book villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my masterstroke to you if there were even the slightest possibility you could affect the outcome?

I canceled bus service thirty-five minutes ago"
@KorvinStarmast The angle of the baseline on the first line of text is slightly off-angle from the sign so I'm like 95% sure it's a photoshop.
@SPavel "I'm not a comic book villain. I haven't been revised on multiple continuities, in large part due to my incredibly racist original depiction."
@NautArch Not even on the same Island, if I remember correctly.
@Yuuki That might explain why I didn't see it at Narita. :)
No.... I don't get salty when I have (what I view to be) a better answer, first. And the second guy gets upped. (sarcasm. I get quite salty)
@goodguy5 The question itself needs clean up ... to many words for the problem to be solved.
I would suggest the title be multi(sub)class
but that may only be clear to me
@KorvinStarmast Although I recall seeing this image posted before and someone commented that they did see it in real life.
I'll have to look that up.
Yeah no, it's shopped.
Original image.
> Come on and slam and welcome to Bhutan.
@Yuuki I am not sure how to parse that, since I don't know what the context for "slam" is in Bhutan. dance style? Movie line?
@Yuuki It's been a couple of decades since I saw that movie, I think.
@Nanisnae hello, glad that you dropped in
Hello :0
i dont quite understand this website yet but Im starting to get the ropes I think haha
thanks for the help so far though
Yeah, the actual answer is to try and get your DM to agree to you simply being a Hexblade. What you are trying to do is a lot more complicated than that. :) Is there a problem with asking your DM that?
It's a bit different from your usual RPG site.
If you didn't know that hexblade was an option, you can hardly be faulted for not choosing that sub class when you started at level 1.
I think I already ran out of my DM's patience considering switches, i already switched background early on when I finally figured out who my character was, and then switched from DMG-description of Aasimar to the Volo's guide version
Then explain that to the DM, and be up front that you realize that they may be wondering when you'll make up your mind. It never hurts to ask.
As more books get published, char creation gets more complicated because the choices keep expanding. How long have you been playing D&D? Which other editions have you played?
this is my first game haha, we briefly tried 4e a few years ago for 1 afternoon but a friend of mine p much made my character back then
but it's everyone's first game
and I'm the only one stumbling over all these things
They only released like three 5e supplements thus far
Over the same time period as all of 3.5
Ok, you are a new player, and at that point the choices in character creation can be almost overwhelming. @Spavel New Player.
RPG gets released. "I'm going to make a human warrior!" Five years pass. "I'm going to make a time-weasel dark percussionist." Ten years pass. "I'm not playing the new edition if I can't be a time-weasel."
@Nanisnae stumbling is okay, but I'd really just suggest talking to your DM rather than trying to homebrew your own multiclass. Do you guys already do a lot of homebrew or use homebrew classes?
@SPavel The game is a lot simpler with the 4 base classes, but "cool" new ideas make for more decisions.
@Nanisnae Hi, welcome!! :) It can take some getting used to.
And IMO< the warlock in 5e is a neat concept,
@Maximillian A true programmer role-player can write Fortran play a time weasel in any language edition
(time-weasel dark percussionist sounds like the bomb tho)
Oh no no no not the mashups
@doppelgreener Not my favorite, to be honest.
I like what they are trying to do, but I wish Mearls and the team had gone with their original instinct and made the Warlock Int based.
@KorvinStarmast fighting-man, thief, magic-user, and elf?
@Maximillian yessss the mashups
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