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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@RedRiderX go for it
Ok, A width of 140px is where I am at for the size of the images. We'll have to save em out that big because browsers try to be helpful when uprezzing images and ruin the pixels.
The actual pixel sizes doesn't matter. I'm down for it to change from boss to boss if you wish.
And the height can also be variable.
Hmm okay I'll save them out to a 140px wide sprit
@RedRiderX Are you using photoshop? Make sure you save em out with "save for web" and use png 24. Should be able to drop the file size down to 1.5KB
Not that we need alpha transparency, but at least then we have it if we want to do something crazy for a sprite or something.
I'm using gimp atm, which takes care of a lot of that at export
They're about 1.2KB each
Works for me.
I've had to place them over a white background (the black background hides the black border) which is fine cause eventually I want to do quest-specific backgrounds.
@DampeS8N There they should be 140px wide now
Let me know if I messed anything up in the scaling.
@RedRiderX You did a way better job than I did just doing a straight size increase. lol
@DampeS8N Well going from 66 -> 140 isn't even
I went from 66 to 132 and added padding to make it 140
@RedRiderX Yarp.
I love it
@RedRiderX Should probably do a main character next. Right now I just have that part hidden and it just looks silly when there is no enemy and also no player.
@DampeS8N Ah right
Hmm any preferences?
Will there be multiple in the future do you think?
@RedRiderX Yes. Here is my long term plan. When a player first comes to the game, they are presented with character creation. They get to name the player and also they get to pick an avatar. I really wanna do a head/body/legs selector where they pick any 3 parts they want.
Hmm, any specific body model you want to base characters off of?
not really
but I have figured out that the layering order will be (from bottom to top layer) head, legs, body. With capes as part of the head.
That's all waaay to much for right now.
Heh sure
But if you want to build the first avatar with that in mind, go for it.
So a cape instead of a hat?
Oh head
cape + hat
it would all be part of the same sprite
So duplicate heads with capes attached?
There can be a cape layer
anything you think would need lots of duplicates can have its own layer
I can do 4 selectors as easily as 3. I'd like to avoid, like, 10
Based on the same body
@DampeS8N Heh sure
@RedRiderX overall, KISS. I'm thinking 5-10 choices for each.
@DampeS8N For each of the ~4 slots?
@RedRiderX yep
4 slots with 10 choices each is 10,000 options
Hmm I can maybe start working on some stuff, don't know if I'll get it done today though.
Probably tomorrow.
@RedRiderX I'm in no rush.
I'm overjoyed with how much you did today. :)
Hey thanks!
If you wanna see the game with the sprites add /dev to the end of the game URL
@DampeS8N Oh neat!
@RedRiderX I'm thinking I can get away with 1 avatar and 1 background, then I can promote it up the chain to the live game
Ah right backgrounds!
What were you think about for those dimensions?
I need to get that pretty nailed down before I start
@RedRiderX Options: 1) something repeating (so it can go behind the whole game instead of pink/yellow) 2) 300 wide 150 tall images 3) both at once.
@DampeS8N All three could be used in different situations
But maybe 3
@RedRiderX true. but I'd like to stick to one method. And the first should, clearly, be the Inn
Ah of course!
Just going to toss this out there. If there is anyone else that would like to help out with Level Up I can find something for you to do! I'm making this for fun, if others will enjoy helping out, please do!
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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