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@AlexP I just started a random character and died during character creation.
I wanna make a Friendship is Magic flavored session of Princes' Kingdom. Anybody wanna help?
@BESW This sounds like something that should be in Level Up
@DampeS8N I'm not sure that's quite the aesthetic I was thinking of...
@BESW Wiping out all the ponies isn't your desire, huh? That's too bad.
Wiping out all the ponies would be kinda unimaginative at this point; it's had plenty of time to garner hate of that angle
trying to figure out if brian's comment is a word pun
@JoshuaAslanSmith ?
Q: Less than a day remains! Nominate now for an advanced copy of the D&D 5e starter pack!

Joshua Aslan SmithBased on community approval of: How should we determine which users receive advance D&D 5e materials when RPG.SE gets them? We have three advanced copies of the starter set to give away. Nominations will be accepted until we have to make a decision (likely in a few days from the 17th of June). ...

I dunno if I'd call it a pun, but he is just kinda making a joke
It's been less than a day for 2 days
Adventurers vault is definitely on my stink list
Q: Enhancing teleports created by Walk Among the Fey

user14779Walk Among the Fey says that "Whenever you use a power that slides a creature, you can teleport that creature an equal number of squares instead. Where you teleport the creature remains subject to any restrictions on the original slide." There are several magic items that seem like they'd allow...

this is like the 5th question I've had to comment on items written for Adventurers vault and wheedle out what I believe the intent to be
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'll be wary of it. What else is on there?
there was a big issue with weapon properties introduced by the book
in a paragraph in AV they offhand mention that properties only work when the weapon is being used to make the attack
however its never mentioned anywhere else
its not in the RC or D&DI compendium
in fact wizards did errata on most weapon properties to say they triggered only on attack but specificially did not change a couple like vanguard weapon
It just feels like the B team wrote the book
@JoshuaAslanSmith oh jeez. but there's lots of weapons with properties that are unrelated to the attack themselves.
specifically damage
but with vanguard its like horned helm, it just says it adds a die to a charge attack
@JoshuaAslanSmith is that... exactly what it says?
(that doesn't make sense)
1 hour later…
Turns out Free RPG Day wasn't as thrilling as I thought it would be. Oh well.
I got a set of shiny Fate dice out of it, so at least there's that.
@Emrakul Yey!
How goes the day?
@Emrakul Swam, picked up someone from the airpart, watched a couple episodes of Friendship is Magic with a friend, went to a semiannual sale at the local SDA food store and got some good food.
Productive, then.
This afternoon we're making a vegan pizza, and tonight I'll probably go to a youth gathering about what we're doing for the summer.
Baha'i, or just general local youth?
It's youth who are part of the Bahá'í-inspired community building activities, but more than half of the youth aren't Bahá'ís themselves.
Oh, interesting! You help plan with them?
Yeah. I'm the coordinator for the "study circles" on Guam; that's the training and capacity-building groups that get people into the mindset of the programs and get them ready to facilitate stuff themselves.
Huh, that's interesting. Aimed toward continuation?
Aye. The idea is that every neighbourhood and village can be responsible for its own spiritual empowerment, rather than having people come from outside to do it for them.
So we'll often start with a couple people visiting a neighbourhood or moving into it to start stuff, but the focus is always on developing the local community's capacity because they're the ones who can sustain it, make it grow, and make sure that community's particular needs are recognised and met.
For example, kids coming out of the junior youth programs often go straight into the training to become junior youth animators themselves.
Huh, that's interesting. That makes sense, too.
Being coordinator means I make sure everybody's got the support and accompaniment they need; gathering statistics so we have a general picture of what's going on with the Guam activities; and gathering the experiences and learning from the various study circles so we can continue to improve their quality.
I'm not very good at it yet, but everyone is very patient and tries to help me improve, too.
(One of the ideas underlying the whole endeavour is that there's not so much "teachers" and "students" as "people all walking the same path." We're still learning how to accompany each other on the path, but it's a very encouraging "no mistakes, only challenges and learning" atmosphere.)
(It may be increasingly clear where I get my RPG philosophies.)
That reminds me of a poem that I'm trying to find...
I'm having surprising trouble finding it, but I think it's by Whitman.
Thesis is about how people assist each other on paths they've been through at junctions in their lives.
Hmm. That rings a bell... (I used Whitman as the basis for catfolk oral tradition in a D&D campaign about seven years ago.)
(Because I'm that kind of nerd.)
An individual meets an old man on a path, who points the way and provides a staff to lean on, but insists the individual must walk themself.
(One of the best kinds of nerds?)
Song of the Open Road and The Road Not Taken keep showing up, but they're definitely not right. They're obscuring all the other results, though.
I'm on it.
[cracks knuckles]
Ahahaha let us hunt this poem down! If it helps, it's written more as poetic prose than it is verse - but it definitely still has meter.
Aaand now I'm getting The Highwayman.
Hrrrm. I don't think that's quite it... it's distinctively poetic prose, more so than The Prophet
It's not this, probably?
How did you find that?
Heh. Here's the search:
"poem" ~road man ~staff lean OR rest -"song of the open road" -"path not taken"
poem is in quotations because I want all search results to contain that word.
~ means "and synonyms of this word."
Huh. I tried similar searches, but didn't see it. Oh well!
I'm glad I found it.
I thought the poem probably contained lean or rest but maybe not both and I didn't want to go for synonyms because those words can mean many irrelephant things.
Well, I'm glad you found it. I'm glad I have it now xD
And I used - with quotation marks to elide common noise from the search.
Hmm... interesting. I like this poem.
Someone presented it as part of a project way back in the good ol' days of high school. Unfortunately, we were all graduating, so it was lost among the slew of "we are venturing on a new path" poems.
[flexes Google-fu]
Now if someone can just find me an mp3 of Frank Wiley's 1982 "Caverns for solo tuba (in three parts)."
Hm. What.CD doesn't seem to have it. That's unusual.
It's vanishingly unknown.
A search for "Frank Wiley" AND caverns returns one result: his Wikipedia page.
I found sheet music that one can purchase.
Worst comes to worst, you find a local tuba player and pay them to learn it :P
...or not. Huh. How'd that happen?
I heard it at a tuba recital at the local university, but I want it for my RPG ambient music collection.
Number 1 result: TSA List of Airports that Could be Subject to LASP
I also found a rather critical review, if you'd like.
> Most brass works tend to be of short duration, some mercifully so. The tuba solo Caverns by Frank Wiley was, to my ears, not quite short enough. Cleveland Orchestra principal Ronald Bishop bravely negotiated the assorted grunts and growls, but the work was little more than a boring collage of sonorities that must be more fun to play than to listen to.
I need some music for my game. Any of you happen to have any game music?
If you want specifics, you'll have to give us more details. We also have a tag!
Game music. You know what I am talking about don
t you
Generally main-site questions requesting specific music recommendations are considered too opinion-based, but there's good generic advice.
No, I honestly don't.
Do you sell them for free?
Are you running a medieval fantasy game? A futuristic cyberpunk game?
Do you want diegetic or non-diegetic music?
I am building my own horror game. I am also building my own space rpg game.
Diegetic music?
Diegetic sounds are sounds that actually come from the environment: if the characters are in a club, you play club music.
Non-diegetic sound is what the audience/players hear, but the characters don't, like rousing music during a fight scene.
non-diegetic music please.
What's the tone of the games? Happy and lighthearted, suspenseful, triumphant, a mix?
What's your budget and what medium do you want the music in? Do you want legally free-to-download music, or are you looking to purchase mp3s/CDs/etc? (I personally would refuse to give you any help in acquiring music illegally).
Are you a music dev?
I am not. I'm a GM who's spent nine years running games with ambient music.
Game Master right?
Crap I can't rem
I know SGM
I don
@BESW Oh well thats all you have to say then
So, general advice: look for films that capture the mood and ethos you want, and get their soundtracks. If you can't find/afford their soundtracks, find their track listings and plug the songs into a service like Pandora.
You may also find free ambient radio sites like SomaFM useful.
Well you have any experience with code and math along with graphic design? I am looking for some people to help out
@PsychO What is it you're looking to do?
LMMS would work for creating non-diegetic music?
@Emrakul MMO RPG games. Also looking to get some people to join me.
@PsychOPhobiA Surely, but that seems like a lot of work for background music in a tabletop session.
@PsychOPhobiA ...oh. This is the chat room for rpg.se, which is dedicated to tabletop RPGs, not computer-based ones.
I believe you're looking for Arqade (Gaming.SE)
Think Dungeons & Dragons, not World of Warcraft.
Table top rpg like paper rpg?
@PsychOPhobiA Aye.
Aye means??
Aye means yes.
If you're looking for music for a computer game, that's a totally different thing because it involves copyright and distribution laws.
Uh... oh
@BESW Did you want to help?
We thought you were asking for music to play at home while you run a pen-and-paper game with some friends.
@PsychOPhobiA Thanks for the offer, but it's not within my bailiwick.
@BESW Okay.
What is a bailiwick?
bail·i·wick: One's sphere of operations or particular area of interest.
You'll probably find the video game and video game development Stack Exchange sites more useful than we can be.
@BESW I am only asking you to run my games for bugs... I know GM's and SGM's do that alot
@PsychO You may find your offer to run against the casual customs of the Stack Exchange chat network.
I would advise you look into professional development services, rather than ask here.
@Emrakul :/ ? Uh.... okay
PDS lol like they going to help. They just going to brag for money.
Unless you've figured out how to design a video game with the Fate Core engine, or you're associated with Storium, I'm probably not your guy.
I use Blender and Python to do my game design stuff.
If you have specific questions for GameDev.SE or Gaming.SE, I'd advise asking there.
(If you've got a video game that uses Fate Core, you wouldn't even have to pay me.)
@BESW I ask for people who worry more on other things rather than mone
Other than assistance with specific questions, people casually chatting on the Stack Exchange network may be unlikely to jump on a long-term development setting. I would strongly encourage finding professional developers or asking for assistance elsewhere.
It's definitely not on-topic for this chatroom, though. Thanks for understanding!
Well gotta hit the road cya!
Good luck.
Seeya! Good luck with the project.
Q: Do we need both npc and villain tags in the same questions?

YosiYesterday I created the villain tag. I really think that it was needed. I feel that it is different enough from the npc tag in order to deserve a tag of its own. But I do have a little question, before I start to retag questions regarding villains with this tag. Do we need both npc and villain ta...

@BESW Have you read any of Fate Worlds?
@Emrakul Aye.
Not very closely, but I've skimmed the whole thing.
What'd you think?
(Mostly looking for mechanics I'd want to appropriate.)
A lot of it seemed kind of... I dunno, you know how people would complain that some D&D 3.5 splatbooks were too heavy on the fluff without much crunch?
(I got Worlds on Fire today from my LFGS, but haven't really had a chance to look through it)
Similar? Too many mechanics?
Not enough mechanics. Some of the settings felt like "Okay, I suppose that's a nice setting but I could run it without any modification to the core ruleset so why is it in this book?"
That's interesting. I'm mostly reading them to get a better sense of what does and doesn't work well in a Fate world, and a little less for mechanics.
I was hoping for examples of how to hack Fate to create mechanics that encourage/support particular concepts, and I often came away from a setting feeling like I had no new tools or greater understanding of the system.
Yeah, I mostly found the System Toolkit to be a boon for those ideas.
Aye, I'm considered ordering a solid copy of the FST.
It's always bothered me how Fate treats all weapons the same.
Did you see my mecha hack?
I'm still exploring the extent of the notion that you can say "X mechanic automatically fails/succeeds unless Y is true."
I mention it because my original use for the idea was to have wooden stakes kill vampires.
(Weapon differentiation.)
No consequences, just flat-out death?
Depends on how you want to run it, but my original concept was... [rummages]
Feb 13 at 7:43, by BESW
Cost: the vampire permanently loses all physical stress boxes.
Benefit: Because of my unholy toughness and reflexes, I am immune to all physical stress unless I am surprised by an attack with a wooden stake while a prayer is being recited. Exposure to sunlight deals me 2 shifts of stress each round at the start of my turn.
Because the vamp loses its stress track, it must take consequences or lose when staked.
The first idea that came to mind for me was to have continuous stress - vampire must roll against something like 4 or 5 shifts each round, or just dies at the end of the scene.
It spells inevitable death, but allows story development.
That's kinda cool, but really heavy on the ongoing bookkeeping (not inherently bad, but something I avoid like the plague).
That's true. That's a good point, though it doesn't last long, so I'm not sure how difficult it would be to track.
Anything I have to remember to do every round, especially if it involves a die roll...
I think it might be offset by the nature of the death.
It's another thing for me to remember, and it increases the length of the conflict. If I can figure out a quicker, easier way that's equally dramatic I will.
But... for sunlight it works.
Stakes, I think not, but I love the idea of a vamp running around in the sun burning.
Maybe rolling against +6?
(I'm thinking about Spike on Buffy running around under his trenchcoat, smoking.)
(Trenchcoat gives armor vs sunlight stress.)
Or even +7.
+7 gives the vampire at most 3 or 4 rounds to live, which is enough to give dramatic flair without just rolling on the ground going "I'm dyiiiing I'm dyiiiiiing"
Your average mook vamp should go up in a single turn, but a story-important vamp should be able to survive a couple rounds.
Mooks with their second stress box and a couple consequence boxes would be basically incapacitated by the initial +7.
(Unless there's a reason to invoke an aspect on them)
Iunno. I still like your system, though. It works in sunlight, too.
Yeah--it just forces consequences every turn.
Grittier, I guess.
Yeah. I mean, at that point, you hardly need to write the consequences in, really.
Just note that they're there.
Just a thought!
I need to sleep, though. It's 1:15 AM here, and I really should have gone down a while ago. >_>
3 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs [poke] Please edit this answer or provide your own as you see fit; you're more versed in SE policies than I am.
if there was tag inheritance it might make sense.
basically, villain being a child (or sub) tag of npc. Searching NPC would get villain, but not vice-versa
@BESW Seems fine; it occurred to me too there isn't a strong need for the villain tag
or, a thing that would put the [dnd-x] tags under [dungeons-and-dragons], and maybe that tag for the D&D 4e-specific meetups under [dnd-4e], and [spells] under [magic]
D&D tags are rather unique because D&D is weird.
the weird part is we wouldn't be able to put dungeons-and-dragons under d20
I say again: D&D is weird.
that statement will probably go uncontested
evidence of moderator censorship, get the pitchforks!
Don't feed the trolls.
Aren't I being the troll?
that sentence feels wrong somehow
@BESW One thing that bugs me about the [villains] tag is it's that villains are a very, very specific class of antagonist. The one that is pretty evil, and, y'know, villainous.
@JonathanHobbs Because English doesn't differentiate between permanent and temporary forms of "to be"?
> many NPCs are more nuanced than "allies/antagonists."
@BESW it's mainly the "aren't", but maybe I'm wordsed out today
True, you're using two forms of "to be" in one sentence.
Am I not being the troll?
now i am satisfied
[invents new contraction] "Amn't"!
@BESW that's buried in your talk about keeping the NPC tag :'( the first sentence of which, by the way, makes it sound like you think the guy's proposing baleeting the NPC tag altogether
i might take some edit to that bit
Aight, I'll see what I can do.
I'm doing an edit at the moment, but I'll paste it here first
Oh, okay. No, go ahead and just apply it.
I have just watched a lot of episodes of Rick and Morty, and as I'm reading things around the 'net, various things are occasionally just automatically taking on their voices
that particular meta question took on Morty's voice; reading your writing is taking on Rick's, haha.
@BESW I did an edit. Part of that was me attempting to replace the defensive "no no no no don't do that" vibe I was picking up on at the beginning with just a teaching kinda vibe.
also I expanded the mention if it being too random into what I think you meant by that
Aye, it's solid.
He always makes me think of the cheese man.
Ha! Who's that fellow?
Oh, from Buffy!
He appears in every major dream sequence in Buffy. With cheese slices.
I think my favourite moment is when he walks in with cheese slices on a platter, tells the dreamer "These will not help you," and leaves.
(Whedon's dream sequences in Buffy are really superb.)
I want to watch this show.
@trogdor Are you working this coming Saturday?
I might not be
@JonathanHobbs Alas, it's got a lot of iffy and questionable and weak bits between its moments of absolute brilliance.
I think I honestly won't go back in till the week after, but my parents might try to insist that I go back immediately.
I watched all seven seasons in a week when I was in bed with a fever, and I'm not sure I could've gotten through some of it in my right mind. The dialogue is always good, but the first season's got too many weak one-off episodic plots and seasons four through seven are... well, they get much much better in production values but the season plots get really stupid and some of the characterisations should not be.
Yeah I recall you saying it somehow hits a point halfway through where one important thing finally arrives and another important thing simultaneously drops away. Is that it? Plot quality vs production quality?
@trogdor It looks like we can do an all-afternoon-and-evening Geek Night that day.
With Ben, even.
@JonathanHobbs Aye. The last four seasons have some of the best single episodes but the season story arcs get tedious and sadistic.
ah, when does that start?
@trogdor "After lunch" ?
so prolly around 11-12
I figure I'll open the doors at 1 or so and people will just show up when they can.
ah ok
I get off at 2 even if I go in
@BESW Oh right :( That's terrible
and I might end up leaving earlier than that if I go in the week I get back
so either way it shouldn't be a big issue
@JonathanHobbs Partly it's Whedon Syndrome (if he's allowed to tell stories about the same people for long enough, he begins to rely too heavily on the "give someone we like what they want, then take it away brutally" plot).
yeah he does
it happens in Angel too
But also I think they wanted to move the show away from its "reverse the high school horror film tropes" but didn't have a strong enough sense of what to replace it with, except that Whedon really wanted to Say Things About How Awesome Strong Women Are.
The straw feminism in the last few seasons really bugs me.
heck, it even happens to one of the moderate-ly-reacurring villains in Angel, his souless-evil-self (when he loses it somehow temporarily).
I feel that I could now only re-watch Buffy while not feverish if I had a good riffing partner to mock it with.
Even my absolute favourite episode has a B plot with one of the most cringe-worthy characters.
Anyway. Sleep now. Goodnight!
Egh. Good morning.
also that
@Metool your clock's wrong
trogdor and I can both attest it's definitely night
@JonathanHobbs actually it is morning where I am now
but it is night where I am going in a few days
oh right!! You're abroad!
I stand overruled
so for me it is kinda both
in a little under a week I will be on your side of the planet again though
balance will be restored
\o/ hooray!
this side is where all the dragons should be after all
3 hours later…
@RedRiderX You and many others will be glad to know I've made the numbers more human readable. 1,234,567
Heh, that's always a plus :P
Might try working on a generic avatar today
@RedRiderX Cool. Oh, I wanna do quests related to internet shock sites, but it occurs to me that this would mean you'd have to study them to make images for them. How squeamish are you?
The idea would be to suggest the content without actually showing it. Like someone has done to Goatse here.
@DampeS8N Intriguing...
I honestly am offended by very little, what did you have in mind?
@RedRiderX classics like goatse, tubgirl, blue waffles, kids in the sandbox, the mac user, meatspin, so on.
With the boss probably being lemonparty.
I don't know if Lemonparty is worthy of being the boss or not...
How abstract were you thinking?
Like would blue waffle be a literal blue waffle attacking you?
@RedRiderX yes, it certainly could be.
@DampeS8N Ah I see...
An intriguing task...
@DampeS8N Hmm I can't even find mention of "the mac user"
Not familiar with that one.
@RedRiderX I really can't link to it, and the site seems to be defaced now anyway.
but if you google that plus .org you should be on the trail
@DampeS8N Heh good point
Not that anyone wants to see it. I think that one gets me the most out of all of them.
Aaaannyway. We should probably finish off the quests we have before adding new ones. I just wanted to see if this would be alright with you.
@DampeS8N Eh it should be fine for me
Hmm that is quite a mac user
I'm thinking that one will be Elmo wielding a spatula?
@RedRiderX indeed
@RedRiderX oh my
No not like that
Like... Elmo, if he was wielding a spatula
So, rather than doing all the bosses at once, which seemed logical, I want to instead do everything in a different order. More of a bang for the buck order. Because a lot of the bosses you see for like 1 second cause they have 1 hp.
1hp bosses?
@RedRiderX So the order of things to make I think should go something like this: avatar, Inn bg, red/green/blue/purple slimes, Runner, Cave bg, Hell bg, Mad Runner (boss), Brown/Golden pot, Slime Citizens, Hell's denizens, Overleveled monsters, cosby, dbz, whatever else. Other bgs.
@Zachiel There are 10 or so joke bosses that are really weak because you are a terrible person and just broke into their house or killed off their entire species or something.
@DampeS8N Ah I see
Good to know
Doesn't need to be that rigid, but that's a good overall way to hit the things people will end up seeing the most.
I'm starting to think I've made this cleric a little too smart
I have 4 skill points per level and I'm not sure I really want to give him that many knowledge ranks
Or be a diplomatic
@Zachiel You could always make him an expert on the minutia of things like how to run a castle, being a chef, or coin collecting.
If you are smart about it, you can turn your knowledge of any field into an advantage.
@DampeS8N I want to do it, but more like "I know how to run a military force. I need other people to tell me how to do the otheer things."
I was thinking which profession to take. Maybe some of the useful crafts would be nice
@Zachiel I assume we are talking Pathfinder? I've only ever found the professions, and knowledge skills for that matter, good for flavor and the occasional bonus to a roll. Very rarely as an early game way to make a little gold before adventuring... maybe.
@DampeS8N D&D 3.5
@Zachiel Probably even worse, though I've never DMed straight 3.5 for any length of time.
Is there something specific you want to get out of a profession or knowledge rank? If not, yeah, you probably are too smart.
For the characters, I'm thinking that they'll have that pseudo-profile that FF has.
and my environment is a little different. We actually play "in real time". So if you need to wait for months before getting a magic item powered up, you really need to wait. At the same time, you don't go out adventuring every day so there's downtime.
I'm the kind of guy that would cram all ways of making money on a character, even if it was 1cp against the 1000gp he earns daily
My +6 to all abilities belt will be ready on Sep 22. Roleplaying Cha 8 when I was used to Cha 12 is almost painful XD
@RedRiderX where they are facing their opponent but have their body turned in a 3/4 view?
@DampeS8N Yep
@RedRiderX ok, just remember that the enemies are on the opposite side in Level Up. hehe
Heh right well we can just flip the sprites as well :P
@RedRiderX True enough.
Hey howdy
Proportions still very much up in the air, any feedback?
@RedRiderX I was expecting more of a chibi form factor, 2-4 heads high. But it might grow on me. I'd like to try to keep a sense of scale too, so don't feel the need to have the guy fill the whole 140x140 frame, only huge bosses should probably do that.
@DampeS8N Yeah after some other feedback I realized I should be going way more chibi
The scale is another good point
Though I think I'll try to keep all sprites within the 70px bounds and then scale up.
Second revision.
I'm thinking we need a little bit more chib still
Third revision
It's a fine line between to big and too small but I think I'm getting there.
True Slime King for scale
That seems about right
Hmm now for some equipment...
I'm thinking something like this:
Initial highlighting
Could use some work
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