@lila oopsie, I may have already added an answer or two from this user to the list. Not the obviously very low quality ones, though. I just went through all new answers to old questions a few hours ago.
I scroll up until I need to click "load older messages" too see more, and the oldest message is not older than 24h ago; a few months ago I could scroll up a few days or weeks ago without needing to click "load older messages".
@lila Out of the blue conversation twist - I have a weird question for you: do you ever sleep? It seems like you're always on Pets SE. I'm semi-serious.
@Nai54 Hahahaha not many chat messages have ever made me so genuinely chuckling like I am right now :D about a week or two ago, someone referred to how I always say "hi" in the chat day after day and asked whether I am a bot :D I have grown to treat Pets SE (both Q&A and this chatroom) as my little garden that I am taking care of, so asking whether I ever sleep is adorably flattering in this context :D I sleep normally actually, the reason I appear to be here ...
@Nai54 ...at all times is that a) I always have chat and Q&A tabs visible virtually anytime I am online, so I immediately see any new activity and b) because of the c*vid and some other things, I am at home most of the time.
Interesting... but how can we know you're a person ;) I mean, you are active every hour (at least) and it is true that you do say hi a lot. Even if you claim to be real, that's what a bot would say so... ;)
Oh fish, including sushi... it has always been fascinating me how they often say that meat of ________ tastes "like chicken"... mammals, avians, amphibians... but fish meat has this distinct fishy taste, you just cannot mistake it for anything else most of the time. And fat fish meat tends to be the healthiest of all fat meat out there. It is a shame how these benefits are partially nullified because a lot of people apparently think that seas and oceans are like...
...black holes that could take anything and dilute it into nothingness... but they are not, and all the barrels with nasty chemicals are sitting there, like those at the bottom of Baltic Sea, slowly corroding and poisoning the water and bioaccumulating in aquatic life, including fish.
@Nai54 I actually like tuna, but haven't eaten it in ages because tuna is a giant fish and bioaccumulates so much nasty chemicals, only shark and whale meat is worse in this regard. I like white fish but they are a bit bland, salmon is my favourite. I know of an instance of the actor (Jeremy Piven) who got serious mercury poisoning because of eating sushi on daily basis for a few years.
@Nai54 I have tried some canned salmon, for example in oil with citrus pepper (sorry I don't know the English name of this spice) and considering that salmon is my favourite - it was technically okay but tasted a bit off, all canned food tastes weird for me in general but fish tend to suffer the most in terms of their organoleptic value; the "fishy" aroma often gets too strong and overrides any other subtle positive qualities of the meat.
Actually yeah. It basically went like: 1) Join pmse chat 2) "Haha wow that's sad. I wonder if anyone ever uses any chats? If anything I'd bet IPS would." 3) Check IPS chat 4) "Wow yep."
I know that there is a type of "critical mass" phenomenon, it is because on the main SE chat search you could sort chat rooms by number of people in the room, and once you reach x people in the room, then more new people are likely to join because it is displayed on the front.
@Sarov A week or two ago you asked a few questions on chat, I answered them but forgot to tell you: that was definitely appreciated, I consider your questions to actually be an important turning point in terms of rejuvenating this chat's activity, serious!
Getting late here and I have to get up early again (urgh...). Time to recharge the human battery! It’s been a pleasure tonight! Until next time, g’night!
Well, it's been super nice to chat with you all! I probably should get around to work that I have to do. See you all later on various sites and chat rooms over the SE Network!
@Sarov Haha the idea is bright but I think it cannot be practical, cells need steady direct current to charge and electric fish produce electricity in the form of violent short "bursts" or "snaps" as far as I know, I think attempting to charge an accumulator with electric eel would be like using dynamite sticks as fuel in furnace for heating a house.