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Steffan153 created branch Vyxal/groupby
Steffan153 opened PR #1052 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:groupby → Vyxal:main): Fix group by
Imagine only being on item 4 smh :p
im not usually on this late, staying up for meteor shower
Tf you mean "meteor shower"? What kind of plumbing do you have?
Why would you want to clean yourself with hot rocks?
Doesn't make sense I say!
why would you ever not clean yourself with hot rocks
^ kills all the germs
got something similar to vyxal for testing: TestHelper.assertTopEquals("@[1|2|3@]", "[1|2|3]")
ooh nice
maybe github actions can automate the tests then
and yes, i have list open/close digraphs :P
nothing wrong with that - #[ and #] in v3
and #>, #< for variables in v3
that allows ⟨⟩→← to be deleted from the non-SBCS codepage, meaning it'd be a 252-character-set
you have 2 codepages...?
17 hours ago, by lyxal
Maybe we delete 2-5 characters from the code page and use EmanresuA's idea
i think he just means the codepage is no longer an sbcs
16 hours ago, by lyxal
What if the normal SBCS version gets compiled to a bytestring?
read ^ discussion, makes no sense to me
Jan 20 at 4:08, by emanresu A
Cursed idea: Have a 255-byte codepage so where we normally would tie, we score slightly less
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 20 at 4:29, by emanresu A
2 hours ago, by Bubbler
A bit, a trit, ... has information density of 1 bit, log3/log2 bits, ... so having a cell that can store > 256 states will cost more than a byte
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 20 at 4:29, by emanresu A
So having a cell that can store less than 256 states will cost less than a byte
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 20 at 4:57, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
-0.006 bytes thanks to @emanresuA
that's the context
basically, it's a way to go fractional while maintaining a SBCS option
fractional byte counts would be opt-in instead of opt-out
which tbh is how it should be done
so part of the codepage would be fractional?
the way bytes are stored internally would be fractional
so each character would be 252/256th of a byte
So something that was previously 11 bytes might be 10.828125 bytes instead
that should be enough to stay competitive with any future fractional byte language
But it would also make everyone hate us
Which is why it was a joke
4 mins ago, by lyxal
fractional byte counts would be opt-in instead of opt-out
meaning you'd use it only if there were other fractional byte counts in play
@emanresuA but it does make for good future-proofing though
The only thing it’ll have an edge over will be non-fractional langs
Whose use will hate us
so then how could it be made to have an edge over fractional langs
we have the chance to collectively innovate the next generation of golfing, so why not take it?
ah i get it
Lyxal merged PR #1052 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:groupby → Vyxal:main): Fix group by
Lyxal deleted branch Vyxal/groupby
5 hours later…
CMQ: What is your least favourite thing about Vyxal (the language), and what would you do to change/improve it?
The lack of certain useful builtins, and the existence of others
Which ones are lacking?
The only one I can think of right now is vL as a single byte
2 hours later…
the core functions list now has 317 items
come forth and either a) add more, b) identify duplicates or c) leave feedback as to why some of the things there are stupid or horrible
because there's a non-zero chance some of the things I added are not very good for golf
reject by element is basically an inverse filter?
that's right
the opposite of '...; currently
except it's a modifier too
like ~
like ~
V3 Element suggestion: camelCase
is it an element worthy enough?
digraph probably
whats monadic min/max?
as in min/max of a list?
but isn't that normal min, max?
also negated filter. isnt it the same as reject by element
@lyxal Regarding #312 ([[a, item] for item in b]), there could instead be a more general pair element that vectorizes
And also a paior element that doesn't vectorize, although I suspect that's already on the list
The folds and scans need multidimensional versions. There should also be reduces like that
@lyxal I'm shopping around for more lightweight libraries for symbolic math than galileo and symja. What's the least amount of symbolic math Vyxal needs to support?
Is it just solving polynomials and finding derivatives of polynomials?
Because Spire looks really nice but it doesn't really do symbolic math
If it's just linear and quadratic stuff, Optimus can handle that
@user Does this example try to find x and y satisfying the equation -2x + 5x with 100 < x < 200 and 80 < y < 170?
not like that
It maximizes -2x+5y given the constraint y>=-x+200
and add(y >:= -x + 200)?
That is the constraint y>=-x+20
oh, then what are 100, 200 and 80, 170?
@mathcat I guess those are what you said here, 100 < x < 200 and 80 < y < 170
@user just make a symbolic math library on top of that ez
Yeah I honestly considered that
oh lol
Spire does have stuff to find roots of polynomials
Only thing is that solving equations and integrating stuff is really hard
But idk if Vyxal even needs that
No golfing language other than maybe MATL would even have anything like that
Spire can even find derivatives of polynomials
The more I look at it the more I like it
Docs are here if you want to take a look
You can use java modules is scala, right?
Not in Scala.JS :(
Which is why using Symja and Galileo will be problematic - both are compiled into JVM bytecode rn
@user looks good
We can fork Galileo and make it target JS, of course
@user oh
Q: Use Java Library in Javascript

S.B.WredeI am planning a project where I will develop bots for Agar.io by using the NEAT algorithm, which is implemented in Java (this is called ANJI). I will use the open-source Agar.io server called Ogar, which is implemented in Javascript. The Javascript implementation should communicate with the Java ...

CMP: What math features does Vyxal need?
- Integration of arbitrary expressions? Integration of just polynomials?
- Derivatives of arbitrary expressions? Derivatives of just polynomials?
- Solving arbitrary systems of equations? Solving systems of equations with just polynomials?
- Solving nonlinear systems of differential equations? Solving just systems of linear differential equations?
afaik just solving eqautions and roots of a polynomial
Seggan merged PR #4 (Vyxal/Myxal) (Vyxal:dyad-no-stack → Vyxal:main): Add specific code for dyads to take 2 args instead of stack
cgccuser deleted branch Myxal/dyad-no-stack
thank you
1 hour later…
also i just realized vyxal is not this: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6918/…
I read that as "What programming languages have been created by CGCC user?"
I didn't know user was that popular
@Seggan Vyxal isn't a programming language created by a CGCC user?
yes it is
> i just realized vyxal is not this
I'm having trouble interpreting that
i meant in this
Oh ok
too late to edit oof
You could post it then
Or have @lyxal do it
well lyxal created it soo
5 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino Bot dead, again.
Steffan153 opened PR #1053 (Vyxal/Vyxal) (Vyxal:main → Vyxal:production): Update Production (5/31/2022)

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