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@AaroneousMiller I won't be able to post the next cop for a while because I'll be a little busy today with an assignment
still not the right solution?
no you basically got it but I've got one last trick I'm working on
ooh, can't wait
well you'll have to wait
because I literally just told you I won't be able to post it for a while ;p
1 hour later…
yo how do i run a txt file containing vyxal code? i cloned the github and then i ran the vyxal.py file but it just brings up the repl
vyxal.py filename.vy
also, make sure you use version 2.4.1
ah that might be the problem
because version 2.5.x is very buggy, and the version from the fresh beginnings branch is our WIP rewrite
how can i clone that one?
with git
download the source from here: github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/releases/tag/v2.4.1
ok that might work ill try it
also, 2.4.1 is the version the online interpreter uses, so at this stage, 2.4.1 is the recommended version to use
also, @Hydrazer welcome to Vyxal ;P (usually, there's a bot that greets people the first time they arrive here, but it's dead at the moment)
I hope you enjoy your stay :)
where can i find the flags
use the h flag
wait i found it in the vyxal.py file
what does that flag do? i couldn't find it in the file
it's the "help" flag lol
it just lists all the possible flags
oh that would be nice
	H	Preset stack to 100
	j	Print top of stack joined by newlines on end of execution
	L	Print top of stack joined by newlines (Vertically) on end of execution
	s	Sum/concatenate top of stack on end of execution
	M	Make implicit range generation start at 0 instead of 1
	m	Make implicit range generation end at n-1 instead of n
	Ṁ	Equivalent to having both m and M flags
	v	Use Vyxal encoding for input file
	c	Output compiled code
	f	Get input from file instead of arguments
	a	Treat newline seperated values as a list
that's the list of all flags
by default it prints the top item on stack?
!!/run `Hello, World!`
@lyxal Hello, World!
!!/run 1 2 3 4 5
@lyxal 5
Like that
do you know what happened to tio.run seems like they haven't added a language in 2 years
That's because Dennis hasn't been around for a few years due to personal health problems
most languages have become stale on tio.run, hence why people have been creating alternatives
ok good to know
Redwolf is creating RTO (run this online), Pxeger is creating ATO (attempt this online), Bubbler is creating TIB (try in browser)
but all these clones are useless because they don't have the supreme language that is vyxal ;P
Although Bubbler said Vyxal might get added to TIB if he ever adds RustPython, so who knows?
We had a user post 4 Vyxal answers within a few days, and then just dropped off the site. They were so close to getting the bounty, too. :(
Inb4 they post the 5th just before the 30 day window closes
lol let’s hope so
@Hydrazer it took me a bit to find it, but this explains it: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/53428659#53428659
@AaroneousMiller o/
@VyxalBot bruh just let me make jokes at ur expense come on dude
@AaroneousMiller no
Hey guys if we get vyxal to 100 stars we can get a free logo made for us: librelogos.org
Actually we can claim a logo from that site as ours
Once we reach 100 stars that is
Because that's the eligibility criteria
That's just something to consider
Like obviously we already have the multicoloured X, but that's just some cool that I found today
oh that's cool
2 hours later…
for a second i thought
that hydrazer is
hyper's sock
presumably because of the 2 letter prefix overlap between the two usernames
3 hours later…
@AaroneousMiller @emanresuA 248 my best and final: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/236174/78850
5 hours later…
We should do hacktoberfest
@Hydrazer Welcome to the Vyxal chat room! Type !!/help for my list of commands, and !!/info for info about Vyxal!
is the regex module needed? or can we change the vyxal.py file to use re instead?
are there examples where re wouldn't work or re is worse
regex has more capabilities, I believe. I think this was discussed before, lemme find what was said
Why use re instead, though? Is regex slower or smth?
idk it's not a dependency on piston and some people don't see any reason to add it
ok don't worry about it it's good now
Oh I see, it occasionally does have problems. They do claim to offer more functionality, but perhaps we could do without it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@lyxal ^^^^^^ Can we get by without regex?
@lyxal I’m not sure if I’ll have time to work on it over the weekend but I’ll get to it when I can
I don’t think anybody really responded the first time it was mentioned, so I’ll propose it again and pin it so we can talk about it:
CMP: Should we participate in Hacktoberfest?
I think it would be a great idea, and it would be a lot of fun to get other people to check Vyxal out and work on it.
Sep 21 at 13:43, by lyxal
Essentially, free advertising and forced labour
Yes, absolutely
6 hours later…
@AaroneousMiller I'd be fine with it, but I feel like we'd need a bit of preparation/discussion on how we would want to handle it
@user there was a reason why I specifically switched to the regex library, and it was to do with some sort of regex parsing, but I don't remember what it was
If we can get away with just using re in the rewrite, then of course, we'll just use re
Makes sense
Back on the topic of hacktoberfest: before actually adding the tag to the repo and spreading the word, we'd have to make sure that the steps for contributing are clear
Because things like the difference between fresh beginnings and the transpiler branch may not be clear
We'd have to link contributors here, and we'd need an email/place for <20 rep users to request access to chat
And we'd also have to clearly explain what the rewrite actually is
If anyone would like to get a start on one of those things, that'd be appreciated
@AaronMiller @Allxy @Ausername @Milk @PyGamer0 @Wansen @emanresuA @exedraj @hyper-neutrino @math @pxeger @user ^
!!/ping me
@lyxal I have put you on the ping list.
@lyxal I'd suggest having an email and a place on Github itself (an issue where people can comment, perhaps?) to make it a little easier
Not all would feel comfortable emailing strangers
Good point

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