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Q: What is the meaning of “the drumstick” in this novel by John Galsworthy?

avxI'm translating a novel by John Galsworthy, A Stoic, written at the beginning of the 20th century (full text on Project Gutenberg), and I've come across this peculiar use of the word “drumstick”: She is obviously always ringing for "the drumstick," and saying: "Where's this, Ellen, and where's...

3 hours later…
"Adam & Eve: first ones to ignore Apple terms & conditions" (Twitter)
Serendipity: The Matrix and the Alice Books by Voicu Mihnea Simandan "presents aspects of intertextuality in the motion picture The Matrix and the books Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.".
2 hours later…
@verbose Don't forget to check for anything else that might need editing while you're in there retagging. Fun fact: inline tag edits of old posts don't count towards an Archaeologist badge, but clicking the main "edit" button to make changes (even if all you edit is tags) does.
So ... I've been leading efforts on both of my mod sites' metas to audience-customise close reason texts. I started on Science Fiction & Fantasy because it's a bigger site with a more active meta, and I assumed I'd get more feedback there, more useful rephrase suggestions which I might be able to learn from and bring here.
Little did I know that it'd actually be the opposite, I'd get more useful feedback here to use in improving the texts there. Many thanks to the awesome @bobble and @verbose!
I gather you saw my comment on the meta answer
@bobble Thanks, that's brilliant! I really didn't expect it to be possible to cram all that info into 500 characters. Edited to match your version with some more small changes. — Rand al'Thor ♦ 10 secs ago
The big trick was combining two sentences
Scratch, that three sentences. Though the first two don't count
I had stuck the two sentences about alternative tags together and was starting at it for a while it figure out how to cut more
I just significantly edited the "post owner guidance" part, phrasing the same things in a more sleek and efficient way, and managed to squeeze in a link to chat. Many thanks to @bobble on the sister site for help with shortening the text of a similar close reason there, which enabled me to do the same here. — Rand al'Thor ♦ 11 secs ago
^ adapted your text for SFF, with appropriate site-specific changes (shorter tag names, "fictional universe" rather than "series", more emphasis on "are there any" being off-topic)
Do you want to try to sneak in a note about "are there any" to our reason?
I thought about it, but that's more important for SFF (where there was a big meta relatively recently specifically to clarify that part of the site scope) than for Lit (where the only meta against "are there any" questions has a relatively weak consensus).
More important to get the chat link in?
I'd say yes, definitely.
uh, if I have someone ignored, should their message (last one in another room I'm in) still be showing up on the side-bar as the last message from that room?
not sure what the expected behavior is
I've essentially given two different answers in one answer on the 'drumstick question'. Would it be better etiquette to turn it into two separate answers? and If so, would it be better to delete the original completely such that any votes reflect which answer people think is more accurate?
If both answers stand alone and are significantly different, then yes, splitting would probably be best. Not sure on the etiquette of editing half out of original and posting one new answer vs. deleting original and posting two new answers.
@Spagirl Depends. Two or more different interpretations can certainly fit in one answer if they're clearly demarcated (example).
Cheers guys, perhaps I'll leave it for now, but if any comments appear on it bewailing confusion I'll consider splitting it down.
Votes can always be reversed after a post is edited, so I wouldn't overthink it w.r.t. "votes reflect which answer people think is more accurate", at least in cases where there aren't many votes already.
@bobble Dunno; I don't use the chat ignore tool.
Q: Ignored users still appear in the 'other rooms you're in' message preview

rlemonWell it might not be a huge issue to some (I suppose it depends on how you use the chat system) but when I "Ignore this user everywhere", their messages still appear on the sidebar for the 'other rooms you're in' if they say something. Albeit I can ignore this feature and the text within it, I ju...

4 messages deleted
Can I post grammar questions here?
What do you mean by grammar questions?
English grammar questions can go on English Language Learners, a site dedicated for Q&A at a learner's level about the English language
There's a few sites where grammar questions might be on-topic, depending on the question. This site (Literature) takes questions about grammar constructions in context, like how some passage of a story makes sense. There's also English Language & Usage and English Language Learners, sites for (respectively) advanced linguistic discussions and basic grammar help in English.
Ok not an issue can I post Reading Comprehension type questions here?
What do you mean by that?
Like a set of questions following a comprehension...That is what I am asking..
What is "a comprehension"?
What does "following a comprehension" mean?
If there's a passage in a story or book that you're having trouble understanding, then you might ask about it here.
(note: "here" means "on the main site, as a question" NOT "in chat")
Maybe the answers would involve some basic English grammar construction (in which case English Language Learners would also help), or maybe they would involve some analysis of literary context.
@bobble yes
@Bookworm drum roll, please: this question is HNQ'ed
I like that we can be a helpful resource for people translating a piece of literature who need to understand the exact meaning of some word or phrase in context.
This OP has also been good about listening to feedback in comments
I also like that that user (avx) seems to have figured out the difference between Lit and ELL, and is posting their questions appropriately each one on the right site. With the possible exception of their very first question about "the least bit", but hey, we all have a learning curve.
I found somewhere that a/an used along with root word refer to without..
That's not a complete sentence and I can't understand what you're saying
What is meant by Anarchy
Looks like there may be a language (/cultural?) barrier at play here.
when An is being referred to as a prefix word?
"-archy" is a suffix, meaning "a type of government". "an" as a prefix means "no", so together they mean "no government".
Thanks a lot what about antonyms?
The prefix here is "anti-" (meaning not/opposite?) with the "i" removed.
Also, this isn't really the chat for this, I think
Actually I am an unemployed person preparing for an exam..
Would someone mind if I post English questions here?
("-onym" is also a suffix, meaning a type of word, essentially.)
I need slight guidance and help.
I feel this room is more active.
Why can't you look this kind of information up yourself? "etymology of antonym" as Google Search brings up a bunch of useful results
having sharp quality in smells and taste; bitter or burning to the senses; bitter in temper or manner
What is meant by sharp quaity
Google cannot answer this.
I'm leaving for now as I have no interest in answering chat questions about grammar. Posting as proper questions to the proper site, after demonstrating research, would be better.
I'd advise you try posting some questions on English Language Learners.
The room is too quiet.
Would you mind answering me there?
Not the chat, the main site.
These things require a more user friendly approach
The main site is not good for the same..
Also I can post only once in 40 mins..
I am struggling with eunemployment in the competitive market..
Maybe few of ypou can help me out.
@RajorshiKoyal ...unsure what you mean. Why isn't the main site good for it? That's... kinda what the point of the ELL site is.
Very quiet chat
@Mithical Do I create a room and add you there?
I'm still not understanding what posting on their main Q&A site has to do with a quiet chat,
I can post only once in 40 mins..
My questions are easier and more frequent.
Can you tell me this,"having sharp quality in smells and taste; bitter or burning to the senses; bitter in temper or manner"
What is meant by sharp quality?
Atleast I was getting replies here
Please have some mercy otherwise I do not think I will land up with a job
Q: How was the free-born Englishman prevented from taking his ease in his inn in 1922?

Ahmed SamirIn The Markenmore Mystery (1922) by J. S. Fletcher, Blick, a detective who had booked rooms at "Sceptre Inn", which belonged to Grimsdale, was cheerful after reaching an important conclusion. Arrived at this conclusion, Blick felt somewhat cheerful. He refilled and lighted his pipe, put his hand...

@RajorshiKoyal Sorry, but unfortunately it's not the role of SE to help you get a job. Asking other people to coach you in English, for free, in chat is a bit much, I think.
I am asking only for some help like what iss meant by sharp quality
That is all.
Typically sharp quality in smells.I really am not able to relate.
I do not think this is off topic at all.
Meaning number 8 of "sharp" here may help.
Btw @Mithical your answer on archy was fantastic I was so very well able to relate with monarchy and how governance is related to this.
Ok relating to this can you help me with the root word in acerbic?
The general word for the origin of words and where their different parts come from is etymology. If you're interested in the structure of a word and how its parts (morphemes) combine to give the whole meaning, you can try searching the web for <your word> etymology. For example, a Google search for "acerbic etymology" brought me immediately to this page.
Note that I'm trying to give you some general principles for getting the information you want, so that you don't need to keep asking very many very small questions.
2 hours later…
sneaks back in
Sorry, critical fail. Sneaking doesn't work very well when you announce it. Try improving your Dex stat.
which character? :P
Astrid has -1 to Dex and Tifer has +4
or are you talking about me
because I have like -2 to sneaking and +10 to hiding in cabinets
you must improve your Blortness
Well Blort is just crazy sneaky
in PSE D&D Chatroom, Feb 25 at 11:37, by Graylocke
Your perception is +8 and you would still start at a disadvantage to see yourself coming
3 hours later…
@Randal'Thor I recently noticed I hit 10k network-wide (by getting a chat-flag notification) :D
1 hour later…
@Spagirl I've done both (on other Stack Exchange sites). If I had all the information when I was first answering I would usually post one answer with something like a paragraph starting with "On the other hand..." presenting a different, or opposing, argument. When adding the other side at a later time, though, I would usually post it as a separate answer since the first answer had already been viewed and voted upon.
@bobble Congrats.
If I stick around for a bit longer I may reach a network milestone as well.
That's the one.
Unfortunately, they don't send wag for 100k network rep...
Well it will be a while before I get it on an individual site.
@Mithical nor swag, I fear
Nearly hafway there on one...
@bobble *wags tail*
be careful 'round dragon tales, though...
@Alex Unfortunately, my closest site is MSE...
So all you need is to be the first to post on the next 2019esque network scandal. Should get you a few thousand upvotes.
And this time question votes are worth twice as much.
Though it was retroactive, so not such a difference.
@Alex I mean... I did already
@Mithical Now post that he was rehired. See if it gets even more upvotes.

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