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@Randal'Thor heyyyy vegan private beta
@Riker huh?
there's a vegan/vegetarian private beta now
as of 5 min ago
@Riker oooooh
private beta right now though
my fiancée might be interested in that
@DForck42 I can email you an invite link?
brb, let me know though if you want me to
@Riker ehh, i'llsee if she's interested later
ah ok
hm the css is down on the site for me <shrug>
is this link borked for anyone else? the css is broken for me
Er, what's a css?
the thing that makes websites look cool
Wait. The sites here are supposed to look cool? ;)
@steelersquirrel css is short for cascading style sheet, it's basically code that determines the look and feel of a site
@Riker Not for me.
Also, @Riker, can you link that review thing again please? I can do it now.
@DForck42 Ahhhh...okay! <enlightened squirrel>
@steelersquirrel lol
@Mithrandir it's back
@Mithrandir cool 1 sec
@steelersquirrel lol I didn't have time to explain was washing dog, glad you now know
@steelersquirrel probably worth mentioning that almost all websites consist of HTML, CSS and Javascript; knowing those three languages is enough to create pretty much anything
i learned basic javascript last week
i can make a modal
what did you know before?
c# and sql
was it ES6 or ES5?
its whatever W3school taught me
@Himarm w3schools is bad
now I'm worried it was ES4
+1 for MDN
maybe if their site showed up when you googled
but they dont
w3 does
this is a general problem with almost all informational sites
the places that focus on actually being informative and not spamming you with a million ads do not get the highest rankings
well they do a nice step by step intro of everything anyway
and i just copy pasted all the shit i needed for work
yeah w3 is enough to get stuff working
I asked a stupid question on Mythology instead.
it's just nowhere near as good as MDN, or gasp an actual book
@Riker Cool, it opened up some queues dor me
yeah, it does that automatically and will run in the background
@Ixrec debatable
@DForck42 most attempts to phrase that statement more accurately would quickly run into "omg wall of words I don't know not reading that"
@Ixrec "with these three technologies you can do a lot of stuff and create some interesting websites"
yeah, that's an improvement
I would argue, though, that the most interesting websites tend to be data driven, which isn't covered in those three at all
@Ixrec Only the client side. They're not enough to create the server side parts.
I can't tell if I tried too hard by saying that thing at all or too little by saying only that one thing and not appending another paragraph of qualifications
@Ixrec nah, we're just pedantic a-holes
and now for something completely different
user image
Skooba + steelersquirrel?
@Ixrec @steelersquirrel
@Ixrec Very cute wholesome family image.
@Ixrec Hehehe! Awwwww!!!!
@HDE226868 but is it a meme?
I did not intend it as a meme, but I assume Death of the Author applies to random posts on the internet
@DForck42 Edited.
(now for some on-topic pedantry about how I misused that term!)
@HDE226868 lol
Yes. If it's a meme, you will burn in hell for posting it in here ;)
so, there's a word that describes when someone says something and you intestinally take an alternative meaning to it because of the ambiguity of the statement
and I can remember what it's called
@steelersquirrel Nah. Only on Thursdays.
@DForck42 Misrepresent comes to mind, but that's a bit different.
@HDE226868 Hehehe!
@HDE226868 yeah, it was a neat term
misconstrue? I don't think that one implies doing it on purpose either but it sounds cooler


To clarify, spiders are not on-topic here. Ever
Emrakul needs one more vote.
A: Accepting nominations — Who should moderate this site?

Mithrandir Notes: This nominee would be a good choice because they have shown themselves to be a good moderator over at Puzzling, and has shown themselves to be active in helping with the moderation on this site. They are also active on main Meta, which is always good in a mod :) Emrakul is also qu...

for what?
For a Good Answer badge for me :P
@Mithrandir Oh look, there are new candidates
@Mithrandir lol
@b_jonas Are there more than 10 now?
@Mithrandir 2 more to double my score
@Mithrandir No.
Okay, so no new ones since I last checked. Which is good - too may competitors ;)
Herro folks.
I am sooooo ready to just plop down and sleep...
What time is it there?
Here? It's 3:53
@Mithrandir 2:53pm
But I just finished my last exam for my semester :D
@Zizouz212 nice!
So I'm kinda tired by default
It's 22:54 according to my computer. I don't even use 24 hour time.
Somewhere in Europe?
Maybe. Perhaps not.
Same continent, sort of.
That's a seven hour difference...
Somewhere along the Germany line.
@Zizouz212 Me too! I'm barely staying awake at work today!
Maybe you were thinking too much about that conversation :P
@Mithrandir 12:57 pm
@Mithrandir Middle East? Somehow I wrote a final Geography exam today...
@steelersquirrel Ooh, that's west coast!
@steelersquirrel Working night shift?
@Zizouz212 Yep!
@Mithrandir No. I'm at work until 11pm, not over night today :)
Out of curiosity, what do you do?
@Zizouz212 The languages should give the final country.
@Zizouz212 She's an ICU nurse
@Mithrandir I'm too tired to read! Oh. I'm guessing Israel :)
Correct :P
Doesn't show the info? :(
@steelersquirrel Wow :)
It's an important job for a squirrel ;)
my whole family thinks I'm a genius when it comes to math
i'm not, i'm just decent with it
Lucky you
I'm not bad, just lazy.
Speaking of which, it's time for my rounds. See you guys :)
@steelersquirrel byeeeee
See you :)
@Mithrandir [wave] I've been to your country twice.
@BESW Nice! Did you enjoy it?
Oh, yes. 'course, I was there for religious reasons, so that definitely coloured my experience.
@BESW Which?
I'm a Bahá'í. Went once for pilgrimage and once for the international convention.
Q: Should we have a "comic relief" tag?

Vixen PopuliIn my first question on the site, I created the tag comic-relief. It was edited out, because a user thought it wasn't needed. The edit comment was "I've really on the fence about this, but it's a not needed IMO, so I'm nuking it". I could edit it back in, but I'd rather ask what the communi...

(that wasn't sarcastic)
@BESW but I have no idea what that means
@DForck42 Which part?
@BESW Bahá'í
It's a faith.
The Baha'i Faith is an independent worldwide religion. Monotheistic, part of the Abrahamic group, primarily focused on unity and equality...
Woah, when did that magnifying glass appear in the review stats? @Riker did that happen because of the script?
what about it?
Anyway, unless someone asks a question that I can answer, I'm heading up. Migh pop back on my phone though.
@BESW ahh ok
Re: international fiction, MedievalPOC's fiction week has already recommended speculative fiction anthologies about the Ramayana, from Filipino-Chinese authors, and from a variety of post-colonial authors around the world.
@Mithrandir omg I just got the phantom 2 rep also
not in my /repuation, but I have it and it shows on my profile
That probably means a question on which you downvoted two answers got deleted.
(Or a post you made which got one downvote was deleted.)
can't be
it's a private beta, first day
and I know I got it from an edit
@Riker For a moment I thought you meant you'd got 2 rep for phantom42.
But since he has literally no activity here other than a few comments on my nomination on meta, that wouldn't make sense.
@Riker that's exactly what happened to me o_o check your profile - does it show up as for a specific post?
Note to self: it is almost one am. Go to bed.
Q: Please be more diligent in reviewing tag wiki edits

fi12I've noticed several newly created tags have very poorly-made tag wiki edits. One such example is that of the irony tag. The tag wiki (as of now) is For questions regarding the concept of irony. This is a standard textbook case of a circular definition. In this case, the tag wiki should be ...

The librarian is annoyed about our organization system.
Surprised the readers aren't complaining about it yet.
*resisting closing eyes*
I've noticed @Riker and @Beastly approving quite a few of those bad tag wiki edits. Could you two please review the list of rejection reasons for suggested edits to tag wikis, and be a bit more strict about bad ones?
I ninja'd you, but yours is better. +1
I'm too slow :(
Yours is hood too. Better than mine
Okay, my eyes are literally closing now. Ciao!
Night @Mithrandir!
Sweet dreams :)
@Randal'Thor Just wondering, what did you mean when emphasizing the second point?
@Zizouz212 Your example tag wiki excerpt for should probably be rejected under the "lacks usage guidance" reject reason.
> Simply defining what a [tag] is rarely helps those using it unless the tag's name itself is ambiguous. Excerpts should describe why and when a tag should be used.
Yeah, but what would you suggest as an example?
Well, a simple example would be what Hamlet, Mith, and I were talking about in comments: for an author tag, make sure to say in the excerpt that that tag can be used both for questions about the author themselves and for questions about any of their works.
My standard format for those is:
> For questions about the author So-and-so or about any of their literary works.
I think Benjamin has a different format he normally uses.
What about in the context of irony?
I can't think of a good tag wiki excerpt for that one atm.
At this point I would probably reject any edit to that tag, on the grounds that we don't have a clear usage guidance for it yet.
No, just curious because I was thinking about your comment, and then I was wondering how that could apply to tags such as irony.
I suggested an edit to the tag btw :)
One custom wiki-edit rejection reason I've used quite a bit here is "There's no community consensus on usage guidance for this tag yet. Let's not prescribe before we can describe."
Usage guidance as in a specific post for how to use the tag?
@Zizouz212 I saw :-) I struggled with whether or not to approve it, since it's undoubtedly a major improvement over the existing excerpt, but in the end (with that meta post fresh in my mind) I went for the strict approach.
@Zizouz212 Not necessarily a meta post. Just seeing how the tag is actually getting used on questions can be enough.
Yeah, that's fair :)
I figured eh, I basically just made an excerpt in that answer. I'll just put it up
@BESW has a buzzword for this idea. Something like "emergent folksonomy".
@Randal'Thor Okay. That makes sense :)
Wait, I never knew you could see reviews without being a reviewer...
@Zizouz212 If you have the direct link to a review, you can see it even without having an SE account.
Unless the post being reviewed has been deleted - then you can only see it if you have 10k rep (or 2k or 1k, on beta sites) or were one of the people reviewing it.
I did not know that
I thought you could only see it once it had been approved or anything, unless you had the privilege
And somehow I've been modding for nearly two years?
Tut tut, as a blue you should know these things ;-)
Open Source is so quiet... I never have to do anything though
Also, having just glanced at your chat profile, I should say:
y-nought = Wynaut
lol... Wobbuffet!
Oh, as for author tags, does this make sense? meta.literature.stackexchange.com/a/386/353
@Zizouz212 I'm busy writing up an answer to that one now.
Okey dokey :)
I think you should edit your answer to mention the difference between tag wikis and excerpts (as Emrakul mentioned in their answer to the other meta post).
That's a good idea. I'll do that now :)
As it stands, I've downvoted your answer (sorry) because it gives a list of things to be included in the excerpt but doesn't mention usage guidance.
Why won't chrome let me switch tabs...
As a guide to how to write the wiki, that answer would be good.
I'm clicking on tabs, and it won't change
Use Firefox instead :-)
First it's safari
Everyone is like "use chrome!"
I get chrome
Not chrome is broken -_-
What is this.
Sorry, I'm basically having a panic attack in chat... It's like chat doesn't want me to leave
Let me go chat!
Wlah... I give up. I submit myself to the treacherous confines of chat ;(
Chrome won't even close. I keep clicking x but nothing happens -_-
@Zizouz212 Ctrl+W?
It won't do anything!
@Zizouz212 "Relax," said the night man, "We are programmed to receive."
It's like chat just wants to keep me forever!
It's invaded this computer!
Once you enter SE chat ... you can never leave.
Yaar... This is bugging me.
Nothing is happening :(
@Randal'Thor help!
Don't leave me here!
It worked.
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
@Zizouz212 Normal service restored?
Well... I kind of just clicked every key I could with my hand, and then I tried to switch tabs and it worked
And @Randal'Thor updated :)

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