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@MartinSleziak Now I see that is one of the default tags, so it's not removed even if it has zero questions.
On Meta Stack Exchange this tag is a synonym of .
On this meta there is no such tag, but this topic falls under . At least according to tag-excerpt. (Which was created by me. I think I've copied it from Mathematics Meta.)
5 hours later…
Q: Tags "riemann-zeta-function" and "zeta-functions" are almost identical

Alex M.I have discovered that the following two tags are too similar to each other: riemann-zeta-function, with 299 questions tagged, has the description The Riemann zeta function is the function of one complex variable $s$ defined by the series $\zeta(s) = \sum_{n \geq 1} \frac{1}{n^s}$ when $\o...

6 hours later…
As you can see, in the latter case it was created by the user who was source of several problematic tag-wikis, as mentioned here: Recent suggested tag wiki edits.

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