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A question about meta tags: Should we use for questions about favorite tags? Or will we simply use for this purpose?
Just to have them in one place, I'll collect here previous messages from this room about this.
Mar 29 at 8:03, by Martin Sleziak
I see that Asaf Karagila removed both occurrences of the tag on meta: https://meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/3615/revisions and https://meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/2798/revisions
Mar 29 at 8:03, by Martin Sleziak
I planned to ask Federico Poloni what was the intention when he created the tag in this question: Tag warnings on MO. But this is now moot.
Mar 29 at 8:05, by Martin Sleziak
It seems that the tag hasn't been used in other questions: http://data.stackexchange.com/meta.mathoverflow/query/787716/posts-which-had-giv‌​en-tag-in-the-past?tagname=interesting-tags
May 14 at 12:57, by Martin Sleziak
@MartinSleziak Now I see that is one of the default tags, so it's not removed even if it has zero questions.
May 14 at 12:59, by Martin Sleziak
On Meta Stack Exchange this tag is a synonym of .
May 14 at 13:00, by Martin Sleziak
On this meta there is no such tag, but this topic falls under . At least according to tag-excerpt. (Which was created by me. I think I've copied it from Mathematics Meta.)
I have asked about this also on Meta Stack Exchange: Should (interesting-tags) be among default tags? But even if something is done about this, I doubt that changes will be made to already existing meta sites, too.
Q: Should (interesting-tags) be among default tags?

MartinThe tag interesting-tags is one of the default tags which are automatically imported to a local meta when a new site is created. (And cannot be removed, even if they are not used in any questions.) However, as you can see on this site it is a synonym of (favorite tags). (Which probably was not t...

I am not sure what to do with the tag on this meta. As mentioned above, it cannot be removed.
A synonym $\to$ might be reasonable. This would be similar to the situation on Meta Stack Exchange. Of course, this would also mean creating the latter tag.
Probably also a synonym $\to$ would make sense - and the later would be used both for questions about favorite questions and favorite tags.
I will wait a bit to see whether I get some feedback on this here in chat. (Or maybe somebody might comment on meta where I have just posted a question tagged .)
If not, I will eventually bring this up in one of the two long threads about tags.

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