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@MartinSleziak The tag is gone.
The tag was replaced by .
Q: Chiral homology for the Virasoro algebra and/or affine Lie algebra

Simon LentnerI want to understand what concrete analytical objects are found in chiral homology of higher degree of a vertex algera (-module) $M$. More precisely: I can obtain conformal blocks on a surface $\Sigma$ for the Virasoro algebra as invariants of $M$ under the action of vector fields - for the torus...

In mathematics, chiral homology, introduced by Alexander Beilinson and Vladimir Drinfeld, is, in their words, "a “quantum” version of (the algebra of functions on) the space of global horizontal sections of an affine D X {\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}_{X}} -scheme (i.e., the space of global solutions of a system of non-linear differential equations)." Jacob Lurie's topological chiral homology gives an analog for manifolds. == See also == Ran space Chiral...
3 hours later…
A: Should MathOverflow request suggested tags feature?

Igor KhavkineYes, I think this could be a good thing! Tagging is often a thankless or even forgotten task. I think machine assistance can reduce the cognitive load needed for the task, hence encourage it.

Q: Should MathOverflow request suggested tags feature?

Martin SleziakThere is a feature of showing suggested tags after the body of a question is included. These suggestions are based on the body of the question. More details can be found in these posts: Automatically determine tags while writing a question How are “Suggested Tags” chosen? I will quote part o...

minimum of 20k questions... no tag achieves this so far. Do I misunderstand? — YCor 11 hours ago
@YCor The way I understood it, it's 20k questions on the site. (When I looked into chat, balpha's wording was: "The training corpus should be at least around 20k questions.".) — Martin Sleziak 10 hours ago
"On the site" as opposed to what? — YCor 10 hours ago
@YCor The way I understood it, you need 20k question on the site in total. Your comment suggests that the algorithm needs 20k questions in a specific tag. — Martin Sleziak 10 hours ago
Thanks for the clarification! Of course I would like to see what such an algorithm proposes in a representative sample of recent existing questions before implementation. It might also encourage some existing unnecessary tags (e.g., adding matrices to linear algebra questions when this is plainly unnecessary, adding polynomials to questions about polynomial rings unrelated to individual polynomials, etc.) — YCor 10 hours ago
Of course, we should keep in mind that many questions on MO are tagged incorrectly (perhaps 15-20%). The quality of algorithm very likely depends also on the quality of the set of questions on which it is trained. — Martin Sleziak 9 hours ago
I have asked a bit in the Tavern on Meta: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8704159#8704159
Among other things, this was pointed out to me:
Q: Enable suggested tags on other sites

summerrainmeta.SE automatically suggests tags (pretty accurately, kudos!) (at least it just worked half an hour ago when I submitted a bug report. Curiously for this feature request here it didn't work for me.) Why is this feature not available on other sites, e.g. aviation.SE? It's incredibly helpful a...

A: Enable suggested tags on other sites

Anne Daunted GoFundMonicaI disagree with this feature request. According to balpha, suggested tags are chosen by a "a somewhat-but-not-quite-bayesian classifier based on the words in text and title, trained on older questions." The reasons are laid out in an older post about suggested tags: A minimum of around 20k quest...

This is mentioned there:
> For each individual stack, you'd have to pick at least 20,000 (old) questions to train the classifier. If you do not have enough questions, it would not be accurate enough.
Perhaps the 20k questions could be picked in such way that they would be less likely to contain incorrectly tagged ones. (E.g., only pick questions with a top-level tag, do not include questions with a deprecated tag.)
in Math Mods' Office, 12 hours ago, by Martin Sleziak
On [meta.so] there are 12 questions tagged suggested-tags - some of them are complaints that it does not work well. (I do not think that this feature is enabled on some other site.)
From the above post it seems that it is also enabled on Meta Stack Exchange.

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