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IIRC the has been deprecated/removed before. At least that's what I've gathered from this past discussion: Tags that encourage off-topic questions.
I see that Michael Renardy created new tags and to add them to line integral with z=tan(t). The question is clearly going to be closed and eventually deleted. But until that happens tag might be used on other questions - so it is possible that the newly created tags survive.
Q: line integral with z=tan(t)

ChrisI have the line integral problem $q(x,y,z)=\frac{yx^5}{81}$ for $x=3\cos(t)$, $y=3\sin(t)$, $z=3\tan(t)$ from $0\le t\le \pi/2$. My working so far is: My sticking point is that no matter how I sub in trig identities for sec^4(t) or u-substitute, I cannot find an integratable function. Am I mis...

I have replaced the newly created tags by (which already exists and more-or-less fits the question). I hope this was a reasonable thing to do.
Incidentally, here is something related to tag almost exactly a year ago: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2017/5/30. (When this tag was created and again removed.)
7 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Since the same issue was discussed in chat on Mathematics and I have made a post on Mathematics Meta about this, it seemed like a good idea not to wait any longer ask about this on Meta Mathoverflow, too.
A: Help improve tagging!

Martin SleziakI have noticed that there is a tag called interesting-tags on meta. It is actually one of the default tags - these are the tags that are automatically created on every new meta site and are not deleted even if they have zero questions. You may notice that on Meta Stack Exchange, this tag is now ...

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