8:03 AM
I see that Asaf Karagila removed both occurrences of the tag interesting-tag on meta: meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/3615/revisions and meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/2798/revisions
I planned to ask Federico Poloni what was the intention when he created the tag in this question: Tag warnings on MO. But this is now moot.
It seems that the tag hasn't been used in other questions: data.stackexchange.com/meta.mathoverflow/query/787716/…
5 hours later…
1:29 PM
specific-question Would the tag books be a good fit for this question: What is there in the book Cohomologie non abélienne by Jean Giraud? The question is also missing top-level tags.
6 hours later…
7:04 PM
At the moment there are 405 questions with the deprecated geometry tag. Only 250 of them remain if we look at the questions without some other geometry-related top-level tag. And there are 150 question with (geometry) tag and no top-level tag.
Exactly the same numbers as a month ago. At least the number of posts with deprecated tags is not growing.
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