@user462339 Haha, yeah. The key to making my rooms somewhat flourish is keeping them open to many topics, letting them range in conversations from casual to serious stuff, though mostly casual... people do not want to come to rooms with a "laser like focus"
... Given a chatroom, the probablity will increase whenever the presence of anything that hinder The Plan. Human beings that rebel against The Plan are in particular laser focused on like a growth rate of $\omega_1$ ...
> A third type of matter has been discovered: null matter. It doesn't do anything and is basically useless. The scientists who discovered it were fired.
@Typhon Not necessarily. The goal of closing questions as dupes is to make it easier for related information to be accessible and to slow the repetition of certain frequently asked questions, regardless of the quality of the other question, the answers (and comments) may be of more interest. Likewise, the deletion of questions blocks potentially useful information from the view of the public, which is against the goal of the site unless there truthfully was nothing useful...
@Zophikel a bit better, after seeing another user (very Hi rep, being suspended for the next month.) He is/was very vindictive, and I was one of his most recent targets. But usually, a mere handful of down-votes, like 7 in 4days upon examination, would simply receive a warning from the mods. So I'm not sure if this is related to the very troublesome user who was suspended 2 days ago. Any way, I feel much better, and I trust the mods more than ever. They've been great!
@Typhon I agree. Gender pronouns seem like a pretty harmless issue, but @amWhy, it seems that you have a bit of a bias of your own - the assumption that the men are "self-congratulating" and "bumping shoulders with other men". Assuming that the males with which you are conversing are the "self-congratulating, shoulder-bumping" type, you too are excluding quite a chunk of the population.
$$\textbf{ a set hard to count : } A_n \text{ the sub-group of order }2^n5^{100-n} \text{ of } (\mathbb Z/10^{100}\mathbb Z,+).\\ \text{ Calculate } \text{card}(\bigcup \limits_{n=0}^{100} A_n )$$