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@Simply Hiya
I wrote SOAP up
show me!
oh, nvm. Found it!
whoah whoah, complicated
It's the simplest function I could write who's growth rate was that fast.
Is this your best one yet?
It's hard for me to tell :P
Better than PAIN?
@Nilknarf and no
There is stronger SOAP
Perhaps I'll call it DETERGENT.
...good luck turning that into an acronym.
Bio-Luminescent Extra Array Character Horrors
Oh god, you're taking a long time to respond. Please don't tell me you're actually trying to turn DETERGENT into an acronym.
I did try
I got to the last E and gave up
Don't ask
so clooose
X'D It was horrible
Wanna try expanding some SOAP?
Ok, but go easy on me
The more we rub, the more the SOAP turns to bubbles, and then we count the bubbles at the end x'D
You pick what you wanna work with
SHOOT, I missed a thingy
Never before in my entire life has anyone asked me "wanna try expanding some SOAP"?
it's just one line of SOAP
Which is going to be terrible to fit in, thanks to the horribly golfed MathJax
Hey, have you taken physics by any chance?
Fixed it
I've taken AP Physics 1 and Mechanics
I'm taking AP Physics E&M
Did you guys do circuits with resistors and stuff?
We're doing that right now
and I love it :D
:D Yeah same
You in AP Phys 1?
or 2?
and wanna try expanding some SOAP in less than 20 minutes?
I'm in 1 right now, but it turns into physics 2 next semester
Shall I choose the expression?
DETERGENT (Dastardly Eventually Terminating Extremely Rapidly Growing Explosive Nerdy Thing)
Btw, you think it'll be hard to get a 5 on the AP Phys exam?
@Nilknarf x'D Genious!
Welp, you're taking too long, so we're gonna do $g(\{-1\},2)$
Can't be too big, right?
Looks pretty innocent...
Blarg, sorry
I'm here
bad internet D:<
Oops, some typos
Fixed definition again
= {f({-1},1,{-1},1),-1}
= {{f({-1},0,{-1},0),-1},-1}
= {{1,-1},-1}
Where we use the f({x},...) rule
Not so terrible at all yet...
g({{1,-1},-1}, 3)
= g(f({{1,-1},-1}, 3, {{1,-1},-1}, 3), 4)
Meh, idk about the AP exam
Actually, I was planning on taking the AP Physics C exams this year as well (I've been doing independent study & calc along w/ my physics class)
I'm more worried about that
How'd you do?
f({{1,-1},-1}, 3, {{1,-1},-1}, 3)
= {t, 3, {f(-1, 3, {{1,-1},-1}, t)}}, where t = {f({1, -1}, 3, {1, -1}, 3), -1}
Ugh, what a messy expansion!
This is also the first step that requires us to expand recursively
It'll probably take up a quarter of the page or so to finish the recursion
And g only managed to expand two steps
@Nilknarf I've been getting 5's
Yeah, that's what I thought
Take any AP Histories?
@Nilknarf They were pretty easy for me, but you'll probably have difficulty with the physics interpretations of calculus.
I hate history
I have AP US History this semester
Oh yeah, it's a lot harder
But even a 3 or 4 on an AP Physics C exam as a sophomore should look good on a college application XD
But I took
Human Geography,
World History,
US History,
and I'm taking Macro-econ and US Govt
Got a 3 on US History
4's on the other 2
:| Either way, good luck mate
And don't let the physics fool ya
Yeah, that's pretty much how I'm feeling about histories
Haha ok
Now an interesting challenge...
Prove that g is total
damn, gtg
Time to wikipedia "total function"!
$g(x,n)$ is finite for every $n$ and some fixed $x$.
That's what I challenge you to prove
Oh, yeah
so basically that it's a function
defined everywhere
Ok, I'll try
:P Good luck and cya
18 hours later…
consider the set of increasing functions from N to N under the partial ordering domination
can I embed omega_1 inside?
4 hours later…
@LeakyNun :| Maybe.
@SimplyBeautifulArt why that face?

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