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Aug 27, 2017 17:37
Aug 27, 2017 05:09
I am not sure whether you'll agree but would it be possible (or even reasonable) to leave the OP some time to improve post before deleting the question.
Aug 26, 2017 21:54
@amWhy I'm not going to delete yet. I'd rather see if the OP responds to his/her meta post and does any attempt to correct first. I'll wait till tomorrow.
Aug 25, 2017 22:27
@Jack Why focus on questions/answers 6 months, 1 year and older? It's not a bad thing to do; but given the limited downvotes, close votes, delete votes any one user has available each day, I prioritize quick action wrt the most current problematic questions and answers, but also usually address a couple of older questions in a day.
Aug 23, 2017 20:03
@MathematicsAminPhysics Why? It doesn't quite make sense what you're asking. You appear to have thought that Godel's incompleteness theorem only follows from your $g$, when as mentioned in the comments, that is generally not the case. And the main question you've asked was whether or not you thought that the cited things relate to $g$. This isn't a well-defined question either; its like asking whether or not fish are related to trees.
Aug 22, 2017 23:37
Problem statement(s): Three sentences, three questions, absolutely nothing else:…
Aug 21, 2017 21:15
@SimplyBeautifulArt @Did… I've voted to close for any number of reasons... See what you think.
Aug 10, 2017 10:13
If you came here to tell me that you prefer to do this in another room (and keep it hidden from other users), I can live with that.
Aug 10, 2017 09:30
Anyway it looks like our experiment with using this room to deal with bad posts has also failed.
Aug 8, 2017 10:30
There is a post on meta related to what happened yesterday in this chat room (and maybe in other rooms, too):
Aug 7, 2017 14:21
that's disruptive, it isn't people trying to keep you down. It's you pushing too hard on a community that listened to what you had to say, but politely turned it down
Aug 7, 2017 14:21
I'd suggest you atleast try to find a couple of other people who agree you are being mistreated before you consider this crusade of yours. Make sure you aren't chasing windmills
Aug 7, 2017 13:43
@aminliverpool - as an outsider to the Math.SE community, I think you might benefit from learning a bit more about how Stack Exchange sites as a whole operate before you jump to conclusions about the behavior you are observing. I understand your concern about noble ideas, but the down voting is quite certainly because people actually disagree with you
Aug 7, 2017 13:09
@aminliverpool If you have an issue with a deletion, your recourse is to post about it on meta. Reposting something that has been community or moderator deleted is not allowed, nor will making demands in chat help. Make your case on meta. If the community finds your case agreeable something will be done.
Aug 6, 2017 12:23
@aminliverpool Regardless, your rants cannot change anything. Even if the entire community believes something should change, if that something has to do with the ways someone personally does things, we cannot change that and nor can the mods (unless it is in clear violation of SE policy)
Jul 31, 2017 23:37
When you have some spare time, @MartinSleziak How do you include the tags, like you do in your last post?
Jul 26, 2017 13:36
@MartinSleziak: I just had an idea. If the active participants in CRUDE are owners, we can use the stars to highlight the posts that need attention, and then drop stars when they are completed.
Jul 19, 2017 08:05
(Or perhaps few people care about searching for duplicates :)
Jul 19, 2017 08:02
Yes,… showed it immediately, and I found already dozens of duplicates with Approach0. – Apparently few people know about Approach0.
May 12, 2017 21:42
Apr 7, 2017 14:52
Since we were able to find several copies very quickly, it seems very probable that there are many of them.
Nov 10, 2016 17:13
Hence everybody loose their time, and that's why pushing him to work on a traditional real & complex analysis course (instead of questions beyond his level) is what is needed right now.
Oct 31, 2016 18:46
Hey guys. I think this question --… -- didn't deserve to be put on hold. Yes, the original incarnation was riddled with bad grammar (OP isn't a native English speaker) and was too biographical but I helped him trim his question down into a very specific book recommendation request. I don't think that it is more opinion-based than any other ...
Oct 31, 2016 12:39
@MartinSleziak As edit suggestions, I don't like them. As edits by users with the edit privilege, unless one goes on an editing spree and floods the front page, I wholeheartedly support such edits. When one visits on a mobile device, one is redirected from the standard page to the mobile version anyway, as far as I know, and on a proper machine the mobile version is unbearable.
Sep 25, 2016 11:31
I don't expect this room to work anyway, but I guess we'll see. =)
Sep 25, 2016 11:30
And here is another one that is undisputably not an answer but my flag got disputed again. People processing the flags don't seem to be reading the question or answer...
Sep 7, 2016 14:41
It's not literally the same thing, casting a flag is "doing it the wrong way", and casting a close vote is "doing it the right way". But apart from that, once you have the privilege, a close flag (be it duplicate, off-topic or whatever the flag dialogue offers) is converted to a close vote.
Jul 27, 2016 05:02
user147263 is gone it seems, very recently. (I do not stalk them nor even spend much time here most days, but coincidentally something weird happened that indicated the moment of the account being gone.) There may be hundreds of closed questions that previously had a single delete vote by them, and now have none (I am speculating but have reason to think it is plausible).
Jun 23, 2016 09:46
I can't delete my own post , because it has 2 answers(none upvoted). Is it right to ask one of the answers to delete their own post?
Jun 10, 2016 10:46
@MartinSleziak Too bad, but I guess the community has spoken then. The information I added to the OP indeed came from comments which are now deleted. I added this, at the time, because I felt that that info made it reopen-worthy. Anyway, I'll consider it "case closed" now.
Jun 6, 2016 15:18
Would anyone care to have a look at this question. It was closed as unclear what you're asking, but I strongly disagree with this. I'd say the whole point of the question is that the OP is trying to figure out how to define, the inverse of position. I instantly knew what he ment, so I'd say there's nothing unclear about what they're asking.
May 20, 2016 00:56
Undelete request: Good answer to a pretty common question.
May 8, 2016 09:54
@sandwich Some of your name choices violate the Geneva convention. I don't care much about Minestrone, but pizza and sandwich make me hungry.
Apr 20, 2016 14:46
Sep 23 '15 at 5:41, by user21820
bad-faith answers:,, This user has a ton of them but these are obvious ones to anyone who has basic mathematical understanding in those areas. To verify that this user really does not know what he is talking about see‌​y-does-not-imply-square-integrability/1431526#comment2916404_1431526.
Mar 11, 2016 15:26
Let us hope that some question which were reopened after a post on meta do not reinforce the impression that tantrums and name-calling is a way to get question reopened.
Feb 6, 2016 05:24
Another occurence, but this time I was the one that answered:…
Jan 30, 2016 04:36
One thing I consider when comparing these is the number of views. Questions with a higher number of views have proved to be better searchable, so they might be better as a master copy (minimizing the number of redirects).
Jan 30, 2016 04:36
On the other hand, when a recent question has much better answers than older ones, that should trump the views.
Jan 21, 2016 18:08
You will also find some English papers and [books]("limes+superior") using this name. But that proves nothing, since many papers are written by people who are not native speakers.
Jan 14, 2016 19:31
No don't shoot.
Jan 3, 2016 11:12
This question… was closed as duplicate of this question… but i think it is better to be closed as duplicate of this…
Dec 2, 2015 19:12
@MartinSleziak No, it's not. Whenever the distribution of all involved quantities is known, and conclusions about probabilities are made, there is no statistics. Students typically tag [statistics] because their course is named so. Sometimes misleadingly named, just because Statistics is Useful In Real World), sometimes the course combines probability and statistics, and the question comes from the probability part.
Nov 16, 2015 07:13
Q: Why isn't CS functioning as MathExchange or StackOverflow?

portalI understand that all the forums serve different purposes, and they have their own moderators, rules and policies. But CS seems completely different to me, with respect to all the other forums I have used. The most significant difference that surprised me is that one will never get a solution. I...

Oct 28, 2015 04:31
I voted to close a couple as a duplicate of Complex numbers equation: $z^4 = -16$. Was not sure about Drawing $z^4 +16 = 0$; perhaps "drawing" emphasis makes it different from others.
Oct 27, 2015 12:27
this question - OP was satisfied by answers in the link provided in comments. I don't know which flag to use in such cases: its not a duplicate, is it? Can someone guide me?
Oct 17, 2015 15:28
Suggestion: if you can fix the issue with the post, or it already has been fixed, pick Edit option instead of Leave Open: in addition to being a Leave Open vote, it removes the question from the queue.
Oct 7, 2015 17:34
@epimorphic Retracted, but there ought to be a target for "sum of arithmetic sequence by induction"... — Mice Elf 13 mins ago
1 88 89 90 91 92