@amWhy You wrote a comment like this under the above post:
> All those downvotes, can we get more delete votes here, please? It is SPAM.
In fact, whenever somebody flags as spam or rude/abusive, automatically also a downvote (-1) is added. So the negative score might have been consequence of flags.
It seems that the post has been deleted relatively quickly - metasmoke says: "deleted 10 minutes after being reported".
Also I think it's better not to edit spam posts, so that others can see clearly that it is spam. However, I've seen this recommendation usually with posts which edited out the offending link - I guess your edit was ok (although probably not really necessary).
7 hours later…
Why is the following question going to be deleted?:
Please assume that this is a question of the one who knows little mathematics (a bit higher than high school mathematics)
As far as I know, in the proof of the Godel's incompleteness theorem the undecidable sentence is $g: \text{I am not provable}$. So there exists a true sentence in every arith...
@amWhy I'm not sure what to do with it. Sure the asker shouldn't be putting 4 questions into 1 without giving much effort, but I don't really know what the question is asking so I can't judge what is reasonable effort to expect.
@amWhy Post deleted so message unstarred.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Deleted by asker, so do you want to unstar or keep for now?
@MathematicsAminPhysics You'd have to ask the people who voted to delete it. I didn't vote to delete so I can't give a reliable explanation of their thinking to you.
Since you only have a bit more than high-school mathematical background, I'd say that you need to spend a significant amount of time and effort to learn logic properly before you can understand the import of the incompleteness theorems. However, there is one thing I can tell you; many results hold only because of the incompleteness theorem. Carl Mummert has already given you a good example, namely that no finite collection of axioms can substitute for the induction schema in PA.
Basically PA can prove the consistency of any finite collection of its axioms, and hence that finite collection cannot suffice to generate all theorems of PA otherwise it would violate the incompleteness theorem. So the Godel sentence is not at all a useless sentence of arithmetic.
Also, the whole point of incompleteness is that you can never has a complete consistent implementable axiomatization of the natural numbers, because any such theory cannot prove its Godel sentence. The exact symbolic content of the sentence itself is not so important, but its mere existence has far-reaching consequences.
Finally, "there exists a true sentence in every arithmetic theory (formal axiomatic system containing basic arithmetic) that cannot be proved" is false. Truth is only defined with respect to a world/structure. See the following posts:
Your confusing stems from the way many articles about Godel's incompleteness theorems are extremely imprecise. Here is a proper definition.
We say that a sentence $φ$ over a language $L$ is true in an $L$-structure $M$ iff $M \vDash φ$.
For convenience, when $L$ is ...
The problem is with your notion of logic and truth. Before you even can talk about a sentence, you need to specify your language, and before you can talk about whether it is provable or disprovable (or neither), you need to specify the formal system (which must use the same language or larger), a...
@MathematicsAminPhysics: If you wish to clarify any point about what I've just written about the incompleteness theorems, you are welcome to ask in the logic chat-room. But please stick to mathematical logic, thank you.
@ParamanandSingh: Haha I just thought it might be worth stating brief points here to address the question about which he asked why it is closed and getting deleted. =)
@user21820 You don't need to justify any reluctance to act. But, if you read the image of the assigned problems, you'll surely see 4 questions. That usually counts as "too broad." Any way, the post is closed,
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @user21820, @Did, @ParamanandSingh, @anyone interested: This question is surely a typo'd question, whether in source, or by asker. It cannot be answered, currently. I think the best route is to close as unclear.