Conversation started Aug 18, 2011 at 15:15.
Aug 18, 2011 15:15
Hello, salad. I will be the person to eat you today.
@KitΘδς delicious salad?
Less delicious than usual, but still pretty yummy looking.
@KitΘδς We who are about to diet salute you?
@KitΘδς Do you often talk to your food before you eat it?
O salad, I smite thee with my teeth! Your pea pods cannot stand against my mighty mastications!
@Rhŵdri LOL thwack
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It heightens the flavor if I believe that I am physically dominating it.
Aug 18, 2011 15:18
@KitΘδς I'm going to try that when my pasta arrives.
Woe to the broccoli, your savory green florets will fall beneath the juggernaut of my jaw.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You mean people don't usually do that?
@KitΘδς I have to say, my food is one of the few things I don't normally talk to
@KitΘδς It might talk back, and then where would we be?
The salad greens throw themselves against the firmly-set lances of my plastic fork, but they cannot break my lines.
@Rhŵdri Japan?
Aug 18, 2011 15:26
Jasper Loy is back
aye :) it's true @BogdanLataianu
5 hours ago, by Cerberus
Now my day is good.
@KitΘδς I think talking to inanimate objects is occasionally seen as a sign of insanity. But in this case it might be genius. Time will tell.
@Rhŵdri The restaurant at the end of the universe.
But then it would be enticing you to eat it, which is all good.
You will be glad to know that I have driven my salad from its plastic container down to the very pits of my stomach, every last vinaigrette-soaked sunflower seed of it.
Aug 18, 2011 15:36
Making me hungry. Well maybe not exactly hungry but at least desiring... salad.
@z7sgѪ It's the feeling of power and domination that you're really craving.
@KitΘδς Hmm... could be!
That settles it. I shall go out and slay a biscuit.
Some Epicureans will say that you should make love to your food, enjoy its sensual delights, but I say make war on your food and enjoy the thrill of control.
@Rhŵdri Yes! Show it who's in charge! Make it obey your will!
@Cerberus Is there a formal name also for this school of thought?
Aug 18, 2011 15:40
@z7sgѪ Kittenarianism?
@KitΘδς That sounds far too nice!
Because I like the word bellicose.
Yes... you are a bellicophage!
Y haz no one give me teh codez?
Pls finish my project now.
Post detailed examples including working code.
Y haz no one give me teh codez?
@KitΘδς closed as "Too whiny"
Aug 18, 2011 15:54
@JSBᾶngs Wh—? tch
What are we talking about?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Things and stuff.
down with things! up with stuff!
@JSB Where do you stand on dohickeys?
Aug 18, 2011 15:57
@KitΘδς i am eyeing them warily
off to mtgs now, bbye
@JSBᾶngs Bye!
you can see the revisions of a question
@BogdanLataianu Yes.
So I tried chatting up my penne but I was too nervous
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Come on, man, grow a pair! You have children, for heaven's sake!
Aug 18, 2011 16:08
Q: Way to say that you can understand spoken English?

js_"I can read English", "I can speak English", or "I can write English" are all correct uses of the word "English". But is "I can listen to English" correct English? Or should I say "I can hear English"? Are there better ways to say that? I want to know how to express that you can understand ...

@MrShinyandNew安宇 Let that penne know that you're in charge.
@KitΘδς Plus I don't like talking with my mouth full.
The title should be edited back to what was originally "How to express that you can understand english what someone spoke?"
because the new title contains the answer to the question
@BogdanLataianu I rolled it back to "How to say that you can understand spoken English?"
hmm why not the very original?
Aug 18, 2011 16:11
@BogdanLataianu It was the first one I came to.
this was the original: "How to express that you can understand english what someone spoke?"
@BogdanLataianu That's not proper English, though.
What about "How to express that you can understand spoken English?"
yes that what I wanted to say
"How to express that you can understand the English that someone spoke?
Or "How to express that you can understand the English that someone speaks?"
@BogdanLataianu OK.
yes that is good
Aug 18, 2011 16:15
OK. It is done.
thanks Kit and I will make a comment to prevent a title edit again
Oh, I see. Because the title with "spoken English" means that Nicholas's answer doesn't make sense.
So, penne with meatballs. We meet again. Twice before you have faced me, and I have mercilessly defeated you. This time you don't even have your hot-pepper defense system! You shall fall beneath the tines of my fork!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's the spirit!
Aug 18, 2011 16:23
@Rhŵdri To be honest I wasn't feeling all that inspired about talking to my food. I even googled "witty things to say to food" but that seems to be an under-served segment of Internet knowledge.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Is it working?
@KitΘδς Well, I vanquished the food with gusto.
How about "Avast, yon meaty ball! Feel the crushing doom of my incisors as I commit you to the deep!"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 pleased
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sorry but using google for that, dude plz... use your own natural creativity!
So are you a bellicophagist now? Have I converted you?
Aug 18, 2011 16:29
Dear Noodles, it has come to light that you have not been paying rent for the last few days. As per the terms of our agreement, if I have not received rent payment in 10 minutes then I shall plunge you into boiling water. Yours, Matt.
Yep, I think we all are!
I like your tactic there Matt, giving the noodles an ultimatum they cannot possibly satisfy... very cruel indeed!
@z7sgѪ I wasn't feeling it today.
@KitΘδς I'll file that one away for Sept 19th.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wow, that's really coming up, innit? I better start practicing.
Actually, maybe it's too late for that, but it'd be neat if, as a gag, EL&U had a change in theme or something on Sept 19th
@Lauren !
Aug 18, 2011 16:33
ooo. I need an avatar for sept. 19th
That's great! Like the unicorn trick!
@Lauren ! Good ideas here!
yeah! that'd be wicked :D
I wonder if they can do a complete site English-to-pirate translation.
Or maybe we can come up with some appropriate topical questions for that day, and see if they multicollider.
there's got to be one about shivering timbers
Oh! Yeah! That's great, because lots of people will be looking for pirate-related synonyms and meanings that day, I'm sure.
Aug 18, 2011 16:37
@MattEllenД We could ask about explanations and etymologies of all kinds of lingo
Like, everything on this page
@KitΘδς Yeah, let's close all questions that aren't related to piracy. Only needs five of us to be in on it.
*This question has been closed as not-pirate-related by KitΘδς, MattEllenД, MrShinyandNew安宇, z7sgѪ, and ...?
> That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!
Love it!
Aug 18, 2011 16:41
What about me?
Well, this certainly sounds like a German pirate
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Do you have the rep to close questions?
@z7sgѪ mutiny on the good ship EL&U!
No.. But I could translate most of the priate sayings.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Awesome. Rep harvesting.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 alas I can't close questions.
Aug 18, 2011 16:43
Arrr! Prepare for ye rep cap to be blown!
I'm more of a cabin boy
@MattEllenД giggle
You know, the thing with pirates and planks are myth. they ever used plank to drown their victums.
also parrots. They never had parrots.
this myths was all created through literacy.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Avast! We don't need facts, you land lubber! Arr
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I'm sure Long John Silver had one. In fact, most peoples' idea of what a pirate is, is basically Silver.
Aug 18, 2011 16:45
@MattEllenД Ahoy then. Ye can earn the rep in time for the 19th!
What! Whata about Black Beard? Atleast he was real!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hopefully
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I have a red(ish) beard!
6 mins ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
*This question has been closed as not-pirate-related by KitΘδς, MattEllenД, MrShinyandNew安宇, z7sgѪ, and ...?
This is still giving me giggling fits.
Right, but we do need to work hard not to let Jasper Loy go into Davy Jones's locker.
@KitΘδς If only we could add new close reasons when we close stuff.
Aug 18, 2011 16:47
@KitΘδς :D
Did you know that "Avast!" is probably from the Dutch?
Avast means stop or halt
@MrShinyandNew安宇 He's back, did you see him?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Aye, houd vast!
So @Cerberus must use it all the time.
I sure could use peices of eight!
Makes sense what with the Flying Dutchman and all.
Aug 18, 2011 16:49
Dear Noodles,
As your landlord, it is my duty to inform you that your tenancy has been ended due to non-payment of rent. I shall now commence devouring you as per the contract between us, to cover administration costs.
my noodles
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū We talk to our food now before eating it.
Didn't you know? all the cool kids are doing it now.
2 hours ago, by KitΘδς
Hello, salad. I will be the person to eat you today.
^ Thread starts here ^
Dudes, whoever talks to their food is moron. i just devour it moment I see it.
Aug 18, 2011 16:50
I'm writing bureaucratic letters
You, too, can become a bellicophagist.
@MattEllenД Your food must be better educated than my food, which is illiterate.
Hm, I ate pasta today, with red sauce and two meatballs. And now I'm talking like a pirate.
@MattEllenД I'm enjoying the variety of methods.
Arr! I'm becoming a pastafarian!
Aug 18, 2011 16:51
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I doubt it. I mean, it couldn't even pay its rent on time.
@Kit I just ate ramen.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū That's how pastafarians end their prayers.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 there's something about unicorns in pastafarianism, if I'm not mistaken
You know, their supplications to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
@MattEllenД No, no, no. IPU is a wholly different sect.
@MattEllenД I think you're referring to Invisible Pink Unicorns. They're some kind of heretics or pagans or something. EEEEVIL
Actually I'm not sure what the doctrines of the FSM say about the IPU. I'm an accidental convert it seems.
Aug 18, 2011 16:55
I'm pretty sure they are mutually agreeable.
@KitΘδς oh, ok. I'm not too well read on it :D
@MattEllenД Well, you do know that global warming is caused by the decline in number of pirates, right?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Unicorns evil? You have been drinking the wrong Kool-Aid, amigo.
@KitΘδς really? I thought that the number of pirates has been pretty much constant since we took to the seas...
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the parody religion the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism. The "Flying Spaghetti Monster" first appeared in a satirical open letter by Bobby Henderson in 2005, written in protest against the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to permit the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public school science classes. In the letter, Henderson parodied the concept of intelligent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator that closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs. Henderson...
You living under a rock?
Aug 18, 2011 16:59
@KitΘδς sometimes, when it gets too hot
@MattEllenД I wish that previewed the actual section.
bah, no SVG for us
but I do love how the x-axis is Number of Pirates (Approximate), but has 17 as one of the numbers. 17 doesn't seem very approximate
@MattEllenД That's one of my favorite parts too.
> I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization. —Suggestions 1:1
@z7sgѪ I dunno why there can't be evil unicorns. They have weapons on their heads. Surely at some point, one of them is going to decide to USE it.
@MattEllenД I love this quote: 'Somalia has "the highest number of pirates and the lowest carbon emissions of any country."'
Aug 18, 2011 17:10
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, it made me chortle :D
Well, gotta run. If anyone sees @lauren, tell her about TLAP!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think it's a great idea!
We should be speaking in pirate!
Aug 18, 2011 17:45
Saucy vending machine! Give me my M&Ms! Damn you!
how greecs got here?
@KitΘδς Ah, the bellicophagist's natural enemy: the vending machine.
hey everyone
Hi @Lauren
Aug 18, 2011 17:56
i saw my name mentioned in here - did someone have some ideas they wanted to share or something?
what is with the unicorns? lol
@LaurenΨ Someone had a brilliant idea about Talk Like A Pirate Day. Hang on while I find a link...
ooh its coming up soon isn't it
1 hour ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
Actually, maybe it's too late for that, but it'd be neat if, as a gag, EL&U had a change in theme or something on Sept 19th
The transcript from there on gets a bit piratical :-)
as in the design? or faq?
Mr S&N had to leave. I imagine we'll take anything sufficiently silly :-)
Aug 18, 2011 17:59
@LaurenΨ Well, pirate-themed questions, like synonyms and origins.
ah ok
Also, site-wide English-to-pirate translation, if possible.
I'm investigating how you change language to pirate-talk on google right now
There was also this splendidly loopy thought:
1 hour ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
*This question has been closed as not-pirate-related by KitΘδς, MattEllenД, MrShinyandNew安宇, z7sgѪ, and ...?
looks like you can set the google home page to pirate haha
Aug 18, 2011 18:00
And probably a site skin so people would know that we were playing.
And maybe an avatar shift to pirate themes, like the unicorn gag.
@bogdan, if someone rename nearby street of Bogdan Khmelnintsky i ll kill him
but he was Ukrainean
I don't think we can do a design change, but I can ask about doing something like this
not sure if it's possible or not but I will look into it
I agree it would be funny
btw Ukrainians pronounce the "g" as "h":Bohdan
@LaurenΨ And we should have some pirate questions planned. I'm sure it would generate lots of traffic that day.
Aug 18, 2011 18:03
no matter
i pronounce gorod as horod
@LaurenΨ Yes. Also "What is the origin of shiver me timbers?" or suchlike.
I'll ask around and see what we can do to be more pirate-themed for that day
if you guys want to come up with fun pirate-talk questions, go for it!
@Rhŵdri — I'm kind of tired of the ELU design. It's too self-consciously archaic. The whole parchment thing has been getting on my nerves lately.
Aug 18, 2011 18:10
@trg787 perhaps "g" is "h in all Slavic languages; the Americans use an unstressed "a" in Bogdan when in fact it should stressed
which help me understand farther how they process the words
no, i clealry hear that i pronounce h instead of g
Aug 18, 2011 18:27
yes, trg that's what I say, there is a city Novgorod
as for "a" in the middle of a word I think English is peculiar when it uses a schwa instead of a stressed "a". Other foreigners such as Iranians don't do that. And I correct myself: some Canadians know or ask how to pronounce a foreign name.
@BogdanLataianu Would I be right in thinking it's a gutteral "h" (mostly produced at the back of the throat)?
let me research
Aug 18, 2011 18:46
O carrots, that did grow in the earth; and o sweet chick peas and olives crush'd for my hummus; and o trees felled for my plate; and o dinosaurs whose service on this world I callously waste with my plastic knife; I bid you all a fond farewell.
@aediaλ Good use of the old-fashioned spelling of "oh" :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was trying to think of the proper way to address my carrots and that always makes me think of Alice saying "of a mouse-to a mouse-a mouse- O mouse!"
Conversation ended Aug 18, 2011 at 18:49.