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hi @trg
1 hour later…
Everybody must be sleeping.
Goodnight moon!
Darn, I come in and everyone's gone
i am here @simchona
Hi @BogdanLataianu
I just got 2 downvotes on answers I posted, with no explanations
not me
i dont mind downvotes
I don't mind when someone says why.
were the answers good?
One was, one was on a question where all 2 answers were dv'ed
whatever. It's sad but I'm not going to rep cap or anything so its fine
how many votes do you have on them?
if it is negative you can improve your answer more
On one, 21. On the other, -1
and somebody would vote it up eventually
ah the survey one
@BogdanLataianu Yeah. It's a bad question, so I can understand why someone doesn't like the answers
yes but the answers can be good
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
more ning
Nope. It's night time
what have I told about using imperial time? I don't know! You'll never fit in in the Matt World Order with this attitude
I refuse! I will rebel!
It's a risky course of action.
You'll never know who you can trust
You should conform. You'll be happier that way.
Q: Difference between classic, classical and classy?

vonjdWhat is the difference between classic, classical and classy. Could you please also give examples.

gen ref
Yes. I don't see any confusion that can't be cleared up by looking in a dictionary
@trg Did you do something with your pears?
@simchona, of course did nothing
i brinng them to aquinted she-selleres
I am confused by this question
Q: Difference to do / doing

repecmpsI have read this question: “I like to do (be) something” vs “I like doing (being) something” and I get (although the answer could not be applied to my example) that using "to do" means in general I like to do it. While "doing", means I'm doing it at the moment or soon will be. I found the follow...

I am answering it
Ok. I think the OP doesn't understand a gerund
@simchona I've avoided gerunds
I've probably answered it wrong :)
I commented
me too, gerund sounds for me terrible; i`cooked yestrd a soup from kettle i need grease but alas
@trg787 a "gerund" isn't a food, it's a grammar thing
@Matt +1 for adopting the "doing is a gerund' in your answer. Upvoting you now
aww thanks :) feel free to write a better answer
@MattEllenД I don't think I could add much, so if I find stuff I'll let you know
if recalling french termz umphhhh oksan grand sur come..
@trg787 I have no idea what "oksan" is
@simchona i'm too don`t know wht is it i stduid frennch for 10 yeaers
I will keep my accounts after all.
Is that the real @Jasper Loy?
Welcome back. I'm so happy to see you.
Robert Cartaino has kindly sent me an email explaining things, and I have also read what Grace said. I have told Robert to keep my accounts and I have removed the 'please delete me' too.
I want to add that I am not an attention-seeker. It was only my intention to chat with the regulars and not attract attention from public. In my enthusiasm I had forgotten that the transcript is publicly available for all time.
burbles with happiness
hey @JasperLoy
@Jez Hello, and we should not talk about L anymore.
For those of you who have disclosed to me personal info, I won't disclose it here, so don't worry.
maybe we should talk about...
@MattEllenД No skiving during office hours.
@Jez No skiving during office hours.
@JasperLoy awww, but, oh alright.
Hi @JasperLoy. It seems I missed more drama when I took the day off. NIce to have you back, all the same.
Hmm. That sounded nicer in my head.
In all seriousness, I want to make a public apology if I ever said anything inappropriate. Feel free to delete my words or suspend me. But I will remain who I am though I will remember not to say certain things here from now.
I don't think you said anything inappropriate. Risquê perhaps, but no more than the rest of us.
@Rhŵdri You should not quit either. I hope you get over it too like I have.
What happened?
@Alenanno Just read the transcript yesterday. :)
How do I do it?
@JasperLoy Sorry but my issue is directly with Jeff's behaviour, and there are no signs of that being remedied.
@Alenanno chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/95
That is the address for this room.
I don't know, I turn my back for one minute... :-)
@Rhŵdri You wouldn't know unless you read the entire transcript. But I agree with you that why I said so much is because the others did too.
That's a rather lovely gravatar, @JasperLoy
@Rhŵdri That is because I felt frustrated yesterday. I still do, but not over this matter anymore, so I may change it soon.
If Robert is in NYC, he sent me the mail at midnight. I told him I don't deserve this kind of attention.
@Jez It is a good idea to stop posting pictures too. They attract a lot of unwanted attention.
@JasperLoy For some of us, midnight is early.
@JasperLoy from prudes.
Who don't comprehend 'incomprehensible'.
@Jez Anyway this time action was taken because people were talking about it in the other rooms, and how this could make L uncomfortable. They could at least have just dropped a note here telling me directly, but case closed.
Goodness knows why they talk about things in this room in the other room. That is called spying.
I think it's called gossip ;)
I believe in treating people sincerely. A president and a beggar I treat in the same way.
An adult and a child I treat in the same way.
And for everyone's info, though Kit is smart, a lot of her speculations about me are not correct either. :)
So don't believe her guesses about me, and just take what I say literally.
I hope I didn't say anything to upset you, in chat, yesterday.
@MattEllenД No, and neither did Kit. It's just that I was surprised at her extrapolation.
And I also do not deserve all this attention from you kind people.
@JasperLoy it's not the receiver who decides what they deserve :)
Speaking as a Christian, "deserving" has nothing to do with it. You're stuck with us ;-0
Now my day is good.
@Cerberus Good!
I just read your e-mails.
I'm glad you liked Aedia's card.
2 hours later…
@grace @mana I am back.
Welcome back, @Jasper!
Things feeling any better now?
@GraceNote Robert sent me an email explaining things and I replied that I will keep my accounts. I also told him you were doing a great job, but no need to treat me when you get promoted tmr.
I'm glad you're sticking around.
So am I!
Of course there were some sentences in his email that I could interpret in multiple ways, but it doesn't really matter what he thinks of me. I think everything is cleared up now. I agreed that the messages should be deleted, and told him to delete other things he might think are inappropriate as well.
You will have forgotten all about it in a week!
I think I was very sensitive about this matter because in real life there was a person who complained about a five-letter word I said to the boss, who then took some kind of action against me. I wasn't even aware until the boss summoned me.
hey @Jasper! good to see you here. we were worried about you
@JSBᾶngs You should be, but not because of this matter.
@JasperLoy well, ok. why should i really be worried?
@JSBᾶngs Never mind, inappropriate for chat. Some have been mentioned before but I won't mention them again since it is not the right place.
@f'x Just testing. Do you get this ping?
@fx Testing again. Do you get this ping?
@JasperLoy got neither
you can't get to me
@Fx But I think we can on the main site using f'x, is that right?
@JasperLoy yes
So strictly speaking, the rules here are different from the main site, interesting.
and I'm glad you're back, even though I never knew you went away
@JasperLoy There a lot of things different/better here compared to the main site, mainly because this was rolled out long after the main site engine, allowing them to improve on certain aspects without breaking them elsewhere.
i.e. being able to ping multiple people in a single message
@Manaಠдಠ But till now it has not been implemented on the main site. I wonder why it is so hard.
Perhaps it's by-design? idk, I need to look up the meta topics.
Ya maybe intentional, just like the way comments are not displayed chronologically.
Q: What is the verb form for inception?

KarthickJust out of curiosity, what is the verb form of inception? My (uneducated) guesses are : incept and inceive. Thanks.

This has got to be gen ref.
Oh! Hi @JasperLoy!
@JasperLoy ((HUG))
@Manaಠдಠ It is by design
Pinging multiple people is useful for conversation. We don't encourage conversation on the main Q&A
I see. Thank you.
@KitΘδς Thanks! Well, I was just telling them most of the stuff you said yesterday about me were incorrect.
@GraceNote Good answer. +1
@KitΘδς it is at etymonline, does that count as gen ref?
@MattEllenД No, that's not a generally known reference, but you can get it from the dictionary.
And you can look up "inceive" and see that it does not exist.
@JasperLoy Well, good. Glad to hear that. At least, I hope the yucky parts were the parts I was wrong about.
@KitΘδς dictionary.com didn't help, since its definition for incept is "take in"
@MattEllenД So if it's not incept, what is it?
but etymonline gives "to begin"
@KitΘδς Most of the extrapolations you made from the data applies to ordinary beings. I am extra-ordinary.
@KitΘδς I think it is, I also think dictionary.com is lacking
@MattEllenД I was just thinking that, but I don't have access to Merriam-Webster special random words.
@MattEllenД Even if so, if it is very interesting and nontrivial we still can have it, like the lie vs lay question.
@JasperLoy this is true
@MattEllenД Changed it to wikitionary. Ugh.
@KitΘδς :D
@JasperLoy I would agree, except that I think it is trivial, and the OP did not show any research effort.
Actually whether a question is on topic or not depends on our subconscious intuition, and that changes according to how many questions we think should be allowed on this site. So if we have too few questions one day, we will all start to not close as much.
Did you start medication? I think that's the longest sentence I've ever seen you write.
@KitΘδς No, and don't intend to for various reasons. Long? Really? That's weird.
@JasperLoy I meant no offense. I took it as a good sign.
@JasperLoy I don't think that's a good way to go about things, though. It's important for the site to put more of an emphasis on high-quality content rather than allowing lots of low-quality stuff in order to feel like there's more activity going on.
@KitΘδς Don't worry. I think I should also not say too much about my issues here since it is not appropriate for chat too. But those that have been said I will leave them there until someone decides to delete them.
@Manaಠдಠ True, but it's more of the on or off topic in this case. And that can be subjective. In fact other aspects of quality are pretty subjective too. Today I judge this as such, tmr I may think otherwise.
And of course a question asked by someone of a high rep may be more well-received than if it were asked by a newbie. We need to be aware of these biases in our judgement.
Q: which one is most suitable?

rahularyansharmai want to show some message to user in front of textboxes on a web page so i want to know which one is the right sentence 1- Please, Enter your name. OR 2- Please, Enter a name.

^ off-topic writing request.
@JSBᾶngs Done. And I love that beard of yours.
@JasperLoy lol thanks
Q: Old English instead of Latin in early Britain

Otavio MacedoFor almost 400 years, Britain was a Roman province. During that period, naturally, Latin was an important language in the region. When the Germanic tribes invaded the British Isles (around the 5th century), they brought with them several Germanic dialects that ended up becoming the predominant la...

I think this question is intensely interesting, and also off-topic.
i am chagrined to agree
@KitΘδς Done.
I'm happy to disagree. It's about the development of the English language, so it seems on topic to me.
@JSBᾶngs I looked up the dictionary. The word used in this way seems unusual, chagrined.
I am superfluous to agree.
@Manaಠдಠ Now I am more confused.
@JasperLoy it is somewhat unusual, but i'm using my native speaker verb-creation privileges
@Jasper (that's the point)
@JSBᾶngs Well, the word chagrined does appear in the dictionary. It would be an adjective formed from the noun meaning disappointed or annoyed.
@Manaಠдಠ Mana is very deep.
Good (time of day)!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 This would be clearer without parentheses.
@JasperLoy It's meant to be a placeholder, which you can use to fill in whatever time of day it is where you are.
But this isn't StackOverflow so I didn't want to use any particular syntax.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh. Damn. I was just going to suggest SQL.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 good $time_of_day should be understandable to anyone
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh I see, you are very deep too.
@JasperLoy I don't know about "deep" :) "nerdy", perhaps.
@KitΘδς Ooh, a challenge. Ok, here's Oracle
Select 'Good ' ||
when to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') between 0 and 4 then 'night'
when to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') between 5 and 11 then 'morning'
when to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') between 12 and 17 then 'afternoon'
when to_char(sysdate, 'hh24') between 18 and 24 then 'evening'
from dual
Just run that locally for a timezone-specific greeting from Mr. Shiny & New
sorry, I'm allergic to Oracle
@MrShinyandNew安宇 wtf? is || string concat here?
@JSBᾶngs Yes
@MattEllenД Enh, it's not so bad.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 O_o
@JSBᾶngs Yeah. odd choice of operators. But then, SQL is one of the world's most f'ed up languages.
Nothing peeves me more than SQL's insistence that null != null. W T F.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, that made me o_0 when I realised
These people are annoying, I have had enough of them. Also where is my swag?
I mean of course on the main site btw, chat people are nice. :)
@z7sgѪ which people?
@z7sgѪ Scourge them with fire and rainbows. Or something.
Anyway sorry for that outburst. I am taking a break from it. @Rhdri heh good idea :)
@Rhŵdri ! Hi!
Hi Kit
@Rhŵdri How much longer do you think?
@MattEllen Jasper quit hu?
@JasperLoy HUGS
@z7sgѪ not any more :)))))
@aediaλ Thanks for the card.
I have a meeting full of mornings, so I am sorry I can't chat much at the moment, but I'll be back later.
I mean, a morning full of meetings.
I mean, I need some coffee.
@MattEllenД WTF has been going on?
@JasperLoy I am glad you liked it!
@z7sgѪ today: good things, yesterday: bad things.
@z7sgѪ Read the transcript yesterday and today.
@KitΘδς Ages yet. I still have 23 pages of stuff to sort through.
I proclaimed yesterday as the International Day of Suckiness.
Ay, as long as it is resolved I think I will get on with my work instead. Glad you are still here though m8.
@Rhŵdri I have no idea what you are talking.
@KitΘδς yar
@Rhŵdri Well, it's nice to still see you once in a while.
Maybe better without the preview youtube.com/watch?v=1FR842KUaOw
@KitΘδς why? what happened?
@JSBᾶngs Everybody was having a crap day.
IMHO today sucks, since i just got a call from the home warranty people and they won't cover the mold in the garage
@JSBᾶngs clearly you live in opposites universe
Yesterday my car died in the middle of a very busy insterection with lots of trucks, and I had no battery so no flashers or anything to warn people.
@KitΘδς that's bad
That was the topper for a crappy day.
Yesterday, my brain informed me that it would like some rest now, so I went back to bed.
@JSBᾶngs Well, mold in the garage sucks too.
Mold in the garage is definitely worse.
@JSBᾶngs Don't cover it, uncover it.
the thing is, if they had told me this two weeks ago, i would have called a contractor immediately and it would be fixed by now
@KitΘδς No petrol, or is it an electric car?
@JSBᾶngs Bastards. Is it black mold?
@JasperLoy No battery. The battery went kaput.
@KitΘδς Isn't it more politically correct to say "African-American" mold?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 spit take
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Did you hear the story about the woman who sued a Korean furniture company?
@KitΘδς ... no... but maybe a similar story happened, here in Toronto a (black) family got a couch delivered, made in China, and the colour of the leather was printed on the packing slip as "Nigger brown".
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh. disappointed face That sounds like the same story.
I thought there was a pun on the way.
Something to do with kim-chi maybe
@KitΘδς Well, then, I DID hear that story :)
@z7sgѪ Nope. Just an anecdote that I subsequently deleted.
And apparently had remembered completely wrong anyway.
uhoh, my browser just said "Firefox has an update: Firefox 6.0". Should I update it?
Yes, since eventually you want to get to Firefox 7/8, whichever of the ones fixes all the memory problems
@Manaಠдಠ Isn't that firefox N+1, where N is the current version, for all N?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yes
People seem to go hilariously overboard on political correctness. The one that made me laugh aloud was the fan who in all seriousness referred to Noel Clarke (who played Mickey in Dr Who) as an African-American.
@Rhŵdri so how should they refer to him?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I've been using it all day, and so far so good
@Rhŵdri damn straight
@Rhŵdri or simply black
on that topic:
I haven't seen @RegDwight around for a couple of days. Did something happen?
@JSBᾶngs I saw him live when he came to Toronto. It was a great show. The whole audience knew all the songs.
@Marthaª He's in Rome.
Ah! Ok. Much relieved.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i had never heard of him until a few days ago. is this because i'm disconnected from pop culture, or because he's only known in the britosphere?
(I'm swamped at work, so I haven't been able to chat, so I'm feeling all out of the loop.)
@Marthaª Caesar is going to put him through his paces in the Colosseum (sp?)
@Marthaª No skiving at work.
@JasperLoy But... but... but... where's the fun in that?
@JSBᾶngs Very funny.
I think I have another favorite piano player.
@JSBᾶngs I know him from the skepticism/atheism sphere. I suspect he's also known in the britosphere but I'm in Canada, so... we're not really British anymore.
@JSBᾶngs Hee. That brightened my day no end.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 er, why is he known in the atheosphere?
he seems to be mostly australian/british, and i had never heard of him like i said
the atheosphere?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 canada is the buffer zone between americana and britishianity
@JSBᾶngs I dunno about that.... :p
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, I mean it's been like 40 years or something since Canada politely asked if it could be it's own country, right?
@KitΘδς depends on what you mean by that. :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 the queen is still your nominal head of state, no? and she appointed some government guy a few years back when your parliament was in shambles IIRC
Canadian confederation: 1867. Canadian constitution repatriated into Canadian (not British) law: 1980. So, it was a process. But most people agree that Canada was its own country in its own right after WWI
@JSBᾶngs She is our head of state as the Queen of Canada, an office she holds concurrently with the queenship of England and other countries.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i wish we could have a monarch. other countries get all of the best heads of state
@JSBᾶngs I wish we didn't have one. It's a waste of money. It doesn't provide any benefit.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 tourism and tradition, man.
@JSBᾶngs The royals don't bring that to Canada though, only England.
Yes, but we get to tease them for it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 good point. i had forgotten that, briefly. but what does the queen cost you as canadians?
@JSBᾶngs Not sure. Personally I think it'd be too costly to get rid of them, but I see no point in keeping them.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 If the UK lost the monarchy then we'd have a problem because we'd change people who are currently benevolent and rich into regular rich capitalists.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 HM the Q is also the legislative backstop in Canada, isn't she? If the politicians go too far off the rails, she can (in theory) non placet the lot of them.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I would say once you had your own flag.
@KitΘδς We had a flag a long time ago. But it had the British flag in the corner. Does that count?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i hope so, because otherwise australia still isn't its own country
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nope.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 there's a Monarchist League of Canada? how adorable
@Rhŵdri Once or twice the governer general (Queen's rep in Cdn govt) had to step in and actually do something. However, I don't see why we can't just have some other position legislated into our constitution, for that purpose. Like, an ombudsman.
I love the word ombudsman.
@KitΘδς Well, then, 1965 is when we adopted it.
@KitΘδς in college my friends pretended that the ombudsman was like a superhero. Ombuds-man!
But I don't think the flag is a strict requirement. More like, someone said "Hey, we've been a nation in its own right for years, why don't we have a flag yet?"
I was thinking of the Eddie Izzard bit.
Anyway. Tim minchin: atheist comedian, also a bit of a nerd. I highly recommend him but if you're religious or offended when people make fun of religion, some of his songs are NSFY (not safe for you).
Joe Blow is back answering questions.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Indeed. You would still need the position, though, and it would still need to be an appointment that was somehow separated from the rest of the political system.
Let me put it this way: I created a youtube account specifically so that I could make a playlist of his videos. It remains my only playlist.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, I like him. Thanks for the intro. My husband loved the Lullaby.
@Rhŵdri I don't know if we'd need it. Lots of other countries don't have it. Its authority derives from the govt itself, so when the govt is off the rails the checks/balance system might also go off the rails. So who knows.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Exactly. At least the GG has a measure of independence.
@Rhŵdri I'm not sure how much independence, in real terms, he has. It comes down to the rule of law in the end, and if the politicians submit to it, it doesn't matter who's applying the law, there's always bias and politics and other BS.
Hello, salad. I will be the person to eat you today.
@KitΘδς delicious salad?
Less delicious than usual, but still pretty yummy looking.
@KitΘδς We who are about to diet salute you?
@KitΘδς Do you often talk to your food before you eat it?
O salad, I smite thee with my teeth! Your pea pods cannot stand against my mighty mastications!
@Rhŵdri LOL thwack
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It heightens the flavor if I believe that I am physically dominating it.
@KitΘδς I'm going to try that when my pasta arrives.
Woe to the broccoli, your savory green florets will fall beneath the juggernaut of my jaw.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You mean people don't usually do that?
@KitΘδς I have to say, my food is one of the few things I don't normally talk to
@KitΘδς It might talk back, and then where would we be?
The salad greens throw themselves against the firmly-set lances of my plastic fork, but they cannot break my lines.
@Rhŵdri Japan?
Jasper Loy is back
aye :) it's true @BogdanLataianu
5 hours ago, by Cerberus
Now my day is good.
@KitΘδς I think talking to inanimate objects is occasionally seen as a sign of insanity. But in this case it might be genius. Time will tell.
@Rhŵdri The restaurant at the end of the universe.
But then it would be enticing you to eat it, which is all good.
You will be glad to know that I have driven my salad from its plastic container down to the very pits of my stomach, every last vinaigrette-soaked sunflower seed of it.
Making me hungry. Well maybe not exactly hungry but at least desiring... salad.
@z7sgѪ It's the feeling of power and domination that you're really craving.
@KitΘδς Hmm... could be!
That settles it. I shall go out and slay a biscuit.
Some Epicureans will say that you should make love to your food, enjoy its sensual delights, but I say make war on your food and enjoy the thrill of control.
@Rhŵdri Yes! Show it who's in charge! Make it obey your will!
@Cerberus Is there a formal name also for this school of thought?
@z7sgѪ Kittenarianism?
@KitΘδς That sounds far too nice!
Because I like the word bellicose.
Yes... you are a bellicophage!
Y haz no one give me teh codez?
Pls finish my project now.
Post detailed examples including working code.
Y haz no one give me teh codez?
@KitΘδς closed as "Too whiny"
@JSBᾶngs Wh—? tch
What are we talking about?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Things and stuff.
down with things! up with stuff!
@JSB Where do you stand on dohickeys?
@KitΘδς i am eyeing them warily
off to mtgs now, bbye
@JSBᾶngs Bye!

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