Conversation started Aug 26, 2011 at 15:32.
Aug 26, 2011 15:32
I think this is deserving of a tag, neh?
Q: If the nuclear holocaust happened in 2077, then why are the clothes and music in the style of the 1950s?

tm1rbrtIf the nuclear holocaust happened in 2077, then why are the clothes and music in the style of the 1950s? (source)

@Loktar well! if you thought you could give toilets for granted -- you're wrong!
yeah, 'plot' would make sense
@FallenAngelEyes I dunno, it's not really about the plot is it?
It's more about the... context?
or lore. lore would be better....
We don't have a lore tag at all I don't think
Oh we do
Aug 26, 2011 15:33
We do and it's got 7 questions
on 7 other questions apparently
Well if you feel like proposing a merge for it post on meta!
Mmmm, that's rough. They really are 2 different things. Are we okay with having the distinction?
I'm okay with it, but have we been using the tags appropriately so far?
Is it really an important distinction?
Aug 26, 2011 15:35
I'm missing 3 questions from . Are some in SCII or WoW?
also @FallenAngelEyes thanks for writing up those insanely huge and awesome blog posts about gamescon
@thedaian I'm glad you enjoyed them! There's still more on the way
@FallenAngelEyes 2 WoW, 1 Mass Effect, 1 Terraria, 1 League of Legends, 1 Dungeon Siege, 1 Fallout
Oh, right, @Fallen - congrats from up on high about your blog posts. Even Jeff is impressed and extremely satisfied with the job you did.
@GraceNote I'm not sure. On one hand, they're not necessarily a problem, on the other, we do support them, and I've never seen any severe quality issues on them.
@GraceNote Oh wow! :D Thanks for letting me know!
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not thinking on quality, just in terms of tag quantity. It's like the "indefinite-articles" versus "definite-articles" on English - sure, you could have separate tags, but is it an important enough distinction?
Is the post/back-story distinct enough from the during-story that it warrants a separate tag, is my thought. It might be, it might not be.
Aug 26, 2011 15:39
@GraceNote Hm. I'm thinking meta post now.
No harm in such. ♪
Conversation ended Aug 26, 2011 at 15:39.