Conversation started Jul 22, 2016 at 13:06.
Jul 22, 2016 13:06
This suggestion is relevant for the topic of this room:
A: What to do in case of unsuccessful duplicate close vote (or flag)?

Asaf KaragilaI think that a separate thread might be a reasonable idea. I feel that we're running close to the end of the current reopen/undelete thread. So having two fresh threads, one for reopening and undeleting, and one for duplicates, should be fine. Next year, or early 2018, when we run the cycle of t...

Still it should be clarified what kind questions should be in that thread.
For example, should a suggestion to change direction (duplicate target) be included as a possible post in that thread?
I have started a kind of general introduction to the thread here (there is certainly a place to improve):
A: Sandbox for drafts of long, complex posts

anonSuggestion of a post serving for duplicate posts, see here for details. This thread is intended to help with closure of duplicates. It should serve for situations where duplicate closure vote was not successful. It is better to have inquiries about duplicate closures in one thread rather tha...

3 hours later…
Jul 22, 2016 15:39
@Martin These should go in the reopen etc thread, Bifurcating such related requests into multiple threads will create too much noise and defeat localization. I will vote to close any such thread as a duplicate of the reopen thread - which it surely is. — Bill Dubuque 3 mins ago
@BillDubuque Dully noted. But this is not the place for discussing this, there is a separate question about this. — Martin Sleziak 5 secs ago
And Asaf thought there will be no additional feedback on this issue:
@Martin: All that changed in the past few days was one more vote on my answer and the removal of a bunch of comments from the main question. I doubt the weekend will bring any new blood into this conversation. — Asaf Karagila 3 hours ago
@MartinSleziak Yes, nonsesne prevails on Meta these days. Whats the point of even trying... good luck. — Bill Dubuque 26 secs ago
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Jul 22, 2016 20:25
That (finite) geometric series question is covered by answers to this (infinite) geometric series question, listed in Meta's List of generalizations of common questions. I have added a comment, but not flagged as duplicate. It might actually be better to add the new Q (with currently 8 answers) to Meta's generalizations list.
Jul 22, 2016 20:39
An answer in the generalizations list also links to this (finite, induction) question. Might be good enough for dup-closing, but by now amending the meta list seems to be more appropriate.
9 hours later…
Jul 23, 2016 05:23
Nonsense prevails on Main these days..
A: What is $0^{i}$?

AnixxThis value $0^i$ is usually left undefined. But if to define it should be seemingly the most naturally assigned the value 1. Exponential function $a^z$ has the period $i\left|\frac{2 \pi }{\log (a)}\right|$. When $a$ comes to $0$, the period also comes to $0$. This means the value in $i$ should b...

@ccorn Yet another question about the same sum (it asks for induction proof, too): Prove that $1+a+a^2+\cdots+a^n=(1-a^{n+1})/(1-a)$.
This too (no context, no effort shown, no use):
Q: Can the following object exist and what would be its properties?

AnixxSuppose, the following holds for all $z$. $$\frac z\pi \log \left(\frac{\tau -\frac{z}{\pi }+\frac{1}{2}}{\tau +\frac{z}{\pi }-\frac{1}{2}}\right)=\cos \left(2 \tau z \pm z\right)$$ What would be the algebraic properties of $\tau$ if it can exist?

8 hours later…
Jul 23, 2016 13:06
17 hours later…
Jul 24, 2016 06:17
An Extreme Point of a closed ball of $\ell^\infty$ was closed as a duplicate of the above question. (Both were posted by the same OP.)
The newer question has at least some context (the OP at least written down the definition of extreme point). I would suggest to the newer question and older one with the new question.
On the second thought, it is probably simpler to add the context to the older question. I did that and I suppose that this edit should push the question into reopen review queue.
(And I retracted my reopen vote on the newer question.)
No I didn't.
How do I retract reopen vote? I thought that it works the same as with close vote - simply by clicking on reopen again.
Retracting close votes is indeed possible:…
And there is this feature request: Ability to retract reopen/delete votes. So I suppose that at the moment it is not possible to retract a reopen vote.
We will see how the situation with those two questions will evolve.
And there exists also this question which contains the answer to the above questions: Extreme points of unit ball of Banach spaces $\ell_1$, $c_0$, $\ell_\infty$
However, post asking multiple questions at once are not ideal duplicate targets.
14 hours later…
Jul 24, 2016 20:33
@MartinSleziak thank you for having written the introdcution for dupe closure; I made some modifications.
In particular I removed the statement "it is better" now I agree it is better, but some others might not yet at that point it is irrelevant. I kept the reference with it was decided.
Thanks for the improvements.
What do you think about this?
2 days ago, by Martin Sleziak
For example, should a suggestion to change direction (duplicate target) be included as a possible post in that thread?
I had not see that. Yes, I was thinking about this too.
It seems a natural place to discuss this, but in practice it is best handled by a mod.
To be honest, I am not sure whether score 4 (+5/-1) is sufficient support to start the thread. And whether it is worth starting possible close/reopen war.
But making a draft for the post probably does not hurt anybody.
The majority is clear enough. Most users just could not care less. Thus hardly anybody votes.
One funny thing about that thread is that I have already made two posts simply because somebody said that such answer should be posted (instead of posting the answer himself). This would be a third one:
@quid: I'd do it, but then I'd be blamed in stealing yet another "requests thread" from someone. Might as well let Martin do it... :P — Asaf Karagila Jul 18 at 23:44
As I said, I'd be quite satisfied if somebody else starts the thread.
Jul 24, 2016 20:44
I could also post it, no problem.
"you should have cast already" or "you should already have cast"?
I am not native speaker, so even if somethings does not sound right to me, it still might be correct.
Neither am I... what do the experts say:
Q: What is the correct word order between "have/had", "been", and "already" in statements?

Daniel DinnyesWhat is the correct word order between have/had, been, and already in statements like the following: By the time the product was officially announced, I had already been using it. Or: By the time the product was officially announced, I had been already using it. Or: By the time th...

In any case, your edit certainly improved a few things.
It appears both are alright, with a slight advantage for the second.
14 hours later…
Jul 25, 2016 10:59
22 hours later…
Jul 26, 2016 09:22
@quid Do you think that this chatroom should also be mentioned in that intro? (As a possible alternative for posting there.)
@MartinSleziak yes, this could make sense.
Something like: a more low-key way to draw attention is the room CRUDE. For example, if just one vote is missing you might consider posting there instead.
That sounds reasonable.
Jul 26, 2016 09:58
@quid I have added link into your recent answer. Alternative would be this link:… I am not sure which one is better. (But it is certainly not a big difference.)
Thanks for that. I meant to do this but got distracted.
Jul 26, 2016 10:24
This post ask for two questions - it would be better to ask them separately. However, both of them are duplicates.
I have already voted to close as a duplicate of Combinatorial proof of $\sum^{n}_{i=1}\binom{n}{i}i=n2^{n-1}$..
Could somebody cast close vote as a duplicate of Evaluate $\sum\limits_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k}$ combinatorially, so that both OP's questions are covered? Thanks in advance!
Jul 26, 2016 10:38
BTW the post contained some strange url to image Should I worry about such links?
Jul 26, 2016 10:48
Not sure. Googling it seems to be a proxy site, that allows to browse with a different IP. I'd suspect it's an artifact of the fact somebody uses that service for some reason. It is at least pointless to have it there, but I think it is not a danger. So I'd replace it, but do nothing more about it.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected: Fuck you StackExchange by Akshar Gandhi on
Jul 26, 2016 11:17
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected, blacklisted user: Shut the fuck up you assholes by Akshar Gandhi on
4 hours later…
Jul 26, 2016 15:00
This Q has a related Q, but an answer to both Qs is given only with a comment. This is unsatisfying because the core of the question obviously keeps recurring.
14 hours later…
Jul 27, 2016 05:02
user147263 is gone it seems, very recently. (I do not stalk them nor even spend much time here most days, but coincidentally something weird happened that indicated the moment of the account being gone.) There may be hundreds of closed questions that previously had a single delete vote by them, and now have none (I am speculating but have reason to think it is plausible).
That means the results of the following query may get suddenly smaller at the end of this week:… I mention this here in case anyone else uses this list and might want to save a copy, taking advantage of the work user147263 did in finding them and starting clean up.
That's the "user with many names", right?
4 hours later…
Jul 27, 2016 09:01
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to determine if 2 points are on opposite sides of a line by dalecolin on
2 hours later…
Jul 27, 2016 11:08
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: If I generate a random matrix what is the probability of it to be singular? by eli ta on
5 hours later…
Jul 27, 2016 15:45
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: Three disks unique intersection contained in another circle by user2829166 on
3 hours later…
Jul 27, 2016 18:29
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in body: Question about the Riemann Zeta Function Proof by BOBO on
14 hours later…
Jul 28, 2016 08:16
"When I started here, the site was about a year old, and the old-timers could largely rely on memory in spotting duplicates (exact or abstract), and move swiftly. I managed to build a similar personal smallish database, and join in the battle. I would often remember who had given a good answer to an essentially duplicate question, search his/her history of answers, and act."
A: How aggressively should we tag a question as duplicate?

Jyrki LahtonenStandard disclaimer: This really is a comment, but it's too long, so... My gut feeling is that the efficiency of catching duplicates has been going down. When I started here, the site was about a year old, and the old-timers could largely rely on memory in spotting duplicates (exact or abstract)...

I wonder whether what @Jyrki meant by database in the above quote. From the context of the quote is seems that you might have meant by personal database simply questions you remembered, so it was in fact database in your own memory. But maybe you have started also collect link to questions in your computer?
Just being curious. Personally I have collected some lists of links for some questions which tend to repeat. Some of them I just wrote down with the hope that I can get back to them later and try to look which of them can serve best as the duplicate target. On some of them I have already voted.
When recently Jyrki wrote on meta "Am I the only one concerned about duplicates?" I made a resolution to be more active in looking for duplicates. But I failed to fulfill that resolution.
7 hours later…
Jul 28, 2016 15:31
@MartinSleziak: I personally think it's a losing battle haha..
By the way.. what do you think of the following:
A: Can we prove that induction is impossible for some proofs?

bassam karzeddinConsider the following Diophantine equation in integer numbers and using the general binomial theorem, we have this equation: $$(x + y - z)^p = p(x + y)(z - x)(z - y)*N(p, x, y, z) + x^p + y^p - z^p$$ , that can be reduced to: $$(x + y - z)^p = p(x + y)(z - x)(z - y)*N(p, x, y, z)$$, considering ...

A: The equation $x^3 + y^3 = z^3$ has no integer solutions - A short proof

bassam karzeddinWithout loss of generality, consider three positive distinct coprime integers $x <y <z$ and $$x^3 + y^3 = z^3$$, First consider the case where $3$ doesn’t divide $xyz$, then the simplest so elegant proof would be by using the general binomial theorem as the following: $$(x + y - z)^3 = 3(x + y)(...

I'm quite sure that it's junk, having read through and found no reason it would lead anywhere. The crucial hard cases are all left out and claimed to be similar when in fact they are not.
The comments suggest that this poster is a crankpot or close to one.
Jul 28, 2016 15:55
It is not related to those two answers, but we previously had some questions about proof without induction.
This question is related. Maybe some other questions linked there, too. — Martin Sleziak 52 secs ago
Jul 28, 2016 16:50
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Can every even integer be expressed as the difference of two primes? by user356816 on
28 hours later…
Jul 29, 2016 20:36
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in body: The Riemann Hypothesis Proof by Brak on
36 hours later…
Jul 31, 2016 08:18
When we are satisfied with the version of the write-up we can simply save the link to the source and leave the answer in sandbox for general usage again.
Conversation ended Jul 31, 2016 at 8:19.