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"When I started here, the site was about a year old, and the old-timers could largely rely on memory in spotting duplicates (exact or abstract), and move swiftly. I managed to build a similar personal smallish database, and join in the battle. I would often remember who had given a good answer to an essentially duplicate question, search his/her history of answers, and act."
A: How aggressively should we tag a question as duplicate?

Jyrki LahtonenStandard disclaimer: This really is a comment, but it's too long, so... My gut feeling is that the efficiency of catching duplicates has been going down. When I started here, the site was about a year old, and the old-timers could largely rely on memory in spotting duplicates (exact or abstract)...

I wonder whether what @Jyrki meant by database in the above quote. From the context of the quote is seems that you might have meant by personal database simply questions you remembered, so it was in fact database in your own memory. But maybe you have started also collect link to questions in your computer?
Just being curious. Personally I have collected some lists of links for some questions which tend to repeat. Some of them I just wrote down with the hope that I can get back to them later and try to look which of them can serve best as the duplicate target. On some of them I have already voted.
When recently Jyrki wrote on meta "Am I the only one concerned about duplicates?" I made a resolution to be more active in looking for duplicates. But I failed to fulfill that resolution.
7 hours later…
@MartinSleziak: I personally think it's a losing battle haha..
By the way.. what do you think of the following:
A: Can we prove that induction is impossible for some proofs?

bassam karzeddinConsider the following Diophantine equation in integer numbers and using the general binomial theorem, we have this equation: $$(x + y - z)^p = p(x + y)(z - x)(z - y)*N(p, x, y, z) + x^p + y^p - z^p$$ , that can be reduced to: $$(x + y - z)^p = p(x + y)(z - x)(z - y)*N(p, x, y, z)$$, considering ...

A: The equation $x^3 + y^3 = z^3$ has no integer solutions - A short proof

bassam karzeddinWithout loss of generality, consider three positive distinct coprime integers $x <y <z$ and $$x^3 + y^3 = z^3$$, First consider the case where $3$ doesn’t divide $xyz$, then the simplest so elegant proof would be by using the general binomial theorem as the following: $$(x + y - z)^3 = 3(x + y)(...

I'm quite sure that it's junk, having read through and found no reason it would lead anywhere. The crucial hard cases are all left out and claimed to be similar when in fact they are not.
The comments suggest that this poster is a crankpot or close to one.
It is not related to those two answers, but we previously had some questions about proof without induction.
This question is related. Maybe some other questions linked there, too. — Martin Sleziak 52 secs ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Can every even integer be expressed as the difference of two primes? by user356816 on math.stackexchange.com

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