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@quid Do you think that this chatroom should also be mentioned in that intro? (As a possible alternative for posting there.)
@MartinSleziak yes, this could make sense.
Something like: a more low-key way to draw attention is the room CRUDE. For example, if just one vote is missing you might consider posting there instead.
That sounds reasonable.
@quid I have added link into your recent answer. Alternative would be this link: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/9687/… I am not sure which one is better. (But it is certainly not a big difference.)
Thanks for that. I meant to do this but got distracted.
This post ask for two questions - it would be better to ask them separately. However, both of them are duplicates.
I have already voted to close as a duplicate of Combinatorial proof of $\sum^{n}_{i=1}\binom{n}{i}i=n2^{n-1}$..
Could somebody cast close vote as a duplicate of Evaluate $\sum\limits_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k}$ combinatorially, so that both OP's questions are covered? Thanks in advance!
BTW the post contained some strange url to image http://i.stack.imgur.com.prx.uk.teleport.to/Lr00z.png. Should I worry about such links?
Not sure. Googling teleport.to it seems to be a proxy site, that allows to browse with a different IP. I'd suspect it's an artifact of the fact somebody uses that service for some reason. It is at least pointless to have it there, but I think it is not a danger. So I'd replace it, but do nothing more about it.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected: Fuck you StackExchange by Akshar Gandhi on math.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected, offensive title detected, blacklisted user: Shut the fuck up you assholes by Akshar Gandhi on math.stackexchange.com
4 hours later…
This Q has a related Q, but an answer to both Qs is given only with a comment. This is unsatisfying because the core of the question obviously keeps recurring.

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