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7:32 AM
@BernardMeurer I was asleep
But yeah sure. Hoping we'll get to endgame this time
Omw to work though so playing any games would happen in about 12-13 hours
9 hours later…
5:02 PM
That's alrighty
and quit lying, I know europeans don't sleep
2 hours later…
7:20 PM
sure we do
2 hours later…
9:23 PM
god dammit this one
I thought I was doing so well
but this one was really, really good
until turn 12 I actually thought "well shit now what"
you forced me to think a lot,
even if it didn't look like it
you spend even longer thinking (which is fine), so I just think in your time
for timed matches, it's another negative spiral
I was also watching a movie :p
9:25 PM
so, with 7. ... h6
obviously the next one was ... g5, right
to force that bishop away
Yep, that was my plan
that's why I moved it out of the way
The that whole house of cards in the middle would fall in my favor
9. ... f6 was pretty strong too, turning the king's flank into a well protected area
I had to move all the way back to g3, else you would move g5 anyway
also of note:
you hung your knight with that move
How come?
9:29 PM
I never took it because I was too busy with other things
(like not noticing it until several turns later)
that N on g4
can move to h6, f6, e5, e3, f2, and h2.
I don't see how that pawn hung it?
h2 = covered by rook
I see
f2 covered by king
e3 covered by pawn
e5 covered by pawn
and f6 and h6 blocked by friendly pawn
h2-h3 would have threatened it and it'd been lost at that point
but you created a more pressing need with that nice bishop move
10. ... Bb4
I had not spotted it and was like well shit
I was so happy when I saw that!
9:32 PM
moving the queen was the only way to get it safe again, but the queen's a really bad defender so I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to deal with anything heavier
I really don't know how to defend against a queen
just notice, everytime you forward your queen the game ends in a couple of turns
that's because I don't move it until I have to
it gets taken too easily at the start of the game
when the queen DOES enter the board, however,
I just put 9 points into play.
so yes, it's like a steamroller.
then you traded off pieces with 11. ... Bxc3+
which was nice, for me
I really didn't have any other pieces to use, was kinda getting stuck
12. ... a6 was my first advantage that I could see
I could get a free pawn
via 13. Bxc6+ bxc6
14. Qxc6+
= 1 pawn + 1 knight of yours for 1 bishop on my side.
I really didn't know about that bishop sacrifice
it was a trade
you handled that fork poorly,
I think moving the bishop should have been the first play
it would have been followed by Qxd5, yes
but then that's that
no more oomph left after that
but it went wrong instead
I almost thought I had won right there
because king has to move, so I get the 2nd rook as well
but yeah you can stick the queen in between there
I would have gone for Qc8, though
I think that would have been better because then all your pieces are covered again
instead, with Qd8, your bishop is once again unprotected, so I can move it back and try to provoke it again
this time, I get to take that pawn
I play 18. Qe4+ because hey, it's a Knight + king fork
but yeahhhh that knight is protected so that's useless
then 18. ... Qe7 rolls about
I was forced there, yes
Alternative route was Bd6, but is countered by Qe6, and then I HAVE to make the swap
afterwards, 20. Nh4 to fork king + rook with next move
you could have seen that had you gone through the effort of mentally going through all possible double moves with the knight
I got pissed off when you took that rook
9:45 PM
well to be fair the game was really over by that point
the knight at G4 remains hung for the rest of the game, so it would likely have been picked off in the future as well
Dang it I started this one so well
leaving you with the one bishop
what went wrong is f6 lost you a knight
it might have been on the board, but it was dead weight
then two mistakes knocked out your rooks
after the queen trade, you ran out of heavy material and lost.
And even so all I could do was force a queen trade
well, OTOH, both my rooks were idle the whole time
you might have been rooks down,
but my rooks weren't doing anything.
But you had them just in case still
it's firepower
I should have castled earlier on
9:49 PM
the real damage was loss of pawns with the rest of the pieces traded off
uhh lemme see...
I think instead of 12. ... a6, king side castle would have done well
but it would still lead to that rook being pinned due to the poor pawn structure
the pawn structure queens side was still okay, but you couldn't move your queen out of there before it got shanked
Well I'm very happy with my start on this one, just need to learn how to handle that queen attack better and not panic
I wish I could set up a position and play from there
we haven't even gotten to a fair endgame yet =/
It'll take a while :p
Specially because you're the only person that wants to play with me :D
even with just that you manage to fight back a lot better after each game
10:06 PM
I feel like I can see ahead better
1 hour later…
11:15 PM
Holy shit
What a game
I can't do this again, it's bad for my blood pressure
Brilliant ending tho :)
I think a lot of times "welp you screwed up"
and then it's like haaaaang on
Getting sneaky eh?
lets's look it through
so, your opening was weeeeeeeird
but that's cool
I suck at openings anyway, I don't study them or anything
2. a3 in particular
looks reaaaaally silly, but I get it
2. ... Bc5, 3. b4
and then what
11:19 PM
I wanted to prepare my left side for some mid-game stuff with my rook
all I would end up doing by moving the bishop out there is giving you lots of pawn moves
boxing me in
not good
so I went horseys instead
then you were like "screw it I'll just copy him"
We got our 4 horses in game soon that was fun
ofc I expected 5. Bb5 as soon as I had made 4. ... d6
Not gonna let you go genghis khan my ass :p
and a6 was a clear response as well
yes, trade happens after that
my first mistake was 7. ... d5
8. Nxe5 and fuck, pawn down
but you didn't see it? or something
so that was nice
11:24 PM
I wanted the knight to cover my bishop that was ahead
but taking your pawn would have been smarted now that I think of it
so he puts the bishop forward, pinning the knight
I go ahead with pawn exchange
and because the queen was being pinned anyway, well, I decided to trade it off
plus, you'd either have to give up castling
or move the knight a bit out of play again
meaning Nxe4
That queen exchange was nice for me
I liked it at least, I hate queens :p
so next is 10. ... Ng4
with obvious fork
and the block was unexpected but okay
I expected the king to move back
next, I really wanted that bishop gone
like, go awaaay
then I have a brainfart
11:29 PM
And that's when you started pushing it backwards and I freaked out
and forget to move the last pawn
like wtf pim
then again, if I had moved it, knight would be stuck
so ... yeah...?
maybe 12. ... g5 was wrong
but I somehow hung my own knight
had I done that.
instead, 13. ... Be6 to...
allow for O-O-O+
should I need a rook.
The fucks that?
Queen's side castling, check
Because maybe I could use it somehow?
maybe jiggle your king about, get a better fork spot
then 14. h3
Oh, I see
well fuck, my horse is stuck
11:33 PM
Yeah I forced your horse back there
oh fuck, e5 pawn is unprotected if I move the horse
but he'll take it with that trapped bishop so I guess it's okay, I'll just O-O-O+ to save c7 and then use the tempo (bonus move via forcing your opponent to "waste" a move) to save the rook
14. ... Nf6,
15. Nxe5
Oi, that's a horse!
the fuck is that doing there
it's uh... hmmmmmmmmmmm
well, threatening the c6 pawn
I'm already 1 point down, don't want to lose one more
Yeah that pawn move fucked me right
I was betting on you not noticing it
so I move c6-c5
because it's main function was keeping the Knight at C3 off D5 and B5
keep it out of the attack
but that's a handled job
so I guess he can move
16. h4
I have no idea what its for
Just trading pieces and getting a safe way forward for my bishop
well okay, trade you can get
then my knight is under attack
no idea why it can't move
I guess I'm scared at this point and just wanna build a pointy blob that you can't touch
18. b4 - another pawn trade?
11:41 PM
I was one point ahead so I thought I'd just trade
19. axb4 - heeey, I can take that one with my bishop - oh wait, no, I can't.
I could, if I didn't have to protect my knight, though.
h5 - useless
g4, e4, d5, murdered
g8, h7, wtf are you doing
e8 is blocked, so d7 it is, I guess
so this whole clever double-attack is just accidental
it made you think really long though
I don't think you liked that one
I hated that move
and I don't even remember why now
it made everything complicated
so he makes a pretty good move, 20. Bg3
I think it was good, anyway
I guess you could have traded the pieces
11:46 PM
I thought about trading but I was hoping you'd make a goof and I could profit with them later perhaps
maybe would have been better?
I don't make many goofs, you play so hopefully
but 20. Bg3 seems okay
maybe later we find out it is not okay
so, I think, "well, I'll trade for him, Nxe5"
but it leads to the bishop striking back and then I'd have to move my rook and you'd take c7,
and I can't use O-O-O+ because there's a knight in the-
wow, circular logic there
I guess I could have, derp
recursive chess :p
Then you got that pawn that made the score even
and I got real scared
but this pawn taking was better
I liked it
it maintained the double attack
so you flee with the horse and I'm wondering "can I leave that there"
well, yeah, I think I can
okay, what's next? well, the left rook isn't doing anything, maybe I can use it
22. c3 seemed good
forces me to move the bishop again
I guess I ought to go nail that knight
23. Rg1
11:53 PM
Well: scenario
your rook takes my bishop
no wait
that wasn't it
I trade horses
we trade bishops
and then the pawn needs to be defended?
that rook protects the pawn
yep, so you dont come close to my king
what about Ra5?
not sure that it's a good move, just wondering
Thought about it
ended up forgetting to make that move
then again, it isn't that helpful against f6
11:58 PM
no, but it could be something in the eventual center kill party
kill party =D
but Rg1, knight trade, bishop trade instead
then 26. Nd4
and it would've been stellar against that naughty pawn of yours that began it's descent towards my doom
I don't know what it's for, other than bringing the knight into play
but I didn't get it
Yeah I wasn't aiming anything with that

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