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01:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

1:18 AM
> If foul air attends a sound,
To seek its source just turn around,
We learn this truth in barefoot youth,
And lose our fragrance, but gain couth.
(Jim Reynolds, first two lines)
2:12 AM
French of the day: Tolstoï est réduit à l'état de chair à saucisse
2:49 AM
> As far back as 2021, more than one in three young American Jews told pollsters they think Israel is an “apartheid state,” and common sense would suggest that everything that’s happened since then has almost certainly considerably increased that number.
> Jewish students are often the ones for whom the issue feels most intensely personal, given their sense that Israel commits these crimes “in the name” of the Jewish people as a whole
> Future generations will be disgusted by the posture of those who saw millions of Palestinians displaced from their homes and tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians murdered with US weapons — and decided not to join the cease-fire protesters gathering on and off campuses but to smear them
01:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

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