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5:17 AM
Have I told you how much I miss a shorthand for the thin space when I'm forced to work in some doc editor?
4 hours later…
9:43 AM
Hello @DavidCarlisle
@JosephWright feeling brave this morning?
@DavidCarlisle Oh, you know me: I'd re-write all of latex.ltx from scratch given the chance ;-)
@DavidCarlisle I guess we need to wait for Frank
@DavidCarlisle BTW, did you look at L3 News?
@JosephWright no could do that now....
@DavidCarlisle Would be handy
@JosephWright I suspect you're a mole and would convert it to context line by line from the inside out:-)
9:47 AM
@DavidCarlisle :)
9:57 AM
@JosephWright someone needs to know how tex comments work...
@DavidCarlisle Did I mess something up?
@DavidCarlisle Ah, I see I did
@JosephWright I spent some time (just looking at pdf) trying to parse a sentence and think of a replacement then noticed in the source the first half of the sentence had % at the front:-)
@DavidCarlisle @barbarabeeton sent me the chagnes with comments: I basically accepted them all and re-wrapped, but must have missed a %
@DavidCarlisle Fixed
@JosephWright ah we can blame @barbarabeeton I also added a comma earlier (not got to the end yet) but:
-In addition to the documentation distributed with \pkg{l3build} the project
+In addition to the documentation distributed with \pkg{l3build}, the project
Right, how starred my comment about latex.ltx?
10:00 AM
@JosephWright not guilty
@JosephWright \tl_-, \char_- I'd be tempted not to hyphenate command names, and to only allow breaking at _ not between letters (that's what I do for function names at work for languages using _ names.)
@DavidCarlisle Isn't that coming from ltnews or something?
@JosephWright oh probably, but there are (almost) no _ separated strings there:-)
@DavidCarlisle Probably true: I guess it just sets up 'hyphenation inside \cs'
@DavidCarlisle On the other hand, in my day job we see hyphenation inside chemical formulae, which also is a bit odd but keeps them justified in two-column layouts
Apart from the command and hyphens it looks fine but I'd make the final section a paragraph, looks a bit odd as a list with the second starting "if the first item..."
@DavidCarlisle OK
10:11 AM
@JosephWright Something like “KM-nO4”?
@egreg Yes
@JosephWright WOW!
@egreg Well, almost: KMn-O4, you can't break an element symbol
@JosephWright That's what I hoped for!
@egreg Tends to be in longer cases, where it gets hard to fit into a line at all otherwise: I'll look for a real example
@egreg 'FI = 2-O-C6H4-CH=NC6H5' in pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2014/DT/… breaks between C6H4 and CH even though written on one line there'd be no hyphen there, for example
I've seen worse
@DavidCarlisle I've checked in the corrects: I guess @barbarabeeton can grab the news for TUGboat
10:20 AM
@JosephWright I'd probably add this but it doesn't matter
@DavidCarlisle Done
2 hours later…
12:17 PM
Q: Categories other than "off-topic" should allow custom close reasons

Michael HamptonCustom close reasons are a great boon to Stack Exchange sites, allowing the community to provide more tailored advice to site-specific situations. Their big problem (aside from being limited to three by default) is that they are all lumped under "off-topic". This is often confusing. I suggest th...

12:37 PM
@JosephWright We could have a few reasons when closing as unclear.
@egreg Yes: I stumbled across this from meta.stackexchange.com/questions/285889/…
12:54 PM
Is it a good idea to make presentation slides using latex?
@manetsus that's not a question that's answerable:-) What else would you use?
@DavidCarlisle Power Point of Microsoft?
@manetsus I tried that once (because a meeting mandated it) I can't say it was a pleasant experience:-)
@DavidCarlisle What should I look first to make presentation slides in Latex?
@manetsus beamer
12:58 PM
@DavidCarlisle Thanks a lot :)
@JosephWright ^^^^ then if it all goes wrong we can blame you
@manetsus actually I'm as likely to just use a browser these days there are several quite nice css/javascript templates look for example at w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2
@DavidCarlisle Oh no, that word
1:24 PM
\def\z{00 \expandafter\t\fi}
@Johannes_B for you^^ when you are feeling stressed
2:28 PM
@DavidCarlisle Not so good perhaps for making printable handouts (though I guess doable using CSS)
@JosephWright I don't think I've given or been to a talk with printed handouts since the 1980's :-)
@DavidCarlisle Probably because you are not a university lecturer ...
@JosephWright for the talk I gave on github this week I actually started with beamer but decided to have no slides at all and just did a live demo:-)
@JosephWright is there anybody who likes those ^^^ :-)
2:32 PM
In almost all of the beamer theme, I see this bar. Is it okay? or is there anyway to remove it?
@manetsus Yes, I do (and I'm the beamer maintainer!)
@JosephWright Wow, how to do it?
@DavidCarlisle Strangely yes, even if these days of tablets, etc. Even for the latter you need a version that has the text on that's not on the slides, so I have a set up to make three versions from the source
@manetsus \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
@manetsus I use a very simple layout:
%    handout % Printable version, no colour

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Some simple settings for appearance
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg = UEAorange}

\setbeamercolor{structure}{fg = black}
\setbeamerfont{structure}{series = \bfseries}

\setbeamerfont{title}{series = \bfseries}
(My employer is called UEA, hence the colour names)
@JosephWright Thanks a lot. It is working
@DavidCarlisle To be fair, that's not that dissimilar in concept to beamer: code input resulting in slides as output, rather than a gui-based approach
2:37 PM
@JosephWright How to manipulate title page? Say, I want to add my supervisors name and picture in one page and in another page, I want to add my name and my partners name with picture.
@manetsus The title page in beamer (or anything, really) is just a pre-defined set of instructions one can ignore entirely and do things 'by hand'
@manetsus You could use \maketitle on two slides and simple alter \author and \titlegraphic between them
@JosephWright Okay. I am trying.

\title{Some things I did}
\author{A. N. Other \dots}
\titlegraphic{A picture!}



\title{Some things I did}
\author{\dots with some other dudes}
\titlegraphic{A different picture!}


Hey people! I am tring to put double column in Footnote space but now Latex give a error that I can not solve... Please help me... Here the code:
\setmainfont{Arial Unicode MS}


Entre o Sono e Sonho
Entre o sono\footnote{sleep} e o sonho\footnote{dream},
Entre\footnote{between} mim e o que em mim
@JosephWright picture is not showing!
@JosephWright Oh, got it. I gave the path of the picture. but it should be like \includegraphics[height=1cm]{./varsityLogo}
@JosephWright but the problem is, I have to add two photos in the second page. And below the authors, I have to add their dept, designation etc.
2:52 PM
@BozenoBozilson Better a proper question on the site
3:06 PM
@manetsus You should have the graphics 'somewhere TeX can find them' and not use a path for each one (I use \graphicspath to allow me to have a figures directory for each document, as this makes sense for the kind of graphics I use in talks)
@manetsus All relatively standard: beamer has various meta-data holders and you can put what you like actually in them
3:31 PM
@egreg Now I fixes a lot of things... But... Now appear that capacity of Latex is exceeded
@JosephWright how to manipulate them and how to get the predefined code for title page?
@BozenoBozilson almost always that means that you have made an infinite loop somewhere
4:13 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but I can not find this...
\setmainfont{Arial Unicode MS}
{\LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}
4:28 PM
rather a lot of code for chat:-) it stopped after 5000 pages, how many pages did you expect?
@BozenoBozilson no time now I'd just move the \end{multicols}\end{document} up to the file until the error goes, to see where it's looping
@DavidCarlisle hahah is just 6-7 Pages! I stopped with +5000 pages too!
@BozenoBozilson I guess that dblfnote and multicol don't go along
@egreg Putz... Really? Have another way to do this
4:45 PM
@BozenoBozilson dblfnote hasn't been updated since 1999
Yeah... That is a problem...
@BozenoBozilson I think you should have a look at the reledmac package
@egreg I will see!
Oh goodness, people keep starring my comment from earlier!
1 hour later…
5:59 PM
Please, America, do not vote for Trump. I can tell you, Zeman times thirty is not something this world needs.
@yo' Zeman<sup>30</sup>, you mean
@egreg Well, I hoped it wouldn't make any difference when the base is zero, but unfortunately it seems to do.
Have you seen the recent Dalailama shame?
@yo' Let's just vote for common sense.
@Johannes_B common sense is not to remove a Holocaust survival from the list of Czech highest medal awardees because his nephew (who's our minister of culture) met with Dalailama.
6:28 PM
@yo' Sorry. Common sense is not about medals, or people. It is just abut common sense.
@Johannes_B it's about people in that everybody shall have it.
@yo' amount of common sense is decaying.
@Johannes_B I want chemtrails of common sense!
@yo' Oh, my boy, i can tell you a'lo about chemtrails. U'see em'?
6:58 PM
@Johannes_B Every now and then they're spraying, yeah...
7:11 PM
@Johannes_B Is chemtrails.sty written by Clemens?
@StefanKottwitz @Joseph maybe...
@yo' Nope
@yo' Perhaps he told me in Oxford, but I was geblitzdingst.
@StefanKottwitz hchkrdtn.
@yo' you omitted accented characters :-)
7:20 PM
@StefanKottwitz there're none in this one. they are here: žřščřcjďťň
(I don't make these up; the are the hard and soft consonants. Note that we have ambiguous ones, too: bflmpsvz)
@yo' Ah, from the kids' first learning book
@StefanKottwitz basically, yes :) But it's in the second lesson that the caron ˇ can migrate to the following vowel if it's "e" and is omitted if it's "i"
@yo' I know the caron aka háček from my girlfriends face, in a good mood it turns to a breve.
@StefanKottwitz I lost you I think :)
@yo' me too! >:-)

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