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4:33 AM
@cfr It's 'a series of hacks' :) Bruno's done some cleanup recently, which I'll try to get to CTAN over the weekend
2 hours later…
6:11 AM
Morning @DavidCarlisle: early today :)
@JosephWright quick look before breakfast (looking at work stuff actually:-)
@DavidCarlisle Ah
1 hour later…
7:20 AM
Wondering a bit: Since many PDF viewers automatically make urls clickable, how does one test that hyperref actually make urls clickable in a document? Using testing on a project they author of the project reported that certain links (containing %20 does not work on his Mac)
@daleif Look at the uncompressed PDF? Use a view that doesn't try to be 'clever'?
@daleif For example, with
\pdfcompresslevel = 0
I only see a box/link for the first version in the TeXworks previewer, and in the raw stream have
exactly once
7:40 AM
@JosephWright thanks, will try that. Interestingly my AR on linux (the old one) will not pass links to firefox, but Evince does
It seems in the PDF this is broken into pieces
Ops, my bad looked in the wrong place
Probably @DavidCarlisle will appreciate it too!
@JosephWright I think I'll buy a copy now
@egreg @JosephWright this is especially nice, a quick way to make:
7:56 AM
@DavidCarlisle Ah, yes, I see that now
@DavidCarlisle ^^^ Ooops!
Also \newcommand{\QT}{\textbf{$Q^{t}$}\ }!
@JosephWright sometimes I wish ctan had a peer review system....
@DavidCarlisle :)
8:11 AM
@JosephWright I saw the announcement, but the PDF on the TeX Live repository ould not be opened
@egreg I just checked CTAN
8:41 AM
@JosephWright where is \posttitle defined?
@daleif ?
@daleif titling package perhaps (cf. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/263676/…)
@JosephWright see the quicktype source
@daleif Ah, another excellent question
1 hour later…
10:02 AM
10:31 AM
Goodness, 'agile' programming is mentioned in my chemistry magazine this month!
@JosephWright Oh no
10:42 AM
@JosephWright M was helping at an open day for prospective children coming to his school next year, seems Chemistry is useful for exciting demos, which seemed mainly to involve pouring hydrochloric acid on to things and seeing what happens:-) I knew it must be useful for something.
@DavidCarlisle You can burn the bloke's chair, so he has to program faster. :)
11:37 AM
I will have pizza tonight, yay!
@egreg: ^^ no pineapple. :)
@egreg: I will order a pizza with mozzarella, ground italian sausage, pepper flakes, diced tomatoes, fried garlic and black olives. :)
@PauloCereda don't forget the pineapple
@DavidCarlisle the Italian folks won't appreciate it. :)
@PauloCereda what do they know about that great American invention, pizza?
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda you should do a vim answer:
Q: Translate in-line equations to TeX code (Any Package?)

PaulI have a software that allows to implement equations and one can write them in-line such as: ================== x = a_avg + ((x-1)/b_trans)^(-y^(-x)) y = .... z = .... (something that have a similar form) ... etc, etc ================= So basically, I have a *.doc full of these equations...

11:44 AM
@DavidCarlisle oh my, regex! (also, I upvoted your answer)
@DavidCarlisle You have some oddly placed parenthesis in that fraction.
@TorbjørnT. yes I was just writing a note about that (edited the question) it's fixable but I can't be bothered just now:-) for \over you need (...) to be ({....}) so the bracket stays out the numerator but for ^(..) you need (...) to be {(...)} so the bracket stays in the superscript, spotting which context is which is a bit tricky but doable
@PauloCereda I ignored the minor difficulty that by definition regular expressions can't match brackets:-)
@DavidCarlisle :D
@barbarabeeton thinks having a bracket in the numerator match a bracket in the denominator is bad style.
@DavidCarlisle -- they aren't brackets. they're parentheses. but it wouls be the same for any pair of delimiters. hmmmph.
12:07 PM
@DavidCarlisle @barbarabeeton Either way, it's one of the baddest ideas I've ever seen :D
@DavidCarlisle I thought it was invented by the English
@DavidCarlisle Maybe they just invented fish and chips?
Anybody wanting to cast a reopen vote on tex.stackexchange.com/questions/331965 ? The suggestions made in the comments are completely wrong and the question doesn't seem that unclear (albeit not really good either).
12:23 PM
@egreg -- i've voted. the op did apparently vote to close, so the real problem is the reason for closure, not the closure itself.
@barbarabeeton Neither textcomp nor tipa solve the issue.
@egreg fish and chip pizza: the best
@egreg voted. :)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle Appalling
@barbarabeeton since I am in Oxford I'll go with the OED not one of your American dictionaries: en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/bracket
@PauloCereda if you visit Italy @egreg can take you to a pizza place to try these ^^^^
12:34 PM
@DavidCarlisle I can even take him to taste real pizza.
1 hour later…
1:51 PM
@egreg It's open now (and has gotten a new close vote).
2:05 PM
user image
@DavidCarlisle ^^
@TorbjørnT. Henri gave the same answer as I would.
2 hours later…
4:22 PM
Any mods here?
I'd like to know why this question of mine is closed as UWIA
Since it seems clear to me
Q: What is preventing progress bar in beamer from showing up?

GigiliI'd like to add a progress bar to my presentation (I got the idea from this question) but I believe something is preventing it from showing up in my document and I can't seem to figure it out. Here is my MWE: \documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer} \usepackage[danish]{babel} \usepackage{amsm...

@Gigili No mods were actually involved in closing that one. There are three moderators (tex.stackexchange.com/users?tab=moderators), but all users with more than 3000 reputation points can vote to close questions. (If you knew this, sorry for saying something obvious, but only those who voted to close could really say why they thought it was unclear.)
@Gigili I didn't vote to close but as the comments say: we can't compile your example and so can't test it. I get directly ! fontspec error: "font-not-found" ! The font "B Nazanin" cannot be found.. Beside this is it generally not a good idea to split code in snippets. Try to make one complete document.
@TorbjørnT. You are right. It really doesn't matter to me which users think it is unclear, I want to know what I must to reopen it and find a solution to the problem ASAP
@UlrikeFischer The comments are referring to the initial question but I edited it to address that
Sorry for pinging you thrice!
@Gigili Those fonts are still in the code.
I get no error because I have the font installed on my PC!
4:36 PM
@Gigili Well of course, but not everyone else has them. If you can make an example that doesn't rely on font settings that is ideal. I tried using DejaVu Sans instead of the fonts you have used, and I get a progress bar.
@TorbjørnT. Oh interesting! Let me see
Thank you for your help so far
What is a snippet in LaTeX?
@Gigili A snippet is an uncomplete piece of code. (Or that's what I think, in this context.)
@Gigili For reference, using the code at gist.github.com/TorbjornT/8e362f1e431b1d618189388422e44fae I get output like this: imgur.com/a/W5td5
@Gigili The MWE is not such: the code for the progress bar should be in it, not separate. By the way, if I put in that code, I get the expected progress bar. On the other hand, I'd never use a progress bar, nor numbering the slides as x/y: the audience will be distracted by it, particularly if the number of slides is large.
5:25 PM
@egreg that's a matter of taste and customs
5:54 PM
@Gigili Hi, Gigili. It was me, who threw the first stone to close this question. My main problem with it was, that before the edit today, it did not include any code for a progress bar, so even someone with these fonts would never have been able to reproduce your problem. Now I still think it is not a good example, as it includes many unrelated things (e.g. tikz setup), but now users willing to help you
(and having the right fonts) might have the possibility to test if they get the same problem - and if applicable close it again if it is nor reproducible.
1 hour later…
7:18 PM
@egreg I'll edit the question further to make the WME look better. As for your suggestion about page numbering and progress bar; I, as an audience, usually expect to see how many slides remain... it helps me concentrate on what is being presented
@samcarter Thank you for your help and comments. I see your point but I don't really know what else can be done about the question
@Gigili I have a few suggestions what to remove, but you have to try if the problem is still there without it.
\usepackage{graphics,epsfig, subfigure}

\mode<presentation> {
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}[default][right]% align the frametitle to the right
 \AtBeginEnvironment{exampleblock}{\setbeamercolor{item projected}{bg=gray}}
\title[\F \RL{\textbf{مسئله یادگیری }}]{\F \RL{\textbf{مسئله یادگیری }}}

\author{{\setRTL \F \RL{\textbf{خودم}}} }
\F \RL{\textbf{\normalsize{ دانشگاه }}}
\date{\F \RL{شهریور ۱۳۹۵}}
@samcarter Remove tikz? The progressbar is made with tikz.
@TorbjørnT. Sorry, of course not.
@Gigili And then add again \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc} :) Sorry, I didn't want them removed, just copied too much :)
7:42 PM
@Gigili Did you try the example I linked to above?
@Gigili Note in that simplified version I added \listfiles at the start. This prints a list of all packages and their versions near the end of the .log file (it starts with *File list*). I don't know if package versions could have anything to do with this, but you could try adding that list of packages to your question as well.
7:59 PM
Well, my presentation is too long (about 60 slides) and I had to make it minimal to post a question and people suggested to remove some unnecessary lines too... The WME I posted, the one @TorbjørnT. posted here and the one @samcarter posted in comment to my question all work well and the progress bar is there
But I still have problem with my original presentation
@Gigili The point of a MWE is that it has to show the problem ... Go back to your original, and start building a new MWE that actually shows the issue.
@TorbjørnT. I am on it.
And thanks again
@Gigili In this case, there was no need to wonder why your question was closed as unclear. This is kind of the definition of an unclear question.
8:34 PM
@TorbjørnT. I found the part causing the issue:

\defbeamertemplate*{headline}{arabic split theme}

\multiply\@tempdimb by\beamer@sectionmax%
\multiply\@tempdimb by\beamer@subsectionmax%
\advance\@tempdimb by 1.825ex%
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=\@tempdimb]{subsection in head/foot}%
\vbox to\@tempdimb{\vfil\insertsubsectionnavigation{.5\paperwidth}\vfil}%
I will edit my question to mention that
Q: What is preventing progress bar in beamer from showing up?

GigiliI'd like to add a progress bar to my presentation (I got the idea from this question) but I believe something is preventing it from showing up in output and I can't seem to figure it out. Here is my MWE: \documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer} \usepackage[danish]{babel} \usepackage{booktabs}...

8:58 PM
@Gigili Not really surprising, as that also seems to modify the headline template. Don't know exactly what it does, looks like it inserts some navigation stuff in the headline. Have you tried removing it?
9:32 PM
@TorbjørnT. Yes, when I remove it the progress bar shows up in the output document.
2 hours later…
11:29 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- and i see when i look up "parenthesis" the oed specifies "round brackets". okay, but the noun definition for "bracket" seems to imply that these delimiters can't be nested, which is untrue for math; there is a verb definition explicitly for math with which i agree fully. to make things clear, please specify which brackets you mean next time. it does make a difference when dealing with math.
@barbarabeeton sure it makes a difference (sometimes) in math(s) but in normal text I'd always call them brackets, "parenthesis" is only used in more technical contexts, in the context there it didn't really make any difference as while the particular example used () it was pretty clear the real use case would need to treat all delimiters in the same way.

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