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12:12 AM
@egreg I was going to suggest that too:-)
12:42 AM
Sierra installing. Fingers crossed.
7 hours later…
7:56 AM
@PauloCereda Success?
@PauloCereda Was at the Apple shop yesterday so took a look at the 'live' version: don't see anything actually useful ...
8:29 AM
@egreg We really should sort out a proper expl3 programming book ...
@JosephWright Slowly
@egreg True, but I feel we (the team, you, other interested parties) should really 'get together' about this properly
9:08 AM
@egreg Link posted in the twentysecondcv-Q.
9:23 AM
@TorbjørnT. I was afraid it would point to that site. ;-)
9:45 AM
@JosephWright Yes, Sierra is working. :)
@JosephWright Nothing special from El Capitan, to be honest. Just the inclusion of Siri.
@JosephWright like my detailed chunkname example? :-)
10:17 AM
@egreg hmm clearly modelling \color syntax on font change syntax was a great idea, allowing interesting CV classes.
@PauloCereda OK, much as I suspected
@DavidCarlisle ;)
@DavidCarlisle Whose idea was it? :P
@egreg Probably Chris ...
@JosephWright :( You know what I was expecting. ;-)
@egreg Yes, byes: at least it wasn't me (see starred comment)
10:28 AM
@JosephWright Everything is working so far, so I think it's a pretty safe update for El Capitan users.
@PauloCereda Frank said something about Xcode being more tricky (SVN version or ...?)
@JosephWright I have Xcode 8 so far (the full bundle, not just the command lnie tools), no problems at the moment.
@PauloCereda There was recently a question about the shell not finding TeX binaries on Sierra; can you check, please?
@egreg Sure! ˆˆ
@PauloCereda command -v pdftex?
10:36 AM
oxford:~ paulo$ command -v pdftex
@JosephWright boo which is better <3
@PauloCereda Read extensive discussion on this!
@JosephWright oh no! :)
Q: Why not use "which"? What to use then?

Stéphane ChazelasWhen looking for the path to an executable or checking what would happen would you enter a command name in a Unix shell, there's a plethora of different utilities (which, type, command, whence, where, whereis, whatis, hash, etc). We often hear that which should be avoided. Why? What should we us...

@JosephWright oh my
@JosephWright VVVV
> which which
which is aliased to `type -all'
10:42 AM
@egreg Perhaps
@JosephWright Thanks. :)
U:\>which which
C:\Program Files (x86)\Gow\bin\which.EXE
@egreg ^^^ :)
@JosephWright /me running for life
@JosephWright LOL
@egreg At work, if I want a Mac I'll have to pay for it myself (or from a grant that allows it), whereas the PC was just 'here' in my office when I started
10:55 AM
[paulo@cambridge Hagar the horrible] $ which -a which
alias which='(alias; declare -f) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-tilde --show-dot'
@egreg, @JosephWright: ^^ :) (don't mind my folder)
11:06 AM
$ type -all vim
bash: type: vim: not found
@DavidCarlisle I have the opposite ;-)
U:\>which vim
C:\Program Files (x86)\Gow\bin\vim.EXE
U:\>which emacs
which: no emacs in (.;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:
\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\texlive\2016\bin\win32;C:\Program Files (x8
6)\Gow\bin;C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Progra
m Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub;C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.18\bin;C:\Program Files\shel
x64;C:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\MantidInsta
ll\bin;C:\MantidInstall\PVPlugins;C:\MantidInstall\plugins;C:\Program Files\AppS
I guess Vim is smaller ...
@JosephWright no wonder beamer is such a mess
@JosephWright and better.
@PauloCereda much smaller in my case
@DavidCarlisle :)
@JosephWright Oh my!
11:25 AM
Are there questions about mapping numbers to letters or viceversa on this site? I can't seem to find anything like it.
@Alenanno There are most likely questions on displaying the value of counters as letters somewhere.
@TorbjørnT. Ah yeah, I'm aware of that. But I was looking for something random in a sense. I'll try to see what I can do about it :D
11:40 AM
Hey guys I just took an interest on this KOMA-script thing, I've been reading for half an hour now all TeX.SX insights on it but couldn't get if there is something that KOMA-script offers more than the usual LaTeX packages. Like, what's easier with KOMA, or is there something only KOMA can offer?? Can someone give me a hand here..
@GuilhermeZ.Santos I believe the user manual is one of the better resources, although I recall the German version is way better than the English counterpart.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Also, KOMA is one of my favourite classes. :)
@GuilhermeZ.Santos It's like memoir, there are lots and lots of features available.
12:09 PM
@GuilhermeZ.Santos KOMA includes a lot of functionality in one coherent class: I favour the 'one package at a time' approach but this does mean finding them, working with different interfaces, etc.
@JosephWright also, it's German. <3
12:28 PM
@PauloCereda Germans are awesome but German language... gives me nightmares, Jesus what a tough thing!
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Deutsch ist nicht ein Zehrkomplicatedlanguage.
^^ see? :)
I think you meant ist nicht einfach sprechen right?
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Talk to @DavidCarlisle: the master of all languages
@GuilhermeZ.Santos I need @DavidCarlisle for that. :)
@JosephWright ooh great minds think alike.
he already gave me his Inputs on the matter ahahahaah
And thank's for the replies. The package thing sure sounds attractive, but what sort of packages could I lose. Huge ones like Tikz? or Basic ones, like graphicx, array, etc?
12:32 PM
@PauloCereda it's easy, just use English, but move the verb somewhere unexpected, uppercase the occasional first letter and miss out three quarters of the spaces.
@PauloCereda I started the Manual but I was already tired of reading so I though some conversation with the TeXmasters would come in Handy.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos :)
@DavidCarlisle LOL, precisely my first thoughts!
@StrongBad Wandering into another SE site I see where your question about gender balance on the LaTeX team probably came from ...
@JosephWright Again, there are no Apache helicopters in the team.
(@JosephWright: for reference: knowyourmeme.com/memes/…) :)
1:00 PM
@GuilhermeZ.Santos No. KOMA concentrates on document layout and structure. So you should avoid to use packages like fancyhdr, titlesec, etoc (probably). captions tries to stay compatible with KOMA. lists (enumitem) aren't imho currently not a problem either. The manual isn't an easy read (even for germans), and I never understood the keyval system of KOMA.
@UlrikeFischer Thank's for that. I think I can rest easy now. I'll stay with memoir and If there's ever more development or I get more curious about it I'll give it a try. But for me there's still much to learn on LaTeX... :D
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Actually both (memoir and KOMA) are very similar. :) For arara, I use memoir, which seems a bit herectic as our group has several Germans. :)
@GuilhermeZ.Santos memoir is imho in the same league as KOMA and both are better than the standard class. memoir quite a number of features from packages "built-in", so you should check the documentation before loading a package.
1:18 PM
@UlrikeFischer yes I know that, and I check its documentation when I want to do something before going for packages. memoir has a very nice documentation, a bit extensive but since there are lots of features I belive extensive is suiting.
@PauloCereda why arara with memoir? is there some sort of incompatibilty? Or it's just to mess with the Germans? ;D
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Brent is in my team, and he is a memoir evangelist. :) Actually, I started with memoir and discovered KOMA a couple of months later. But my choice doesn't matter in the end, I use KOMA in other situations. :)
@PauloCereda and I never used either, still happily living :-)
@yo' You happy person. <3
@PauloCereda Yeah, very much evangelist, he answered one of the KOMA vs. memoir questions totally defending memoir
@yo' there are People that live hapily with Word, so everything is possible. In Brazil we say "Tudo vale a vena quando a alma não é pequena." (everything is worth it when the spirits are not small -- makes Little sense in English).
1:34 PM
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Personally, I keep saying to people, I always prefer a good Word user than a bad TeX/LaTeX user. :)
@PauloCereda definitely, my point was to the stress that it causes when typesetting (Images, cross-references, and the list goes on and on).
@GuilhermeZ.Santos A couple of years ago, a friend of mine was asked to see Ambev's current system because the high executives were thinking of migrating stuff to "better technologies" (stupid bowtie executives). My friend dropped his jaw when he saw everything was running so smoothly with... Excel + VBA.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos the difference is that Ičm confident in saying that I can output as beautiful thing with or withkut the big classes, whereas a Word user can't (at least not in maths)
@PauloCereda Nice! IMHO, Excel is the one truly good thing Microsoft did. I like PowerPoint too but there are also very good alternatives to it. Don't get me wrong I like to use programming language as well but for fast and small analysis Excel is great.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos If you like Excel, take a look at this talk: youtube.com/watch?v=0nbkaYsR94c
1:44 PM
@PauloCereda When I was writing my term paper there was this guy writing his master Thesis. In the end, when he printed a few test pages he saw that the Graphs he made and imported to word in PNG were all very crappy, so he had to Change all Graphs and resize them... (there were other complications as well but since there were a lot of Graphs that was very boring, with LaTeX that would've been done in compilation time) =D
@GuilhermeZ.Santos ew a graph. :)
@PauloCereda I'll check it out when I get home. Company does not YouTube and stuff like that.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos GEMA? :)
@Johannes: ^^ let us see if this bloke is blessed.
@PauloCereda Nein, Liebherr...
@PauloCereda Wait, what is GEMA?
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Oh I meant this entity GEMA that blocks certain copyrighted videos.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos it's something that prevents German people from being trolled by me.
@Guilherme: in your case, it was a legit video, don't worry. :) It's a talk by Joel Spolksy about hidden features in Excel.
1:49 PM
@PauloCereda lol, but since I'm in Germany you can't troll me as well... (hidden Features, I'm interested...)
@GuilhermeZ.Santos It's a very interesting talk, even if you don't use Excel. During his talk, if you are an Excel user, you end up realizing you've been using Excel all this time in the wrong way.
@PauloCereda And here I thought mastering Excel without using VBA was all about INDIRECT...
@PauloCereda You meet people who don't know Excel can add things up, so compared to that I hope we are all safe!
@JosephWright :)
@PauloCereda No, really: I'm talking people in our teaching classes adding values up on their phones and typing the result into Excel
1:54 PM
@JosephWright Holy cow, you got to be kidding!
@JosephWright This is a joke I hope.
@GuilhermeZ.Santos No, I really am serious
@GuilhermeZ.Santos I guess because tables in Word don't do arithmetic ...
@JosephWright This is sad...
@GuilhermeZ.Santos You probably saw something along those lines in UFSC too (as I saw this in USP).
@JosephWright sort of, it just reminded me. I had been curious before and just never asked.
2:02 PM
@StrongBad Fair enough
@JosephWright I have been involved in some all male panels recently (some "intentional" and some because the women all declined).
@StrongBad Oh, I'm not denying there are issues
My field is pretty active in tracking gender imbalances. Not so active in doing anything about them, but at least the tracking.
@StrongBad Indeed
@StrongBad What's your area?
@JosephWright Something like Audiology but with a science/engineering background and not clinical background (think MP3s and hearing aid design).
I really wish more fields would do something like biaswatchneuro.com
2:09 PM
@StrongBad oooh that's awesome!
@StrongBad For those of us not familiar, what does this do?
@JosephWright There's a bloke in the picture resembling Arthur. :)
They track gender breakdown of conference panels and match compare them to "base rates" where base rate is based on who is getting grants or publishing papers. If a panel is 30 percent women and the base rate is 30% that is okay, but if it is only 10% and the base rate is 40% that is bad (in their eyes).
@StrongBad Ah
@StrongBad By 'conference panel' you mean list of invited speakers? Or all speakers, including contributed ones, or ...?
@JosephWright they do what they can. Sometimes they split speakers vs poster presenters, sometimes invited vs contributed.
2:14 PM
@StrongBad I ask mainly because 'panel' is not a term I've come across at all in conferences - must be subject-dependent
@JosephWright a panel, at least in my mind, are the speakers for an individual session (say 5-10 speakers).
@StrongBad Like invited talks?
@StrongBad I've only seen "panel" used if they are all on the platform at the same time usually for some kind of audience involvement discussion session with a panel of speakers on the platform to keep things on topic.
@PauloCereda I've experienced some sad ignorance, that's for sure, but nothing like so in University (at least in the technology center, on human sciences and health department, a whole new deal)
@PauloCereda m@DavidCarlisle I need some bash foo. I'm trying to convert Mac screenshot filenames which contain multiple . in them. So I want to change all dots except the one from the extension to _. Right now I have for f in *.png; do mv "$f" "${f//\./_}"; done but this changes all.
2:26 PM
@AlanMunn Ah hold on.
probably in the loop j=${f/.png} mv ${j}.png ${j//\./_}.png
$ ls *.*.png
e04nk-asp.net.png  numbertest.1.png  'Schermafbeelding 2014-11-25 om 13.14.26.png'

$ for f in *.*.png ; do j=${f/.png/}; echo mv ${j//\./_} ${j}.png; done
mv e04nk-asp_net e04nk-asp.net.png
mv numbertest_1 numbertest.1.png
mv Schermafbeelding 2014-11-25 om 13_14_26 Schermafbeelding 2014-11-25 om 13.14.26.png
@AlanMunn tested this time^
@AlanMunn although if as above there are spaces in the filenames you need some extra quotes in the mv command :-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that's already done.
2:41 PM
@AlanMunn: Ugly:
"$(echo ${X%.*} | tr '.' '_').${X##*.}"
actually that's the version copying in wrong direction:-)
@PauloCereda it's cheating to use tr in a bash foo question
$ for f in *.*.png ; do j=${f/.png/}; echo mv $f ${j//\./_}.png; done
mv e04nk-asp.net.png e04nk-asp_net.png
mv numbertest.1.png numbertest_1.png
mv Schermafbeelding 2014-11-25 om 13.14.26.png Schermafbeelding 2014-11-25 om 13_14_26.png
@DavidCarlisle <3
@PauloCereda my first thought was to post a dired answer (you'd have liked that)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, fixed in my script. :) Thanks!
2:47 PM
@DavidCarlisle: nobody bats an eye on clearer solutions like mine. <3
@PauloCereda mine's more impressive as the example has big german words in it
@DavidCarlisle oooh
2:59 PM
@PauloCereda Wouldn't “if . is not followed by png<end-of-string>, change . into _” be simpler?
@egreg Actually, my solution works for any extension. :)
@cfr Of course installation rights vary with your 'local' situation: we have a luckily-sensible policy that recognises that there is lots of software we need on a per-person basis (I have a huge list of things on my PC that are not general for the university)
Does TeXworks support regex lookbehind?
@cfr I suspect if we weren't allowed that we also wouldn't be allowed non-supported OS installs (think corporate set-ups)
@yo' No
@JosephWright Stupid. (No offence to the maintainers meant. I mean, the situation is stupid, not them.)
3:05 PM
@yo' Aren't they not-actually-regular
@yo' TeXworks uses Qt editor for this: not something they write
@JosephWright they are regular in a specific sense.
Note that lookahead is supported
actually, (?<=a)b(?=c) is no different from (a)b(c) from the automata perspecitve, you just highlight a smaller part of the string, the problem is basically only with (?<!regex)
@JosephWright please, when degree centigrade is meant as a relative measure (such as in "loss of strength of 1\,MPa/°C"), it ought to be written as "deg", right?
3:36 PM
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Out of interest, where are you?
@yo' Huh? The unit symbol °C all of the time
@JosephWright so even the relative measure is denoted °C ? Ok
@yo' Yes
@yo' Still has units
@JosephWright ok. I've seen things like J/kg\,deg, so I'm just asking...
3:52 PM
ohh I wonder if I should go to xkcd live:-) bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/stores/oxford-bookshop/events
@DavidCarlisle oh yes!
@DavidCarlisle ^^ could you ask him to sign my copy? :)
@PauloCereda in Portuguese? Maybe if @David himself helps Randall with that
@yo' Exactly. :)
@PauloCereda see the event small print, blackwells only let you get a book signed if you can prove you bought it there
4:02 PM
@DavidCarlisle Oh.
@JosephWright ^^ :(
@DavidCarlisle some are certainly untranslatable...
@PauloCereda I'll sort a bit later on
Did anyone else get the SO careers email? They seem to have forgotten about plain text ...
@JosephWright ummmm no I think
@JosephWright don't think so, but I may have spam filter'd it (I have a fairly aggressive filter:-)
speaking of events in Oxford, just had confirmation of this, I don't suppose anyone else here is going
Thank you for registering for SPQR a digital legacy: what Sebastian Patrick Quintus Rahtz did for us

Leonard Wolfson Lecture Theatre

Wolfson College, Linton Rd, Oxford OX2 6UD

Tuesday 27th September 2016

10.30am – 5.00pm

Coffee will be made available in the Buttery from 10.00am.

For directions to Wolfson please visit here.
4:09 PM
Did I tell you I love redoing manually input (Name at al., 2015) citation style using \cite? :-/
@JosephWright is it digitally signed? Could be scam...
@yo' No, but there are no obvious dodgy links or whatever
@JosephWright ok
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4:10 PM
What in the world is netnames.net? Shall one really believe that SO uses their solutions?
@yo' Brand management people I think
@JosephWright do you have a stackoverflow CV ?
4:33 PM
@JosephWright: I hate beamer ;-). Why is \textwidth=\paperwidth in the footline? I didn't expect this! ;-((
@UlrikeFischer because you don't need to preserve margins in the footer?
4:55 PM
@yo' well I don't mind that the footer is set in a box of width \paperwidth. But when I (or in this case some external code) add a line of width \textwidth it can be disturbing if it suddenly goes over the complete frame ;-(.
5:11 PM
@DavidCarlisle Finally we'll know what the Romans have done for us! With all due respect for SPQR, obviously.
5:24 PM
@Johannes_B In a small city near Memmingen. It's called Ochsenhausen, where a Liebherr fridge manufecturer is located (my work place). Are you German?
@GuilhermeZ.Santos yes, Freiberg, saxony.
@Johannes_B Hmmm, great country you guys have here, if it wasn't such complicated language (for the non language masters like me) I would most likely stick around... ;D
@GuilhermeZ.Santos The language isn't hard. Ask @PauloCereda, he has perfect german skills.
@Guilherme: don't be fooled by the rocks that I got Johannes, he is Jenny from the block a penguin. :)
@PauloCereda LOL
5:28 PM
@Johannes_B Ja, Ich spreche sehr gut Deutsch!
@PauloCereda Gut gemacht! Aber ich spreche sehr wenig Deutsch... Though I'm taking classes, so I'll be improving my Germand in the next months. Be advised... ;D
@GuilhermeZ.Santos I know almost nothing of German, I only know few important phrases like Ein Bier, bitte. If I need more than one, I will just do unary addition, so Ein Ein Bier, bitte.
@Johannes_B I don't know how many languages he speak, but for me it's the fourth one (I speak some french) so that's really a huge mess in my mind
Such an easy language. :)
@PauloCereda I thought you would mention the Eierlöffel. :-)
5:32 PM
@Johannes_B ooh I almost forgot! Hold on!
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Good start, keep on learning. :-)
@PauloCereda Hahaha. To know "Ein Bier" ist sehr wichtig!
@Guilherme: this is also a very important sentence: Ich kann mit einem Eierlöffel Fledermäuse töten.
@PauloCereda That I didn't get. Google Translator please help. :P
@GuilhermeZ.Santos I can kill bats with an egg spoon.
You asked for it. :)
5:35 PM
@PauloCereda Thanks for that, google wasn't much help... lol
@PauloCereda Entschuldigung is also a nice word to know. It's like "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry"
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Indeed. :) I have a lovely story about that word! Let me just google the "correct" word I am looking for.
@Guilherme: in CS, we have a famous problem known as the halting problem. Some people even refer to it as Entscheidungsproblem. One day I was in the cafe and tried to be fancy with a friend of mine, but instead of Entscheidungsproblem, I said Entschuldigungproblem. Instead of problema da parada, I ended up with problema da desculpa. :)
@PauloCereda Yeah, that's right! Hahaha
Q: shrink page to allow optional annotations or margin notes

petemanI am working on a lab manual that will have a student version and an instructor version. I'd like the instructor version to be like an annotated copy of the student version, perhaps with the content from each page of the student version shrunk into a box that can have instructor notes around it....

5:48 PM
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle It might require \usepackage[latin]{babel}
@PauloCereda However, the margin would always be too small.
@egreg Oh no!
@PauloCereda \usepackage{iffermathadthis}
@egreg \usepackage[andrewwiles]{fermat}
@PauloCereda That makes too big documents
5:52 PM
@egreg oh no!
@Johannes_B LOL³ this is really, really amusing!
@GuilhermeZ.Santos That's why i wanted to share it with you. :-)
@Johannes_B And I thank you for that. I belive I will have some fun from now on. Creating email account.
@UlrikeFischer ah \textwidth not \linewidth! Sorry, I missed this. Yeah, it looks unfortunate...
@GuilhermeZ.Santos :-)
5:59 PM
@Johannes_B You must watch the sequence! youtube.com/watch?v=24pWt0aYjfU
@GuilhermeZ.Santos :-D
6:51 PM
@PauloCereda I just watched the video. The guy is really good, I was pleased to see that I'm not a baby user, I knew pretty much 90% of the first part. But the second was very much enlighting! Thanks!
@GuilhermeZ.Santos Oh I am glad you enjoyed it. :)
@PauloCereda Yes very much. The guy talking is crazy fast, he seems to be on a lot of coffee ahaha.
7:04 PM
@GuilhermeZ.Santos :)
7:59 PM
@PauloCereda Cwac! @JosephWright @DavidCarlisle @expl3generally \tl_show:n and \tl_show:N don't seem to be in the L3 docs in their own right, but are referred to in the descriptions of \tl_log:n and \tl_log:N.
@cfr Cwac! Miss you!
@cfr Pages 107 and 108 of the current version of interface3.pdf. Part XI, section 11
8:12 PM
@egreg I knew that, I'm sure
8:27 PM
@PauloCereda -- one for you, i think: tex.stackexchange.com/q/331067
@barbarabeeton To the rescue!
@PauloCereda -- thank you, quack.
@barbarabeeton Oh, I pointed to the same!
@egreg -- for once, i seem to have got there first!
8:30 PM
@barbarabeeton :)
what a coincidence @Werner's translation as exactly the same as what I would have used.
@DavidCarlisle :)
@barbarabeeton I even managed to fake being american
@DavidCarlisle -- never!
@barbarabeeton I could edit again and fix the spelling to centre if you prefer
8:44 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- nah, that would seem too much like trying too hard.
Yes, it is possible. — gernot 1 min ago
@barbarabeeton but well spotted on the problem I'd read it but gave up as there was no example. @JosephWright should give an xgalley or coffin answer in some parallel universe the problem doesn't arise:-)
Great reply to a 'Can this be drawn?' question :)
@JosephWright use your mod powers to make that an answer
@JosephWright troll level "acceptable"
8:52 PM
@JosephWright Deleted now.
9:10 PM
@egreg Thank you. Any idea why Okular doesn't Find things in interface.pdf? This is the second time this has happened to me ...
@cfr Use a smarter viewer. With Skim I find it. Of course you need Mac OS X, but…
@egreg Okular is the smartest I've found. I am not going back to Mac OS X! Not as bad as Windows, I grant you, but not good either.
@PauloCereda Speaking of Mac OS X, today I got a message from our computing service saying not to upgrade to Sierra, because Matlab doesn't run on it.
@egreg Yes, I'd seen that
@egreg ooh @percusse would be very worried. :)
This has been posted before, but it's so cute!
9:14 PM
@PauloCereda Aw ;)
10:13 PM
@JosephWright stackoverflow CV email arrived now:-0

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