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12:59 AM
@egreg I had a doctor appointment. :)
But I'm back. :)
    Congratulations to the four winners (names disclosed where permission given) who were from:

        Czech Republic—Tomas Hejda
        Paris, France—Guillaume Moreno
        Brazil—Paulo Cereda

    Thank you to everyone who took part.
This bloke from Germany: it's either @Johannes_B or @ChristianHupfer. :)
1 hour later…
2:27 AM
@PauloCereda: Since I do not know what you are talking about, I would deny that I am the German bloke
4 hours later…
6:53 AM
@PauloCereda lol
7:29 AM
@PauloCereda It's me neither.
1 hour later…
8:33 AM
% you should never, ever, use the standards out-of-the-box T1 fonts with
% pdfLaTeX, they look ugly.Always include the "lmodern" or "pslatex" package,
% that uses much better postscript fonts.
I hope nobody takes that seriously ^^^^^
8:55 AM
@Johannes_B pslatex is of course brilliant.
@DavidCarlisle When i heard that chat klonk i knew it was you commenting on pslatex :-D
9:27 AM
@ChristianHupfer The book contest from Nicola. :)
@Johannes_B Oh. :(
@yo' I think @David won, but he decided to use another country. :)
@PauloCereda I'm a citizen of the world
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle Are you saying this because of today's polling?
Bananas are dangerous. :)
9:54 AM
@egreg might be last chance I get to say I'm a citizen of Europe for a while:(
10:19 AM
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@DavidCarlisle May have to move to Scotland
@PauloCereda: Ah, the contest ... I had no idea ... so it's definitely not me
@JosephWright: Oh yes, the elections in UK
Is there a duck party?
@PauloCereda Possibly somewhere: there certainly is a pirate party
@PauloCereda We have a Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol party
10:35 AM
@JosephWright o.O
@JosephWright Oh my!
@JosephWright He's a stranger! The name is clearly French!
@egreg Oh no!
@JosephWright we've had the same party win for the last 93 years in banbury so I'm not really expecting any shock result this evening...
10:38 AM
@DavidCarlisle Much the same in Daventry
@DavidCarlisle We got moved from one constituency to another last election: it has been suggested this helps keep the seat we used to be in 'safe'
@DavidCarlisle I'm intrigued: last change from Whig to Tory?
@DavidCarlisle Perhaps Liberal to Conservative if really 93 years ago
@JosephWright this
@DavidCarlisle Makes sense
@DavidCarlisle So like me it really doesn't matter who you vote for :-(
@JosephWright like this^^ ?
@DavidCarlisle :-)
11:06 AM
What should we do with this one? Close as unclear? Or does anybody want to answer that?
Q: Creating a BibTex Bibliography, TexMaker doesn't find the bibliography file

IrinaI'm working with LaTeX for a short time, and I am currently trying to write my thesis with it, but unfortunately something just doesn't work. When I compile my files there is no Bibliography output generated. I am using JabRef as a help for organizing my bibliography stuff. But when I compile my...

11:25 AM
teaching marathon: 2x100 minutes finished, another 1x100 minutes coming now :-(
@yo': Teaching what? Teaching 6 hours with only small breaks is my everyday's job
@ChristianHupfer teaching at the university. My standard teaching is 2x100 a week, but I'm substituting an ill friend
@yo': Ah, at the university. I've got only pupils, many of them don't want to attend school at all
@ChristianHupfer many our students are the same :-/
@yo' I'll send some of mine to you and you will send me the better ones, ok? ;-)
11:31 AM
@ChristianHupfer no way. I leave now, 2 minutes late already :D
@yo': Bye, happy teaching
11:55 AM
@Johannes_B: I extended the cntperchap to be configurable for an 'arbitrary' sectioning' level
@ChristianHupfer Erschreck mich nich so. I was just looking at the repository on github and your beautiful documentation.
@ChristianHupfer Using a modern package with obsolete commands of the predecessor and ignoring the warning ;-)
@Johannes_B: beautful as irony :-P
@Johannes_B: You refer to the scrlayer stuff?
@ChristianHupfer yep
@ChristianHupfer yep
@Johannes_B: Was gibt es denn an der Doku zu meckern, abgesehen von der veralteten Syntax?
@ChristianHupfer Nothing. But personally, i don't like the intense blue color.
12:02 PM
@Johannes_B: The box header backgrounds or the textcolour?
@ChristianHupfer tcb-backgrounds
@Johannes_B: You can change it:-P Make a fork of your own :-P
@ChristianHupfer already done github.com/johannesbottcher/latexpackages :-)
@Johannes_B: Yes, but you have no permission to change the code :-P ... at least not yet
@ChristianHupfer Really? It is lppl. I am just wondering, if renaming is required or if an apparend gitfork is sufficient.
12:08 PM
@Johannes_B: Well, at this stage of the package I don't like other's to fork around ... Perhaps, I should delete my git account again. I am not really happy with it
@ChristianHupfer You are not?
@ChristianHupfer I can delete the fork if you want.
@Johannes_B: No, it's ok, but I will probably delete the github stuff. I am not a collaborator guy, so actually nobody needs to change my code (or I have to change code from other ones)
@ChristianHupfer Raising issues is easier.
@Johannes_B: Yes, perhaps
1:07 PM
I want some cookies. :(
@PauloCereda: Take some flour, sugar, salt, pieces of chocolate, sodium hydrogencarbonate, mix all up, put into the oven, wait for 20 minutes and there you are ... :-P
@ChristianHupfer I'm a lazy duck. :)
By the way, you've won a GitHub follower.
@PauloCereda There is nothing new in this information :-P
@PauloCereda Damn.... eh... I mean... yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@ChristianHupfer <3
1:38 PM
@ChristianHupfer thanks. 'Twas ok, it's just tough to teach something you haven't seen before with no time for preparation.
@yo': Wtf is preparation? :D
@JosephWright good read (and exact echo of the xetex thread:-) bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307039
@ChristianHupfer well, at least "print the materials you got by mail" :D
@DavidCarlisle Jonathan Kew just sent that link :-)
@JosephWright yes I know, that's where I got it from:-)
2:05 PM
hello everyone
@Moody Hello
You guys know that i don't like draw it for me questions, but this one is great. If anybody knows what the guy is looking for, give me ping. latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=89803#p89803
can we compile \begin{figure}[H] option with lualatex bcoz it's hiding the figure
@Moody H is no allowed placement specifier, unless you are loading package float.
@Johannes_B: great as in rubbish ? ;-)
2:08 PM
@ChristianHupfer No, it forces me to think.
@Johannes_B i added the float package
in the preamble
2:25 PM
@PauloCereda I was given some cookies on the train this morning, they're in my bag.
@Moody Do you see the figures?
2:40 PM
@egreg ooh which flavour?
3:04 PM
@Johannes_B hand drawn image? I'm great at those
@Moody latex won't hide a figure, it will print it somewhere or give an error.
@Moody Generally speaking avoid [H]
3:43 PM
@DavidCarlisle <3
Hello. I see you are talking about figures :P HEre's another one (that possible might've been asked before, but I can't find it).






The figure environment adds unwanted space between the theorems (where it's inputted). How can I solve it?
4:22 PM





@PauloCereda With drops of chocolate! Sorry for answering so late: last lecture of the LaTeX course.
@Manuel that's arguably a bug, but I doubt it can be changed, vertical space control is a tricky area and hard to touch it without changing rather too many existing documents.
@egreg yay! You were eating those cookies while your students were compiling code. :P
4:46 PM
@DavidCarlisle I will try to put it inside the theorem. And come back in case it gives me problems. No other automatic workaround?
I thought this should've been asked before.
@DavidCarlisle IF there's a workaround at sight (not incredibly difficult) I can post the question in the site and seek for an answer. But, still, I would be surprised if it hasn't been asked before (I haven't found anything, though).

Q: Bibliography Printing without Numbers - TikzPoster

The GuyWhen attempting to print references in a block, there are no reference numbers to link to the citations. main.tex \documentclass[25pt, portrait, margin=0in, innermargin=1in, colspace=1in, subcolspace=1in, blockverticalspace=1in]{tikzposter} \usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=numeric,sorting=none...

5:27 PM
@Manuel -- this doesn't even require amsthm. it does the same thing with the primitive latex theorem facility.
5:41 PM
@Manuel possibly, I may look later
5:52 PM
@Johannes_B "you can't have read the information behind the links." I tried but it's all long strings of letters with dots over them and no spaces.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle You need points, don't you? ^^^^
@egreg not need, deserve
@DavidCarlisle Should we !!/battle?
@barbarabeeton Didn't even try (always load amsthm) but, if that's true, then I think this is more important, to have a workaround, at least. If really no one finds a similar question in the site, I will post it tomorrow.
6:04 PM
@egreg since you ask, I assume you are ahead, but that doesn't invalidate my comment
@Manuel @barbarabeeton you dont need theorem at all (or scartcl) vvvv






@Manuel -- whenever someone cites a "problem" that involves an ams class or package, i always try to take a look. in the case of amsthm, i've only recently released a thorough revision of the documentation (though not of that package; that remains untouched), so i really want to know if i left anything out. now that i see @DavidCarlisle's comment that the problem is endemic, i'm mollified.
@DavidCarlisle -- so what you're saying is that anything depending on that accursed \trivlist is going to have the problem. bummer. did you try it with just text before/environment after, and vice versa? what happens then?
6:21 PM
@barbarabeeton not really trivlist I think you probably just need \@addvspace the float prevents the \@addvspace at the start of Baz "seeing" the space already added after foo, so you end up with the sum of the spaces not the maximum. Seeing that it does that is the easy bit, changing it without re-implementing the float mechanism is the hard bit.
@Manuel @barbarabeeton fix is more or like this (figure already has more or less equivalent code, not sure why it's not working. We could blame @JosephWright as he just arrived)






@DavidCarlisle -- going back to amsthm, there's no explicit vspace of any kind, add or not. space above is controlled by \@topsep, and i'm not enthusiastic about digging around to find out how that works. nor do i love the idea of burying a float inside a theorem (or any other environment); that makes a mockery of any attempt at promoting "best practices".
@barbarabeeton no in the case of theorems it's by way of trivlist, but all these things use \@addvspace to avoid adding multiple space for consecutive display environments, but tex's main vertical list is a hostile place for such tests.
6:37 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- so can it be boiled down to an example using something a little "fancy" and the basic \insert mechanism? then it could be made into a bug report for dek's 2020 review.
@barbarabeeton \insert ? This is latex, no inserts here:-)
@barbarabeeton Chris fixed this on his birthday but then a week later....
%    For the moment we are going to ignore the vertical versions until
%    they are correct.
% \changes{LaTeX2e}{1993/12/19}{There seem to be problems with selfmade
%                           birthday presents}
%    \begin{macrocode}
@DavidCarlisle -- yes, i know that. and you know that. but if it's tex's main vertical list that is the crux of the problem, then it should be possible to trigger a similar condition using plain tex. probably be declared to be a feature, but some useful ideas may emerge from an examination of the problem.
@DavidCarlisle -- oh joy, oh rapture.
@barbarabeeton yes but it boils down to \vskip 10pt \write20{} \showthe\lastskip showing 0pt not 10pt, I can't see DEK changing that.
@DavidCarlisle -- 1993!!! that's more than two decades ago! and nobody's run into it before now?
@barbarabeeton that's new, that was Chris's attempted fix, the problem comes from 2.09 almost a decade before that....
6:44 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- nor can i (see dek changing it). but if he were to agree that it can be a problem, he may have some reasonable ideas of how to get around it (other than the obvious ones of placing the insert somewhere else).
@barbarabeeton the fix is basically as above, save the skip before and re-insert it later, I think the problem with doing this in general is working out quite where the safe place to re-insert it is...
1 hour later…
8:15 PM
@DavidCarlisle Is that a “semi-definitive” solution or just a basic example? If that's all, defining a new skip, and then adding \BeforeBeginEnvironment and \AfterEndEnvironment would be enough?
@Manuel I think so, although (I spotted later) it's more or less the definition of the "vertical space hacks" that were in test releases of latex2e but which we took out before the full release. I need to raise it with the team to see if anyone can recall what went wrong... But I think it is safe enough here, especially if you add it explictly when between two display environments. It's one of latex's more tricky areas:-)
I think i have never seen as many red ping-boxes at the top of the screen as today. Wow.
@Johannes_B who's pinging you?
@DavidCarlisle Feels like an army of users :-)
@DavidCarlisle No idea. :) @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B @Johannes_B
8:30 PM
@PauloCereda I wish you would have seen my face switching to chat. Slightly moving backwards whispering What the fuck. Only question now is, why am i whispering in english?
@Johannes_B -- nope, looks like just a brigade of ducks.
@barbarabeeton Somehow i hear Björk in my head, Army of me :-)
I should get my sound fixed, either i don't hear chat pings, or they nearly startle me to death.
@Johannes_B -- for someone whose taste in music isn't so contemporary, perhaps something more along the lines of "wellington's victory" or the "1812 overture" would be appropriate? (i once applied the latter as an alarm clock to a college roommate; very effective when the cannons chimed in.)
@DavidCarlisle Ahm, so it should be fixed but somehow it isn't? I will create a macro anyways, but I hope it gets fixed.
@barbarabeeton 1812 overture running. :-)
8:40 PM
@Manuel I suspect we decided that all plausible fixes broke too much stuff, but anyhow mail sent to team see if anyone can remember what the heck we thought we were doing:-) It overlaps with this actually tex.stackexchange.com/questions/241549/…
@Manuel not "somehow" the relevant code was commented out during the test phase of latex2e, with an explicit comment that it didn't work, so it's a known feature rather than a bug (where "known" is suitably defined)
@barbarabeeton I am a bit shocked that i never heard this one before.
@barbarabeeton Retract my comment. This part is well known :-)
@Johannes_B :)
@PauloCereda The level seems to be ok now. But i am smiling listening to Tschaikowsky :-)
My neighbours have a little baby, i hope he doesn't wake up listening to Tchaikovskys guns.
@Johannes_B -- and did you recognize that one of the themes from "wellington's victory" reappears as "the bear came over the mountain"? (and if you like the tschaikowsky (spelling proves you're german!), you should try the final movements of mussorgsky's "pictures at an exhibition", the piano version, especially as performed by horowitz; i keep hoping that frederic chiu will record that, or even better, play it in recital somewhere i can attend.)
Polls close in 5 minutes...
8:54 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- i really hope you don't have to get a new passport.
@barbarabeeton :(
@barbarabeeton Sounds like For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
@Johannes_B -- my sister attended an outdoor performance of the "1812" in washington, dc, in front of the lincoln memorial, with a contingent of marines with 50mm howitzers pointed out over the potomac to do the honors. just as that point in the score came around, a plane was landing across the river at national airport. the pilot must have been pretty shocked to see the glowing gun wadding shooting towards the plane ...
@DavidCarlisle Dimbleby on
@barbarabeeton :-D
8:59 PM
@Johannes_B -- many composers borrow, some even from themselves. (how many concerti did vivaldi write using the same themes?)
@barbarabeeton Erm, all of them ;-)
@JosephWright -- this one's answered, but it never got any votes, and the suggestion accepted by the op was in a comment. what to do?
Q: Page Numbering for Book

Nicolas BourbakiI have written a book in Latex. I want to start my numbering from page one of the first chapter. I will also have a preface and table of contents, and I want to skip those pages into the form: i, ii, ... ect.

9:15 PM
@JosephWright tex.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/68118 Community reviewed this? Can you give a pointer to what that means?
Guys, i am going home know.
2 hours later…
11:11 PM
@Johannes_B Good night, Johannes! Just returned from work. What's on the Internet now? :-)

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