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12:00 AM
@PauloCereda Have a good sleep. ;-)
@PauloCereda lol :-)
@NicolaTalbot Right, I don't suppose switching to tikz will be too much of a problem. I'm more curious about having graphs inside of vertices (or maybe pictures inside of vertices). Then again, I could always post a question.. :-)
@egreg @NicolaTalbot :)
12:12 AM
@PauloCereda I guess it's bedtime for me too, editing the {pgfplotstable} wiki took 'a little' longer than I thought it would ;)
@hugovdberg :)
@egreg, @Nicola: hey guys, I'm still awake! Writing a paper. :P
@PauloCereda Good luck/have fun/stay strong (choose whatever applies :P)
@hugovdberg I will surrender to the bacteria pretty soon. :)
1 hour later…
1:19 AM
@topskip Just as pointer: “There is now a package pullquote which allows to create various shapes of inserts.” (Stephan Lehmke, 2012-09-04). Works with ImageMagick, too.
9 hours later…
10:29 AM
@PauloCereda Good morning; did you finish your paper?
@egreg Good morning! :) I'm very close, I'm just finishing a section, then it's done. :)
3 hours later…
1:30 PM
@PauloCereda Does that mean the paper is finished?
@Brent.Longborough I'm very close. :)
Like Zeno of Elea?
@Brent.Longborough The tortoise is the end of the paper, Achilles is @PauloCereda, I guess.
@egreg ooh a turtle!
1:43 PM
@egreg Precisely
@PauloCereda No, a tortoise (that is, a cágado, not a tartaruga)
@Brent.Longborough That's very important. :P
@PauloCereda I can imagine why. ;-)
@PauloCereda Because Achilles couldn't swim, I think.
@egreg You got it, almost certainly
@PauloCereda @Brent.Longborough You surely know about the Mock Turtle.
@egreg :)
1:46 PM
@egreg Of course. And its precursor soup.
@Brent.Longborough Ah, Alice!
@egreg: Knowing Brent, no way of a word coming out without its proper accents. :) Brent has three keyboard layouts fused into one. :)
@egreg Have you read any of Lewis Carroll's (somewhat archaic) mathematical stuff?
@Brent.Longborough No. I find logic writings before the 20th century completely undigestible.
@egreg Well, if you stumble across it on 'teh internetz', a five-minute glance might be amusing (but no more, probably). The most interesting aspect is the obsolete use of commas.
@egreg A good word, 'indigesto'
1:53 PM
@Brent.Longborough I found an uninteresting paper on determinants.
@Brent.Longborough Yes.
@egreg I think the commas are more interesting: "A fish[comma] that cannot dance a minuet[comma] is contemptible."
@Brent.Longborough Very German-like
@egreg Yes. Of course, at the time, the two royal families were related.
@egreg Wow. Just seen Kalish & Montague's Logic: Techniques of Formal Reasoning on Amazon UK for *** £53 ***
@Brent.Longborough I'd save them for something else.
@egreg Yes. I bought it about 45 years ago but it got lost somewhere in between.
2:05 PM
@Brent.Longborough Are you missing it?
@egreg No. After that, tried Quine's Set Theory and its Logic, and didn't get very far in. After that, did something else.
@egreg ... Well, actually, I think I downgraded a bit to Smullyan's What is the Name of this Book?.
@Brent.Longborough Nice book. Never read Quine.
@egreg Are you saying you have never read Quine, or that no-one should ever read Quine?
@Brent.Longborough Both, perhaps. ;-)
@egreg Careful, there's a fallacy there may be some dogma in there somewhere. If you've never read Quine, how can you say no-one should?
2:18 PM
@Brent.Longborough When you've read Quine, you immediately wish you didn't.
@egreg That's good. It means you've had a chance to question your ideas. Happened to me with Rawls' A Theory of Justice.
@egreg The famous meme "How do I unread this"
@Brent.Longborough :)
@Brent.Longborough It happened to me recently; a friend of my mother's said she had liked very much a book by Ildefonso Falcones, so my mum bought it. I tried reading it and I wish I never did.
@egreg Sort of reminds one of mediaeval tales from the crypt. Why does this site/Firefox flag mediaeval as a spelling error?
@egreg Which book? I need to practice my unreading!
Cathedral of the Sea is a historical novel by Spanish author Ildefonso Falcones. The action takes place in 14th century Barcelona at the height of the Inquisition, with the construction of Santa Maria del Mar serving as background to the story. Plot summary The book is set in Barcelona and its main character is Arnau Estanyol, the son of a fugitive serf who obtains freedom and eventually achieves a high status. Awards The novel has won several literary awards including: * Euskadi de Plata 2006 (Spain) * The Qué Leer Award (Spain) * Giovanni Boccaccio 2007 award (Italy) References ...
@egreg What language did you read it in?
2:30 PM
@Brent.Longborough Italian. I didn't arrive at the first half.
@egreg Well, that's better than I did with War and Peace -- I gave up at 95%, simply because I no longer cared what was going to happen to all those tiresome people...
@egreg I'm wondering now whether I should read it in English or Spanish, and whether that makes a difference.
@Brent.Longborough You could read it in Euskadi. Maybe it's a way for enjoying the book.
@egreg No, I don't want to learn another language right now, I'm drowning in Cymraeg. Anyway, I suppose the original is Spanish, or maybe Catalan
@egreg Just read the summary on Falcones' website. Sounds very vaguely similar to Saramago's Memorial do Convento
2:48 PM
Hello to everybody! Does anybody know how can I define special characters as separate words in emacs?
I mean I want M-d not to eat everything that is not word constituent if it's preceding the word and rather behave like C-d.
@egreg: now the paper is done! :)
@PauloCereda Now translate it into Welsh for @Brent.Longborough to read.
@egreg Rwy'n hoffi hwyaid!
@PauloCereda I hope the colophon mentions Prof. Knuth and Peter Wilson
@Brent.Longborough The memoir guy?
The new arara manual will be written in KOMA. :) Or way better, we gonna go with the Spriner one, which is terrible. :P
2:59 PM
@PauloCereda Who else? Or did you use komascrpt?
@Brent.Longborough Will you unfriend me if I say I'm very inclined to use KOMA instead of memoir? :)
@PauloCereda Cruz credo t'esconjuro! I will not only unfriend you, I'll drive a stake through your heart and surround you with garlic.
@Brent.Longborough Vade retro! :)
@PauloCereda Better to use a0poster
@Brent.Longborough ooh I like it!
3:01 PM
@PauloCereda In seventeen columns
@Brent.Longborough LOL
@PauloCereda Or maybe we ought to write it in Markdown. Then we could post-process it with koma or memoir or as a an ebook or an internetz thingy
@PauloCereda Or docbook. Or html and ConTeXt
@PauloCereda My friend Ivan's suftesi.
@egreg That looks good to me (provided we can use EB Garamond!)
I gotta go. Millions of less pleasant things to do involving taxes and so forth. See youall.
@egreg ooh sounds interesting. :)
@Brent.Longborough Malha fina? :)
3:17 PM
@PauloCereda No, just preparing to get my refund as soon as possible after the start of the new tax year (6th April)
@Brent.Longborough Oh. :) My dad is preparing his Imposto de Renda. :)
4:05 PM
@Brent.Longborough Of course you can.
4:23 PM
It is one of my favorite book: ia600805.us.archive.org/35/items/… It is free!
4:42 PM
@egreg Is it okay for you, if I ask some further questions about your answer here where I just commented?
@HenriMenke Maybe it's better here.
@egreg You said: "if you change meaning to \textsf also \keyword will follow it". But if I use the \newcommand method, it will also follow.
@HenriMenke With \let the meaning is frozen to the meaning \textsf had at that moment. With \newcommand, TeX will use the current value of \textsf
@egreg Sorry about that. I misunderstood your comment.
@HenriMenke Maybe \textsf is not the best, but think to a macro defined in terms of another one.
4:51 PM
@egreg Thank you very much for clearing that up! :-)
@HenriMenke You're welcome!
5:15 PM
@HenriMenke Magicians don't explain their tricks
5:40 PM
One delete vote here, please: it seems advertising for a horseriding school
A: How to add my name on every page corner in Lyx?

VácKöszönjük a kommentet. Ez eg ynagyon jó fórum. http://kisfakolovasiskola.hu

5:59 PM
I just provided my first answer. The question is 2-years old, but i felt compelled because the answer selected wasn't best.
3 hours later…
8:49 PM
Does anyone know if there is a package to typeset a snippet of LaTeX source code together with its output, where the output is broken across pages if its height does not fit into a single page?
9:13 PM
@Romildo from the top of my head package examplep. But i never used it.
@Johannes_B I will try it.
9:48 PM
@FarZin It really recommends sans serif???? I've never seen that (in documents set with serif) and it seems a rather odd choice. (Not that I blame you for quoting a reference work)
@Romildo Can't say about the page breaking, but you can take a look at showexpl.
10:19 PM
Evening! I hope that the stupid ideas of our president are kept in Czech media only, if not, please trust me, that guy is not my president
10:57 PM
@tohecz What stupid ideas? ;-)
@egreg The best solution of the Ukraine crisis would be if Russia became a part of the EU (Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT MY OPINION)
@tohecz Yeah, nice!
@egreg Well, Zeman is simply licking the asshole of Putin, that's all
@tohecz Not the only one.
@egreg unfortunately :(
11:16 PM
Hm, the stars indicate I'm a vampire.
Das vampir!
Hm I can beat the turtle.
11:30 PM
@PauloCereda Are you really sure? Zeno would say differently.
@PauloCereda By the way, St. Zeno is the patron saint of Verona.
This is the basilica dedicated to him.
@egreg Ah the paradox. :)
@egreg It looks very beautiful. :)
@PauloCereda It is. One of the best romanesque churches in Italy. Let me find a particular of the door.
@DavidCarlisle I'll have to upvote an answer of yours. :(
@PauloCereda And inside you find a pala by Mantegna (the best living painter, as he said about himself)
Don't you know how to completely disable this annoying dialog in TeXworks?
11:46 PM
@tohecz Never seen. My .aux files never get corrupted. Or I almost never use TeXworks, perhaps.
@egreg It happens to me a lot that I have an unrecoverable error and <C-T> is faster way to kill it than q<Enter>

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