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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

7:05 PM
@AlanMunn No time -- it conflicts with our local CERN visit and end-of-schoolyear schedules
@AlanMunn Hmm, I guess to me it doesn't look that much if it were my 'day job', so it's not unreasonable (of course it's not, ...)
I just checked. A flight from Frankfurt Germany to Toronto and back is about 750 Euro... plus Hotel plus conference fee -- no way, this time
@ChristianHupfer Flights a bigger problem, certainly
7:25 PM
@JosephWright Yes, for something work related it's in the ballpark, although still on the steep side as linguistics conferences go, but I agree, for what for me is truly just a tool and partially a hobby it's a lot.
@AlanMunn Quite
@AlanMunn Chemistry conferences must be more than linguistics ones: I'm paying ~£600 per conference and doing 2 this summer, one 4 day, one 5 day. The 4 day does include accommodation but the 5 day doesn't in the fee. Then there's the £70 conference meal I've got to pay still for one of them ...
(Both in France, back-to-back, so travel cheap)
@JosephWright Yes, the big difference is that you have lots of corporate types who probably also attend these. And you have relatively more grant money to pay for this sort of thing. Conferences are pretty much what the market will bear. Also as the size becomes larger, the need for commercial organizers increases, which also increases the costs a lot. The conference I just ran (about 70 people) was organized by me and two other people and all the money raised internally or from registration fees.
@AlanMunn Indeed: we ran one a few years ago here (Norwich) for about 100 people, and that was about £150 for the academics and I think £90 for students for 2 days. We more-or-less broke even.
@JosephWright For example conferences with a big medical contingent (like the Academy of Aphasia, which I presented at a long time ago) are super expensived.
@AlanMunn Never been to such a thing
7:32 PM
@JosephWright Yes, exactly. We broke even. Luckily one more person registered on the day otherwise we'd have been $200 in the red I think. :)
@JosephWright But surely at biochemistry conferences there are plenty of big-pharma types?
@AlanMunn You are of course right about grant support, but for my two I'm paying out of some 'slush' money we've made doing some commercial stuff (a small pot: we are basically using all of it this summer). My postdoc has £1200 per year for conferences, so will get to one per year + a small amount for a UK meeting
@AlanMunn We did get some sponsorship
@AlanMunn I don't do biochemistry :-) Certainly not the end that pharma are interested in
@AlanMunn We mainly get journals, equipment suppliers and chemical suppliers at our meetings
@JosephWright Yes, our travel funds are miserable too. We get at most $1000 from our department ($700 first trip/$300 second), and no conference, even domestic can usually be done for less than $1000.
@JosephWright At least I can deduct the expenses from my taxes, which helps some.
@JosephWright Because in such a large country, there are very few places you don't need to fly to, so domestic conferences also usually involve airfare.
7:55 PM
@JosephWright Isn't texdoc supposed to search for stuff in the local texmf before the distribution texmf? My texdoc seems to be finding the distribution version not my local version.
@AlanMunn Should work I think if it's in the right place: let me check
@JosephWright Yes, it's always worked for me in the past.
Can anybody using MikTeX and having gnuplot installed test my answer to this question here:
$ texdoc -s he-she
27 results. Display them all? (y/N) y
1 /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/doc/latex/he-she/he-she.pdf
= Package documentation
2 /Users/alan/Library/texmf/doc/tex/latex/he-she/he-she.pdf
Q: How to use gnuplottex?

JHZTME UIBNAI want to use gnuplottex, but even example from documentation don't work. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{gnuplottex} \begin{document} \begin{figure}% \centering% \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=latex, terminaloptions=rotate] set key box top left ...

It works out of the box for me on TL 2015, Linux. I can't test for \usepackage[miktex]{gnuplottex} however
8:03 PM
@ChristianHupfer I'll try
@JosephWright Thanks!
@ChristianHupfer That's some pretty subtle punctuation rule you have going on in the abbreviations meta post: O.P. = original poster and OP = original post? I think they're identical and only context decides which phrase is intended.
@AlanMunn The linguist in you is nickpicking again? ;-) If you post something on Physics I will come back on that and give it a check ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Maybe it's nitpicking, but I think this is a made up distinction, which in a post to help people who don't know much will just add to their confusion. :)
@ChristianHupfer As for Physics, I browse the questions occasionally but there's nothing there I would dream of answering. I had very terrible physics in high school and whatever else I know is self-taught.
@ChristianHupfer Works for me
@ChristianHupfer miktex option not required
8:11 PM
@JosephWright That's what the O.P. (@AlanMunn :-P) insisted on (and what's in the manual also) -- Thanks again
@AlanMunn I am not active on Physics.SE as well...
@ChristianHupfer Tried both ways, deleted files between runs
@ChristianHupfer The linguist in me wants to correct that 'as well' to 'either'. English is a PITA. :)
@AlanMunn A quantum leap in significance ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Yes, although the quantum states of 'grammatical' vs. 'ungrammatical' can be quite distinctive. :)
@AlanMunn: Concerning the Meta glossary post: It's C.W. (or CW) -- you can change it
8:16 PM
@ChristianHupfer Just to be clear, the punctuation per se isn't the issue, it's using it to distinguish meanings. So I don't really care about O.P. vs. OP or C.W. vs CW as long as they aren't claimed to be distinct in meaning. But I think I will change it.
@AlanMunn I applied a constantly 'ungrammatical' measuring operator on English grammar so the system is prepared in one of infinite ungrammatical eigenstates ...
@ChristianHupfer :) you and @DavidCarlisle.
@AlanMunn I've got an excuse: I am no native speaker of English language :-P
8:51 PM
@ChristianHupfer excuse invalid, you were probably taught formal English grammar as part of the German educational system, gives you an unfair advantage.
@DavidCarlisle Do you suggest to say that the German educational system is better than the British one then? (Please note: I wrote 'say', not 'admit')
@ChristianHupfer not necessarily but I'd bet you spend longer teaching english grammar:-)
@DavidCarlisle nine years, in my personal case, but the first five years on a really low level
@ChristianHupfer I'm pretty sure I spent longer on latin grammar than english (and I don't remember much latin)
@DavidCarlisle Romanes eunt domus ;-)
8:57 PM
@ChristianHupfer Was haben die Römer jemals für uns getan?
@DavidCarlisle Jolly good! :D Where's @PauloCereda when we have one of the rare occasions in Chat when Monty Python is quoted :D
@ChristianHupfer People called Romanes they go the house?
@DavidCarlisle Straßen
@JosephWright Wein, Äquadukt etc.
@ChristianHupfer Ja, ja
@ChristianHupfer usw., surely
@DavidCarlisle This is actually one of the most famous lines from the movie in German dubbing
@JosephWright Don't forget Loretta's demand for security of women ;-) The British government would have placed surveillance cameras in Jerusalem at that time, of course, in every corner ;-)
9:06 PM
@ChristianHupfer @Johannes_B Ich glaube, dass @DavidCarlisle eine Vorlage ausnutzt.
:29903119 yes, but not perfect :-P
@ChristianHupfer Hmm. Is 'ausnutzen' the wrong verb?
@AlanMunn: 'ausnutzen' has a negative meaning, in the sense of 'to exploit'. You meant 'benützt'or 'verwendet', most likely
@ChristianHupfer Ah, ok. But I'll stick with the negative meaning... :) after all we are talking about Vorlagen here. :)
@AlanMunn unfehlbare Orakel nicht Vorlage
9:12 PM
@AlanMunn Don't tell me about Vorlagen -- I am not the Gundar the Vorlagen Hunter ;-) @Johannes_B ;-)
Well, it's late here -- I must sleep -- tomorrow is another (regional) holiday here again -- Day of Corpus Christi
@ChristianHupfer Good night.
@AlanMunn Thanks. Have a nice time
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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