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11:00 PM
> Ever since I heard of Unix
I've always had a ball,
From SunOS to Minix
I must have run 'em all
But I ain't seen nothing like him
On systems large or small
That tired, squinting, blind kid
Sure makes a mean sys call!
@enderland You'll just fire him again next time don't you see, it's all meaningless repetition.. HALP I'M TRAPPED IN A Y COMBINATOR AND THE TERMINAL CASE IS BORK
(on the subject of pinball)
@JimmyHoffa What were you saying about my website earlier?
(I couldn't quite bring myself to quote this one...
@Timtech It's interesting
11:00 PM
> Ever since I was a young boy\\
I've played with each O.S.\\
From Unix down to Kronos \\
I've crashed them I confess\\
But I ain't seen nothing like him\\
Not even in VMS\\
That set-mark and bind kid\\
Sure strokes a mean Emacs.
@JimmyHoffa In what way?
@Timtech In so far as it's not what I expect to find linked from someone's SO profile
That's good right? :P
> Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.
I drink my Jolt, I write some code, give up and surf the Web.
I download dirty pictures, and bill for that instead.

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.

I like Dilbert, I read sci-fi, and speak in Python quotes.
I like to code in UNIX. Powerbuilder is for dolts!
@MichaelT dick, you just wasted the rest of my day with that link.
> I'd like to be
> under the sea,
> in a CRAY1-S's coolant in the shade
> This freon gas
> will freeze my ass,
> in a CRAY1-S's coolant in the shade...
oh wow there's more there? dangit
11:05 PM
> I am the very model of a modern software manager
I'm trimming back my budget to a point nobody can endure
I purchased a computer that had megabytes of filing space
And only six months later heard complaints of its compiling pace
About this act I haven't even moments of remorsefulness
I have the utmost confidence in engineers' resourcefulness
Though scheduling of time has been equated with a lottery
Adverse conditions bring about a spirit of comraderie.
(that one is a bit too painful)
this site is a trap
11:06 PM
dont click those links. DONT DO IT
Oh man... this one is good... Its the "Sunscreen" one - poppyfields.net/filks/00281.html
> If I could offer you one tip for the future, documentation would be it. The long term benefits of a well documented system, with FAQs, RFCs, and man pages, have been proven time and again by systems administrators everywhere, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own miserable experience... I will dispense this advice now
> Enjoy and appreciate the well behaved and polite users. Oh, nevermind, by the time you figure out who the well behaved and polite users are, you'll have wasted all of your available time on the ones who are not. But believe me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of some users and recall in a way you can't grasp now, how much time and energy you wasted on those other whiners.
oh man I could read this site forever! this is so funny!
@RobertHarvey you need to read that one...
11:07 PM
Where are you finding these?
I'm getting pop goes the weasel
As a Wisconsin resident...
> FORTRAN programs, FORTRAN programs
Run through the machine!
Count your errors, watch them mounting
'Til you're turning green (rah! rah! rah!)

FORTRAN programs, FORTRAN programs
Never work okay
Till you find out they were
Due yes-ter-daaaay!
(to On Wisconsin)
These are funny/ :P
11:10 PM
I am cracking up so bad @MichaelT
way to ruin the rest of my productivity LOL
And I'm supposed to be working right now
On a video game, in fact.
> C++ writer, C++ writer.
Please sir or madam, will you play my game?
It took me years to write, doesn't have a name.
It's based on a game by Comrade Pazhitnov,
And I need a job,
So I want to be a C++ writer,
C++ writer.
It's a little game about tetrominoes,
And the object is to remove the rows.
Right now, I'm working for the Daily Mail.
It's a steady job,
But I want to be a C++ writer,
C++ writer.
C++ writer, C++ writer.
Too much C++
> Oh root, won't you give me access to CRAY-1,
> my friends all use CONVEX, but I can't log on.
> Hacked hard all my lifetime, the bugs are quite gone,
> so root, won't you give me access to CRAY-1?
> Oh root, won't you give me a CD-ROM drive,
> I wait for the mounting each night until five.
> The magtapes are trying to eat me alive,
> so root, won't you give me a CD-ROM drive?
> Oh root, won't you give me a fast CPU,
> my programs run slowly, I'm praying to you.
> A single '040, it simply won't do,
Bye! ;)
11:17 PM
this is painfully funny
@Joe Is it possible your methodology might have a response bias?
There is actually something interesting to be read at the end of possibly the worst wikipedia article I've ever seen
Hipster refers to a postmodern subculture of young, urban middle-class adults and older teenagers that first appeared in the 1990s and became particularly prominent in the 2010s, being derived from earlier movements in the 1940s. The subculture is associated with indie music and alternative music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility (including vintage and thrift store clothes), progressive or independent political views, and alternative lifestyles. Hipster culture has been described as a "mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior[s]". Christian Lorentzen...
the last part by Mark Grief makes a very interesting argument for the whole concept
one that seems to have logic to it beyond anything else I've heard/seen
I feel a sense of deja vu
@enderland The article came up in here the other day, in fits and bursts I've finally finished the whole thing since then. Didn't think I was going to but am glad I did, just for the payoff at the end; that last little analysis is really interesting
the rest of it amounts to an entire wikipedia article devoted to quoting people saying "I hate hipsters, everyone hates hipsters, they're the worst!"
which is a completely valid stance but a strange entry for a wikipedia article
> Greif's efforts puts the term "hipster" into a socioeconomic framework rooted in the petty bourgeois tendencies of a youth generation unsure of their future social status. The cultural trend is indicative of a social structure with heightened economic anxiety and lessened class mobility.
^-- the first thing I've ever read about the term hipster that actually made any sense whatsoever
Ok and since that's about as on topic as prison stories in here I guess I'll counterbalance that with this... as strongly on topic as possible bit
86-DOS was an operating system developed and marketed by Seattle Computer Products (SCP) for its Intel 8086-based computer kit. Initially known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) the name was changed to 86-DOS once SCP started licensing the operating system in 1980. 86-DOS had a command structure and application programming interface that imitated that of Digital Research's CP/M operating system, which made it easy to port programs from the latter. The system was purchased by Microsoft and developed further as MS-DOS and PC DOS. Origins 86-DOS was created because sales of t...
11:34 PM
He's gone. We can talk trash about his website again now.
@JimmyHoffa: I noticed you were... um, fairly coy about it.
@RobertHarvey I don't think anything needs to be said that the website itself doesn't say
True that.
@RobertHarvey If he's not aware of how that site is perceived by others I've no interest in being the one who opens that can for him
34 mins ago, by Timtech
That's good right? :P
Is Emo a subset of Hipster?
Who knows, he might be 12, I try not to judge
@RobertHarvey I don't even know what a set of hipster is, that's why I tried reading that
11:38 PM
Emo is the black-haired, sun-deprived, angst-ridden version of a hipster.
@RobertHarvey A german hipster?
Perhaps a few pictures...
Read the last bit in the wikipedia article if you haven't, it's interesting it tries to define hipster and it's purpose in terms of capital by way of culture and fiscal capital and how people become hipsters to transition those two things between eachother when they have an excess of one and a lack of the other
That's way overthinking it.
@RobertHarvey Iduno, I just don't trust the stewart maxim approach because my names not stewart and I don't trust myself to succesfully accomplish his ideal.
11:43 PM
"Hipsters are the friends who sneer when you cop to liking Coldplay. They're the people who wear t-shirts silk-screened with quotes from movies you've never heard of and the only ones in America who still think Pabst Blue Ribbon is a good beer. They sport cowboy hats and berets and think Kanye West stole their sunglasses. Everything about them is exactingly constructed to give off the vibe that they just don't care."
That's not a hipster; it's a redneck.
@RobertHarvey holy crap I think you're right, Rednecks are so non-mainstream they've become hip
Texas is the cultural capital of the country? Gahh shoot me now
coldplay sucks, though
@enderland ooo enderland's a hipster! You saw it here first folks! This is apparently enderland:
I hate that I have to copy and view source to see links in chat. maybe this is a time I should not do so.. ;)
yup. definitely shouldn't have. hahaha
@enderland Coldplay is an acquired taste.
11:48 PM
@RobertHarvey Really? I thought it was all over the radio like crazy for a long time because they're just generally good...
The lead singer being married to Gwyneth Paltrow certainly doesn't hurt.
I don't really like, I'm not sure a nice way to say this. Whiny music? never really a fan of the beatles either
@RobertHarvey I didn't know that, but now I like them more. Though I think I'm going to reject that reality for the much funner one where gwyneth paltrow is actually married to robert downey jr
@enderland Alright not a fan of the beatles? What's wrong with you?
Abbey Road. Best album ever.
@JimmyHoffa I like some of their stuff for sure
11:51 PM
The thing about the Beatles is that they became hugely successful on a certain style of music. Then they changed their style, pretty much completely, and became hugely successful from that. Not that many bands have managed to pull that off.
@RobertHarvey agreed
idk. I run stage lighting at a concert venue occasionally (not much in recent months) which gives me a lot of exposure to a variety of music
@RobertHarvey Yeah, I don't care for the earlier stuff so much, it was more for the time it was out
but after they changed it up I don't think they did anything I don't think is awesome
@RobertHarvey wisdomgroup.com/blog/10000-hours-of-practice <-- I didn't know about the beatles what this says, explains a lot
@JimmyHoffa there is definitely a very noticeable difference in musician quality
Even just on Abbey Road, the songs sound dramatically different. Compare "Come Together" with "Here Comes the Sun."
The 10,000 hours thing is a bit mis-represented. It is true that high-performers practice long hours, but they also do what is called "deliberate, focused practice," and already have some talent to leverage.
@RobertHarvey I just mean specifically what it says about the beatles
11:56 PM
The Beatles, by the way, had already written about 100 songs (and played in countless dives) before they ever achieved a measure of success.
@RobertHarvey aye, I didn't know that until I read that the other day. Makes sense, and is pretty cool.
That's the big misunderstanding of our time, that people achieve overnight success. It almost never happens, and when it does, it can't be sustained without years of toiling in obscurity first.
@RobertHarvey Aye. Getting rich quick takes a long time.

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