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12:02 AM
Would it be possible to minimize current window with hotkey Super+<number_of_window_in_launcher>? http://askubuntu.com/questions/114377/would-it-be-possible-to-minimize-current-window-with-hotkey-supernumber-of-win?atw=1 #unity
12:38 AM
Hello room!
I was hoping more people would be on
you might be able to help me
In trying to land an IT job utilizing Linux...which would be better for me to learn...Ubuntu or Fedora?
not really a valid question without a WHOLE lot of detail...
US DoD for example like RHEL over Ubuntnu...but that's just one case
so it's about who you're targeting
12:40 AM
I see
They're all essentially the same anyway once you get passed package management and release dates. The thing I personally have against Redhat is the use of yum in their open distros and up2date in their commercial distros. So you have to pay to study adequately. Other than package management everything is essentially the same(barring some corner cases like when who took out bash -i for the old /dev/tcp backdoor)
you have definitely helped me
no problem. just some things to think about. i am by no means a spokesperson for either side.
I know that I want to do well with Linux and there was an askubuntu question that kind of sparked my curiousity
Even though I love Linux....if I'm not going to be able to grow professionally with the distro I'm using
I would prefer to move to one that would allow me to
I'm not sure what you mean...I for example also use FreeBSD...which most people consider a thorough pain, but I like it. I don't have a preference for any distro over another(although BSD is substantially different than linux...don)
don't take that the wrong way
12:49 AM
I definitely didn't take it the wrong way...
What I mean is this...there was a question about Ubuntu being solely for home users and those who want it for entertainment purposes...
no it isn't
I do not fit into the latter part...I do use it on my home systems
but I want something where if I am paired up against someone for an IT job...I'll have the upper hand because I'm familiar with Linux.
okay this is treading in to an area i'm not horribly comfortable with...
like the question was closed, but someone could point to askubuntu chat logs and say they're hosting that text so it must be their opinion
It's all good...you were someone to definitely help me bounce ideas back off....and you gave me re-assurance to stick with Ubuntu...thank you so much!
1:49 AM
@jrg Interesting. is it not picking up on the DHCP IP's or what?
@aking1012 nice a fellow BSD user in the crowd. You've earned my respect (not that you didnt have it before)
@lazyPower don't know, I haven't had the chance to really look into it yet.
@daslinkard Ubuntu Server is a great place to start looking for the "professional" side of Ubuntu. The desktop is an excellent OS to put in any office environment, its secure, stable, easy to use, geared for the novice, the power user, and anybody in between. THe server edition has made some amazing strides in deployment with Juju and its charms. There's no "one" distro that will beat out another in terms of being professional - unless you're biting into the whims of another user.
^^^ That. Ubuntu enterprise is also pretty slick
Hmm.. Interesting.
I dont know what would be causing chef to panic based on DNS since configurations are basically stored by hostname and role.
i mean, theres always going to be fringe cases that involve something I'm not familiar with but that just seems.... odd.
I'll look into it tomorrow, but we do have a pretty... unique setup.
1:56 AM
yeah i know, i know, you have 2 DOD computers in your basement. Its ok. I wont pry.
They are taking octo-cat to new levels here....
Hi @jrg, do you know the answer to this question?
@AmithKK I missed you, but you can drop me an email anytime and I'll answer your question(s).
2:12 AM
@lazyPower - yes another BSD user
FBSD none the less. I knew a few netbsd users, but not many people i run with run a BSD
unless you count BSD in a dress (OS X)
Yeah, FreeBSD is NetBSD + hardware support...just my opinion
That or OpenBSD without the militant install chain
Either or works really.
I do wish BSD would get full OpenCL support, but I'm dreaming
That or you're going to have to roll up the sleeves and put on your engineer hat.
2:16 AM
There's no way I can as a single man reverse and port the ATI binary driver
I thought Khronos has a non-free OpenCL implementation for unixy systems...
There's a workaround for Nvidia involving the linux compat layer
and they might
oh wait no, i'm talking out my bum -- its windows.
yeah, khronos was the group that put out the standard. you need a driver that supports it to use it. limited nvidia support...0 fglrx support for opencl
some intelligent group over at berkley will do it for fun one semester when its lost its luster.
2:19 AM
yeah...probably. it would be nice for their to be a group trying
not even succeeding, just trying
think i set my sights high enough when i started working on stripping the interesting windows libraries to get a native library that supports opening sockets and memory operations...and effectively nuking reflective injection. reversing the ati binary driver is still a little much for me
Whoa, thats kind of cool.
When you say reflective injection, thats akin to system.reflection right? where you can introspectively reverse engineer an assembly and what makes it up.
i mean something ppl use to hide from AV/IPS system defense tools
e.g. metasploit uses reflective injection to hide meterpreter.
okay, i know like 2% of what that entails,.
vimeo.com/aking1012/rid for the demo...audio nsfw
2:30 AM
audio was a nice touch too
i thought so
Do you +?
you mean google+?
sorry i have no idea what you mean
Yeah, Google+
2:33 AM
yeah i'm over there...not much, but i'm there.
aking1012.com@gmail.com to find me pretty much anywhere
I tend to check it more often than the stack, since I work a fairly ridiculous schedule of my own creation.
>< yeah. I know the feeling. When I get the work it's like 18 hours back to back to crank something out. I'm usually a last resort though.
Someone say G+?
pets TheX how ya been buddy?
2:36 AM
/me purrs....
plus.google.com/u/0/100311227726458475563/posts is me...idk if that renders properly for other ppl
I have almost 700 followers on G+ O.o
You're the start of my PenTesting group
@text wowsa
2:38 AM
I shudder to think of the laundry list you would hand over if you were to audit the network I'm responsible for
@lazyPower i'll consider that a compliment
Brb, I need to put my eggs in the oven...
Indeed. I have mad respect for those that do penetration testing, and have the knowledge to honestly do IT Security.
I'm a hobbyist, if it bypasses snort chances are I dont know it happened.
@lazyPower <3
2:40 AM
@MarcoCeppi Whats happenin broseph?
@MarcoCeppi just the guy I was looking for (not really, but I need something to say)
Yeah man, i was scoping your + feed from saturday to today, seems like you had a LEGIT busy weekend.
So... if you are driving 80 mph... how long would it take you to drive 80 miles?
2:45 AM
i'm reasonably certain i'm not getting the joke...
I remember that coming up on my G+ feed over eth weekend
great post
i'm not even half way through it and i can't stop laughing
Q: Install MultiUpload Extension in MediaWiki

XianlinI am trying to install "MultiUpload" mediawiki extension. I followed the installation instructions and added below code to my mediawiki "LocalSetting.php" file require_once("/var/lib/mediawiki/extensions/MultiUpload/MultiUpload.php"); but when I tried to verify the installation by go to the w...

2:52 AM
@MarcoCeppi i have something that will strike home with you bro
I just did a repost on THEX's link... and minion says.. and i quote
Michael B.
10:51 PM
Dear god
She should be in charge of SEO someplace
Bounty offered: How can I get something like Nautilus's "spatial" behaviour in 11.10 and later? http://askubuntu.com/questions/101242/how-can-i-get-something-like-nautiluss-spatial-behaviour-in-11-10-and-later?atw=1 #upgrade
1 hour later…
4:18 AM
i got a chat working
but it doesnt have desktop notifications!
Which is really annoying!
Would someone be willing to test something for me?
4:44 AM
5:35 AM
this room is dead
5:48 AM
Can you answer this? Volume is too low all the time and becomes loud enough only when resuming from suspend http://askubuntu.com/questions/90329/volume-is-too-low-all-the-time-and-becomes-loud-enough-only-when-resuming-from-s?atw=1 #sound
6:02 AM
@ajmitch I beg you, please update your Launchpad lens for precise. :'(
7:00 AM
good morning
7:44 AM
if I install a dependency with dpkg -s bladep.deb then run apt-get install thing_that_needs_that_dep
will it pick up bladep?
Hello all :D
8:04 AM
@jokerdino it doesn't work for you in precise at the moment?
I thought I had a recipe set up to autobuild that branch, I'll look into that
since I had updated the code to minimally work with precise, but hadn't got further with making it do async calls that could be cancelled
or... I hadn't committed & pushed to LP :)
@ajmitch lol :)
I ask
8:36 AM
go away, pixel, just go away!
CDO much? (That's like OCD but all alphabetized like it should be)
this thing is driving me nuts, especially because i haven't figured out how to reproduce it.
@htorque Why reproduce?
Just go to every dev's house with your computer and let them do the work ;)
@AmithKK - this is why I think we need to take the performance hit as a culture and run everything inside virtualization. Then most of these weird corner cases go away and you only have to target 2 or 3 video devices(virtualbox guest additions and vmware guest additions...possibly virtualpc shudders)
then all video driver questions become 'file a bug upstream'
I just complain directly to the developers, which I'm sure must scale well :)
8:52 AM
Anybody know how to split a pencil open
@AmithKK - you fiending for some graphite or what?
@AmithKK box cutter, but be careful ;)
You know they sell it as a dry lubricant right?
I need it as a stick
Not the spray one
Those small 0.5mm ClickPencil Leads dont work
8:54 AM
@ajmitch why the avatar change? yellow looked much better ;P
(Im making the Incandescent Graphite thingy)
@htorque I honestly don't know why it changed :)
@ajmitch You changed your email id
did you change your mail address (on AU)?
no, I didn't, unless it's picking up the openid address passed in from LP (AU still lists ajmitch@ubuntu.com)
I changed my preferred email address on LP awhile ago, but that was weeks ago, rather than in the last few days
8:57 AM
@AmithKK I would imagine graphite being carbon has a much higher burning temperature than wood...so you don't have to split the pencil, just burn it.
burned wood might crack off a lot easier
@htorque maybe one day I'll find a photo I can use instead :)
i won't :P
but hopefully sabdfl triggers my avatar change soon ;)
Paste it in the adress bar
Bounty offered: Volume widget issue with sound card hotplugging http://askubuntu.com/questions/95632/volume-widget-issue-with-sound-card-hotplugging?atw=1 #sound
9:29 AM
@aking1012 Dude! thank you
Bit it seems 12v@1200ma is just making it red hot
@AmithKK np. it was just a guess
Thats hot
9:45 AM
Darn, I didn't just suggest playing with fire to a 13 yr old...
And I didnt even need a pencil
So, This is a firestarter
annnnnnd now you've got prodigy in my head. thx.
It wont stay for long
Because It oxidises fairly quickly
10:10 AM
@aking1012 What is your job?
@AmithKK - looking for work
graduated with a MS several months ago...no luck yet
MicroSoft? :P
They're a little hard to get on with...and my proclivities towards OSS kind of clash. Not saying I wouldn't, it would be great.
And I would have to transition from python to powershell...
I'm working on getting noticed at the moment...current look at me project is tracing some useful functions all the way down to ntdl.dll calls. This way I can put together a toolkit that gives basic sockets and memory manipulation with no dependencies or API usage. Trying to automate it some, but it's a pain.
See... its a good thing that you don't use your real name
Oh, but I do
10:23 AM
Cuz.. Microsoft will never let you in
a simple search leads to whatever you said here
You need to saturate your gidentity with Windows
I know. I don't think I said anything offensive. 'it would be great' was in there
I had someone bring me a PC to repair b/c the Optical drive wasn't working. They put two CDs in the same tray at once and they exploded in the drive. Just what it reminded me of...
In Starrable imageâ„¢ style
10:58 AM
come on, mr. shuttleworth - give us the code name! :)
hope this won't take as long as for precise
Either Quantum Quail or Quixotic Quetzal. Calling it.
hope the adjective is kept sane for typing :D
11:48 AM
Can you answer this? How do I crop from the default image viewer? http://askubuntu.com/questions/114407/how-do-i-crop-from-the-default-image-viewer?atw=1 #images
12:08 PM
@ajmitch it doesn't work so far. let me pull the latest branch and see how it works. :)
`bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.
Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.
12:28 PM
What is the difference between Window Manager and Desktop Environment and shells ?
Boss walks into my office - hands me a 4GB CF card and a EBM LX800 and says "Put Windows XP on this for me"
Hello all
@rlemon Yeah? Install Lubuntu+Wine disguise it and troll him
@Oli - you liking the new RPG in the Humble Bundle?
12:40 PM
@AmithKK irc please.
On it!
@cprofitt It's a little basic but yeah, it seems quite good so far.
Nice... been looking for an RPG that was native
@Oli - is there a 64bit version or just 32bit?
@cprofitt There's only one installer so I assume it's just 32bit (but it runs on 64bit just fine)
Isn't Ubuntu MultiArch
12:53 PM
It is.
1:11 PM
I have a xp 'iso' in bin/cue
how would I convert it to iso - or how would I make a bootable usb drive from the bin/cue
@rlemon sudo aptitude install bchunk
1:32 PM
k3b can work with bin/cue iirc
@rlemon ...
the only CD/DVD/ISO software i use
apt-get install k3b ... problem solved
it's a qt/kde app, which is a little upsetting since i prefer gtk, but it's the best optical media editor in the FOSS area
Qt is good.
i'm not dissing qt. i just prefer the gtk licensing terms for small projects
This question looks ugly - askubuntu.com/questions/114216/…
1:44 PM
I think all "I must compile package X from source/ppa but I want support" questions should be considered off topic
It is answered anyway.
Meta. ;)
I was too lazy to answer it yesterday, glad to see someone answered it before me :P
Saves me time writing the answer.
jrg - done editing the original question. :)
1:58 PM
@ysap - hi there
@fossfreedom ?
@jokerdino @aking1012 cool and cool. :)
OK, here's how it looks:
@jrg thx. i often overlook formatting in a rush to get a point across
2:00 PM
Its ok, I often have that same issue. :)
The volume control on the right was there before the applet was added.
I want to remove it
Note that it is not exactly the same icon as the one added by the applet.
@ysap what happens if you hover your mouse over the volume control, press and hold ALT and then right click?
As I wrote in the comment, I get the context menu.
Also with Win+Alt, Win.
When I left-click it, I get the bare vertical volume slider.
may sound strange - if you are running compiz - its the reverse - ALT (hold) then Win (hold) then right click.
I guess it is kind of GNOME default/legacy control?
tried both sides... same results.
2:04 PM
@ysap yes - its the default... BTW its easier in 12.04 - installing fallback automatically installs the indicator applet without the gnome applet.
I am configging a few machines now, the other 2 seems fine but were installed in the last couple of days. The one in question is here for some time now, though, so maybe the fallback settings were changed in the time passed???
@ysap what happens if you do ALT+WIN + Right click over an empty area of the panel - do you get an option to add an applet?
Yes, and this is how I added the indicator applet.
... ok - the "mouse area" over the gnome applet can be a little strange - try ALT+WIN+right click from the edge of the indicator applet and repeat going right in small jumps to see if you can get the delete option to pop-up
OK, I think this is the trick - I tried to move it and it works. Now just have to make sure I don't remove the wrong icon I dragged it all the way to the left and then I removed it... Thanks!
Now, I still wonder if the indicator applet is configurable?
2:13 PM
... if you mean by that - can you add other indicators as per Natty etc - then yes - they will appear in this area automatically.
Also, why dosn't the Network Connections show my Wired connection, although it is set in the NC GUI?
What does the indictor drop down look like?
- - - so, I may begin to understand the concept - this applet is a replacement container to whatever GNOME Classic came with?
Enable Networking is checked, but the connection names are grayed out. I DO have network connection, evidently...
@ysap ... its a backport of the indicator applet from Maverick & Natty - so yes it replaces the Gnome-Classic applets - which IMHO are ugly beasts to look at.
can you do a screenshot - I'm not following what you are looking at.
@fossfreedom @ysap hey, everything going smoothly?
2:22 PM
sorry, had to get away for a minute.
@BrunoPereira ... think so -- its now a different question anyway :)
How can I capture the screen with the networking menu open?
Ah! Glad you can help. @ysap sorry for the rush, will take it in to consideration next case.
No problem, @BrunoPereira.
press prnt scrn in your kb or open the screenshot util and tell it to take a pic with delay
2:27 PM
@BrunoPereira he needs the delayed capture for open menus
@ysap - I've got to disappear - if you can't pursuade @BrunoPereira or @jrg to help ... have a look around for similar questions - if you find nothing - create a new one. by for now.
I got the image, now trying to crop it to the relevant area... any image-editing tool available by default?
Image Viewer does not crop.
shotwell, right click > open with shotwell
thanks for the patience.
I cannot open image on my mobile wireless, I am kinda useless atm :/
2:35 PM
@fossfreedom, can you see the capture?
quickly summarise your question.
(i can see the image. btw)
I am connected to the network via a static IP, and the connection works well (evidently). However, the connection was configured with directly editing the relevant files (/etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf). Strangely, these configurations are not being reflected in the Network Connections applet - which I later configured with the same information.
Then, as you can tell from the image, the icon doesn't indicate an active connection.
i see.
I think network manager overrides these configs
are you still connected to the network?
2:41 PM
probably only if they are empty.
you should not use /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf if you are using Network Manager
I am typing now from that computer.
there are other config files
so, the indicator is not reflecting the change.
I can't see why there is a need to store multiple configs in multiple, unrelated places... the gui should be a front-end to the config files (like gufw to ufw, for example).
2:43 PM
well so, it seems that the files you edited are not network manager's config files.
obviously, but there's still a duplicate.
@ysap those are the default files when there is no Network Manager in your system, its not mandatory to have it and they are part of the default kernel files.
if you remove Network Manager from your system (or disable it) those files will be the ones used to setup your network
The Ubuntu desktop (and many many other distros) use Network Manager and any conf should be done in the network manager files if you are using it. Desktop = GUI solutions = pretty and simple, Server = CLI = fast and the furious
gah! im over 10MBs! See you all later.
Thanks, @BrunoPereira
3:15 PM
WAAA @jrg - it now asks me to place a 400 rep bounty on that question from yesterday
@htorque lol
want me to bounty it? I think I can do it without being 400.
i mean, i do have enough rep, but 600 rep... :D
no, you have less than 10k!
Do keep in mind that reputation isn't worth a whole lot to me (other than a big number ;D) now that I'm a moderator, so... I have absolutely no problem with giving it all away.
Just need to make sure I don't drop down to 1 rep... imagine that! A 1 reputation moderator! lol.
3:18 PM
> This question has an open bounty worth +400 reputation from htorque ending in 7 days.
my new goal: beating jorge at rep offered for bounties. :D
JRG Cannot participate in the Chat because he has less than 20 reputation points
Ouch, that'd suck.
Plese vote my answer to delete it.
How large can Nautilus's thumbnail cache grow? http://askubuntu.com/questions/114530/how-large-can-nautiluss-thumbnail-cache-grow?atw=1 #nautilus
3:51 PM
@MarcoCeppi: Please, please, please, please tell me that Ondina invites are coming really soon :)
@GeorgeEdison Still working on the OMG Charm/transfer, so soon yes, exactly when: Before the end of the month
Hello all
@rlemon No, Regardless of rep, Moderators can do everthing
@AmithKK Hello.
@MarcoCeppi \o/ \o/ <3
@AmithKK Please vote up my answer.
3:54 PM
@legospace9876 ?
@GeorgeEdison Hello :)
@AmithKK What about community?
It has 0 rep
You cannot drop below 1, I know that
It has 1.
@jrg But it is moderator.
on some sites it has more than 100 rep.
@legospace9876 It is a computer program.
3:57 PM
@jrg I know.
Its part of the software - it owns edits by anonymous users, does some automated flagging, things like that.
@jrg I know D
@AmithKK It is official Stack Echange profile.
woohoo, just reported my 60. bug in precise. :)
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