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6:00 PM
Nope. Plain old standard compiz.
compiz here too.
screw you too, hotlink prevention
either way, wtf is wrong with people
@Zacharee1 website called the "Thinking Mom's Revolution" says "don't give vaccines, they cause autism!"
6:11 PM
people are idiots
WARNING: Reading "Thinking Mom's Revolution" may cause minor to severe ignorance and refusal to learn!
WARNING: Believing marketing hype or conspiracy theories may cause severe ignorance, which is uncurable because of "False Study Syndrome," a disease that is cased by False Marketing Hype!
There are some reported cases where vaccines caused severe diseases or disablements though.
Not saying that vaccines are a bad thing in general though, just that sometimes some things don't go as well as they should.
medical side effects are a thing.
Said things are extremely rare though, especially in this case.
Correlation does not imply causation.
@ByteCommander That's why we have rigorous trials for most things. We're concentrating on the fact that people are all too willing to believe a discredited doctor's falsified work than the general scientific consensus, while still calling it science
6:14 PM
It's like the Polio epedemic, and the fact that it was blamed on Ice Cream.
@KazWolfe wat
Big Dairy was poisoning our kids with polio to suit their own agenda!
@Zacharee1 tl;dr, the polio outbreaks (which happened in summer) were blamed on ice cream because ice cream sold in summer.
@Zacharee1 Still sometimes we find out later that things we believed to be healthy earlier are actually harmful.
And both were kid-related things.
@ByteCommander I'm not disagreeing, and I never meant to imply anything to go against that. I was talking about vaccines causing autism and how they don't
nothing else
6:17 PM
the entire vaccine scare as an illuminati-esque conspiracy theory about "big pharma" controlling everything
now whenever I type kick the page goes up xD
hjkl is the weirdest thing to ever exist.
the machine that actually used that thing has been out of service for how long, now?
why hjkl?
6:59 PM
because that's the home row?
i know it was programmed by the person who made vim originally, but the computer that actually uses hjkl as the arrow keys hasn't existed in a long time.
the idea is you don't have to move your fingers.
@Seth --^
it has nothing to do with it being on the home row, that's just coincidental
that's also the reason ~ means your home dir
and why ESC is the modeswitch key, because it was easily reachable back then.
and why CAPS <-> Ctrl swaps are common in Vim/PCs nowadays.
All because of this antiquated terminal.
Someone should really redesign Vim to be friendly and up-to-date with modern standards whilst purging all of the old useless ones made up by the ADM-3A.
wait. that's Emacs and nano.
7:04 PM
@ByteCommander gedit
or that
the problem with nano is that it isn't in the Posix spec, so it's not present everywhere.
We need nano in posix!!
@KazWolfe sources, sources..
@KazWolfe or, you know, just learn vi like a boss.
7:21 PM
@Seth picture, picture.
that's not a source
The ADM-3A was one of the first video display terminals. First shipped in 1976 it was manufactured by Lear Siegler and had a 12 inch screen displaying 12 or 24 lines of 80 characters. It set a new industry low single unit price of $1,195. Its "Dumb Terminal" nickname came from some of the original trade publication advertisements. It quickly became commercially successful because of the rapid increase of computer communications speeds, and because of new minicomputer systems released to the market which required inexpensive operator consoles. == History == Lear Siegler, Inc. (LSI) manufactured...
@KazWolfe they fixed that with systemd.
How about this?
I meant for vim's choice.
7:29 PM
Did someone say vim? :P
> The use of the HJKL keys for moving the cursor in the vi editor and its descendants stems from the ADM-3A; it had the cursor-movement arrows printed on those four keys.[10][discuss]
interesting. well I've been lied to somewhere :p
still, I think the positions are good choices.
who writes the password policies for these government sites? They are absolutely idiotic.
Q: Grep after piping no working always

user1532587I'm using OS X El Capitan, connecting to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS via ssh, using oh my zsh in the server. Well this is what happens: ➜ dir cat nohup.out | grep 509 zsh: command not found:  grep ➜ dir cat nohup.out | grep 509 zsh: command not found:  grep ➜ dir cat nohup.out | grep 509 scrapping url...

what is this idiotic policy you speak of?
7:47 PM
@Seth 5 times the same questions worded a bit differently: http://askubuntu.com/users/444727/jb-user?tab=topactivity
from 1 user ;-)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body: Enable ZFS ZED Email Notifications on 16.04 by user535783 on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector you're losing your touch...
@Zanna it got hit as fp-
false positive
7:54 PM
that's what I'm saying :)
Remember, kids: You can't hack the dark net without overriding the redundant json bandwidth!
And that hacking the card won't do anything, you need to breach the open-source rss system!
@KazWolfe Hey, we finally found the tool that Hollywood uses.
8:07 PM
@NathanOsman And every upper-level manager: github.com/stympy/faker#fakercompany
@NathanOsman Kaz made that :p
@Seth i did not
BoltWolf is not one of my enterprises, sadly.
oh really?
sounded like it ;p
8:08 PM
i don't have a cloud computing enterprise at the moment.
(well, there's Project: Rain, but that's not meant to be used publicly)
plus it's just this class @Seth:github.com/stympy/faker#fakerhacker
Actually, the entire Faker::Company class can replace any C-level exec.
IP67 and shockproof. Nice.
can i actually use that for regular CB?
@KazWolfe lol
@Seth i'm dumb with radio, okay?
i know wifi but not standard FCC stuff.
8:17 PM
@KazWolfe No. CB is HF. This is UHF and above.
Not to mention the trouble you'd have getting a 27MHz signal to radiate well at that antenna size..
so... basically a FM transciever?
oh wait, it has 432MHz. So it can work for local handset comms.
> The first and only Amateur Radio HT for FM/DMR that is “Point and Click” for choosing FM and DMR repeaters!
3 out of 4 words went over my head there.
FM is the only important one for this conversation :p
so it allows you to transmit and receive FM radio for short-range comms, if I understand it right?
or transmit up to a full tower for long-range comms?
8:24 PM
@KazWolfe maybe. It's hard to get things certified under multiple parts of Title 47. They will probably just get it Part 97 certified, which may or may not be legal for your usage, depending on what exactly you mean by "local handset comms."
@KazWolfe pretty much, yes.
let's say i want to reliably send a message over a distance of 1km for regular communications
Use an internet linked repeater or get a different radio.
Or yell real loud.
but that's the general thing?
8:26 PM
short-range general communications?
and now i get it.
Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;" (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such...
@Seth: Doesn't that just make you want to eat your radio? :P
@ParanoidPanda Um, no.
8:31 PM
so... let me try to understand fully, @Seth. This device is essentially a two-way radio using Android, similar to what grounds crews and maintenance staff use to communicate with each other?
@KazWolfe that's pretty accurate, yes. But it won't likely be certified for that use.
@KazWolfe @Seth: No, it uses ham. Or even bacon sometimes. :P
@Seth So... why does it need certification if it's just short-range? And, what is it for then if not for short-range comms?
If I can't even hit 1 KM on a non-accessible frequency (meaning, not within "standard radio" limits), what's the point?
@KazWolfe Every radio device needs FCC certification.
8:34 PM
@Seth Right, but why wouldn't it be certified for that?
@KazWolfe because that is not the goal of the manufacturer.
@Seth okay, so who/what is this specific device for?
7 mins ago, by Seth
Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;" (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such...
So... ham radio operators trying to broadcast long-range through a repeater of some sort?
I'm not sure why long range is so fixed in your mind. This really has little to do with range at all.
it's for ham radio operators to do whatever they want with it.
8:37 PM
because i'm not good with radio concepts. From what I understand, there are two classes of radio, short-range (local comms, et al) and long-range (media/entertainment, public service, et al)
(within its manufactured abilities, obviously). This may include long range comms through a repeater, but that is just one thing it can do.
@KazWolfe well you can divide it that way.. but radio is really anything that uses electromagetic waves to perform some form of communication. From short wave to wifi. (and above)
okay let's try something else.
Say you got one of these. What would you use it for?
emcomm, local contacts, radio direction finding, maybe as a scanner (depending on what features they include), et al.
@KazWolfe you should look into amateur radio. I think you will find it a topic you are interested in.
8:43 PM
i've been curious into dabbling with it in the past, but not enough time/money to put into it
There's really no reason to not get a basic license though.
plus i'd probably just end up setting IPoFM or something
actually... IPoFM sounds good for some low-bandwidth applications i have in mind
well, less close now
You want to answer it?
broadness is not FS root / user root
i can answer it, i like free rep
Well, have my VTR.
8:59 PM
ok, answer it.
@ByteCommander: O’Reilly?
Have a goat.
Oh, I passed 23k today! \o/
9:14 PM
@ByteCommander I like goats! :D
But is it an upgoat or a @Downgoat?
Find it out ;)
@KazWolfe +1 :D
Fact: Goats are cool.
btw anyone have experience with wordpress/mariadb on debain?
yeah, sorta-ish.
my advice: install Drupal/Joomla
9:17 PM
did you have any problems or anything with memory?
95% fewer backdoors
MariaDB keeps crashing on CentOS due to out of memory
Here's a poor guy with only 95 points left who started a +100 bounty on a question he answered himself later: askubuntu.com/a/828025/367990
@Downgoat Swap enabled or not?
@KazWolfe I'm looking at ghost cause it seems like a lot lighter CMS. But now I have a nice theme and i dont want to hvae to redo it
9:18 PM
I had to fiddle with wordpress on Debian during an internship once.
@NathanOsman Since my VPS is SSD I only have setup 1.5GB swap because I dont want to kill the hardware
@ByteCommander i might be nice and throw a +100 at him.
@Downgoat VPS?
As in, hosted by someone else?
@KazWolfe yeah, I use digitalocean atm
Use ALL the swap!
Set swappiness to a low value.
9:21 PM
it's not your SSD. Free reign!
@ByteCommander I thought higher value = more swap used?
And modern SSDs don't wear out that fast any more anyway.
How do I increase swapfile size?
Seems like if I create a new one everything will bork
@Downgoat you can create a new one live no problem IIRC
The higher the swappiness value, the more aggressively does the system use swap. Default on Ubuntu is 60, various resources recommend a value of 10.
9:23 PM
@ByteCommander I have mine on ten but I've increased it to 60. I'll see what that does
Swap file or swap partition?
And no, lower swappiness values are better for SSDs.
root:/ # sudo rm swapfile
rm: cannot remove ‘swapfile’: Operation not permitted
what am i doing wrong :|
@Downgoat swapoff -a
what does swapon say?
@KazWolfe no output
9:24 PM
@Downgoat try now
vihan:~ $ swapoff -a
swapoff: Not superuser.
vihan:~ $ sudo su root
root:/home/vihan # swapoff -a
root:/home/vihan #
no, try deleting the swapfile again
Why delete? Just truncate it to a bigger size and mkswap it again?
@KazWolfe \o/ it worked
9:28 PM
root:/ # swapon -s
Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
/swapfile                               file    4194300 0       -1
@Wordpress pls dont crash now
$ cat ./fixwordpress
#!/usr/bin/env sh
sudo reboot
Fixing problems 101
$ cat ./fixwordpress.sh
rm -rf /var/www/blog
my version of that script :D
sudo inside a script?
@KazWolfe ;_;
@NathanOsman, tell us about how good Wordpress and PHP are!
9:33 PM
kay guys, trying to go to bed before midnight today. Seeya.
@ByteCommander .o/ g'night
Please no bye pings.... >.<
>_> sorry
If I'm still here, I see it anyway.
@ByteCommander byeeee!
9:36 PM
But if I'm no longer online, I'll get my inbox filled with them tomorrow.
9:53 PM
I felt the need to open my heart on meta about this. Probably they'll stab me with downvotes now...
Q: Don't ping me to answer good bye, please!

Byte CommanderWhen I go offline and announce this in chat, for example by saying Good night guys! it is of course only polite to answer that salutation, like Good night. See you. Sleep well. Bye. and all other possible variations. That's nice and I appreciate polite feedback, but ...

10:08 PM
@ByteCommander i am not so sure about this...
about what exactly?
about posting it in MSE
Yeah, I'm regretting it already.
you can certainly request people not to ping you to say goodbye in AU chat
at least it's not a kaz-grade post
10:10 PM
Welp, I'll just delete it then. Going to get closed anyway.
What is kaz-grade?
personally, the best choice is maybe to just not say goodbye. after all, i doubt anyone is offended if you have to leave in a public place like chat
@ByteCommander -40
brb posting answer so you can't close it >:D
Also the OP3 doesn't support Sprint or full VZW? Wut.
@KazWolfe too late
nuked it from (<10k) orbit
10:13 PM
w0w can't take your downvotes.
look at mr. can delete his posts and get rep back over here.
And getting a bronze badge for it ^_^
i wanna delete my sum -20 something
I dislike that the big Meta is actually a main site with rep and stuff and not just a meta site like the small metas.
You can't really post opinions.
need MMSE
This is really nice music:
Do we close that kind of hardware recommendation? askubuntu.com/q/829608/367990
@edwinksl Meta Meta Stack Exchange - the place to rant about how you got mistreated on Meta Stack Exchange
@ByteCommander suggest and get all the downvotes!
Yikes, no.
10:19 PM
that may actually be a kaz grade post
Got enough for today.
That would become a double-kaz
brb i wanna reset to 1 rep on MSE
Q: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

Adam DavisThe system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link for the following reasons: They asked nicely They knew enough about the system to understand that posts can be closed, and thus are exper...

heh, the MIT license post has net -274 lmao
10:24 PM
And for that answer, he got 147 upvotes and a +500 bounty:
A: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

TCPMAN.EXEI would suggest that rather than closing these questions, we set up a migration path to Yahoo Answers. To prevent it from being abused, it would only be available when the system finds: "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close"

Meta is brutal.
Q: Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

Shog9Update: The test is over; results and the final form of this restriction detailed here: Remove the limitation that stops comments from starting with +1 or -1 I'm getting really sick of finding folks arguing about votes, only to see that the bickering started with a comment of the form, -1,...

grand total of -304 DVs
meta is bloody evil
Anyone know what those conductive strips are called which are attached to moving parts in order to allow a current to still flow between their wires and the wires of the thing around them which are touching them?
most SE sites seem to hate users a lot. MetaSE really pushes this.
They should just be like little metal strips, but I don't remember the name it's been a while since I've built stuff like this.
No idea what you are describing, sorry...
10:29 PM
You have a spinning part and you need to transmit electricity from the bit which is not moving but is around it and just about in contact.
There are little metal strips you put on the spinning bit and the bit around it which is not moving to continue the flow.
So say if you have a spinning disk and you need to put lights on it, how are you going to get the power to it if not by battery?
I only know brushes made of coal or gauze which you use e.g. in electro-motors. You mean that?
10:33 PM
@ByteCommander: I don't know, but basically you have a spinning part, and then a part around that part which is not moving and you need to somehow get electricity between them and you can't do that with wires because one of them is spinning.
@KazWolfe Wow, "top" 10 all by Jeff Atwood, the SE founder, with 1 exception.
@ParanoidPanda Yeah, then you would use brushes, I think.
@ParanoidPanda or use a slip ring?
Normally a small piece of coal on a spring pressing it against that other part.
@ByteCommander: Right, must just be my memory then, it's been quite a few years since I've done this sort of thing.
@edwinksl: Might be what I'm thinking of.
10:34 PM
What are the proper names for these brushes?
I am trying to find them on the Maplin website.
slip rings.
you want slip rings
Right, I'm just getting DIY wind turbines when searching for them on the Maplin site... :D
But maybe I should get out of the DIY category and try again... Though I thought they would be in there.
Oh god, what am I thinking?
10:36 PM
It will be in "Components"! :D
Or not... They don't seem to be available on Maplin, that's strange, I thought I would be able to find them there.
Do you know where I can get hold of them?
The reason MSE has rep: "Meta StackExchange is a site for experts in StackExchange"
@KazWolfe I'd accept that as argument if they only allowed "support" questions, but there are also "bug", "feature-request" and especially "discussion" base tags.
@ByteCommander then be the first MSE post to hit -1000!
10:41 PM
That would be epic.
I guess they'd implement negative rep scores only for me then.
make a MSE post asking for it!
sure... :p
and below 1 means you can't post...
so that's effectively a lifetime ban! :D
unless you edit your posts into something good.
which you can't.
so... lifetime ban
and to make it really evil...
set the new rep bound to 0.
you're just one point away from an unban...
Surprised they don't have Slip Rings in Maplin, but seems I they do on Amazon! I'll probably ask around the locale electronics shops first though.
what are you using it for, @ParanoidPanda?
10:51 PM
@KazWolfe: A secret project with moving parts. :P
are you trying to build a UFO?
Also, do you just want power lines or data too?
Just power.
is one enough?
if so, a two-line slip ring would give enough power.
Well, I've only got one thing to power on top of the spinning disc.
And no, it's not a UFO. :P
10:53 PM
It's a science experiment for a matter of fact. It might fail, but we will see.
I will let you know more about it if I get it off the ground. :)
so it does fly?
Some parts of it do.
Sort of.
In fact, they are likely to fly off in the initial stages and hit me in the face... :D
10:54 PM
So I need to get some protective gear!
Typical panda.
so... UFO.
Well, it's not meant to be any sort of vehicle, so I wouldn't really call it that... But the bits that will likely fly off from it, now they could be mistaken as UFOs... :D
so... Mothership/base.
10:59 PM
Yes! I plan to take over the world with it! >:P
brb getting shotgun.
We have nuclear LASERs blasting you with Photonic Matter! You won't stand a chance! >:D
and i have good aim
We have shields.
And an invisibility cloak.
11:02 PM
no you dont
Yes we do!
We are fat, round, and we can fly!
no you dont
okay, then i'll get the donuts.
We have a sort purple belly and grey back, with a little white band round our necks.
We even have pouches in our throats!
11:03 PM
Where we store bread and grass seed.
and i have chickens.
We are the Wood Pigeon Alliance!
We have bombers in the skies so be careful.
11:04 PM
Chickens can't fly.
that is false.
they cannot fly far.
they can fly somewhat.
But Wood Pigeons in their thousands can be so vicious you won't see them coming!
i'll see them coming across the ocean.
and... birdshot.
Also, no idea how this strange not so much UFO related conversation came about, I really am making something which has nothing to do with UFOs or Wood Pigeon Alliances that I need Slip Rings for! :D
It's an experiment relating to various forces.
11:07 PM
Anyway, the Wood Pigeons are now calling! I must go to bed! Coo coo! And goodnight! ;)
@ParanoidPanda good night
11:22 PM
Reminds me that I wanted to go to bed 1:30h ago...
11:46 PM
15 minutes before UTC midnight - let's bash 40 items of the CV queue @Zacharee1
I already did today
so I'll need to wait
good evening
oh wow
Go look up La Mina de Oro fotonovela
you don't need to understand Spanish to get it
@KazWolfe that's too funny xD

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