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12:00 AM
Or just stay at home.
Yeah, if i could just do Python and Perl all day, that'd be great
12:23 AM
└──> ~ $ sudo hdparm -t /dev/nvme0n1

 Timing buffered disk reads: 4416 MB in  3.00 seconds = 1471.87 MB/sec
I'm sorry. You were saying?
@KazWolfe <.< dafuq
@Serg #Performance
and because i can:
└──> ~ $ sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/nvme0n1

 Timing cached reads:   22704 MB in  2.00 seconds = 11365.08 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 4394 MB in  3.00 seconds = 1464.23 MB/sec
Well, I'm fine with my ssd, even if it's not that fast
and that's with FDE
for what I'm doing i don't need much speed anyway
12:29 AM
(°_°) <--- (bullet]
looks like I'll have to speed run through this homework. I only have 2 hours left.
same applies to my sleep.
good night.
sleep well
How do programmers fall asleep ? they count bytes instead of sheep
@Serg "How do programmers fall asleep?" Hahahaha. Ahahahaha. Haha.
That's a good one.
12:49 AM
@KazWolfe Yup that is 3 times faster than my SATA III SSD... thinks of making a ram disk
^--- new navbar on Stack Overflow
@NathanOsman that's the one I was mentioning a few weeks ago. I guess they were testing it and didn't tell anyone
> To my future self: I'm sorry I didn't do the homework earlier, but YouTube and sleep are so appealing. Sincerely, Serg
1:13 AM
@NathanOsman i want on ask ubuntu
I don't. I like AU just the way it is
1:30 AM
"What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"
Everyone: 42
Lennart Poettering: systemd
I wonder what a m.2 set up in a RAID configuration read speeds would be like...
lot of references to systemd almost every time I'm in here
Well, systemd is kind of part of life for Ubuntu now, ever since 15.04, but I guess only now the whole realization is starting to sink in
@Chan-HoSuh It's kind of worked its way into everything.
@KazWolfe I don't like it.
1:43 AM
dammit, this prime counter design requires doing 5-variable k-maps. I wonder if it's OK with professor to implement it in "one-hot" approach.
The other state machine should be OK, only 4 variable k maps
Want an app to load at startup? systemd. Want to read logs? systemd. Want to mount a partition at startup? systemd. Want to change your hostname? systemd. Want to run an app at regular intervals? systemd.
user image
why did the Debian guys go with it anyway?
is this stuff on twitter yet, @NathanOsman?
it's hilarious xD
Because pressure and "COOL! WE CAN CONTROL EVERYTHING!"
@Seth I have no idea.
Tips hat to Windows BSOD.
@NathanOsman you should post it then!
@NathanOsman wait, really?
1:51 AM
No, I think that one's a joke.
For now.
We hope.
I hope so too. I hope so too.
It seems like there will be no Linux + Systemd soon, systemd will just consume everything to be come one and only thing
Pretty sure my state senator didn't support net neutrality until trump. stupid partisanism. (I know that's not a word)
Okay looks like I was wrong. Must be confusing her with our other senator.
@Seth I am pretty sure Trump doesn't support it? Is your senator doing it in spite of Trump?
@TheXed That's what I first thought, but it turns out she has supported it for a while now, so I was wrong.
Must be our other senator that didn't hold strong views (and still doesn't afaik)
@TheXed what even has enough m.2 slots for that?
2:11 AM
As long as systemd is open source I don't see a problem.
journey man geek hates trump talk he chastised me about it a week ago or so... so if he shows up be warned!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix he's always watching.
@Seth oh sure freak me out! I'm already more paranoid than a panda :p
Gosh, can't we have a simpler and faster way of doing things than k-maps ?
Yeah, close your eyes, touch your nose, spin around 3 times and start walking. Hope it's not towards a bus or train :)
I use google maps, which tracks me with wi-fi on the bus, it's accurate to within a metre (yard).
maybe it's using GPS... not sure.
probably GPS... don't think wifi is that accurate... or then again probably cell towers.
not that type of maps
2:16 AM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix we where actually discussing @Seth state senator, Trump just happened to be mentioned...
@TheXed puh-lease.... I don't mind talking about Trump... I'm just concerned about those that freak out on me.
what they use to call "hyper-sensitive" in the 90's.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix actually it is the opposite, wifi triangulation with cell phone tower triangulation aids GPS chips on phones, easier on that batteries...and very accurate, as cell phone towers don't tend to move a lot...
I'll talk about anything... disagree most of the time... but hold my tongue and let you have your 15 minutes.
sigh . . . looks like I'll have to turn in the homework late. I'll loose points again, but at least not as much as for turning in half-done homework.
@TheXed That's what I meant!
2:19 AM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I agree...I was just stating that we weren't trying to talk about Trump so much as we where this other senator...
triangulation... i'm in the bermuda triangle of cell phone towers so NSA can take me out anytime they want :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix they are not going to waste a 3 billion dollar missile on you...that is reserved for ISIS...however they will send your ex-wife after you...
@TheXed Even in Canadian politics including immigration policy for Silicon Valley coming here because banned by Trump.... all political roads around the world lead to trump. So the senator makes sense too.
Which at that point, you would probably prefer the missile...
@TheXed Drones are equipped with hell-fire missiles which I'm sure are less than a million bucks.
Weird having this google chrome tab muted and seeing the pings but not hearing them :)
2:22 AM
Are you worth $58,000 to the NSA?
Even the NSA has bosses...
I'm worth more as the Scarlett Pumpernell than dead.
sings Frozen Ghost "I am a Pauper in Paradise, Better this than a King in Chains
lights turning off randomly in the library on my floor O.O spoopy shiz
I don't even know who Scarlett Pumpernell is so I am just going to nod my head and say "sure".
@Serg this is what happens right before you get swatted!
Actually I don't know that...I have never been swatted...
@TheXed meeep ! Sowwy NSA, I didn't mean to hackz u
( for the record, I don't know how to hack )
You can find all that out on the darknet.
2:26 AM
7:26. Well, shiz . . . hoomework due and I'm only 1/4 done
No lights + internet = darknet . . . OK, got it ! I see what's happening here
Well as much as I like myself and us... that the heck are you doing wasting time in this room with us?
darknet = hacking...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix giving myself a break
hacking = @Serg passes his classes with none of the effort
You notice how I dissappear every day from 6am to 4:30pm it's called work... You should treat homework as the same. Well @Serg that is true I do take 15 minute coffee breaks and 1/2 lunch breaks and sometimes check in on AU.
2:28 AM
hacking = @me breaks into college database of grades and alters everything to straight A's
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you actually work at work? that is a new concept...
Problem when your profs read your grades and say "Whoaa I never gave him that"
@TheXed You know I'm a warehouse receiver... I'm pretty sure I told you that before.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that is where social engineering comes in....
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes I am teasing...
@TheXed Sim City,
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you work harder then I can ever imagine...
2:30 AM
@TheXed I never said I work hard at work... but that is true.
Except running a thousand feet of Ethernet cable can be hard and tedious...
@TheXed Especially when the signal is only good for 900 feet :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I didn't mean one continuous run, and it is 350 feet
@TheXed Good ole' repeaters
@WinEunuuchs2Unix fiber...
2:32 AM
oh shit... haven't tried that yet... don't you need special crimpers ;)
Well yes...and no...just like Ethernet you can buy pre-terminated cable if you know exactly how long it needs to be...
sounds like fun
Or you can pay someone to terminate them...
sounds like they have a special crimper
How is this not low quality? askubuntu.com/questions/880674/…
2:34 AM
Guru in the room alert!
The question even says they used screen, and the answer says: use screen, without saying how.
And it gets 2 upvotes, and my flag is declined.
Wait, isn't muru a Japanese whaling ship?
^^^ looks high quality to me because I don't know what tmux or ssh means.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix -.-
shhh... it's not "whaling ship" it's "scientific research vessel" after killing whales was banned.
2:36 AM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I don't know about tmux, but SSH is Secure Shell...
"scientific research vessel" reminds me of the Borealis.
Well I know what SSH stands for "Secure Socket Shell Handler" whatever... I've never used it I mean.
Aurora Borealis?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix what drives me nuts, is that the Japanese, who other then WWII are typically good upright global citizens....but they still insist ridding the world of whales...
oh sure link sci-fi games into our reality conversaion @NathanOsman :p
2:39 AM
@TheXed That's like the Indians saying we are ridding the world of cows but in reality we are eating them but on the other hand growing them too.
What you need to say is the Japanese have to grow more whales to kill and eat.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it is really hard to "grow" a whale...
Sprinkle planktom into the ocean from giant ballons or something.
@TheXed last time i checked @muru was Indian
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I don't think it is that easy...
2:41 AM
India is the world leader in programming I heard on Russia Today last week.
Just ask @jokerdino :D
ask joker what?
Also central / south america.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix That's where he lives.
I didn't know joker lived in India
@muru you are off the hook, the Japanese "research" ship is the Nisshin Maru...
2:42 AM
I knew @TheXed lived in a cave
with 350 feet of fiber
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes, and I only come out for sunlight one a year...
The world's only caveman with internet
Otherwise I have amazon pantry drop ship groceries down into my cave...
we can use that to drop planktom to whales to grow more.
Does this page load for anyone? go.cnn.com/?stream=cnn%3Fsr
2:44 AM
nope just cnn go pizza going round and round.
They can't even write a website.
This is exactly why I thought there should be 6 million people at the Superbowl...
they promoted assination of Trump and Prence very well though.
madonna also promoted blowing up the white house
these are thought leaders who need to be culled.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the Canadians actually succeeded at burning the White House down...
in 1812
we discussed that last night I think.
2:46 AM
so what's your point?
they are inciting violence
and they should not be doing that.
Hey, anyone up for a social experiment?
youtube.com/watch?v=2ugBYg1zbuY <--- the live comment feed
@NathanOsman by the way the CNN page finally did load for me...
@TheXed What OS?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix :D
2:48 AM
@NathanOsman not telling...
ubuntu I hope :)
I registered an Arch account tonight to post a comment.
/me quietly whistles to himself...
So CNN doesn't even work on Linux. And they use the Flash player so that costs them five points right off the bat.
2:55 AM
chrome has flasplayer support, what web browser you using @NathanOsman?
So does Firefox but it didn't work in either of them.
I just see the spinner.
No firefox doesn't have it... maybe version 50 something.
The Flash plugin package in the archives adds it to Firefox.
in Chrome it's native... in chromium and firefox it's an add-in
It works in neither for me.
2:56 AM
get google chrome... it won't kill you.
I just clicked on your cnn link again to test it.
neither chromium or fox or neither fox or chrome?
I'm going to call that link "CNN going nowhere" :p
cnn go pizza still spinning brb
3:38 AM
Went to London Drugs, went to Safeway, @NathanOsman CNN go is still spinning pizza, so yeah it's broke in Chrome in Ubuntu too :)
4:20 AM
> "Oh look, each pantone color has its own hashtag, how trendy is that!"
— A client who doesn’t understand hex codes
Clients from h*ll usually result in high billing :)
Octal and hexidecimal isn't as common as decimal system.
@Seth lol
4:41 AM
That does it.
I'm about to switch to Brave on my desktop.
I'm tired of ads crashing Chrome tabs.
with ad blocker there are no ads even here in AU.
Ask Ubuntu ads are okay.
Especially the in-house ads :)
I only saw them once when chrome was broken
honestly don't remember them.... it was just like "whoa where did all these new frames come from?"
4:58 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Drop Weight & Body Fat Fast by patrickmiehan on askubuntu.com
^^^ note to self grab smoke detector code and modify to "questions I can answer" detector
Wow 3 or 4 days of riots in France over Police Brutality.... that could gain traction
I don't think Hollande has the brains to deal with this issue.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Hey, I made some of them! :P
@NathanOsman I sensed a bias / emotional attachment when you were pro ads
5:17 AM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix not all ads are evil.
@Seth I never said that.
Someone posting a question about SSD speed might be very well served with an ad on Kingston Savage X SSD.
5:28 AM
For myself, I prefer to do my own research and decide what's the best price/point or cost/benefit. But yeah I can see how someone who doesn't know how to spell SSD would like the targeted advert.
@Zanna OP is changing their question as they go: askubuntu.com/questions/880736/…
Now they want http:// part removed
JavaScript location history is such a confusing API...
Trying to make it work with hashes is just...
It's not pretty.
5:49 AM
Would you say JavaScript is your second least favorite language after PHP ?
Not really, the language itself isn't all that bad.
Browser DOM APIs are quite nasty but the language isn't so bad.
With PHP, not only are the functions bad, the language itself is an abomination.
If I had to pick a language that I didn't like right after PHP, it might be... VBA - if that counts :D
So far , Python is my favorite. Perl - kinda have mixed feelings about it: sometimes it's good, sometimes it's freakin' black magic, where things evaluate to scalar in different contexts and there's more-than-one way to do it, so I don't know which one is the right way( trade mark here)
Yeah, Perl is really powerful but hard to learn.
So much in Perl is implicit. Hidden loops, default variables, etc.
Python is a thing of beauty.
Its only drawback is lack of a standard for event handling.
But there are plenty of packages that do that - gevent, Twisted, etc.
When I was talking to one of my acquaintances , who has been doing Data Structures class in Java, and I was doing that in Python. I showed him our first assignment and he was like "You guys are doing linked lists already ? WTF ?"
Python is the perfect language to grow in.
5:56 AM
And perfectly readable
Anyone can get started in it and yet you can still make big things with it.
@Serg That too.
6:29 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, repeated URL at end of long post: supplementlab.org/alpha-force-testo-ca/ by fezofotufu on askubuntu.com
6:45 AM
@KazWolfe Hue.
Yes indeed.
I was initially going to invest in those and then it turns out that you can't send more than 10 commands to the hub per second.
that seems like an arbitrary limit.
It's using ZigBee.
Apparently it's a mesh network.
6:55 AM
also, 10 / second isn't a terrible API limit.
It is if you're making a choreographed light show.
can't you just raw-address the ZigBees directly, then?
The ZigBee protocol sounds very complex.
And besides, I'm betting the limitation is in the hardware.
The protocol literally can't send messages faster.
@KazWolfe Yup, I've read through that.
I'm looking at other lights that use Bluetooth. The downside there, of course, is range.
6:58 AM
Also, what about using queueing? Is there a delay param?
And too many bulbs could cause bandwidth issues.
@KazWolfe Nope. But there is a transition interval.
So I can slowly fade them over a period of time :P
hm. 10 fps...
Just call it cinematic :D
Say some bs like "the human eye can't see more than 10 FPS anyways"
@Serg oh thanks :) that will make my answer much uglier
I had a nap haha
goodnight, have to get up early tomorrow. work -_-
7:14 AM
Done, fixed
@KazWolfe goodnight & don't work too hard
@KazWolfe here we go:
> "The raw, over-the-air data rate is 250 kbit/s per channel in the 2.4 GHz band, 40 kbit/s per channel in the 915 MHz band, and 20 kbit/s in the 868 MHz band. The actual data throughput will be less than the maximum specified bit rate due to the packet overhead and processing delays."
As low as 20 kb/s.
That explains the rate limiting.
> "Bluetooth 5 supports transfers at 2 Mbit/s instead of the usual 1 Mbit/s."
Well now. There's a standard I can get on board.
Hi @Zanna, while the sed version on the original question was pretty fast, on the edited version, it is extremely slow. 4m46.827s
...but that is his fault, he shouldn't have changed the question...
7:50 AM
haha I can imagine it is slow!
my answer to the U&L question about posters is VERY ugly @Serg I am not even going to post it
find -name "*.jpg" | sed -n 's|^.||; s|[^/]*.jpg||; :a h
s|$|\n|p' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,,,/\n/g' | sed 's/^,//'
Hello and good morning to everybody ! :)
Hey @cl-netbox!
@JacobVlijm Good morning Jacob ! :)
8:11 AM
@Zanna You could still post it. People there appreciate some sed black magic ;)
Hey @Serg Nice to see you ! :) How are "things" going ?
@cl-netbox "things" are ok, there's whole internet of them ;) #sergjoke
@Serg hahaha ... great ! :D My "things" are okay as well ... yesterday I could solve a difficult problem ... made a system bootable after motherboard was replaced ... I'm a bit proud of it ... :) And I received some very nice comments for my latest answers ... :)
Nice. I'm sort of on my way to bed, because it's 1 : 18 AM and I've work in the morning
@Serg It's always the same ... you say you go to bed - and what do you do ? Writing scripts the whole night through ... hahaha ! :D
8:23 AM
@cl-netbox ^_^''' yeah . . .but I'm trying to commit and actually change this spring
@Serg Really ? Can't believe it though ... :D
@Serg Here's 'one' to change your mind ! :D
Aw, jeez :)
@Serg :)
morning @cl-netbox hope things are fine :)
if not better
@Zanna Yes they are Zanna ... thank you for asking ... received an accept for my Visual Studio answer from yesterday alongside with very kind comments ... what about yourself ? Superfine today ? Good morning to you Zanna ! :)
8:48 AM
I'm fine :)
glad to hear that
@JacobVlijm @Zanna +1 for both of you for your effort in finding "the most difficult solution" (hahaha) to remove a slash ! :D
@JacobVlijm I left some room for python here: askubuntu.com/q/881076/295286
And on that jolly note, good night !
9:03 AM
@Serg Good night Sergiy ... sleep well ! :)
@AndroidDev don't skimp out on the quality of an ssd
Rinzy ! :) Good morning to you ! :)
oh and AndroidDev there is another factor: BIOS slows your boottime significantly. So if you can tweak your BIOS to skip those boot checks.... it will shave seconds off your boot
And did you know installing Ubuntu from an SSD inside of a USB 3.0 enclosure as the install media to a SSD ... takes less than 2 minutes to get to login.
9:18 AM
@Rinzwind thanks ! :) By the way, my VSC answer solved the problem ... :)
and no need to ping me each time ;-) once is enough. Ill see the message when I am here
oh and
10 mins ago, by cl-netbox
Rinzy ! :) Good morning to you ! :)
9:30 AM
@cl-netbox thanks :)
@Zanna You're welcome ! :)
@Serg sed voodoo posted with comments hahaha
@Serg Greatgreat, have to look when I get home, having mentor talks with students :)
@ByteCommander Tsk. Here's a breakdown. Perl can be as clear or as esoteric as you choose to make it:
$ perl -le 'print join(",", grep{$_ % 2==0 } 0 .. 32)'
$ perl -le '@even = grep {$_ % 2==0 } (0 .. 32); print join ",", @even'
$ perl -le 'for $num (0 .. 32 ){
>               if($num % 2 == 0){
>                       push @even, $num
>               }
>            }
>            $out =  join ",", @even;
>            print $out'
9:47 AM
I'm attending a 6h Algebra lesson at the moment, not in the mood for discussing esotericness of Perl... :-/
Heh, fair enough.
Algebra? Are you in school? I thought you were in uni or something.
But thanks for trying to show it to me :)
University, studying IT. We do have Linear Algebra as one of the main courses here.
Ah, OK
Believe me, after 6h of this stuff you are brain dead.
6 hours? my sympathies hahaha
9:55 AM
At least we will have 1h lunch break in between, and a classmate (or however you call that in universities) brought a set of Cards Against Humanity...
hahaha nice
10:41 AM
@muru all gone, although I don't know who finished it off
@Zanna not me - I removed a few but, there were still about 10 or so left, IIRC
~40 when I started, ~15 when I stopped, IIRC but anyway psychically sends thanks to whoever it was
(or was it )?
19 left in
Ok, then I finished off limit and moved on to math
@Zanna cast a few delete votes in when you can
I left a flag on the only uneditable one in that
10:49 AM
will do! I haven't wasted them all in the queue yet. jokerdino untagged a merged one for me in
@Zanna If I understand it correctly you are removing tags - right ? Is it not possible that the tags which shall be removed at all get deleted by a SE system administrator in "one shot" silently ? :)
yes but we have to bother them for that
and I'd rather not
we only have a few posts to deal with in this case
@cl-netbox they don't like being bothered about tags which are small enough to be handled by the community
also @cl-netbox if it is done automagically, then the posts may end up without appropriate tags. Many of them also need editing to improve them in other ways. I am always trying to give all posts the attention they deserve
(even if the attention they deserve is a delete vote hahaha)
I'm also upvoting a lot of stuff in

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