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12:02 AM
12:35 AM
you put up a picture of Kickstart
he also made Trailblazer
Hey Everyone!!!
Can anyone help me out with this js scope?
a = {muffin :1};

a.b = {
five: 5,
twenty: this.five * 4

Why does it print out NaN? It should print out 20 labs.codecademy.com/Cmcb#:workspace
i don't understand that syntax
with the colons and shit. so I'm afraid I can't help.
lol kk it's javascript
doesn't look like any javascript I've ever seen.
which just means I haven't used that particular syntax
12:53 AM
okay, Tallowmere Android demo: http://www.tallowmere.com/Tallowmere_v319_Demo.apk (40 MB)
trying out requiring Android 4.3 or higher, and OpenGL ES 3.0
@Hjorthenify poke
older hardware tends to have small resolutions with OpenGL ES 2.0 :/
and I think I can filter that out in the manifest? but I dunno, small resolutions and my game don't mix well, would need to revamp all the UI >_<
lol i think u can add it to the manifest
You dont want people like me with phones with a resolution of 480x320 to play xD
but lol I can still play Clash of Clans
yeah, like on this page: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens-distribution.html you can filter, but it's a bit vague. I would need to research it more. My text doesn't scale atm
I had a friend try it with like 600x480 or something, it runs, but it's not my ideal scenario haha
all the OpenGL ES 3.0 screens are like 1080p
Q: Self-references in object literal declarations

kpozinIs there any way to get something like the following to work in JavaScript? var foo = { a: 5, b: 6, c: this.a + this.b // Doesn't work }; In the current form, this code obviously throws a reference error since this doesn't refer to foo. But is there any way to have values in an ob...

I cant do what I wanted to do >:(
1:47 AM
@TheMuffinCoder Why are the solutions given, not satisfactory for you? This is probably the most elegant one: stackoverflow.com/a/4616262/796832
3 hours later…
5:11 AM
@pip I pasted this in (ward (dot) programm3r (at) gmail (dot) com) and it automatically fixed it
1 hour later…
6:26 AM
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable m_Clip of AnimationClipEditor has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the m_Clip variable of the AnimationClipEditor script in the inspector.
UnityEditor.AnimationClipInfoProperties.AssignToPreviewClip (UnityEngine.AnimationClip clip)
6:48 AM
@Chris Damn the game is hard on mobile. :D

I've only played about 5 minutes, but I noticed two things:
1) Startup time is above a minute
2) The app crashes when I select "Exit Tallowmere"
@Hjorthenify atleast it exits ;)
Yeah it's great on mobile, but if I'm taking a dump, then I don't want to wait that long for the game to start :P
@Hjorthenify yeah the load times, it's slow :( so I added the indicator at least... on my Nexus 9 it takes like 20 secs or something, I've tried loading the second scene first, made no difference... just how it is :\ sucks a bit, cuz like on my iPhone, it's loaded in < 5 seconds. that exit calls Application.Quit() ._.
cuz it's proper to have an exit/quit option on Android yeah?
@Chris Not really :P I usually just minimize and force-close it, lol.
Might have to try it again my phone was lowish on power and running in power-saving mode :D
It's a galaxy S4 mini btw
6:57 AM
hmm k. on my nexus, it closes successfully without error :s
I'll give it another shot later and let you know
7:15 AM
Does anyone know why Chrome disabled NPAPI for security reasons?
> for security reasons
lol nah I have no idea. it just looks like you put the reason in your question
"improve Chrome’s security, speed, and stability as well as reduce complexity in the code base" blog.chromium.org/2014/11/the-final-countdown-for-npapi.html
best explanation I could find for google's reasons
actually not even sure if google was behind that change...chromium isn't really controlled by them afaik
Hmm.. It still works in other browsers.
"Meanwhile, NPAPI’s 90s-era architecture has become a leading cause of hangs, crashes, security incidents, and code complexity." blog.chromium.org/2013/09/…
Ah :P That explains it.
Well Unity better work hard on the HTML5 export then
7:50 AM
GUI buttons don't work?
Never gets called
and its in a canvas inside a panel
I was missing an event system my bad
8:12 AM
@IcyDefiance also note the date of that article: Posted: Monday, September 23, 2013
8:27 AM
Uugh, why do I have to be the one to point out that it's a dumb idea for developers to test their own code
They've only had several years warning
Yeah, but bad news for the unity player :P
We also have a Danish streaming website(i think it's danish) which uses Silverlight
Also the banking systems run java..
Ah they switched to javascript a while ago
Google's really pushing to make HTML5 be the king.
javascript, javascript everywhere
Yeah. It's alright I guess. I'm just pissed it happens a few days before I need 20 students to run a unity plugin :P
@Almo What do you mean?
I can do that, but with more rough edges :P
9:26 AM
My english teacher has always so unclear instructions for what we're supposed to do that I'm afraid one day I'll get my dick stuck in a fan while doing homework
write an essay about that and hand it in as an extra work - A+ gueranteed
ever stuck your dick in a dyson airblade btw?
of course!
advice noted.
9:32 AM
The annoyement of the day: XKCD characters never actually sit on their chairs, instead they just kinda float on them
and the controller that adjusts floating height needs some adjustment
I just visited dictionary.com. 64 ads blocked, 81 trackers blocked. :|
10:13 AM
as long as it is not "free" weekend
sooo, long load times on Android is a common issue :(
thanks, Unity!
What you are gonna wanna do, is make the long times a lot shorter.
unpossibru ;(
what is taking the longest to load?
I think the initial instantiating of everything, but only the first time.
I made a progress async loader, and it's quick snap to load like 90% of the scene....... and then it sits there for like almost 20 secs or something. yet if I die and the scene gets reloaded, it's instant like it should be
just sucks at loading all my prefabs into memory I guess
10:28 AM
yeah reading on this now, seems there are some workarounds
I imagine using Resources.Load would help instead of having like every prefab be linked to a tonne of vars
but can I be bothered doing that just for an Android version?
you don't use resrouces.load?
how do you do it?
so if I want to instantiate something
I have like a PrefabMaster class with lots of vars linked to my prefabs
10:31 AM
everyone seems to be saying it is due to loading textures
docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-GettingStarted.html , "ETC as Recommended Texture Compression" and I set it to ETC texture compression ;\
one guy is reporting that simply changing his texture sizes from 24 to 16 bit gave him a 1000% increase in speed
@Jon lemme try (or find where that would be located)
another guy says the same -- he lowered the resolutuion of his texturse and it was super faster
how big are your textures?
how many files do you have in your Resources directory:?
10:38 AM
well my textures, I use the sprite packer thing? lemme try not using it
Unity 4 used to tell me how much graphics memory would be used, think it was like < 70 MB at any given time
I personally didn't have issues... but my entire game is pretty low on the resources side
From what I have been reading, Android doesn't like having a large Resource count
gonna try this 16bits override for Android. Resources dir is empty, everything's under Assets.
yeah, my game's a bit large
did not envision this being on mobile at all lol
heh, well it is, which is awesome
10:44 AM
yeah I am pleased, really, cuz what the hey
so how do you load your assets?
yeah, so I have a var somePrefab:GameObject; and dragged a prefab thing into the var
then just Instantiate(somePrefab)
ok, because I have always used REsources.Load(prefab)
not sure if it matters
it sounds like Resources.Load just loads into memory when you first call it, whereas I imagine my way, a tonne of stuff is loaded before it's even needed. and it's just slow on Android. iOS it's like < 5 seconds to start up
10:47 AM
but lemme try this texture override
this is what you are doing:
Yeah, it sounds like you are creating these prefabs during your loading phase
Whereas, with Resources.Load, these prefabs are pre-generated
yeah, cuz I just have like an Assets/Prefabs folder where all my prefabs sit
shoudl probably be fine though.
that's the thing, I'm not exactly sure where the issue lies ;/
okay, project is backed up, time to change/recompress 700 images
yeah, unfortunately a long load time will piss people off
10:51 AM
so either I need to somehow magically stumble upon a fix
or just release it as is, such is life
or save everyone the potential pain and just stick to iOS
mind you, I tried installing some Squeenix Final Fantasy android game just before, free to play, 4.5 star average
after 2 minutes into an unskippable cutscene at the start, I uninstalled it
If a game asks me for questionable rights, i don' tinstall it
unfortunately, 95% of games asks for stuff they don't need
so I dunno, if a 20-60 second initial load time is just how it is, it's not gonna be a quick bathroom break sort of game, but will have its place for longer gaming sessions probably
Why does angry birds need to know the people I call?
10:56 AM
I've got mine limited to Network Access, Internet Access, and ability to prevent sleep. the first two are just Unity standard
hi pip
Mine has 0 access
on Unity - so you are wrong there buddy boy
did you edit the manifest at all?
Also @Chris did you remove the debug flag?
Internet access comes from me making requests to my server for news updates
no.. but if you build in debug mode -- it will have that stuff on it
10:57 AM
nah I don't compile with debug mode enabled
Also, if you build in debug mode, it might fuck up your load times
lol, ok
Weird, i didn't edit the manifest..
But if you are making internet calls, it makes sense.
I added a "Rate me" and it asked for network access, so I remved it
"Full Network Access" sounds kinda heavy-handed but I dunno
yeah atm I'm adding my own local achievement system to mock the other platforms' achievement systems
Silicon Valley season 2 started
this Native Android Plugin thing is still broken, and honestly the whole Google Play / post your shit to Google+, 'tf is that
oh man
10:59 AM
I don't mind iOS' Game Center cuz it's just a game profile
Google Play is sooooo borked
Where can I watch
Log into Google+ to play!!!
That show is amazing.
but yeah I am shying away from bothering trying to get Google Play API integraated
10:59 AM
I dunno @Pip but episode 2 was last night
and you tell it to Cancel and it just bugs you again, feck that
Nice, thanks for the info Jon
np- season 1 was epic :)
I agree
the jerking algorithm scene
11:00 AM
There were literally no bad parts to that show iirc
i now have flaming cats
oh, and also, the trailer for HACF season 2 it on the internet
that looks bad
looks like it will revolve around the two girls' business now
some LAN style gaming setup
BBS or whatever
Hm. I'm going to watch the first EP before I give it a solid opinion
11:03 AM
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
yeah, might still be fine
the first season had some pretty bad parts about it
Mike Judge though.. that guy is just on the ball
this is discrimination I swear!
hehehe, seriously
content locks are for idiots
Mike Judge is awesome haha
he created silicon valley
11:04 AM
I think I've heard of Silicon Valley actually now that you've mentioned Judge
@Jon I agree; they are annoying as hell
watch it
I wonder if my school would mind me torrenting acquiring SV S2 over a very slow peer-to-peer connection..... hmmm
probably would
IT guys will let it slide
i mean, it is silicon valley
not gilmore girls
11:08 AM
get it, then stream it on twitch
so we can all watch it at the same time
lol if only
would be a pretty cool new way to consume content
watch it with a group of people
if only content providers were not so damn stubborn
but I can see something like that taking off -- social viewings over the internet
They ARE making attempting to make money off of this content
well it'd be watching a movie/video/stream with a live chatroom
essentially yeah
11:10 AM
@Mutch95 Nice!
would be distracting I guess
yeah, true
ads for days to pay for it :D
dicks streaming across
well that's basically Twitch for you
everytime i see a twitch stream get hacked, its either hitler refs, penis jokes, or a doge dog
11:12 AM
but instead of linear movies, it's dynamic ever-changing game content
lol :(
kids nowadays don't even watch tv
my son watches people play video games on youtube
Converting every texture to 16-bit has shaved 4 MB off the APK size. time to test
ah, do it!!!
11:13 AM
tbh I'm happy with Netflix
zero ads
@Jon My brother does that, I do occasionally as well but not often.
@Chris i love netflix.. just saying my son coudln't care less about TV anymore
he will sit and watch his tablet
while TV is playing
The only thing I have ever watched on TV since..... maybe the past four or more years is the Big Bang Theory
And I usually watch it in the Internet instead
i'm glad I didn't get him that TV for his room
how can I play an audio clip then change back to another one after the first is finished playing?
11:14 AM
growing up, I cared for TV less and less, it's just too boring sitting and watching something without interacting with it
if (clipDone) { playOtherClip; }
logic, isn't it awesome
well then
when people ask me what I do -- I tell them "logic"
you turd :p
11:16 AM
@Chris exactly
cya all, gotta head to class
@Mutch95 either have two AudioSources, or just change the clip for the one AudioSource
you can only have one cant you?
there's also AudioSource.PlayDelayed, PlayScheduled
11:17 AM
no, you can have as many as you'd like
you can also set the volume to 0 .. or jsut pause it
just, if you're using GetComponent, it will only grab the first one
then iterate them
it sucks
because you can't call them by name.
or just set a bunch of AudioSource foo vars
and drag them in
That is the way to do it
11:18 AM
gets messy if you have all the AudioSources on one GameObject though
Otherwise, its a mess of shit vars
cuz clicking one in the inspector, you don't know which one is which lol
yeah man
that's my project in a nutshell
Change teh way you code.. or else.
I actually disliked having to click drag stuff into my script.. felt like it was backwards
now I just got used to it... damn unity
11:20 AM
I loved it, still do
yeah now i realize it has massive use
AudioSources everywhere
I cringe when I have to go looking
heh, quite the object.
11:21 AM
in hindsight, one child for each audiosource would probably be a bit more organised
Peh, hindsight is silly.
In programming you only look forward. :P
yeah they should do that for audiosources
Component - AudioCollection
but then they would have to do that for all multi-components
@William'MindWorX'Mariager yeahhh unless refactoring. Otherwise just tack on and carry on with the bad way of doing things :p
yeah it comes down to how bothered can I be
that is the thing with bad code in teams
if I am struggling then I'll change, otherwise it's good enough even if it appears messy
11:23 AM
do you 1. fix it and hijack the code knowledge?
2. leave it alone
either you cry or they cry eh
less you can find a happy medium
Compartmentalize the messy code and it wont be too bad. :P
a good programmer knows to leave it alone
unless you have major downtime
11:23 AM
doesn't seem to want to playy
My biggest issue is trusting that my code does the job. I get the itch to optimze my code constantly. :P
nothing worse than a programmer that changes code just to change code.
unless he is working alone.
my last project, this one guy would alter every damn file
everytime I would open a source code file, it was changed somehow
was annoying because sometimes it would break things
and then you would spend half the day tracking down the cause and fix
is their a way to play songs after no sound is being played?
like a method to check
@Jon damn
bah, 16bit still slow
11:27 AM
if (nosoundplaying()) { playThisSong(song); }
loop through every audio source and check if it's playing?
most efficient way would be to do it when a song is done playing
run the check
sounds like you are doing something wrong though.
@Chris that sucks man.
are you able to write to a file some times during the load maybe?
or get some log data back
sex crazed bunnies is next on the list
@Jon lemme try building a debug build. the normal build logs nothing unusual and is no help
okay, attached to the profiler, deployed, had a look
it's just Preloading stuff
my game has a lot of stuff :\
texture decompression was next to nothing
11:47 AM
What's the problem?
"Loaded Objects now: 12670." I have no idea how it loads so much, it's a similar number on the other platforms too, just slow for Android
searching for * in my project, a total of 3000 objects:
That's a lot of stuff :P
Game objects being prefabs I guess
but yeah, 12k out of that, I dunno
11:55 AM
hello. Somebody used Google Play Game Services before?
@Vlad I have attempted to, but the plugin I'm using has a critical crashing bug, so haven't gotten very far
I cannot get it to work. The js code constantly says it cannot find the App with specific ID
which plugin?
I am using plain JS and HTML5
ah, I've been toying with a Unity C# plugin
have you published your Play Services from the Play console website?
where can I ask for help?
Well I set up already but didn't publish. Should I?
I think so. so from play.google.com/apps/publish click Game Services, select your service, publish it
otherwise it's just a draft doing nothing
you can always unpublish it later if desired
12:01 PM
thanks will try that
I find Google's whole Play terminology confusing
it's not even a noun
12:19 PM
what up
Played a full 5min session of tallowmere :D
haha yay :)
12:21 PM
Have you thought of using thr gyrometer for movement?
It would fit very well in the gameplay
I find gyro games to be really inaccurate lol
easier to block /attack as well
got any game names that utilise gyro well?
12:23 PM
Yeah doodlejump
and the likes
lemme try
I'm not much of a mobile gamer tbh, most games get deleted pretty quick
Hehe :)
hmmm hmmmmmmm. could try
I think it would work great on mobile
Have attack to the left and block/jump on the right
and steer using the gyro
@Hjorthenify The cans are for Bud Light, but you can see the B and L are backward. The image has been flipped around the vertical axis.
12:33 PM
@Almo Ah. No idea then.
Bud light is water anyways, so perhaps they tried to disguise the name?
why cant i delete this
There's a material
yes in an object
12:36 PM
The shaders are attached to a material. You have to delete the material to get rid of the shaders

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