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5:01 PM
Looks like you got it
@Wardy this is a good book about your problem: amazon.com/Refactoring-Patterns-Joshua-Kerievsky/dp/0321213351
@Noctrine I meant like 8 or 9 more entries up lol
oh like everything?
extremely much appreciated
5:04 PM
so many messages.
wow boom
What I've learned, Mick is relatively cost effective :D
A lot has been removed
oh god what have I missed
"oops i accidentally proprietary information on the internet. what can i do?"
answer: call a mod
5:09 PM
Stupid ctrl click not working on a mac.
doesn't work on my android phone either :/
oh yay so I can blame apple?
maybe ctrl+click is patented
I wouldn't be surprised if Apple tried to patent patents.
I wouldn't be surprised if they successfully patented patent abuse
5:13 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't already patented the patent making machine
wait.. too many negatives in there
<insert recursive "patent" + "Apple" joke here>
Really, that one doesn't seem too surprising actually
Couldn't they just feed their lawyers drivel into a markov chain?
deferred rendering is patented by apple
I should patent masturbation
5:16 PM
well, I don't get software patents.. they are patenting actions
and then later:
i suspect Microsoft got that patent to use as ammunition in the constant stupid patent arms race
they need countersuits
This is the problem with software patents.
everybody is suing everybody about everything
I can imagine apple, microsoft and google being persons who compete with each others' patent stupidity "ohhhhhhhhh that's good one, apple" like the rappers do on the mocking contests
5:19 PM
But then if you can't have software patents, it opens the door to well, what is the point of patents in the first place?
I'm just gonna sign off lol
patents are broken
but Apple/MS/Google aren't evil here
They generally only engage in litigation with eachother, almost certainly as part of the requirement-to-defend they have to satisify in order to keep the patent.
5:24 PM
also a problem, the patent system is heirarchy, and everything in software is derivative of something else
They have limited-to-no history of actually going after smaller companies over patents (especially compared to patent troll companies) and have frequently gone to bat for smaller companies.
there is a patent on jetpack
e.g., the Lodsys case
@SethBattin oh god
@JoshPetrie i buy that
@OMGtechy well, it's interesting, because that patent doesn't cover a workign device, and patents don't have to
5:25 PM
The Uncle who works for Nintendo - A choose your own adventure game correlatedcontents.com/misc/UWWFN/UWWFN.html
The government and it's machinery are the issue. :(
but anyone who does invent a workign device can also get a patent on that invention, becuase it's novel
but they may never have freedome to operate (build their device) because they need rights from the holder of "jetpack"
so it's kind of a license holder system, in a wacky way
apply those same rules to software: we know how well licenses work out
rather, how they can work out badly
I don' t know why, but this game feels slightly scary to me
doesn't really seem like a game to me
more of a interactive story
each page just presents a single option most of the time
Isn't that what a Choose your own adventure is?
Wait till 7
5:38 PM
oh, found the first ending it seems
seemed too boring though, I doubt I want to find out about the rest :P
I've got two, but I can't figure out how to do anymore
yeah i'm not a big fan of text heavy games :)
Oh, it explains how to get the others
or gives a hint
Has anyone tried to play that massive space horror twine game?
naw too busy writing code
5:50 PM
oh, it's for sale now
well, it used to be free
xcode crashes when it tries to unlock the interface project in p4
i'm so annoyed they removed P4 support from xcode
it's just git now
programmer frustration sucks man
found that jetpack patent: google.com/patents/US3443775
so lets say you write software that simulates a physical patent.. are you breaching patent laws?
Finished. That game was pretty cool - if you like text games I recommend it.
6:05 PM
so I implemented this geometry shader culling, but it halved my framerate
I guess it's too naive implementation to do AABB collision for each polygon
#version 330

layout(triangles) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;

in vec2 texcoord[];
in vec4 vColor[];
in vec3 vNormal[];

out vec2 fTexcoord;
out vec4 fColor;
out vec3 fNormal;

bool TestCollision(vec3 aCenter, vec3 aSize, vec3 bCenter, vec3 bSize)
	vec3 center = abs(aCenter - bCenter);
	vec3 size = aSize + bSize;
	return !(center.x > size.x || center.y > size.y || center.z > size.z);

void main() {

	// Generate AABB
	vec3 minValue = gl_in[0].gl_Position.xyz / gl_in[0].gl_Position.w;
if you only check polygons that are close it would shave a lot of cpu
I culled the whole meshes first from octree by filtering the octree node with frustum
I guess that wasn't enough
well don't you have like million of polys?
well, yeah
I guess it's faster to draw a million polygons instead of culling them off polygon-by-polygon?
parallax is in
well, horizontal parallax.. I want to also add a subtle verticle parallax effect
need to find better colors too
or just have one outline?
6:17 PM
I think two are fine, but I think I should see it moving first
k hold on
Hello, I just finished my first released game (Arkanoid clone with Unity in 2D) (I made three other games but never released them), and I'm not sure where to go from here, should I keep making simple games in 2D? Or a simple game in 3D? what should be my next step? any suggestions? thanks
oh, I fixed a bug in the monogame framework today
@oscar.rpr work on something you are passionate about
@oscar.rpr do what feels right man. you already achieved something most do not, and that is releasing a game.
6:20 PM
"Carmack on Rage"
looks better in game.. but yeah
that is zoomed out, and moving pretty fast.
i think i need to slow down the back mountains more
yeah I think they're too fast
That's the problem, I'm out of ideas, I don't know if I should do another clone with some modifications or try a new idea.
because I got an idea, but it seems like already existed something too similar, and I want to learn something different in each game
what should move faster.. clouds or mountains?
I think the mountains should move a bit slower
do the clouds move when the screen doesn't?
6:25 PM
Isnt the parallax the wrong way around?
Things at a larger distance move slower, not faster
yeah, fixing the speed.. i just finished putting in the parallax
Unless you want to go for 'rotation'
And I'd say clouds are further away than mountains... but thats debatable :)
yeah, well that is what I was asking
in the gifs, there are 4 layers.. 2 mountains, 2 clouds.. first mountain is fastest.. down to cloud 2 which is slowest
the clouds ought ot occupy more than a single depth
top close, bottom distant
user image
6:31 PM
er... i didn't notice them having more than one, at least
@Jon The background should move slower than the foreground.
you are right @DwarfSlice
@Jon Yes.
That is the advice I was looking for :D
Basically the further forward it is, the faster it should move. The further back it is, the slower it should move.
6:32 PM
The sun moves?
yeah, i have day/night cycles
trees grow, clouds move
dynamic world :)
ok, so it's not moving with the camera, it's moving because it's moving toward night-time
I think I should draw the clouds different colors too
since you can't really see the layering
so basically, I should barely be moving the background at all
i think the distant items should be near 0
the sun should be 0, of course
but the mountains should be barely above that
I don't see any difference for using the geometry shader face culling when there are about 8k triangles in the rendering queue with some of them outside of screen, the draw call always takes about 4.5ms
which is weirdly much
6:48 PM
most of the proprietary hardware of a graphics card is involved in culling
perhaps it's happening on your behalf whether you like it or not
yeah, and it's really inefficient when the triangle count is about 10 million
framerate drops from 60+ to about 20-30
I guess I need to scrap the idea of face culling in shader :D
it was just a fun test anyways
that's a lot better
it still looks like the ground is moving the slowest
maybe the first layer should just be static.
like the backmost mountain
6:56 PM
are the clouds moving in the scene even when the camera is static?
yeah, but not right now
ah, maybe that's what it is
i turned off the wind to test parallax
so it isn't that right now
no...the mountains are moving faster the ground
maybe i have the wrong idea here, but i feel like if the ground moves 10 pixels to the left, the mountains should move, say 2 pixels left
ok wait
i think I know why this is looking weird
6:58 PM
but right now it looks like the ground moves 10 and the mountains move 12
I don't understand how that would be any faster than to just cull them in single pass and render them right away
or am I misunderstanding something there
yeah, its going the wrong way
@MickLH so true
Anyhow, some jokes are in order
Swag* &;
Get the reference?
Swag() { Swag() }
Swag overflow
Anyhow, I need a name to put on the back of my robotics shirt, and those two are already taken
Someone else suggested Codethulu, but idk
@Pip Robocalypse
ooh, adding it to the list
7:09 PM
does that make sense?
I don't get what you guys mean by making the background move slower than the foreground
if i do that, then it goes backwards
which looks good
@Jon Still not quite right. The middle layer is moving slower than the background layer
give me a few minutes and I'll make a quick anim in AE and show you what I mean
if the background seems to go backwards it suggests a change in perspective
but yeah, Dwarf is correct
What is wrong with this?
@Jon It does make sense, and Dawrfslice is right that the back layer looks wrong because it's moving to fast
so say you move a camera left,and everything it sees moves corsepondingly right in its view
but things that are farther away will move less to the right
in absolutely screen distance
7:13 PM
yeah.. so in the above gif.. isn't the mountains in front moving faster than the mountains behind?
for the same reason that a given distance far away appears smaller in the scene than that same distance does up close
@Jon No, it's moving slower
but it isn't though
googled that gif
only has 2 layers though
i think i see now
7:15 PM
worth a thousand words, as always
you are not seeing my foreground
consider the buildings and trees my ground tiles
ok the mountains need to move the same way
but less
they need to move less than the ground does
@Jon how many parallax layers do you have? 3?
I see the foreground, but it looks to me like there's three layers, the middle one is the one I was talking about
7:16 PM
there's two mountain layers, and what appears to be a single cloud layer
and the sun, which is hopefully at infinite distance and odesn't move at all
two clouds
@SethBattin including the foreground, or in addition to?
in addition to the foreground
the different cloud layer distances are indistinguishable, imo
give me a sec
also a good example
I've never seen such extreme normal map, is this really how it should be? dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27198869/plasma_norm.png
7:20 PM
looks right to me
I thought the normals were usually more subtle in those maps
Looks like there's some minor glitches
@Jon here we go, this is a great example:
god damnit, image uploads never work for me
see how the middle layer moves slower than the foreground, and the furthest back layer moves slower still
7:21 PM
@Lasse who wants subtle, everyone loves that hyper exaggerated bump mapping and specular
well I was thinking more like this: forum.openframeworks.cc/uploads/default/5497/…
not that much extreme green or red color
ok thanks guys
that one looks extreme-ly fine to me lol
7:22 PM
I was thinking about it all wrong
@SethBattin put ! in front of it and just paste it by itself, that forces it to render as an image
@SethBattin yeah that's a good parallax
brilliant, thanks
whoa that one @SethBattin really illustrates it
yeah, it's really hard to describe
it's like scaling the translation
i think in that one, the bushes are moving at a scale greater than 1
the sidewalk is probably at 1
and then everything else gets less and less
yeah i overcomplicated everything basically.
7:32 PM
there are multiple foreground bush layers
each sparsely populated
What's the condition for chatrooms to freeze? Inactivity in a prolonged period?
@William'MindWorX'Mariager Yes.
hey Mindy :)
7:35 PM
Heya Pippy
the pipmeister
The Pi(m)pster
damn inefficient stomach, burned all my fuel already G2G
Any more ideas for names btw? I have Codethulu and Robocalypse (the latter from Todders) so far
So why are you still looking? Robocalypse. Done
jk jk but that one is pretty good lol
7:40 PM
was looking for a more programmer-esque name
An example is: Swag* &;
get the reference? :P
Name for what @Pip
not really a name, just something to put on the back of my robotics shirt
Favorite Robot NA
@Pip I'm gonna tell on you to Mr Donut!
Might call the robot that, thanks for the suggestion
@MickLH why?
7:43 PM
I always liked the name If Not is Nothing
ooh, I like that one
Only a programmer would get that
@Pip Did somebody not-me suggest robocalypse first
no he's obviously referring to you
7:44 PM
toddler programmer?
pip why do you tag people just to get me in trouble
Ah... everyone's favorite mispronunciation of my former name
@MickLH <3
So last night I spent a few hours on the pants for my game, and realized later that I hadn't made a slot for pants on my equipment screen but instead had a back slot for a cape there:( woops
7:45 PM
@SpartanDonut <3 :D does this mean ..
Hello @JoshPetrie
Does anybody think the 'indie' tag adds any useful information?
It seems implied @JoshPetrie
@JoshPetrie I think useful is the word to italicize there
@Shroeder link to your game
I think it potentially can but I think it's being misused
7:47 PM
I'd say it doesn't add any info
@JoshPetrie not in the way it is most frequently used, no
perhaps to distinguish a question about industry or jobs
7:47 PM
Is anyone on the site developing a non-indie game?
That was my thought
but that's not common and definitely not the way the tag gets applied
But then at the same time it's like you would need an AAA tag or something so I dunno
Probably not worth having
@Shroeder Indies are sortof taboo here
You should at least have worked on CoD or something to be here
7:48 PM
Whats the difference between a game created by an individual, and an 'Indie' game
@MickLH :)
Going to post to meta about it.
I have played enough CoD to qualify
@JoshPetrie Don't forget to link it!
I am frustrated with cs
7:50 PM
Do you think CS is a game?
Why haven't they added a user option through steam to disable avatar pictures...
Q: What value does the "indie" tag provide?

Josh PetrieAs of this writing, 18 questions are tagged indie. What value does this tag provide (if any), and what guidelines should we provide in its wiki to encourage correct use?

Letting 14 year olds set their profile pictures and make everyone else have to deal with it
Why does that tag keep coming back :|
7:53 PM
Can you decommission a tag permanently?
i was going to ask, if a tag is banished, can it just be re-added by the next OP who wants to use it?
We can't :\
Woohoo! I might be done for the weekend! Or until someone emails me needing something...
We can't do it, tags can be blacklisted but only by SE.
What to do with my time
7:54 PM
if there was a tag/null, you could make it a synonym
I can remove it easily.
you know...like /dev/null
Tag migration to the empty tag.
things tagged thusly are not actually tagged at all
nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke!
7:55 PM
@Pip Durp. :(
Stupid site remembering my stupid filter selections.
no probs :)
what's a chrome map on 3d model? searching google for chrome maps is not that useful......
It is really hard to type with a dog's head on your arm.... she's too cute to push off though :)
7:57 PM
it sounds like a specular map
why does google insert / into c# when typed in the browser window
there's separate specular map, and it's almost identical, but the chrome map has some things blacked out
@Shroeder because it needs to be url encoded
@Lasse It might be a roughness / smoothness map
7:58 PM
# is an important symbol in a full uri
oh yes
yeah, see wikipedia heading links
Yeah, it's an anchor reference.
In computer hypertext, a fragment identifier is a short string of characters that refers to a resource that is subordinate to another, primary resource. The primary resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and the fragment identifier points to the subordinate resource. The fragment identifier introduced by a hash mark # is the optional last part of a URL for a document. It is typically used to identify a portion of that document. The generic syntax is specified in RFC 3986. The hash mark separator in URIs does not belong to the fragment identifier. == Basics == In UR...
7:59 PM
uri is the mapping path for ajax calls and server requests?
the uri template?
An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document or web page, once this has been parsed into the Document Object Model. HTML is composed of a tree of HTML elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Each element can have HTML attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text. HTML elements represent semantics, or meaning. For example, the title element represents the title of the document. In the HTML syntax, most elements are written with a start tag and an end tag, with the content in between. An HTML tag is composed of the name of the element...

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