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7:00 PM
@rfusca apologies
@rfusca :(
i'm about to try justifying a trigger on our single most updated table...i'm scared lol
Lol okay so the only thing my deadlock monitor has picked up is a deadlock that occurred with profiler locking on itself. Any thoughts?
@Zane yo dawg ...
7:06 PM
I'm really struggling to understand what OP wants.
Perhaps one of you can help with my question..
@swasheck super helpful lol.
@njk unfortunately I would not consider myself a super user.
And the conversation went like this this.... "So we have <this giant list of problems with data consistency> and we're already doing the updates here row-by-row with a cursor...so we could add a trig-" "Nope, no chance.".... sigh
@rfusca You are doing the updates row-by-row with a cursor?
@Lamak ya...don't get me started there either....They've got a queue table of updates waiting to be denormalized into a big table. So its a cursor that goes through each queue row and applies business logic line by line....for like 95% of the updates to that table.
@rfusca oh man. But then, why not add the trigger logic on that cursor?
7:16 PM
The problem is the other 5% of the updates happen reallly as one off or one of 20 different jobs that will update a few rows.
@rfusca figured
So we'd have to setup each of these other places with the trigger logic and any future manual updates.
Its like setting up an API and then using it 95% of the time. It makes tracking down problems a S.O.B.
So my thing was, lets use a trigger, its not really going to effect the row-by-row and we'll pay a small price on the other 5% for absolutely accuracy.
@rfusca sounds about right
7:50 PM
When looking at deadlock graphs what is the associated objid and how can that be used to determine my problem?
So....suggested edits can't be just to format code?, even if that does really improve the readability of the question?
@Zane · Associated Objid: This is the object ID of the table associated with this index.
@Lamak That's what I found myself asking too. The reject reason makes it seem as an invalid edit or too minor if it's just for formatting
@njk yeah, it was actually my first suggested edit, since I have edit privileges on SO
@JNK no way around that suggested edit limitation?
7:58 PM
@Lamak Which limitation is this?
the character limit?
oh let me just read up like 10 lines
sorry guys am getting about 100 scripts ready for my first code review this week
@Lamak nope no way around it AFAIK, you need to add a certain number of characters
or subtract them
I normally add some line breaks and stuff too
Thanks @swasheck but I have it figured out. The object_ID wasn't matching as I was looking at the wrong DB
@JNK Ok, good to know
@Zane you can fullly qualify object_id with the 3PN
and how do you feel about format-only edits? (assuming that the rest of the question is fine)
@Zane whoopsie :)
8:00 PM
@Lamak I'm 100% in favor of them
If it's a wall-o-text but otherwise good for content then an appropriate formatting will add a ton of value
@JNK any advice on how should I proceed with those edits on DBA?
@Lamak always bet on black
@Lamak Do you have a specific concern?
I'm not trying to be cagey I just don't know why you would be reluctant
just don't edit @AaronBertrand 's posts to capitalize keywords and you will be fine ;)
@JNK you wont have to. @Aaron capitalizes already
@JNK not really, but I just tried my first suggested edit, the post was fine, added a couple of commas for grammar and improved formatting, but it was rejected because of the 6 chars minimum
didn't know about this limitation and came here to ask what should I do on those cases
8:03 PM
Do you guys know of any websites that will convert a MS SQL query into another DB's SQL syntax?
@Lamak Oh, I would find something else to change. Add some space after periods, etc.
@Rachel @ypercube is a human SQL polyglot
@Rachel Sounds sketchy to me since the engines are different and MySQL(x) <> SQLServer(x)
You could ask a question along the lines of 'What's the Oracle equivalent to xxx'
@Rachel not that I remember
8:04 PM
Ok thanks, figured if anyone knew of one you guys would
and if it's not just standard query stuff then you really get into the danger zone
@JNK duly noted
cue Top Gun soundtrack
> I'm in to the.....DANGAH ZONE!
@Rachel i'd axe a question
I inherited a rather ugly Sybase Anywhere database that I think somehow has it's own IP configured in the database somewhere... I need to find out what table has the IP address and change it. Our current workaround of changing the server IP address only works if the server stays offline, since the IP isn't valid on our network
8:06 PM
@Rachel There's an obscure little database site somewhere on the network as well.
@Rachel ???? its local IP address is stored within a database table? that doesnt sound correct.
@Zane Believe it or not, that question is answerable. Might not be what the OP wants to hear, though.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells well sure enough you'd be the person to answer that one
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells which question.
A: SSAS Drillthough Limit

ConcernedOfTunbridgeWellsMDX Drillthrough allows you to specify a limit for the row set returned. As far as I am aware it doesn't have a 'show how many rows this would produce' facility. You could fake it by having a count measure for each of your fact tables and selecting this for the slice in question before you exec...

8:11 PM
Mmm.....lunch with a side of automation tool design.
@MikeFal what are you automating?
@swasheck I really have no idea what they did. I can get to the login page and it correctly validates a user, so I'm assuming it's connected to the database, but then it looks for a USB key on a specific IP address and won't load the program unless it exists. I'm assuming this IP address is somewhere in the database, because I can't find it in any .ini or .config files, and it connects long enough to authenticate the user
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I especially like that last portion.
Are you sure you want to try to do this.
@swasheck SQL Code deployment. Right now, our deployments involve DBAs getting on, opening a script, hitting F5. Need to automate that shiznit.
@MikeFal that is the nice thing about this line of work.
8:16 PM
@Rachel Holy shit that's a nightmare
@Zane I make my bones off of automation. I strive to automate myself out of my job.
You can actively do a great many things to make your job/life easier.
@Zane I have done something that's not too dissimilar to what's described there. It's not that hard to introspect into pivot table metadata and get the slice out, so you could do a count query before executing the drillthrough. OTOH I spent about 3 weeks frigging about to make the POC for it and get it all working.
@JNK I don't suppose it'd be on-topic to ask "how can I write a SQL statement in sybase sql anywhere to search the entire database for a specific IP address?" :)
@Rachel The short answer is 'you can't as such'. No DB has a global grep capability like that as far as I'm aware.
8:17 PM
@Rachel You could ask for ways to start I'm sure....Depending on how you write it it's probably fine
if it's not one of these folks will let you know
The closest would be to dump the whole lot out to CSVs and then go over them with grep.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells not a bad idea
@Rachel Beats spending £15,000 on a data profiling tool, which is the next cheapest option.
If it was SQL Server I could do something with SMO to make you a view with the fields that it's possible to have it in
My problem is I could do these things in SQL Server, but I'm lost with Sybase's syntax and system >.< Oh well, at least it's given me a place to start
8:21 PM
@Rachel Bear in mind that SQL Anywhere != Sybase. It was originally designed as an embedded DB by Watcom.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Oh Joy, more fun
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I will keep that in mind though, thank you :)
@Rachel The corollary to which is that there's not really a clean migration path between the two.
Cool, they have a SQL Anywhere specific Q&A site that looks suspiciously like SO :)
@Rachel Sincerest form of flattery
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells you could in postgres fairly easily. Write a proc to loop through each table name from pg_tables and convert the row to text: select * from <table> t1 where (t1.*)::text ilike '%<ipaddress>%';
8:27 PM
@Rachel i'm still trying to wrap my brain around what's actually goin on
I had an ugly query I used while I was trying to find data in a TFS database billfellows.blogspot.com/2011/11/worst-query-i-ever-wrote.html
Might be portable to Sybase and such since I used the information_schema
@rfusca Yet another nice 'hidden feature' of PostgreSQL.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells :D indeed
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells read about that on a depesz blog post once
@rfusca I think PG is a good contender for the most underrated open-source project of all time.
he was using it for a global grep
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells completely agree
8:31 PM
Now I'm lamat >.<
Thanks blufeet once again for chiming, but user lamat suggestion of using EnrtyMonth = 1 did work for me. I assume your > and < method would work too as that is the route I was going, but my syntax was probably wrong. Are there any books you can recommend to expand my knowledge on SQL Server? I have been using SQL Server since September of last year and really struggle with complex queries. — user2026836 1 min ago
Nice lamat!
I'm either Lamat, Lamar or Lamark....sometimes Lama...so few times I'm Lamak
I may go @Dtest way and use my legal name
@Lamak I used to use my legal name until I found my top-ranked google search result was a rather cynical SO posting about job interviews.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells linkedin has done a lot to change that ... as has facebook
Given that I work as a contractor and do job interviews for a living I decided that wasn't quite what I had in mind as my preferred first impression on a web search.
8:35 PM
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yeah, I don't think I will actually do it, but what is it with my username that is so often misspelled?
@Lamak i just want to call you Llama a few times then i'll get over it
I decided on an alias b/c I didn't necessarily want my employer to know how active I am on here
@swasheck At least you're not calling him alpaca
but I have learned a ridiculous amount from SO/DBA
@swasheck you are allowed
8:37 PM
Evening all
@MikeFal what kind of prizes?
@JNK That and @ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells reasons are why I still use an alias
@JNK I figure this is part of my personal brand. My employer gets my community presence when they hire me. So long as I behave, this benefits them, so I don't care if they know. :)
@Lamak So you're not actually The Mack?
8:38 PM
For those with 10K rep, here's the post that made me decide to adopt a pseudonym
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells le sigh
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Removed?
@JNK nope. My username was derived from a far more boring reason
@MikeFal Yes. Logically deleted - you can still see it if you have 10k rep on SO.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Ah
8:39 PM
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells wow, that's a blog post
I am puny and noobish in my rep
@JNK El regreso del mack
@MikeFal then i'm in good company
@swasheck hahaha
@MikeFal I've toyed with the idea of establishing a web presence but thus far I can't be arsed.
@MikeFal I was very active in the early days of SO but then got busy so I'm not nearly so active these days.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells It's cool, different strokes/different folks.
8:41 PM
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells any summary for non-10kers?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I'm not super active here, but enough. And I'm also active elsewhere, so it all ties together. So long as I don't Barney Fife myself, it's all good.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Care to do a TL;DR for that post?
@MikeFal If you google my real name you get a wildlife photographer, a spokesman for greenpeace and a few others who aren't me long before anything connected to me hits the search results.
down vote
The Joel Test and Field work in non-IT specialised organisations

For a software company or an in-house development shop the Joel Test (as various other posters have discussed) is quite a good start. However, as a contractor one tends to find oneself working in companies that are really not geared to develop software (otherwise why would they need to hire contractors?). Since I've been working in London I don't think I've seen a company that would rate more than 3 or 4 on this scale. Usually they can get specifications, source control (even if it's just VSS) and someone to do
8:42 PM
@JNK And, for the record, it would be "ElMack", not "LaMack"
@Lamak we dont conclusively know that (nor do we wish to validate)
@swasheck but, but, I'm telling you
@Lamak I never even pay attention to your name... I rely on @La[tab] to spell it for me :)
@Lamak Not in French
@Rachel Latab, that sounds fine
8:43 PM
I also enjoyed this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/100518/…
i have @Lamak aliased as @ThatGuyFromChileWhichIsPronouncedMoreLikeSHEELAYThanThePepper
(need 10k)
I admit, though, using my Sake God alias around here would be cool. As long as people knew we were talking Japanese rice wine.
@swasheck that doesn't sounds too good
@JNK touchè
@Lamak yeah. @Lamak is much easier
8:46 PM
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I could see how a post like that could be....problematic. But it's a good post, very informative.
@MikeFal It certainly is when you're going to a job interview and it's the first result they see when they google your name.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells indeed
Maybe the party responsible for starring this would be better off starring the TL;DR here
Dammit, "Thing" was "Think"
hmm we score a 6 on the joel test
we don't do 2,3,5,9,11,12
Although I personally did 11...so i guess 6.01 ;)
8:53 PM
Okay that was stupid. In about 30 seconds I had 6 upvotes.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Why did that make you decide to adopt a pseudonym?
@ErikE so he wasn't burned at the stake
@njk you wanted less?, we can help you with that ;-)
Oh... duh. He was obviously the author. :)
I get it now.
@Lamak Ha. 2 people already took care of that.
8:56 PM
@njk I'm not one of them, I swear!
@njk gave you one more
@ErikE Aww shucks.
@Lamak It was a silly question.
@njk but not a silly answer
Tried to help as best I could.
@JNK Deleted that awesome question?! I had a million upvotes.
@njk I was just one of the voters
Not a mod on SO
9:02 PM
You owe me 90 rep
@njk fortunately we're all in it for the lulz and not the rep
@njk actually, a little more. It should have been 106 rep
DeadLock issue resolved WOOOT WOOT
@swasheck Hey, I print my badges out and frame them.
(and the fact that I can say that I "know" Aaron Bertrand, Paul White, Mark Storey-Smith, the guy whose pseudonym is ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells)
9:03 PM
Silly silly developers
@swasheck I would really love to meet all these guys.
@swasheck Yeah, no YouTube here.
@njk happens all the time
Just think blazing saddles scene where they take the KKK guys uniforms.
@swasheck I actually had occasion to go to a doctor's appointment in Tunbridge Wells the other day.
9:05 PM
His hands are just a little dirty.
@swasheck I'm surprised that chat.se isn't blocked.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells were you concerned?
@swasheck I was at the time. Heart palpitations for 4 days solid.
@njk i circumvent some of our (poorly-implemented websense) by running Chrome under a different user account
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells wow. how are things now?
Useless GP was useless, so I went and dug out my old cardiologist in Tunbridge Wells and went private.
9:07 PM
@swasheck We don't have admin privileges on our machines. I don't even know what type of filtering they use.
@swasheck Cleared up by itself, ecg, exercise test, 24hr monitor and echocardiogram all showed something more or less normal. No real change in my ticker since I was first diagnosed in 2004.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells so that's good news, right?
OTOH, echocardiography machines are a work of pure genius. Whoever came up with the fundamental concepts for the variety of analysis you can do with them was a very clever chap.
@swasheck Yes, it is. Slightly out of pocket but good news.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells indeed. what's the feminine form of "chap?" chipette?
@swasheck I don't think there is really a feminine version of chap.
'Lady' is quite a bit more formal. 'Girl' is sort of generic and might be considered patronising.
9:11 PM
@swasheck Gal
Mid 20th century antipodean slang has 'Bloke' and 'Sheila'. Bloke is also found in UK english
@JNK Too specifically american.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells but "Sheila" didn't make it?
@swasheck I think Bloke went to Austrailia and Shiela originated locally there.
@swasheck Monty Python on Australians
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells love the hollywood bowl ... american beer being like making love in a canoe
Oh my ...
that works - even without the binary casting. since our manufacturer names are more than just two characters - ie. 'lucent', we read somewhere that mysql considers 'lucent' to be greater than 'lu' thus the range does not work as expected. — Brett 1 hour ago
we read somewhere that mysql considers 'lucent' to be greater than 'lu'
9:18 PM
I am proud of my one-row LEAD simulation technique that doesn't use a JOIN :)
@swasheck The Queen: She's a beaut sheila and not at all stuck up.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells hot enough to boil a monkey's bum
Echocardiogram, often referred to cardiac echo or simply an echo is a sonogram of the heart. (It is not abbreviated as ECG, which in medicine usually refers to an electrocardiogram.) Echocardiography uses standard two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and Doppler ultrasound to create images of the heart. Echocardiography has become routinely used in the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of patients with any suspected or known heart diseases. It is one of the most widely used diagnostic tests in cardiology. It can provide a wealth of helpful information, including the size and shape of...
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells oops, it is apparently too late for me
@dezso They're really clever.
9:22 PM
Yes, an echocardiogram is very different from an electrocardiogram :)
Features like scan across a single line and then track the movement over time. You can use that to measure movement during a cycle.
Measure blood flow using doppler shift on reflected sound waves.
Then DSP the frequency shift into a sort of swish-swish noise that you can use to listen for irregularities.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells and which made me laugh the only ocassion I had echocardiography
Designed by an engineering genius with a fetish for digital signal processing, I think
@dezso I think echocardiography kit has the highest density of 'Really Clever Ideas' I've ever seen in a piece of technology.
It gave me several 'Oh, that's clever - I'd never have thought of that.' moments.
I have watched quite a few echocardiograms...
9:29 PM
(on a different note it is interesting that once I used PMC several times per day - now two or three times per annum)
@dezso What's interesting is that the technology didn't hit the mainstream until the early 2000's. My first angioplasty was in 2000 and in 2004 they did a second one (basically another attempt to unblock the anterior descending that they couldn't do the first time due to the awkward angle).
In the second one they used at least three distinct pieces of technology that weren't available in 2000 (echocardiography machine, drug-eluting stents and a contraption called a terumo cross wire)
@ErikE Do you work in healthcare?
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells these things always amaze me
just in a few years we got from the mini-Chernobyls (then called X-ray machines) to fMRI
even the gadgets used in blood testing (and sampling) developed a lot
9:47 PM
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I do but not with patients. I have a family member who gets ecgs.
@ErikE My first ever contract was with a hospital board. I did a data model and a prototype data mart for cost analysis and a casemix funding data model.
It could do mixed funding rules based on different generations of ICD codes and DRGs within the same price-volume schedule.
I thought it was quite clever, anyway :)
How do you do code in here? Is it still the four spaces thing?
@SimonRigharts foo
enclose it in backticks `foo`
or paste a long script and Ctrl+K
oh duh I did know that, thanks. Brain is rotting away
particularly when I see things like this:
-- Set recommended performance settings on the database
9:59 PM
@SimonRigharts perfect. RSA. you trying screw their performance for the rugby thing?
@swasheck Haha no, this is RSA the security company
clearly not a database company :p
@SimonRigharts Heh, I saw the same stuff in a VMWare VCenter database create script.
With temporary tables on SQL Server, do I need to explicitly define CREATE TABLE? Or just declare it?
@njk temporary tables meaning the actual objects or temporary tables meaning table variables?
10:08 PM
@swasheck pastebin.com/LSXMrQmU Getting incorrect syntax near @dates
I'm trying to use a table variable.
Or will this not work?
And I should rather use a temp table?
@njk: Everything you may need to know about the differences of temp tables and table variables:
Q: What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server?

Martin SmithThis seems to be an area with quite a few myths and conflicting views. So what is the difference between a table variable and a local temporary table in SQL Server?

@njk With variable, @Table, you use DECLARE, otherwise it's DECLARE #Table
I find @table helpful during development but performance they suck and swap out to #table
Or that answer...
Sigh, I've been trying to declare @temp along with other variables
@billinkc You mean "otherwise it's CREATE #Table"
And it kept throwing errors. When I put the @temp on it's own line it works fine.
10:14 PM
Of course I mean that. This is what I get for trying to space off during a meeting
@ypercube I have it starred. Was staring blankly at why I was getting syntax errors since I was declaring a TABLE with other variables.
Table variables don't auto-collect statistics is one key difference... and can't be modified after creation.
-- either:
DECLARE TABLE @dates ([date] date)
-- or:
CREATE TABLE #dates ([date] date)
-- I was trying to
DECLARE @beginDate DATE, @temp TABLE ([date] DATE)
It didn't like it
@njk (✌゚∀゚)☞
10:19 PM
But Aaron corrected me earlier on a similar query. Don't use recursive CTEs for this. Read his blog: Generate a set or sequence without loops – parts: 1, 2, 3
@ypercube Oh wow.
The graph on he 365-days range is ... apocalyptic
@ypercube Yeah saw that. Crazy.
Those posts by @AaronBertrand on sequences without loops....pure gold.
10:38 PM
@MikeFal sycophant
@swasheck Unwashed heathen
@MikeFal and how
@MikeFal As far as I'm aware @swasheck takes a bath once a month - whether he needs it or not.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells great. now i'm going to go home and check my bathroom for spycams
@swasheck Can't unsee ....
11:05 PM
Does anyone have a problem copying and pasting between Firefox and SSMS?
I have to force quit one of them every time I do it, in either direction (copying and pasting from either one to the other).
If I paste into any other program (and re-copy) the problem doesn't happen.
The problem is, I can't remember to not copy and paste from Firefox and I keep losing everything in SSMS.
I @#&(*@#&*( DID IT AGAIN. Shoot me in the head.
How are you losing everything if you only copied?
11:20 PM
Honestly, I stopped using Firefox over a year ago. Waaaaaaaaaay to bloated. I'm a Chrome guy now.
@MikeFal Snap. Stuttering/freezing/pausing that I assumed was down to something I'd done turned out to be POS coding. So I embraced the evil of the don't-be-evil, and installed Chrome.
Which it turns out, is awesome.
@MarkStorey-Smith Considering I've had Droid phones for years, my life pretty much runs through google (Gmail, Calendar, etc). The nice thing about Chrome is it hooks into that natively and keeps things like bookmarks coordinated wherever I use it.
Even on my phone and tablet.
@ypercube Because like I said I have to force quit either SSMS or Firefox after forgetting. And I just did it again. This time it's Firefox getting killed.
@MikeFal I tried gmail for the first time yesterday and I confess (probably because I'm a long term Outlook user) that I quite literally didn't get it
@MarkStorey-Smith The only oddity I find is labels versus folders. I'd like to have folders, but they're just not there.
11:31 PM
I think I might have been lapping up the MS flavoured PIM for too long and now anything else seems alien
Otherwise, it's just internet email. The fact that it natively syncs with my phone and tablet, I can manage all my contacts through Google, etc.....that's the appeal. If you can do that through another tool, great.
But I do like Chrome because it hooks into that experience AND is fairly lightweight. For now.
@MikeFal Quite likely I've got too accustomed to filing stuff in folders, as per the desktop paradigm. Feck, I'm officially old... too aged to change.
@MarkStorey-Smith You use what works for you. Just because a solution is "old" does not necessarily make it less effective. :)
@MikeFal If you saw the state of my inbox(es) you might be inclined to suggest the old dog should learn a new trick! :)
@MarkStorey-Smith Can't be any worse than my dad. He wrote a home finance app in GW-BASIC years ago. I had to figure out how to make it run in Windows 7. :)
11:45 PM
@MikeFal I suppose the suggestion of trying something like Xero Personal would usher him to an early grave?
@MarkStorey-Smith He wrote it, he's comfortable with it, it does what he wants. I see no reason to break him from that. Cost/Benefit is pretty low.
@MikeFal Full circle back to me and my Outlook folders :)
Grrr....I get annoyed when people comment that your answer was helpful and gave them what they needed, but they won't UPVOTE/ACCEPT.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
some days I wish MySQL had windowing functions and CTE's
A: PHP/MYSQL: populating a table by column

bluefeetHere is a really ugly way to do this. This answer implements user defined variables to generate a row number for each row, this is then used to unpivot the data into columns. Lastly, an aggregate function with a CASE expression is used to rotate the data back into columns. select col, lessons...

@bluefeet something something wanting a pony
11:57 PM
@SimonRigharts I know I know
does postgres have CTEs?
@bluefeet Just joshin' :)
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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