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4:00 PM
@Wesley no, I was being ironic.. or sarcastic.. can't decide.
@cole Here's your next job:

DevOps Engineer @ CryptoCurrency / Bitcoin Startup

Circle Internet Financial

Know the difference between Bitcoin and bitcoin? Do you have the block chain figured out? Even if you don't have your…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on October 13, 2014

Get to work right downtown, pretty much.
@Wesley <shudder> For people who think the financial industry isn't destroying the world quickly enough, now there's Bitcoin DevOps startups to speed along a global economic cataclysm.
@HopelessN00b ironic upvote
only 2 more deletes required serverfault.com/questions/634294/…
4:07 PM
@Iain pew pew
Thanks for your community spirit
What is EHCP?
@MichaelHampton extraneous host configuration protocol?
Oh god, no, it's another hosting control panel
Holy crap!
Proof that primates are smarter than dolphins. Dolphins can't even build a fire, nevermind roast marshmallows on it. :o
Monkeys with Sonar ! Imagine the possibilities!
@TheCleaner wow
watching this in a class. im sure people behind me enjoy it just as much
4:21 PM
yeah sort of
is there a way for me to see the reason for a close vote on one of my questions?
if it's a duplicate, I'd like to know that now, rather than waiting for four more votes
@TheCleaner I'm skeptical. I see so many jump cuts I wonder what's going on betwixt them.
@Sparr Nope. Only mods can see a breakdown of close vote reasons.
I see:

> off-topic because... 1 This question does not appear to be about professional server, networking, or related infrastructure administration within the scope defined in the help center.
@HopelessN00b Oh right, that. Forgot you can select to VTC and see what others chose. Wow, I'm on the ball today.
Can't get a more detailed breakdown than that, though, without a mod diamond.
4:25 PM
As usual.
@Sparr Yeah I don't get the down votes or VTC. Seems like a good simple question to me. "How do I discover X information in product Y" when gathering that information is not a transparent task.
Meh. It's Friday, so no pressing reason to be "on the ball" until around 17:00. :)
@Sparr It kinda reads like a product recommendation request, too. Might want to change it to ~"how do I [foo]" instead of ~"what tool do I use to [foo]". Not sure it'll help get an answer, but might avoid more close votes.
@HopelessN00b suck your balls
@MichelZ If I could do that, I wouldn't have to spend so much time and money trying to get someone else to do it for me, would i? :p
@HopelessN00b time? there are professionals. Does not require much time, just money :D
@HopelessN00b ok, I'll try a rephrase. all of the tools in question are part of openstack, but I guess that might not be completely clear.
it's weird switching between sites and gaining/losing privileges
4:32 PM
Time and expenses for trying to convince talented amateurs to do it, of course. What with the professional ball-suckers being criminalized in this dumb country.
I forget what's normal at a certain rep level
@Sparr that you cease to be normal?
mornin' gents
I mean, when I have rep 100 on one site, 1000 on another site, and 5000 on another site, I lose track of which privileges come at which rep level, so I go to the 100 site and am confused when I can't do something
@Sparr yeah, I have that problem too when I foray into SO. :) You might also wanna mention what you've tried or that it's not documented how to do this or whatever, to ward off future downvotes. I see you got a couple of those too.
@MarkHenderson funny how that ICMP filtering thing is always good for a chuckle in interviews. Because everyone's had that happen a time or fifty.
4:38 PM
@HopelessN00b it probably is documented, if I knew the name of the tool to use :(
I suspect the answer is on the first page of man neutron-vswitch-query or something
@Sparr Well FWIW I up voted your question, so down with the haters! Until I want to be a hater, in which case haters rule!
thanks :)
Heh, yeah there's that, but... well, when you don't know the command. It might as well be an undocumented feature.
@Wesley wat
4:43 PM
"Help" is considerably less helpful when you need to know exactly where to look in order to get helped.
@HopelessN00b I'm trawling SO for MongoDB questions to gain enough rep to be dangerous.
well, thanks for the tips. you folks have a nice day.
@Sparr The only thing wrong with that question is that you have virtual machines stealing IP addresses. :)
I love it when a customer's deployment is totally wedged because of what they're doing, you perform an emergency scaling operation to get their app back up, and then they rage at you because they have to pay for it.
If you want your app to stay down, that's fine by me I guess.
@wesley I tried that with PowerShell... got a sharp understanding of what the SO old timers mean when they bitch about question quality. Spam would be an improvement in a lot of cases. :/
"teh gasps, stuff costs money?!?! Yeah, die in a fire, dumbass."
4:55 PM
@Wesley That's my response
I'm not a DevOops.
@HopelessN00b Well I mean it's not like we're dicking people over. Some of these accounts are reasonably high paying as it is, and have VC backed services that are trying to get off the runway. So when we see heinous things happening that are shredding a database to pieces, we'll use discretion and scale up / out and then tell people "Hey, we saved your ass, hope all the traffic means you're gettin' paid." ALSO we bill by the hour, so it's not like they're locked in. It's all very granular.
So even a bump in services that increases billing by $1000 a month is still just like $1.20 an hour for the few days it takes to drain all the viral traffic someone might be getting.
Oh well. Tell it to the collection agency.
Also @Wesley I'm moving to Seattle in the spring/do not want to work in Downtown Boston because fuckthat.net
@cole Oh really?! Moving for good?!?!?!
Exactly.. not like "emergency our shit is down!!!!" conveys the message that the fix has to be completely cost-free either.
@Wesley yeah lol
Well, if I can find a job - that is.
5:02 PM
@cole You totally can. Seattle is a hotbed for IT jobs, and cool ones at that. You've got skills that span *nix and Windows and networking and storage. You'll find a job in no time.
Plus with connections like @RyJones and @FalconMomot that will help.
@cole Movin' to Seattle... and just like that, you're on the path to being a Windows admin. :)
And @Magellan
@Wesley eh.. that's the problem - I'm so general with older tech
@HopelessN00b I am......a Windows admin?
@cole Yeah you definitely need to get away from a workplace that keeps stunting your growth with NT and Domino. =/
@Wesley Yeah been doing a lot of Domino/IBM Connections stuff lately.
Really fucking myself over here.
5:03 PM
@cole Well, Seattle, so... "on the path" to being one anyway.
Here is an example of TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV kicking in and blocking a potential POODLE exploit:
2014/10/24 00:47:04 [crit] 24062#0: *17551 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:140A1175:SSL routines:SSL_BYTES_TO_CIPHER_LIST:inappropriate fallback) while SSL handshaking, client: ::ffff:, server: [::]:443
@HopelessN00b yeah need to find something that pays though
Especially with moving costs and such.
@cole A lot of Windows admin/SE jobs pay pretty decent. Almost got me one that started at 120K, a few months back. And that's in freaking Ohio, so... Seattle should be able to blow that outta the water.
@HopelessN00b I'm no SE lol
@cole Oh, sure you are. SE is just a synonym for "admin who know his ass from an Ethernet port", and you definitely qualify.
5:07 PM
@HopelessN00b I don't think I would do well in that role - I look really young and have a hard time getting people to take me seriously.
@cole I'm not sure how living expenses between Seattle and Boston compare. Probably the same I'd guess?
If I had to bet, I'd bet Seattle is a bit more expensive though.
I got a baby-face going on myself, and don't exactly endear myself to management, and I do fine. Gotta figure you would too
@Wesley a bit less in Seattle.
@cole Oh well hells to the yes.
@HopelessN00b I'm assuming you're also not....5'2.
5:09 PM
@cole Hire Zypher as your representative / bouncer.
short, fat and look really young
@cole Get ripped
@cole Well, no, but the height thing's gonna be a problem in any role or industry... so it shouldn't affect how you judge your qualifications.
Also, I'm 32 and most people think I'm 10 years younger. So yeah.
I just get shit done and don't worry about other people.
People ask if I'm 17-20
5:10 PM
As long as I'm paid, I'm cool.
how is it only 1pm?
@cole "Nope, I'm legal drinking age... so, yes, you can buy me that $4000 bottle of scotch. ... That is why you asked, right?"
@HopelessN00b haha.
I think it just boils down to having severely low self confidence lol
Well, it does get people to stop asking about your age, at least. I was busting that line out on a regular basis just a few years ago myself. :(
I am going quite gray now - so a lot of the questions are starting to subside and my goatee has also completely filled out.
5:15 PM
@cole Ah, another problem that's endemic among us techies. I found that hanging out with sales people helps. They don't do shit, are dumber than dirt, and still ooze self confidence all over the place. I picked up a few tips, and figured "hell, if those dumbasses are self-confident, I should be acting like fucking God Almighty."
@HopelessN00b haha.
@cole I'd like to get up Seattle way next year. I know so many people there, we should get together and party till we puke.
Maybe I won't leave.
@Wesley I'm ready to go now.
I kinda miss the PNW, but I dunno if my seasonal depression can handle being back there.
@Wesley wellbutrin
I just started on it again
5:17 PM
Arizona has been like a freaking prozac/wellbutrin/blowjob cocktail for me.
Cause my seasonal depression sucks the fat one.
a freaking prozac/wellbutrin/blowjob cocktail Now there's your million-dollar-invention idea, right there.
@HopelessN00b It's called a good dealer and a fuck buddy. :P
@Wesley Well, I don't have either of those things... and prefer the idea of having it in liquid form. So I can replace my blood with it. :)
@MichaelHampton stealing? why do you say that?
5:26 PM
@Sparr Because you did!
@Wesley @cole @Jacob Hold it, how many people around here are moving to Seattle?
@Wesley I'm surprised you retweeted that so quickly last night
@Ward ???
All the people?
If Amazon has anything to do with it
It used to seem like I was the only one in the PST time zone, now there are more and more...
@Ward Can I ride on the back of your tandem?
I went down to Tumwater last weekend and we bought a Nissan Leaf and drove it back up here... 50 miles at a time. When we were in Edmonds, I'd swear I saw someone who looked like @Jacob
5:35 PM
@Ward Wasn't me
I did buy a Chevy Volt though
@Wesley I'll let you drive if you ask nicely...
@Ward So EV club?
@Ward I'll buy you poutine.
I'd be tempted to include EV driving in Strava and see what segment results I get...
@Ward EV ?
5:38 PM
Can't wait to move.
@Iain Yeah, Nissan's electric car. Bought a 2102 in the US 'cause there are more to choose from than up here and it's still a bit cheaper even after taxes, duty, excise, inspections, dee-tections, and ree-jections.
Ah right
@cole Hang in there. Getting CCs paid down nicely so you're not pressed against the wall to find a job super quick?
@Wesley Bike to Work Week next week!
@Ward I should buy a motorcycle.
5:43 PM
@Wesley You mean a crotch rocket?
Ugh, would someone, like @MichaelHampton take take of this question, please? It's got fail all over it, and I was dumb enough to try to help, so now I'm getting Inbox notifications.
I've recreated VM in Hyper-V with old vhd image and as I understand, it should create new VM with new ids for hardware (new MAC and etc), so it similar to install OS on one PC, and copy the image to others. I don't think it is a bad practice for quick creating of clear CRM VM. I need it for quick creation of DEV machine with CRM. — 6a6kin 25 mins ago
@Ward Ours was back in May... October seems like an odd bike to work week for the northern hemisphere...
@HopelessN00b Apparently someone doesn't know how to sysprep
@NathanC Yeah. A sysprep seems like something that seriously eff up a CRM install anyway, though... so good luck with that "quick" CRM clone VM.
@Wesley trying.
5:50 PM
posted on October 24, 2014 by ryan

I've ported my NTHashTickler program to NVIDIA CUDA... poorly. As before, my motivation for writing this program is not because I really care about finding NT hashes per se, but just teaching myself more about multithreaded programming and in this case, NVIDIA CUDA. If you know anything at all about CUDA, please feel free to criticize my work and tell me what I'm doing wrong. (Source code

@cole @RyanRies likes to tickle hashes. Don't judge.
@freiheit We have two... this is BtWW Fall 2014. BtWW Spring was back in June
@Ward We also have some "Walk and Roll to School" stuff that goes on in fall, mostly aimed at K-12.
I win
6:00 PM
@Jacob home or at the office?
@cole home
@cole If you've never needed to bruteforce an NTLM hash, just thank your lucky stars and move on. :(
@HopelessN00b I haven't.
Today our fileserver hung again - we moved from the NetApp to EQL (and from physical to virtual) about 3 months ago
My boss said leave the NetApp there for a bit - I'm pretty sure the conflicting MPIO drivers (NetApps and Microsoft) are what were causing it to hang.
It hung again, I went stomped down to the datacenter all rage face
and ripped the power cords out of the NetApp
I feel better.
Why move away from NetApp? I love their gear.
6:09 PM
@HopelessN00b it was a piece of shit FAS2040
one controller
Trust me, I like NetApp - but only their low end stuff is garbage.
And it's super old.
Wish we could get our fileserver from 2008 to 2012 R2.
Well you could be me... Main fileserver is 2003. :(
@HopelessN00b we have plenty W2K
Yeah, but we're bumping against that 2TB volume ceiling, and I'm not allowed to replace the damn thing yet. :(
Well, I guess it's about the same as your situation... a daily migraine with no reasonable justification.
6:19 PM
Zero icons on my desktop.
And yes, I actually have an orderly system in my user folder.
I have no icons on my desktop
@Wesley … I throw everything on the desktop and have a bunch of files named "foo", "bar", "x", "z", "a", "a.out", etc…
@voretaq7 Are you satan?
Oh wait, you use BSD. Yes, you're Satan.
@Wesley No, I'm Natas.
@voretaq7 Cthulu.
6:24 PM
Except when I moonlight as Santa.
@Wesley You also technically use BSD
just a variant ;)
@NathanC So I'm like Apollyon then.
@NathanC Darwin doesn't really count...
Or maybe Alichino
> We plan on implementing IPv6 in the next 30-60 days, and that is a real estimation, not a made up one.
6:32 PM
@MichaelHampton Buwahahahaha! Funny guy.
@MichaelHampton "Implement"? Well, some routers and clients have done that for you!
My Whopper candy intake is unhealthy
@RyanRies ...and yucky. Eat gummi products.
he lives !
@Iain BANG ....he does? <.< >.>
6:33 PM
I'm still around, I've been zotting the occasional flag :P
::Bashes user's skull open:: . . . DAMMIT!
@voretaq7 You're going to starve if you go after users' brains.
@voretaq7 Yeah I noticed you've scaled back somewhat
@Iain He hates us. =(
@Wesley just you, and only because you shredded my favorite sofa.
damn asshole cat
@voretaq7 Well considering I pissed on it more than you, technically it was my sofa.
6:38 PM
@Wesley <squirt gun> USE THE FUCKING LITTERBOX!
I pumped gas for $1.89/gallon today... I feel like I was magically transported to 1990s for a moment.
@RyanRies WHOA!
@RyanRies I hate you.
Well if it's any consolation, it was my Tom Thumb gas rewards that got it down that low, which probably just means I'm taking it up the ass on my grocery bill.
@RyanRies Saw a station here for $3.12/gallon
Then another down the road for $3.27 ...lolwut
6:39 PM
@voretaq7 Piss on your sofa more!
If there's any proof that the gas stations don't somewhat control prices, I'm sure the discrepancy is enough...
Usually only costs me $35-$40 to fill my tank.
I have to fill mine this weekend...it's gonna use up my budget for the next two weeks when I do it >_>
I hate end-of-months
I get like - 1-1.5 weeks out of a full tank.
6:44 PM
Oh. So are there better forums to beginners? — student 5 mins ago
This is not a forum, ffs!
@voretaq7 Wrong meme.
Still not entirely proper meme usage, but close enough.
@faker Ugh. They need to let us stop accepting questions from unregistered illiterates users.
@Wesley Red penguin?
Going to light this Infoblox on fire
7:04 PM
@Bob Is peeing on someone's couch socially awesome or just successful?
@cole I don't wanna set the world on fire..... just my datacenter.
@voretaq7 I decided to listen to the Spotify US top 50 playlist. I'm pretty sure the whole world should be set on fire.
@Wesley Serves you right.
Anybody taken part in something like this, or know anyone who has?
Doesn't seem like an ideal way to hire, both sides are taking it on faith that they'll be dealing with "great" companies or devs.
Sounds like a great way for shitty, cheap companies to get paired up with inexperienced and unknown developers.
May as well just shotgun your resume/job posting; it would require less effort.
7:24 PM
Poodle wasn't a big deal, right?
@ewwhite No more than BEAST was
Produce company just sent mass email about poodle
@ewwhite Poodle is just another reason to stop using XP.
@ewwhite Yes, this kills IE6 for good. There is now no way to create a secure enough configuration for IE6 to visit secure web sites.
7:29 PM
@Wesley I somewhat doubt knowing me helps anyone
@RyJones "Iffin' ya don't hire me Ry Jones will help me hide your corpse."
@michael the reason I posted is because the only attack vector for produce systems is Shellinabox
@voretaq7 hide, or eat? could we say dispose of to obfuscate that?
@ewwhite Hahaha. Yeah there is that.
@RyJones Hide until it's time to eat.
7:30 PM
@voretaq7 there we go
This DNS thing is going to be the death of me.
But I didn't pay attention to poodle... Better to invest in better backups, auditing and brush up on rootkit-extraction skillz
@ewwhite poodle is easy, just disable SSLv3
@cole what's wrong with DNS?
@voretaq7 trying to get it to do a zone transfer from top-level domain <company>.com to a Windows server
7:37 PM
@cole what's wrong?
Heh...I've never gone down this path, but I think the idea would work actually...
Q: Forcibly Split 2003 Active Directory Domain

netnoviceI am currently trying to find the most efficient way to split a single domain into two, distinct, fully functional domains. We have two sites, and several DCs. The sites, Site A, and Site B, are connected by means of a VPN tunnel. Site A contains 3 DCs, including the DC which holds all of the ...

@cole AXFR not allowed or something?
@MichelZ ok so I'm trying to do a secondary zone transfer from the Infoblox to W2K8 R2 server. the corp.company.com zone transfers fine and all subzones transfer - but the top level <company>.com get's refused
I get "The zone transfer was not executed. Refused."
7:39 PM
@TheCleaner interesting idea
@RyJones Dude. The heck.
So happy I dug out my Magic Mouse. Trackpads are okay on Macs, but nothing beats an actual rodent.
If I do a stubzone, it pulls all the SOA information fine.
@cole did you do anything different with that domain?
@Wesley I'm sure @HopelessN00b can beat rodents (whatever that is...)
@MichelZ not that I'm aware of. All the permissions are set correctly and I'm trying to find anything that's different about it and I can't.
Also, this is non-AD Integrated (obviously)
@cole you might want to consider a post to SF :)
7:42 PM
@MichelZ I'm thinking so.
All the other answers I've found are "i moved my DNS to AD integrated and this corrected the issue."
@Wesley what broseephus?
@MichelZ Nah, those guys are assholes.
@Wesley just the one's who's names begin with "W"
@RyJones You know people. You got the hookup.
@MichelZ Yeah, Womble was a little rough. But at least he knew his shit.
@Wesley I don't know shit, I have no rainmaker abilities
@Wesley oh man I loved Womble's mpeg editor
@Wesley I just wanted to spam you with notifications here
7:44 PM
@RyJones spam
Wow, he was an early user.
he looks as ugly as @Wesley
@Wesley Most excellent MPEG editor also named @womble
A: CentOS vs. Ubuntu

wombleThere are no benefits that I can discern for using CentOS (or RHEL) over Ubuntu if you are equally familiar with using both OSes. We use RHEL and CentOS heavily at work, and it's just painful -- we're building custom packages left and right because the OS doesn't come with them, and paid RedHat ...

^ One of my favorite answers.
+1 for genitals in the shredder
night guys :) have fun
@Wesley a few hundred faster than me
7:47 PM
and @Wesley... your face!
@RyJones Yeahhh, at least I made it in before 10000 users. =)
@MichelZ Night darling.
Womble hasn't answered anything since 2012, but he still comments. Which is odd.
He's got a good blog though.
Meh, this site sucks
I wasted half a decade
@ewwhite how?
because getting a whole lotta points doesn't mean anything when the quality of the site is so low.
@ewwhite so leave.
if the community isn't worth your time, leave it. I've done this before. It's painful up front but worth it.
7:55 PM
"you don't like your job... so leave... "
it's always more complex than that.
It's not like you owe Stack Exchange anything.
I can objectively say that the reputation of the site is lower than it was when I started.
just a reflection that it isn't taken as seriously by people anymore. It's been a discussion topic in interviews this year.
@ewwhite which interviews? job interviews or media?
It's still the source of the best answers when I'm googling for problem resolutions
I'm not asking to be a hardass, and often my first response when I figure a job isn't worth my time is to try to improve it. If that fails, I leave.
8:01 PM
@RyJones just general job interviews... I started to notice when people would say, "oh, the answers there are wrong..."
which wasn't true... but it used to be something people respected a bit more.
@RyJones I've tried voting a bit more, and tweeting questions.
@ewwhite that does suck
talk about a minimal debian install
-bash: file: command not found
8:20 PM
You best me with pretty pictures. I will type more in retaliation. — Evan Anderson 26 secs ago
@cole outstanding. :)
@ewwhite I upvoted everyone
@Magellan que?
And the check just got swapped!
I'm doing Exchange installs back-to-back-to-back for the next month or so... it's weird.
8:26 PM
@cole I think we're all happy to hear you're coming to Seattleish
@RyJones It would be so much nicer to stick it out and attempt to make it better though. Not that one person can make the difference, but a small group can.
@ewwhite Ha!
@ewwhite Damn, 16GB for 200 mailboxes?
@EvanAnderson Come hence!
@NathanC lots of animated gifs of cats in there
Kerio uses less than 1GB with 100 mailboxes, heh. I have 4 allocated to the VM, but it has ~3GB free.
It's quite a bit more disk-intensive though, so it had horrid performance as a VM. ...on that note, I said VM on my last comment, but it's actually a physical box with 4 GB lol
8:32 PM
I'm beginning to loathe OS X as a build machine. Run one build, takes ten minutes. Run two at once, they both take 20 minutes. It's almost all IO
@ewwhite Make dem stacks.
@ewwhite I'm still on Exchange 2010 for my small office.
@NathanC I have one client who dropped Exchange to go to Kerio.
I think it was a bad-ish decision... but they kept citing MS costs...
which really aren't that high for Exchange
@RyJones on SSD?
@ewwhite Fusion drive, so... nyes
We're provisioning a pure-SSD system to replace it, and I look forward very much to putting this machine in the trash.
The new machine will double the ram and go from an i5 to an i7, as well. We'll see.
These guys have fairly reasonable plans, for what you get
8:49 PM
Are you building Apple applications?
the only issue is the network distance between Macstadium and Rackspace means it's slow to upload build products.
Yes, we are building iOS and OS X applications.
As a pro in that field, are you disappointed with Apple's Server offerings
@ewwhite oh god yes
Something I see in interviews a lot... All-Mac shops in startups...
mac mini + $20 "server" option does not nearly replace the old server options.
8:51 PM
and no idea how to wrangle the laptops into some sense of order.
Buying a Pro (which is not rackable in any reasonable way) just to get IOPS is insane.
I'd really like to see Apple's internal solutions.
I should play with getting Apple on VMware again
I have no moral objections to running OS X in a vm, but that isn't something my employer (or the foundation we work with) would tolerate.
Here is my build backlog down from 12 (so, two hours). OS X is by far long pole

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