Oct 27, 2019 23:33
@LastStar007, In Latin languages, the neuter form has been "absorbed" into the masculine. Language is not as logical as we want it to be. And, on the other hand, many people/societies in many languages are not free and/or have no wish to invent pronouns as they see fit. Why should one bother with those issues if everyone learns at school that grammatical gender is different from social gender and biological sex? I'm not suggesting that English speakers do as I say, but a comparative view may open one's horizons in this debate, e.g. the answer here: qr.ae/TU1jQX
Oct 27, 2019 23:33
As a native speaker of a rather conservative Latin language (Portuguese), I find it ludicrous that people still debate gender politics through the prism of grammar change. It suffices to teach children that the pronoun "he" doesn't mean male (sex/gender), but means "grammatically male". In English you can use "they" because it is by default gender-neutral; in Latin languages there are no neutral plural subject pronouns (just possessive). Children just learn at school that if you have 10 boys and a girl, the subject pronoun ("eles") is (grammatically) masculine.
Oct 27, 2019 23:33
@AndréCaron, I've seen this in Québec but never in France. Québec seems to want to avoid political annoyances while preserving the grammar; the French seem to put grammar above politics.
Jan 1, 2019 18:51
@PauloCereda, when people take my attention off LaTeX and German and say there's something on TV...
Jan 1, 2019 18:46
I'm sure I already shared some more bizarre pizza flavors, but here it goes, for a blasting New Year ahead, full of new culinary experiences: dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3306019/…
Jan 1, 2019 18:44
@CarLaTeX, sure, its borders are also filled with "catupiry" cheese: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catupiry. Yummy.
Jan 1, 2019 18:38
@CarLaTeX, next time I order one I'll take a picture. ; -)
Jan 1, 2019 18:33
@CarLaTeX, well, it's practically across the street from where I live. although I just ask the usual bacon and chicken, it's delicious
Jan 1, 2019 18:31
@PauloCereda, why haven't I though of this before? so perfect! must come with some lemon.
Jan 1, 2019 18:29
there is also "fried pork belly [torresmo] pizza"
Jan 1, 2019 18:29
@DavidCarlisle, I've got a pizza menu in front of me in which there are delicacies like "nutella, strawberry and power milk pizza", "chicken heart pizza", "pork rib pizza"...
Jan 1, 2019 18:25
@PauloCereda, seeing German around, now I've been motivated to study German because of my daughter. Maybe it's "good karma", or just to settle the score. Perhaps now I can read the original Koma doc's.
Jan 1, 2019 18:19
"my supervisor asked me to convert something that I wrote with LaTeX into TeX style because he only knows how to use TeX." that's mean.
Jan 1, 2019 18:18
@PauloCereda, that's what I asked the guy, what do you want to do with it, he said, "look, I can do pie charts in tex but not in latex". kkkk I was like: LOL
Jan 1, 2019 18:14
@PauloCereda, I guess I've read it in your thesis somewhere...
Jan 1, 2019 18:14
@PauloCereda, yes, teach plain TeX in Portuguese to Brazilian thesis class authors (if such a thing exists) and you'll see top-notch results, presto!
Jan 1, 2019 18:13
@PauloCereda, I remember this question being asked so many times... they'll never forget your thesis.
Jan 1, 2019 18:11
@PauloCereda, just came across a fellow claiming that thesis class authors (you know what I mean!) will benefit from a Portuguese translation of gnu.org/software/teximpatient because, well, TeX can do unspecified amazing things that Latex can't.
Jan 1, 2019 18:09
@PauloCereda, and for you too!!!
Jan 1, 2019 18:08
@DavidCarlisle, that's more or less what I thought.
Jan 1, 2019 18:01
By the way, happy new year for ye all. :-)
Jan 1, 2019 18:00
or is it a really silly question?
Jan 1, 2019 17:58
Inspired by @marmot, there is a question nagging me, if it can be answered at all: "Is there anything that can only be done in TeX but not in LaTeX"? -- or should I post it as a question?
Jun 15, 2018 22:07
@PauloCereda, feliz aniversário!!! :-)
May 22, 2018 12:22
May 22, 2018 12:21
I've seen the results of using German-style sarcasm south of the Equator.
May 22, 2018 12:20
Daily joke for @PauloCereda: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/432740/… "My crystal ball is on holiday".
May 13, 2018 00:28
@DavidCarlisle, yes, it's one of it's infinite reincarnations. Just note the 2013 "to-do list": 1. provide hyphenation for words with accents and cedilla. 2. fix problem with \uline and sections
May 13, 2018 00:25
@PhelypeOleinik You're so lucky. I wish I had that power. Where I work there are "honors thesis" (TCC) without a committee, but they "demand" ABNT, even if no one is going to read it.
May 12, 2018 23:23
@PhelypeOleinik, ABNT = Hydra. ABNT worshipers = minions. Brazil = a Kafkaesque bureaucracy. Been there. Using Latex to follow typewriter-era standards isn't very rational.
May 12, 2018 13:51
@PhelypeOleinik I've come across someone who wanted a list of footnotes... go figure. I can even suspect where this came from...
Mar 30, 2018 10:39
@DavidCarlisle@PauloCereda, it was a CC BY-NC-SA licence. I wouldn't care in the least if anyone used or modified it as they see fit. What boggled me was that a "librarian" of a huge journal portal wrote to an editor asking for "additional implementations", saying the said editor "wrote the class", most probably sold it (who does this for free?), and now cannot change an iota in the code.
Mar 30, 2018 10:02
@PauloCereda, also found out yesterday that someone downloaded, made a few tweaks, and "sold as his own" a class of mine to an editor.
Mar 30, 2018 09:53
@PauloCereda, sure, the animals wake me up early, regardless of the day.
Feb 14, 2018 09:12
@PauloCereda, didn't get the job, though. Hahaha!
Feb 14, 2018 09:04
I remember one guy asking me, "Is that a book?" It was just a handout for a PPT presentation. In Georgia.
Jan 1, 2019 17:56
@marmot, i'm searching for a question like that. haven't found it yet -- perhaps it's not an adequate way to put it, but in general terms it's really intriguing and worthwhile to know. perhaps David Carlisle can answer, and I'll take his word for it!
Jan 1, 2019 16:16
sorry for taking your time -- I don't know if there are things that require primitives in this code, but I just found is suspicious because it was shown as evidence that plain TeX must be taught to university thesis classes authors, instead of LaTeX.
Jan 1, 2019 16:14
%% inicio da definição de \pizza
\conta@fatias = -1
\globaldefs 1
\advance\conta@fatias by 1
% guardam as opções e texto da fatia:
Jan 1, 2019 16:13
there was just a code snippet, not the full MWE, just this:
Jan 1, 2019 16:09
it wasn't I who did it, but what could be complained about using TeX syntax? the objective of the code I came across was just to prove TeX syntax is superior and can achieve more.
Jan 1, 2019 16:07
@marmot, should I just delete this question, then? it's not really useful for other people. I'm not in the mood for replacing tex with latex macros either.
Jan 1, 2019 16:07
@marmot, that's what was meant: the guy said there were no equivalent commands in Latex for his "plain TeX" "macro", i.e., that you cannot use LaTeX commands to do the same thing, which I thought was very suspicious. So if I can replace plain TeX macros with Latex ones for this example, the affirmation is plainly false, as I see.
Jan 1, 2019 16:07
@marmot, really stupid of myself forgetting to include that library. It solves one part of the question -- I'm even thinking of deleting it altogether, but I'll wait for the comments on whether "this cannot be done with Latex".
Jan 1, 2019 16:07
@DavidCarlisle, in the context it did really mean that: "using LaTeX you cannot do it, therefore you must learn e-TeX/plain-TeX". It comes after a lengthy discussion on the superiority of TeX over LaTeX for some kind of project; when asked to provide an example of the said superiority and something that cannot be done in LaTeX, the macro author showed his code.
Jan 1, 2019 16:07
@DavidCarlisle, translated, it was said: "This macro would never be possible without TeX" (that is, if you use LaTeX, it is impossible).

 Secret duck room for tests

The secret room!
Oct 14, 2018 22:54
Oct 14, 2018 22:53
Oct 14, 2018 22:53
well, this doesn't work, does it?
Oct 14, 2018 22:53