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is open detex still the go to standard for stripping TeX commands from source files to obtain raw text or has there been development of some other software I'm not aware of, yet? How do you extract text from your source files?
@thymaro lots of ways, depending what you want to do, detex as I recall gives you a view of the source if you want a plain text rendering of the output you can use dvi2tty or pdftotext etc
@thymaro so if you take xii.tex from ctan, then detex xii gives
I need to translate my source and for this I need the plain text. I could just try to extract the text from the pdf and then include that in the copied source replacing the original text, then add the commands where appropriate.
$ detex xii.tex
  `76 `A13 `F1 `j00 `P2jdefA71F `7113jdefPALLF
but tex xii; dvi2tty xii gives
hmm... very interesing
is that klingon?
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
a partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree.
@thymaro no it is tex source actually, see ctan.org/pkg/xii
ok, but then I need to figure out how to obtain a dvi file.
@thymaro that's what (la)tex does:-) but you could use pdflatex and then pdftotext with similar results
@DavidCarlisle well, yes, I figured that much :D but I never stopped at dvi and have always gone straight to pdf. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I've never actually seen a dvi file in my "intermediate and helper" files, if one could call it that.
wtf!? how does pdftex xii.tex give a two page document?!
I think you can create multiple pages in (La)TeX
right, yeah, uhuh, multipage documents, huh! you for real, man?
@SBM oh, actually, I have seen that happen before. my thesis exposee turned out to have more than one page, when I think of it.
ok, next problem. How do I produce a DVI from a TeX file I usually compile with XeLaTeX?
Doesn't it produce a xdv by default instead?
@thymaro There should be a -no-pdf option for that (iirc).
@TeXnician I'll try that
@SBM nopw
@SBM now I do have an xdv
thanks for the help everybody
@thymaro xelatex makes an extended dvi format with extension xdv but not many tools other than xdvipdfmx can handle that, if using xetex I'd use pdf and pdftotext
Hi i want to write a text in the left and put a picture in the centre and write a text in the right all this in the same line how to do ?
@PolineSandra Have you tried using a tabular?
no i tryed flushleft and fluchright but it is not alligned
how to apply tabular ?
@PolineSandra \parbox{3cm}{aaaa}\hfill\includegraphics{zzzz}\hfill\parbox{3cm}Pbbb}
i there a spetial usepackage
Pbbb} should be {bbb} in the above
i got an error
i can't write on file
@StefanKottwitz This question has been deleted and I have no idea, why: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/435972/… -- ok, we have better questions, but I can't see a clear reason for deleting?
@TeXnician how to apply tabular ?
@PolineSandra As you normally would \begin{tabular}{lll}Text & \includegraphics{zzz}&Text\end{tabular}. Depending on the text you may need a different column type.
@PauloCereda You got a message ...
@samcarter we basically have the same answer on one question. what is the procedure in such situations?
@naphaneal Can you share a link?
@DavidCarlisle perfect, thanks
@naphaneal never mind. I guess you mean the colour link question
@samcarter yes, that one
@naphaneal I deleted mine, because your answer explains in more detail
@samcarter very well. I was about to do the same
@naphaneal Maybe you could add a note that it is also possible to use the color package?
@samcarter done
@naphaneal Perfect, thanks!
@UlrikeFischer oh hold on
@PolineSandra if you can not write on the output file (eg you have it locked by acrobat reader) then that is not related to the tex markup you are using
@PauloCereda Yes, I heard that, too. Do you figure there is a use case where this becomes relevant in the future?
@percusse you've got mail
@PolineSandra you have to close your pdf viewer before recompiling. your pdf viewer puts a lock on the pdf file, so you can't overwrite it while it's open.
i close it
@PolineSandra ok strange
@thymaro hm... my quack? I am... lost...
@PauloCereda I copied it into google translate to make sure my translation was accurate. Google translate was not accurate. Anyways, we can talk about it another time around. I have to go quack somewhere else.
@thymaro ooh quack issues
I think quack has an important role in the great scheme of things. For starters, it is the first semiotic reference for inferring the nature of things, as seen in the famous duck typing.
@KeksDose The OP used vulgar expletives that's not acceptable (meta.stackexchange.com/questions/22232), a user removed the words, the OP replaced by sarcastic filler words and called us oversensitive, I cleaned that and asked the OP not to use bad or sarcastic phrases but to stay ontopic, otherwise I would delete the post until he fixes it. I did the OP the favor and edited way the undesired stuff instead of deleting. The OP rolled back two times, insisting on his sarcastic phrasing.
@KeksDose I already deleted comments by readers against the behavior, a day after announcing it, also in the hope to finally have peace. But after the OP rolled back again, and after 6 critical comments plus 8 flags for moderation, I removed that question from public view. It can me made visible when the OP agrees to fix the phrasing.
@KeksDose Thank you for asking, I added an explaining comment (I had to undelete to comment, then again removed from public view). So one can see now why it has been deleted. Btw., as I did not mention above, one of the offending phrases in the original question was "f*cked up fragmented piece of sh*t".
@StefanKottwitz that amount of patience is probably a reason why you're a mod, I guess.
@StefanKottwitz can users be banned?
@thymaro Sometimes, yes :-) but 99.9 % is fine and most "issues" (mod flags) we deal with concern just wishing removal of obsolete comments (such as "Welcome to TeX.SE!" comments that have been read and are 5 years old).
Since flagging is encouraged by badges, we get many harmless flags.
@naphaneal Yes, users can be banned. Before that, there may be a suspension for some time. But only if a normal discussion doesn't help and the dispute doesn't come to an acceptable solution.
@naphaneal we ducks cannot. :)
We have duck immunity!
Ducks, rabbits and marmots
@PauloCereda I'm a monkey by day and a wolf a night.
I'm the personification of immunity.
a monkey gets away with cheeky behaviour and the wolf simply eats the offended
@naphaneal ooh der Wolf
@PauloCereda ducks can't be banned but they can be eaten
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle Sentence for the next DuckBoat: "there are people who hate ducks and also people who eat ducks"
what happens if I check a post from the review panel and click on skip? does someone else gets to decide what happens to the post in question?
@naphaneal 1) nothing 2) yes, someone else will review the post
@StefanKottwitz Thank you very much for time and effort. It didn't occur to me to check the edit history. I agree that you had to delete the question.
How to download "adjustbox.sty"
depending on your LaTeX engine either with:

MiKTeX console
TeX Live Manager
let's say one has these instructions in the preamble:


why does it work? and also what role does the order of where I put `\definecolor` play?
@naphaneal Probably the color is only saved somewhere and it has to be defined at first use as then there will be a check for existence.
@PolineSandra you shouldn't need to download it "by hand", just use miktex or texlive pckage manager and install it from there
@naphaneal why shouldn't it work?
@naphaneal basically same as \def\zzz{....\mygreen ...} which isn't an error as long as you have \def\mygreen{red} somewhere before \zzz is used.
@PauloCereda -- neat! thanks!
Nobody has said happy birthday @PauloCereda yet!
@egreg OH NO
/quacks in despair
Duck away!
@egreg I couldn't possibly say that, but I could say this:
Jan 12 '16 at 12:15, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda finished your thesis?
@DavidCarlisle oh no
user image
@PauloCereda ^^
@samcarter awwww <3
@PauloCereda Happy Birthday!
@samcarter Thank you <3
user image
@PauloCereda ^^^
@UlrikeFischer Thank you! <3
@PauloCereda in the office sweepstake for the world cup I put in a pound and pulled out Brazil, do I have any chance winning?
@DavidCarlisle yes. :)
@PauloCereda 20 pounds if they win, 12 for second otherwise I lost a pound...
@DavidCarlisle ooh 20 pounds
@DavidCarlisle exqctly, my point. as you can see freakishgreen is used but defined later in the order.
@naphaneal It is not used. There is nothing in freakishgreen at this point of the document. And if the document doesn't have links the color is perhaps never used. At this place you only have name, not a color.
@PauloCereda I forgot today is your birthday: buon compleanno!
@CarLaTeX grazie mille!
@PauloCereda :)
@naphaneal but that is how all definitions work in tex, like the simple \newcommand example I gave, nothing special about colour or hyperref there.
@PauloCereda -- happy birthday from me too.
@barbarabeeton Thank you, Barbara! <3
@PauloCereda SGFwcHkgYmlydGhkYXkgOik= :)
@TeXnician VGhhbmsgeW91LCBteSBmcmllbmQhIDop
interesting behaviour though. I always assumed, you have to declare things like colors before their first use.
now I can define it at a later point and it will still work.
@naphaneal if you go \def\foo{....\color{red} ...} then at that point you don't even have to have defined \color and definitely don't need to have defined the colour red.
@TeXnician: we are nerds, aren't we :)
@naphaneal What do you mean my "use"? If you do \newcommand\mytext{\color{fancygreen}some text} the color is not used.
@PauloCereda Definitely not, then it would have been binary ;)
@TeXnician LOL
@PauloCereda is that Baseglish?
@yo' Base64. :)
@PauloCereda yeah. Well, ever wondered why my wifi is called aGVqZGE3 ?
@UlrikeFischer think of a variable. declared, initiated but empty. upon invocation, filled with data. here I thought 'freakishgreen' acts like a variable, which gets invoked during compilation, but the definition of it comes at a later point, so I was expecting an error.
@yo' ooooooh :)
@naphaneal tex isn't a compiler it's a macro expansion language
@naphaneal so in particular there is nothing like function compilation at the point of definition, macro replacement texts are not interpreted at all they are just stored and replace the maco inline at point of use.
@DavidCarlisle i see.
If only @PauloCereda had written his thesis....
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda it's lucky I don't know that it's your birthday, as if I did know that then obviously I wouldn't be mean and reference your thesis.
what thesis?
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle FAQ all operational :)
@JosephWright seems that way. As you may have seen I also registered it with google search console and forced an index or two (although still not indexed quite as well as it could be I think)
@DavidCarlisle Great: hadn't seen that
@PauloCereda Can I ask you something, please? :)
@yo' always. :)
@JosephWright checkin of google*.html at top level (to confirm write access)
Portugal 2:1 Spain
@JosephWright sigh
@PauloCereda Gtalk?
@yo' Oh sure thing! Sorry!
@PauloCereda no worries :)
@PauloCereda It depends on how many opponents Sergio Ramos will be able to knock down.
@egreg Is Pepe playing for Portugal? It will be an interesting fight. :)
@PauloCereda On the other hand, there's a good referee.
@egreg and the video bloke. :)
@PauloCereda That was quick, indeed.
@DavidCarlisle Do we want to put something in the FAQ contributing guidelines about PRs? For example, we probably want to say that an issue should be logged for each major change, and that each PR needs to be about one question (if it's a content change), and perhaps that we will 'review' them
@PauloCereda is the number of o and a some special code? ;-)
@PauloCereda my husband says spain should have a duck in goal.
@UlrikeFischer :)
@UlrikeFischer ooh tell him that, in Portuguese, when a goalkeeper suffers a goal like that, it is called a frango (literally chicken). :)
I wonder if I need something my blog about the GitHub business ...
... could get rather 'political'
Two deliveries today: TUGboat and TeX Collection 2018 DVDs :)
@egreg Nice expl3 article :)
@JosephWright :-)
@egreg Nothing like as enthusiastic as @PauloCereda!
@JosephWright Goal.
@JosephWright The problem is that Spain scored.
@egreg Ah, not a fan?
@egreg I'm of the 'I'll watch the World Cup, I'm not fussed who wins' mindset
@JosephWright So long as it's not Spainā€¦ ;-)
@egreg Oh, in the end obviously I want Germany or Brazil to win the entire competition
@JosephWright wooo
@egreg I kinda doubt the German team wins this year
@naphaneal The final will be England-Italy
@egreg Punctuated enthusiasm.
@JosephWright I am not exactly too excited, but watching the game with a group of friends is a very nice experience.
@PauloCereda Yes, sure
@egreg maybe...maybe not
What a goal!
@StefanKottwitz Well spotted ;)
@JosephWright My kids told me. :-)
^^^ the goal
@StefanKottwitz ! File ended while scanning use of \end. ;)
! \game ended while watching use of \ball.
@egreg I'm sure that Italy won't get beaten in the world cup. ;-)
@marmot I'm not sure England will be as good. ;-)
@egreg No, they cannot beat Iceland!
@JosephWright something like that. although if someone is ready with a change rather than just asking for one, I don't think an issue is necessary really as discussion can happen in the PR
@JosephWright possibly, I left a comment anyway.
@DavidCarlisle Cool: I'm not sure I want that argument discussion
@JosephWright sure i assume you can delete comments and/or ask discussion happens elsewhere, but I don't think that the statement that it has to be or should be moved should just be left unchallenged.
@JosephWright Not sure about the comment above re gdpr not sure we'd need anything as basically we have no access to private data not even real names or email if people only comment via their github accounts. Although I suppose a page that says that wouldn't hurt.
@DavidCarlisle My feeling is that there is unneeded concern re. GDPR: basically it says you need reasonable permissions for using data
Does anyone follow github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/209 fully? I'm not really sure what is going on ...
@JosephWright yes agreed and here I'm not sure we even have any data in that sense at all.
@JosephWright I get an error (after I adapted the math font).
@PauloCereda, feliz aniversário!!! :-)
@UlrikeFischer Ah, I think I've worked it out :)
\setmathfont{Asana Math}
\setmathfont[version=asana]{Asana Math}

\sisetup{reset-math-version = false}

{\mathversion{pagella}$3\,\mscrm\mscrl = 3\,\mscrc\mscrm^{3}$}

@UlrikeFischer ^^^ v3 API version, working here :)
@JosephWright I will have first to find what "working" should mean here ;-). But the original question compiled at least without error if I move the options from the package options to \sisetup. Also in the old version I would probably use \symrm instead of \mathrm.
@UlrikeFischer Ah, the \symrm business: I'm going to be bending Will's ear about that at TUG2018

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