
 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
May 3, 2015 06:53
Q: "washer and dryer" vs "washers and dryers"

O0oO0oOO0ooOIt is a shared laundry facility where money is needed to use the washer and dryer. vs It is a shared laundry facility where money is needed to use the washers and dryers. Which one is correct and why? How do you call this rule in English grammar?

May 3, 2015 06:51
NVM, I posted the question on ELL but feel free to answer it, thanks.
May 3, 2015 06:47
Which one is correct and why? How do you call this rule in English grammar?
May 3, 2015 06:46
It is a shared laundry facility where money is needed to use the washer and dryer.


It is a shared laundry facility where money is needed to use the washers and dryers.
May 3, 2015 06:46
Guys, I have a quick question
May 2, 2015 08:08
Hi, how common is it to use numeral to describe numbers that are under 10 when writing correspondence?
Apr 21, 2015 03:50
what is the most easiest way to differentiate when to use present perfect or past simple?
Apr 21, 2015 03:50
Apr 20, 2015 04:14
btw, wordpress is the best piece of software in the world
Apr 20, 2015 04:11
why does it happen?
Apr 20, 2015 04:11
It seems like it's mandatory to say "the gym" instead of "gym" although "gym" is just a uncertain noun
Apr 20, 2015 04:10
Just a quick question
Apr 20, 2015 03:15
hey, does "spotting" normally referred as "Assisting one another in the gym" to non-gym users too?
Apr 20, 2015 03:12
[Prayer] ohh Jesus please help @tchrist's friend get better ohh!! I pray ! JESUS THANKS MATE! [/prayer]
Apr 20, 2015 03:11
@tchrist I wish your friend gets better too.
Apr 20, 2015 03:11
I've done it when I was in Marines
Apr 20, 2015 03:11
Do you know you can actually make phone calls using military field-radio?
Apr 20, 2015 03:08
Apr 20, 2015 03:05
Gains is importanter than superior writing, mate.
Apr 20, 2015 03:05
Apr 20, 2015 03:04
Because I'd choose gains over superior writing.
Apr 20, 2015 03:01
Well, thanks for deprecating me because I still have challenges to go through in my life. Recently I've started hitting the gym and whenever I see doors say "pull", I "push" because it's a challenge. Thanks mate.
Apr 20, 2015 02:59
Apr 20, 2015 02:59
yeah, but you still understood the question although I misspelled "deprecate"
Apr 20, 2015 02:58
Guys, does superior writing really matter in real life? Will you depreciate someone's English proficiency because he/she mistakenly put dash in place of comma in their writing?
Apr 20, 2015 02:52
How do you clearly determine when to use comma or semicolon or dash in your sentence when you need to break?
Apr 20, 2015 02:52
Apr 20, 2015 02:36
but would you refuse my resume for incorrectly having a comma before or after a conjunction?
Apr 20, 2015 02:35
I haven't really made to ELU to see if a question about it already exist
Apr 20, 2015 02:34
Apr 20, 2015 02:34
I've been putting it after all the time
Apr 20, 2015 02:33
guys, do you put comma before or after conjunction ?
Apr 20, 2015 02:29
like what?
Apr 20, 2015 02:29
Apr 20, 2015 02:28
Ok, I love my parents, especially my dad. But I fu... literally phuc... king hate them for giving me gene that has extremely hard time growing arm muscles
Apr 20, 2015 02:21
I want to live my own life but when I fall in love with someone, I constantly remind of that person and can't focus on my things
Apr 20, 2015 02:21
I love being "casual", it's just so much better
Apr 20, 2015 02:21
I hate falling love with someone
Apr 20, 2015 02:17
booty call sounds like I'm hooked up with a "pay-to-sex" girl. I'm talking about a normal college girl without intention of making money out of sex
Apr 20, 2015 02:15
Ok, I think it is referred as "casual sex" in west
Apr 20, 2015 02:13
I like the culture, sex partner in Korea, because you don't need to bear heavy burden of being in a love relationship with a girl but still occasionally get laid.
Apr 20, 2015 02:12
You call it "Sex partner" in Korea
Apr 20, 2015 02:11
There is a term to describe it in Korean but I'm not sure in English
Apr 20, 2015 02:11
Can someone answer my question?
Apr 20, 2015 02:09
How do you refer to a female friend or relationship who is not your girlfriend but you meet her only to have sex?
Apr 20, 2015 02:08
Apr 19, 2015 04:10
or describe possessive of those words?
Apr 19, 2015 04:10
Guys, I have a question about possessive. If a singular noun ends with s or es, like Moses, Isis or Charles, how do you add 's?
Apr 18, 2015 13:27
It has been a while since I have heard that noise (deleting sound), I guess I was out-of-trouble for a very long time.


A place for trash messages from other chatrooms. If you're a r...
Apr 18, 2015 13:24
it actually happened to me